His Doll

Chapter 52- Decieved

Chapter 52- Decieved

Author's p.o.v

Abhinav is smiling and playing with his imaginary children.

He is now pretending to be a horse and thinking that his one child is on his back and his child is riding

on him. He said smiling," Are you enjoying the horse ride?"

Then he chuckled and said touching in the air," Don't cry. Next time you will ride on papa's back".

" Devika, why aren't you feeding the smallest one. She is crying for a half-hour," Abhinav said to

imaginary devika.

Suddenly, he hugged his pillow and said kissing it," Thank you devika for giving me 4 angles. I am so

happy. "

He is thinking that his pillow is devika. His mind is getting messier day by day and he is forgetting many

things. He is building up his own world where he is living with his imaginary children and devika.

He is now giggling and cheering up someone looking at the wall. He is thinking that his children and

devika are with him. He is too much disturbed that he isn't sure about the children's age. Sometimes he

is seeing them as toddlers and sometimes he is seeing them as grown-up kids. His mental condition is

worsening every day.

He is lost in talking with his imaginary children and wife unknown to the fact that Ruhani ma and the

doctor is seeing him through a glass window.

Ruhani ma is crying after seeing Abhinav's condition. She rested her palm on her mouth to control her

cry. She can't believe that it's the same Abhinav who used to be handsome and muscular with his

beastly body. Abhinav is looking quite old than his actual age and looking too sick. He has lost a quite

amount of weight indicating he wasn't eating properly.

Ruhani ma is still crying when the doctor said," He will become crazy very soon. Because of traumas

and too much depressions he is imagining people. If he isn't treated early at this stage than he will

become a complete mental patient."

( A/N- I am not a medical person. I just wrote this part from my imagination. Most probably in real life it

doesn't happen like that. So, don't compare it with real life.)

Hearing the doctor, Ruhani ma is now hell worried about Abhinav. She asked the doctor," what should I

do to cure him? How will my son become normal again?"

The doctor replied," I told you already that he needs his loved ones care and love. I come to know that

he is the father of 4 children. Is it true?"

Ruhani ma nodded her head in positive. She also knows that devika has already given birth. She hasn't

met the children's yet as she is busy in taking care of Arnav, Arushi and Avantika. She is very worried

about Abhinav. Though she isn't their birth mother but she loves them as her own children after all she

has raised them.

Ruhani ma nodded her head in positive hearing the doctor's question. She said taking a deep breath,"

Its true that he now the father of 4 children. His children are one week old".

The doctor said," Then, let him meet his children and his wife. Only their presence will make him a little

bit relaxed and we can hope that he will get better. Let him live with his family".

Ruhani ma takes a deep breath and said sadly," I wish I could."

Then, she asked the doctor worriedly," My son is still in police custody. He can not go out without the

police's permission. I am not understanding what should I do right now?"

Saying that Ruhani ma burst into tears. She is feeling too much upset seeing her every children's


The doctor said," In that case, you can request to the upper party for your son's bail. I think after seeing

his medical condition they will consider. But, do something very early. Otherwise, your son will become

completely mad".

The doctor said every fact and Ruhani ma understood that it's hight time to talk with devika about

Abhinav. She can not see her son being suffered alone in this white cell.

At another hospital

Bhabani Gupta is lying on the hospital bed having a bandage on her head. She is sleeping. She didn't

die by Devika's hand. She is still alive and breathing oxygen.

After some time she opened her eyes and hissed in pain because of the impact which devika gave her.

She rubbed her forehead and noticed her surrounding. She found herself in the hospital.

She is looking at the hospital cabin when a gasp escaped from her mouth seeing the person in front of

her. The person is sitting on a chair crossing legs.

She looked at the person with a boring expression. Before she could ask or say something the person

asked her," How are you feeling Mrs Bhabani or should I call you ma or mom?"

" Whatever you want. I am not interested to talk with you, Apeksha," Bhabani said being pissed off.

Yes, the person is none other than Apeksha.

Apeksha said standing up from the chair," You are such a monster that you thought to kill some little

baby. Are you insane? First, you abandon me and then you deceived my sister all these years. You are

really a witch".

Bhabani didn't reply to any of Apeksha's words. She tried to get down from the bed when Apeksha said

mockingly," Are you running away from here? Then, let me tell you that you are under arrest for

attempting to murder and hurting an innocent woman like Devika".

This time Bhabani became angry and said gritting her teeth," That bitch has filed a case against me.

How dare she! Next time I will not spare her".

Hearing her, Apeksha isn't shocked. She believes that a person like Bhabani Gupta can do anything.

Apeksha said giving a warning to Bhabani," if you even touch my sister then I will not spare you. Are

you that shameless!! You are arrested and lying on the hospital bed. But, still, you are busy thinking

about how to harm my sister!! Moreover, I know that you are the one who tried to kill the Agnihotri


Bhabani is surprised by listening Apeksha. She is understanding that Apeksha has come to know about

her crimes. Still, she tried to act normal.

She snapped at Apeksha," Just shut up. I had done the right thing by selling you to Naveen Sinha. You

are a spoiled brat".

