Her Volkovs #Book 3

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Belle's POV

I called Nikolai to have someone bring wet towels and medicine kit to our room. No matter what I'm

feeling right now, I just can't bear looking at Alexei like this. He just basically begged me if he can stay

because he has nowhere else to go. This is not what I intended to happen. This is not what I want for


Nikolai himself was the one who brought the towels and medicine kit to our room. Looking at my

husband, I know that he is hurting more than he's letting out.

"Thank you Nikolai. Come here baby." I said quietly, gesturing him to sit right beside me while his

brother is sound asleep on my lap.

He placed the towels and kit on the small table next to the bed, removed his shoes, his jacket, neck tie

and then slid beside me. He rested his back on the headboard of the bed and leaned his head on my


I rub my palm on his arm, up his neck then his face, "Did you stay up all night?" I asked. He just nods in

response while kissing the back of my hand.

"Did you like our new house?" He asked while connecting his lips to my neck.

"House? Are you kidding me? This is a friggin castle."

He chuckles, "Youre my queen. A Queen needs a castle."

"No Nikolai, a Queen needs her King."

Or Kings for that matter. Gah! Stop it Belle.

"I am here for you baby. My brother and I will always be here for you. We will protect you and our baby

until our last breaths."

"I told you I hate it when you talk about death Nikolai."

"If we die, I know there are a lot of fuckers who are just waiting in line to snatch you from us and treat

you like their queen."

"Stop it." I said sternly.

"Hypothetically, who are you gonna marry when me and this fucker die?" He asked, pointing at Alexei

who is knocked out cold.

I know Nikolai is trying to play it cool but knowing him too well, this question will eventually lead to him

going extremely possessive and overly jealous against someone over nothing. And I have had enough

of that. I just cant go through the process of easing down a madly jealous Nikolai Vyacheslav Volkov Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

again. I just can't. So I decided to shut him down once and for all.

"Hypothetically, if I throw you out of this rooom at this very moment, where do you think youre going to

sleep tonight Nikolai?"

He chuckles once again and snuggled me even tighter while nuzzling his face on my neck, "I fold." He


My goodness, how am I supposed to move let alone breathe normally if these two are practically

smothering me? Alexei is still sound asleep, his head is on my lap, face down, almost smelling my

femme, his arms are wrapped around my waist while Nikolai is squeezing me tight. I know my body will

go numb in just a short while.

"Ya tebya lyublyu." Nikolai whispered.

My heart instantly melted like a heated marshmallow,"Ya tebya lyublyu Nikolai."

After several minutes of staying still, I was finally able to move when Nikolai fell asleep as well. These

two must have been awake all night. They seem very tired and stressed out.

I made Alexei lie on his back, removed his socks and pants off leaving only his boxers on. I did the

same to Nikolai, who is now laying on his stomach. I feel like I'm having some serious deja vu while

doing this.---Oh wait, of course this already happened before.

I tended to Alexei first because between the two, I think this one needs my immediate attention. What

exactly has this man been doing? His knuckles have fresh and old wounds, his lips and left eyebrow

have cuts.

I wiped him clean with the wet towels on his bruised and wounded face, down his neck, then his chest.

I leaned down and kissed him on his forehead and gently brushed my palm on his beautiful face. Ya

tebya lyublyu Alexei. I love you. I will never ever stop loving you.


After tending to my two boys, I decided to go downstairs to tend to Yuri who has been beaten pretty

bad as well. I don't know what got into Alexei's head for even thinking that Yuri has taken his place.

Yes, Yuri once confessed to me that he finds me attractive, but the man has not made advances or

anything at all that would make me feel uncomfortable when I'm with him. He has always been a

gentleman. Most importantly, Yuri is family. I will not let this nonsense come between us and ruin this


I found him in the main receiving area of the mansion together with the other boys. An undeniable

awkward silence filled the air when they noticed me approach them. Yuri attempted to stand and leave

when he realized that I was closing in, but I quickly halted him.

"Yuri. Get back here!" I said sternly.

He halted for a second but eventually continued turning his back on me. Have a mentioned before that

I'm surrounded by difficult men? Urgh!

I walked as fast as I can but the man continued ignoring me. "Seriously? Yuri! Let me tend to your

wounds first."

When he went past another part of the mansion, I wasnt able to see him anymore so I continued

keeping up my pace.

A gasp escaped my mouth when someone abruptly pulled me to the side and pinned me to the wall.

"Yuri.. What are you---"

Without a word, he cups my face and landed a kiss on my lips, deeply. I froze in my position, utterly

shocked by what's happening. He munched on my lips and forced entrance in my mouth. I found

myself gasping for air.

He disconnected from the kiss and looked me intently with his dark green eyes, almost the same shade

as that of Nikolai. And then once again, he plunged in for another kiss on my lips. This time he wrapped

his arms around my back and pulled me to him. His lips are very warm against mine,undeniably taking

my breath away. Like literally. I think I'm about to turn purple.

I pulled away from the kiss and pushed him on his chest but he held my arms tightly, forcing me to face

him, "I'm in love with you. I have always been." He said.

Oh my god! No! This could not be happening. Nikolai and Alexei will want to have his head if they knew

about this. "Yuri! Do you realize what you just did?"

"Madame, I know that harboring feelings for you will cost me my life. Alexei will not stop until he gets rid

of me---"

"Alexei? Are you kidding me? You, of all people should know by now that Alexei will always have his

brother's back! Nikolai will destroy you Yuri! The brothers will destroy you! Just please forget about

whatever it is that youre feeling towards me! Youre just confused!" My knees are weakening just by

thinking about what the two can and will do to him if they knew about this.

