Her Volkovs #Book 3

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Belle's POV

"Nikolai, no matter how loud you speak, the baby cannot hear you."

"OUR baby." He emphasized. His face is still buried on my abdomen as he mumbles his words.

"I thought you will not touch me unless I summon you to do so?"

He looked up to me for a little while, sporting his ridiculously flawless handsome face and cocked his

head to the side giving me a perfect view of his Wolf tattoo peeking from his neck.

"Hmm...see this part right here-" He said while drawing a ractangular shape with his index finger

around my abdomen. "Is a common ground. You don't own this part exclusively because of our little

Vyacheslav. Which means, I can touch this part whenever I want."

I gave him a are you kidding me look, "Really? Youre gonna use that excuse?"

"Do I hear an objection from Mrs. Volkov? Yes? Okay, let's put this to a vote. Majority wins."

"How is that even gonna work if it's just the two of us here?"

"Uh- uh- uh - We have 1/2 vote right over here." He pointed at my obdomen like he can actually talk to

our baby.

"Nikolai you're crazy." I tried to move away but his arm wrapped around me even tighter.

"Okay." He answered obviously not being responsive to my reaction."So, those in favor of Pa hugging

Ma's tummy anytime Pa wishes, please kiss Ma."

My lips parted in disbelief when Nikolai landed a kiss several inches above my femme. Volts of electric

current instantly overwhelmed my body.

Since getting back home, I have turned into a sexually vulnerable person considering the two's effect

on me when I'm with them. My body just easily gives up and betrays my cause.


"Whow, there you go! Little Vyacheslav just kissed Ma."

"No he did not! You were the one who kissed me."

"The beautiful lady up there, please shut your soft and sexy mouth. Okay let's continue. Those who are This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

not in favor, kiss Pa, on the lips, tongue included."

Ha! Unbelievable! "In your dreams Nikolai."

"Suit yourself Mrs. Volkov. Okay. Voting is now closed. Votes casted: Baby V, Poppa V and Momma V,

all voted in the affirmative. Therefore, Pa has 24/7 access to Ma's tummy. End of."

This man's concept of democracy is so twisted it's dictatorship a hundred times.

"Are you done with your psychotic episode Nikolai? My legs are tired. I want to go home."

He instantly stood up and attempted to carry me in his arms but I refused and stepped back.

"No. What do you think youre doing? After everything that youve done, you expect me to let everything

go and forget about what you did?"

This man is obviously not used to being turned down. His facial expression says it all. Well he should

get used to it now because I am far from forgiving him.

"Sit down. Ill have Alexei pick you up."

I did not oblige. Instead, I intertwined my arms in front of me and looked away. He sighed and sat down

on the sofa in front of me.

"Please baby sit down. Let's talk." He said with a low and pleading voice.

I sat down and rested my legs over the other while waiting for him to continue. Nikolai leaned forward,

rested his elbows on his knees and brushed his fingers through his hair.

"What do you want to know?" He continued.

"Everything. Start with your fuck buddy Yrina. Oh wait, did I downgrade her? Perhaps, she's more than

your fu-"

Nikolai clenched his jaw and interrupted me, "Yes, we fucked."

At this point it's taking all the strength I have left in me not to jump at him and slap him in the face many

times. Truth indeed hurts. Like friggin hell hurts.

"Her father and Pa were business partners. I only see her when we go to Boston. But that's just that,

we fucked. She was nothing but a cheap thrill to me."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and started throwing the questions that had been bothering my mind,

"When you went to Boston and lied to me about staying overnight because of the weather, did you see

each other that night?"

"Yes." He answered without hesitation. I feel like my heart is being stabbed many times.

"But nothing happened. All I can think of was you. That night made me realize that I'm done playing

around. I stayed in our hotel to wrap up a business meeting and then first thing in the morning all I

wanted to do is to go home to you."

"If youre done playing around with her, why was she even here? Why did you want to merge your

business with her? You two looked so cozy when she was in the house. Clearly, she's still not over you.

And you, you were looking at her like...like..-"

"Like I want to slit her throat and deliver her head personally to her father." He interrupts.

I looked at him all puzzled. Definitely not the answer I was expecting.

"Remember I told you that the reason I went to Boston is because of my father? That's the truth. I didnt

go there because of Yrina. I was there to confirm a report from our people. We already know who

placed a hit on my father and Viktor's heads."

Oh my god. "It's Yrina's father who had the Pa's killed?"

Nikolai nodded in response. His eyes turned dark and devoid of warmth the moment I mentioned his

father and Viktor's death.