Apeksha is going to say something when devika entered the cabin holding her one baby in her chest.

Seeing her Bhabani yelled loudly," You bitch! How dare you to hurt me! I should have really sold you."

Devika is only looking at her mother with a void expression on her face. But, her inside is devastated


Devika asked her mother," why you hate me that much? I am asking you again this question because I

don't believe you yet"

" I hate your father. I hate that old man. That's why I hate you also. Now, My hatred towards you has

increased on another level because you are that Abhinav Agnihotri's wife and the mother of his bastard

children," Bhabani replied with too much hatred.

Devika closed her eyes and a fat drop of tear rolled down from her eyes. She was silent for a few

seconds. Then, she opened her eyes and asked," Aren't you the one who married me off with Abhinav

Agnihotri because of the company which isn't even yours?"

This time Bhabani became surprised learning that devika knows the truth about her company.

She asked devika," How did you know?"

Devika didn't reply to her question rather she asked again," Is it true that you were having an affair with

Vivek uncle even after knowing that he was married?"

Bhabani understood that it will be a futile attempt to hide her true face now. So, she decided to accept


She replied having a hard expression," Yes, it is true. It wasn't an affair. I loved Vivek and still love him."

" You betrayed my father and killed him. Not only that, but you also killed Abhinav's mother and your

own father!! How many crimes you have done in your whole life for your stupid love? How many lives

have you destroyed for your stupid love? I was a stupid fool who always believed you blindly," Devika

said all this in one go and started sobbing.

Apeksha tried to console devika but her crying isn't stopping. She is hurt. Too much hurt.

Then, devika said sobbing," You are a murderer. You destroyed many people's life and last but not

least you tried to kill my children and sell me into a brothel! How can you think like that, ma!! How can


This time Bhabani snapped at Devika," Do you have any proof that I have killed all those people

whoever's name you have mentioned? You don't. Let me tell you one thing. Get lost from my house

with your 4 scam bugs. Don't show me your face again. You are now the a whore of that bastard

Agnihotri! Let me live in peace with my children".

Devika heard her mother and more tears escaped from her eyes. Her mother is cursing her with bad

names. This thing is creating a stinging sensation inside her heart.

But, very quickly she composed herself and wiped her tears.

Then, she asked calmly," So, it's true that Ruhi and Neel are Vivek uncle's children?"

" Yes, they are my true children. They are the symbol of mine and Vivek's love," Bhabani said like a

shameless woman.

"Why didn't you tell them about their real father if you loved Vivek uncle that much?" Devika asked


Bhabani looked at devika with pure disgust and said," Because I became pregnant with Vivek's children

when I was still married to your father and Vivek was married to Anamika. I didn't want the society to

call my children bastards".

Devika heard her mother but didn't say anything. She is looking at her mother intensely. She can't

believe that how can someone love another person so blindly that she forgets that this dangerous love

can bring destruction!

Bhabani said to devika trying to get up from the bed," I am returning to my home. My children are

waiting for me. From today I have no relation with you".

" You are not our mother. Our mother is dead," a voice said entering into the room.

Bhabani became startled hearing the voice but devika didn't even flinch like she was expecting that.

Bhabani looked at the person and became shocked. The person is none other than Neel who is holding

devika's 2 children. With him, Ruhi also entered with Devika's other child.

Ruhi and Neel were standing outside of this room and they were hearing Bhabani's every word.

Actually, it was devika who told them to stay outside and hear Bhavani's every word so that they can

learn about their mother's true face.

Bhabani tried to say something but Ruhi interrupted her. Ruhi said giving a disgusting glare to

Bhabani," I can not believe that my mother is a murderer!! How can you be so shameless ma?"

" Ruhi, my dear. Listen to...." Bhabani opened her mouth to convince Ruhi when Neel snapped at

Bhabani," From today, you are dead for us. We don't want a mother like you. And another thing, we

don't know anything clearly about Vivek whom you called your true love and called our father. For us,

Kamlesh Gupta is our father and will remain our father."

Bhabani can see the hate and loathe in her children's eyes for her. She can't tolerate this thing. She

started crying because her children are hating her now.

She said crying," Try to understand dear. Everything is very complicated. Don't hate your ma. Let me


Ruhi and Neel completely ignored her and said to Devika," Let's go from here, Di. Let the police handle

her. I don't even want to see this shameless woman's face. I am feeling disgusted having the same air

in this room with her".

Bhabani is now hurt too much because her children are leaving her and hating her. But, she

understood that it was devika who told them about her. She became angry with Devika.

She marched towards Devika and tried to slap her when Apeksha held her hand and said yelling," Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

Enough of your drama. Try to touch her and I will make sure that you rot in jail".

Apeksha called a constable and ordered him to give her a handcuff. The constable obliged her.

Apeksha handcuffed Bhabani and said," The court will decide your punishment. You have destroyed

many people's life. Not anymore".

Ruhi, Neel and Devika didn't say anything further. Bhabani is pleading in front of Ruhi & Neel to not

hate her and listen to her words. But, they completely ignored her and left the room.