"I'm not confused. I have never been more sure in my life." He replied stubbornly.

"No! I'm sure there are a lot of girls out there who are--"

He connected his lips to mine once again but this time I pushed him with all my strength and slapped

him as hard as I can. I am so disappointed with him! And I am mad! How could he do this to me?! More

importantly, how could he do this to Nikolai and Alexei?

"Don't ever touch me again Yuri! And don't ever think that I will protect you from Nikolai or Alexei."

Without hesitation he answered, "The Big Boss knows."

For several seconds I froze, tryng to process what I just heard. "What?"

"I'm sorry Madame."

"I don't need your apology. Answer my question! What did you just say?"

He clenches his jaw obvious regret painted all over his face.

"The Boss knows. He knows that I want you. And he threatened to kill me if I ever hurt you because of


Oh my god. Alexei's outburst against Yuri makes a lot of sense. Now I know why Alexei thinks that he

is being replaced by Yuri.


I'm sitting on a chair right next to the bed while looking at the two still sound asleep. Nikolai lays on his

stomach while Alexei is lying on his side. I'm curling my knees and hugging my legs towards my chest

as I try to make sense of what is happening to the three of us.

Why did Nikolai still allow Yuri to become my close-in bodyguard if he knows about Yuri's feelings for

me? This is not the Nikolai that I know. He would never ever allow anyone to touch me let alone give

someone the freedom to get close to me except for his brother.

I snapped from my thoughts when I noticed that Alexei's phone is vibrating inside his jacket pocket on

the floor. I took it and realized that an uknown number is calling. Alexei is still passed out sleeping,

same as Nikolai. I figured this must be very important since these two have been busy hunting for

Sergey. I answered the call so I can just get a message or something.

Just as I was about to say hello, a female voice spoke. "Hey, it's me Tatiana. Please dont get mad if I

called! I was just wondering, are you gonna spend the night at Zora again Boss daddy?" She said all

too flirty.

Boss Daddy? How. Effing. Cute! She's calling this piece of lying and cheating dick Boss Daddy!? I don't

know why I'm still not smothering this pig to death!

I'm seeing black. I feel like hurling the phone directly at Alexei's head at this very moment. I know that

Zora is one of the many sex clubs that the Mafia owns in New York. Why would he even go there for?

Uh you broke up with him remember?

Uh Still! Just when I'm already contemplating of forgiving him and accepting him in my life once again!

My hands are already shaking in anger, I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to calm myself down.

I changed to an off shoulder 3/4 medium length dress, paired with a tomato colored strappy chunky

high heels and just light make-up, finished with defining my wavy shoulder length hair.

I have made up my mind. I will fix this mess myself and I'm going to start with the Yuri issue. I will not

allow him to become my close-in security detail anymore. I will go to Kovrov and find Ivan and Vasily

myself. This has to stop. I want my I.V back.

Since Kovrov is the Russian Town, its the best place to find those two. I know most of the families of

our security details live there, I just have to find a way how to locate them.

As I head downstairs to leave, Yuri immediately followed me from behind.

"Madame, where are you going?"

"None of your business."

"It is my business."

"Not anymore."

"Dammit!" He hissed under his breath. "Does the Boss know youre going somewhere?"

"What do you think? Can you see him running after me? Can you see him manhandling me back to our


"I'm just making sure Madame. It's not wise for you to leave the mansion especially now.--"

"Last time I checked, I'm your Bosses' wife, not a prisoner of the Russian Mafia. I am going to leave

whenever I want to leave."

I myself am not convinced of what I just said. Still, I just continued prancing towards the SUV, trying my

best to get away from Yuri. When I got inside one of the SUVs, he immediately took over the driver's


"I want Boris to drive for me." I said dismissing him.

"The Boss entrusted me with your safety. I am going with you." He insists.

"Well I don't trust you anymore Yuri and so should Nikolai. Boris will drive me. End of." I instantly feel

bad for saying these things to him but at this point, I must stand my ground.

Yuri sighed in defeat and stepped down the driver's seat. Finally I was able to leave the mansion with

Boris as my bodyguard, plus one SUV ahead of us and onother one tailing us.


Minutes after Belle left for Kovrov, Matushka Irene arrived in the mansion. She sensed that there's

something going on right away.

"What happened? Why do you have cuts on your face Yuri?"

"This is nothing Matushka." He answered.

"Don't make me ask one more time Yuri."

Yuri didnt have a choice but to tell Matushka about the brawl between him and Alexei and the reason

why it happened.

Yuri looks down, unable to face Matushka Irene in shame. The Volkov Matriarch instantly felt bad for

Yuri whom she treats as her own son. She cups Yuri's face to make him face her, "How long has this

been going on?"

There's silence for a moment before Yuri finally bares the truth, "The first time me and the Boss saw

her at the flower shop. I knew she took the Boss' attention right away. I saw her effect on him. The

Boss was dumb stricken. Without knowing it, he fell in love with her right then and there, and so did I.

This sounds some fancy romance shit but I was there. I knew what happened. I knew what I felt."

Matushka sighed while looking at Yuri dearly. More than anything, she feels bad for him. He kept the

truth for himself for the longest time. He just watched Belle from afar. Taught himself to care for her and

loved her from afar.

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