"We almost turned New York underground criminal world upside down just to find out who dared put a

hit on my Father and Viktor's heads, turned out the man is not from New York."

"But why would he do that?"

"Pa turned him down when he asked to penetrate the northern hemisphere of the mafia drug ring. Few

days later, my father found out that he met with other crime families and laid down the same offer but at

the same time urged them to go against my father. Nobody took him up to that offer. He knew that Pa

was not the gonna let that pass. That's why he had to get Pa first before Pa gets to him. It all made

sense to us when some people who knew about how things went down started to talk a few years later.

He thought he got away with it. Now it's time that he pays for it. So we started with the one person who

means to him the most. His daughter."

Oh god, so they lured Yrina here in New York for a business merger because they want to get back at

her father. At this point I did not know what to say.

"Nobody fucks with the Russian Mafia and will just simply get away with it. Her father's debt has long

been overdue. It's time to personally collect with fucking interest."

"What did you do to Yrina?"

"It's better that you don't know. I added security details for you because of this. That's why I don't want

you leaving the house without me or my brother. Sergey Yvanislov will strike back the second he

realizes that he has nothing left. Before he can do that I'm going to make sure that I have already put a

bullet in his head, just like what he did to Pa and Viktor."

At this point, I don't know what to say or think anymore. It's like everytime the truth is being unraveled

in front of me, a lump permanently forms in my throat, slowly suffocating me.

Nikolai sat on the small table in front of me and tried to hold my hands but I removed them immediately.


Sergey Yvanislov's Residence, Somewhere in Boston

Sergey is in his study, smoking a cigar with some other men. They heard someone scream at the front

door. They all stood up and exited the room at once.

Sergey realizes that it's his wife, trembling, and crying hysterically, her hand is on her mouth while

looking at a box on the floor.

He instantly embraced her while looking down at the box.

"You promised me you will keep our baby safe! You promised me Serg! You promised me!" She slaps

her husband on his chest many times.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Laura. I will get our daughter back. I will get her back."


Belle's POV

While in the SUV I can't help but think about what Nikolai told me. I should feel relieved knowing the

truth that Nikolai and Alexei did not cheat on me. That Yrina was indeed nothing to them.

But I feel more worried than relieved. Now that Nikolai knows who placed a hit on his father and Viktor's

heads, I know that he will never stop until he gets his revenge.

What could have happened to Yrina? I could not even start to imagine. Knowing Nikolai too well, he is

capable of doing practically every evil thing no normal thinking person can do.


Alexei carried me in his arms to Nikolai's room. He placed me in bed and went to the bathroom to take

a shower. I removed my clothes off one by one and just left my panties on. I slipped under the cover

and lay on my side while pulling up the fabric to cover my breasts. I'm facing the bathroom's entrance

while waiting for Alexei to come and cuddle me.

He went out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around his waist. My eyes marveled at how

Alexei's body is kind of glistening with water. I shamelessly wandered my eyes from his perfectly

chiseled tattooed arm, chest and down his abs. Oh goodness, help me.

He went inside Nikolai's walk in closet giving me a perfect view of his back. To me, the back is one of

the sexiest part of a man's body. And this bitch admits that Nikolai and Alexei's backs will leave any

girl's mouth drooling.

When he got out, he is already in his boxers while putting his white shirt on. I gestured him to lay on my

side which he instantly obliged.

I climbed on top of his chest and pushed my breast to him. I rested my face on his neck while making

small kisses.

Alexei make love to me. Can't you see? I'm practically throwing myself to you.

I am tempted to just speak my mind and ask him to have sex with me but that would be too much of an

embarassment. I looked up to him hoping that he will see my intention in my eyes.

"Princess, you need to rest. Youve had a long day." He said while brushing my face with his fingers.

"But I don't want to rest." I answered. I don't know what gotten into me, perhaps desperation, sex

deprivation or both, but I took his hand and made him cup my breast. Don't you get it? Fuck me already


His adams apple moved and his facial expression is like he's having an internal battle or something.

"Uh, someone is waiting for me downstairs. Ill have the help bring you water or milk or tea -" He

removed himself from me and stood up from the bed.

"Is the person waiting for you downstairs more important than me?" I said already pained by the

rejection this man has been giving me since I came back home.


"Never mind Alexei, just get out."

He attempted to step forward and go back to bed but I instantly stood up and opened the door. "I said

get out Alexei!"

His hands are clipped to his waist while looking at me with a clenched jaw. He ran his other hand

through his hair before finally leaving the room. I slammed the door as hard as I can on his way out just

to show how angry and frustrated I am to him.


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