Ruhi and Neel immediately left the room but Devika stopped. She turned her head towards Bhabani

and said with a heavy voice," You might have hated me always but trust me, I have always loved you. I

will always love you as your daughter even after knowing your truth. I forgive you for whatever you

wanted to do with me. But, I can not forgive you for murdering those innocent people and trying to kill

my children. You will regret, Bhabani Gupta."

Saying that Devika left the room and Apeksha said sarcastically to Bhabani," Time to take you to your

actual place. In jail!!"

At night

Devika's p.o.v

" Deceive" the word coming into my mind is only this. I am feeling deceived and vulnerable. In my

whole life, I was deceived by my own mother. Can you believe it? The person I trusted most, loved

most and respected most deceived me in my whole life.

She showed sweetness from outside where she was having venom inside her for me. She used to hate

me just because I am Kamlesh Gupta's daughter. Now, she hates me because I am Abhinav Agnihotri's

wife and mother of his children.

Abhinav hated me just because I am Bhabani Gupta's daughter. He tortured me just because I am

having Bhabani Gupta's blood inside me.

Was it my fault that I am Bhabani Gupta's daughter? Was it my fault that I become Abhinav Agnihotri's

wife? Was it my fault that my mother was married to my father against her will? Was it my fault that

Abhinav's mother suffered because of my mother and Vivek Aggarwal?

No, it wasn't my fault at all. I was always innocent unknown to all the facts. But still, They all deceived

me. They all used me. They never thought about my feelings and never cared for me. They used me as

they wanted.

My husband the great Abhinav Agnihotri tortured me for his revenge and my mother tried to sell me in a

brothel just because I am my father's daughter!!

My husband never loved me nor my mother. For them, I was just an object. For one, I was a punching

bag and a sex toy to fulfil his needs and for another, I was just a profitable object.

Wow!! What a life I was leading! Why my destiny is so cruel to me!

Enough of this life!! I have endured enough. From today, in my life, there is no place for Bhabani Gupta.

I have already erased Abhinav Agnihotri from my life and now I have erased Bhabani Gupta also. They

are dead for me.

Right now I am half lying on the bed. I am seeing my small babies intensely. Only seeing their innocent

face I am feeling a little bit relaxed.

I am mentally devastated beyond level. I am not crying anymore because I understood that crying isn't

any solution. I have to be strong. It will be difficult for me to forget everything but still, I will try my best.

I will be fine very soon because my children are with me. They are my strength. But I am too much

worried about Ruhi & Neel. They are too much hurt after knowing about their real parentage. I didn't

want to tell them about our mother's affair with Vivek Aggarwal but I have to. They deserve to know all

the truth.

I have decided to leave behind my previous life. From tomorrow I will start my life afresh.

Now, I have many responsibilities to take care of. I have to take care of my children and my siblings. I

will protect them always and take care of them. Now, I am their only guardian.

After thinking everything like an eternity I am feeling sleepy. I need a good sleep right now.

I can't think anymore. I kissed my children's forehead and cheeks. They look too cute when they are

sleeping. Seeing them a question is now arising inside my head. Will I be a good mother to my


I couldn't think further so I laid down beside my children. I will just close my eyes when I heard the

message tune of my phone. I took the phone and opened the message. The message is from Apeksha


She wrote " I will come to your house tomorrow at afternoon. I have something to share with you. Take


I read the message and now I am wondering what she has to share with me.

Next-Day Morning

I'm feeding my children one by one sitting on the living room's couch. Ruhi and Neel are having their

breakfast. I can see their gloomy face. They are too much upset.

I asked them," Won't you two go to school today?

Neel replied," I am not feeling well to go to school. I will stay at home today".

Ruhi also supported Neel and said that she also doesn't want to go to school today. I know why they

are saying like that. So, I didn't pressurise them.

I have already fed Daksh and Devansh. I picked up Dipti to feed her when the doorbell rang.

I said to Neel," Neel, open the door. See, who has come early in the morning".

Neel walked towards the door and opened it. I asked Neel fixing my gaze on Dipti," Who has come,


Then, I heard a familiar voice. The voice called me," Devika".

I turn my head towards the person and said surprisingly," Ruhani ma, you?"

Saying that I stood up from my seat and touched her feet for blessing.

I asked her smilingly," How are you, Ruhani ma? Why are you looking so tensed? Please, be seated".

She sat on the couch and said smilingly looking at my children," I am fine. So, They are Abhi's

children. MASHALLAH. They look so cute."

I know she is here to meet my children and I am happy about that. but I didn't like it when she

addressed my children as that monster's children.

I said to her sternly," They are my children only."

This time she looked at me and said giving a pleading look," Devika, I need your help. Help me".

" What kind of help, Ruhani ma? Tell me. I will always help you," I asked her curiously. I am wondering

what kind of help she needs from me.

She said crying," Abhi's condition isn't so good. He is becoming mad. Without you, he can't be cured. I

want you to meet......"

She couldn't complete her sentence when I said rudely," Enough, Ruhani ma. Don't tell me to meet that

man. I don't even want to see his face. I don't want that madman in my life again. He is dead for me!"

Note- So, your opinion about Devika's mother?

Will Devika help Ruhani ma about Abhinav's matter?

Don't forget to share your opinion with me.

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