Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Chapter 99 They‘re coming. All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“What do you mean we’re not staying?” Doris asked the moment their cabin door closed, William crossed the room to put some distance between them. “Are you mad? Enzo helped us when we needed him the most and now you’re just going to leave him when he needs us?” 3 William blew out a frustrated breath. “You don’t understand self preservation, do you? If we stay, they will kill everyone in this camp just to get to me. They’ve had enough of Enzo’s ruling and they’re itching for the excuse to break free from him. It’s not wise for us to get in the way of their issues. It’s his pack, not mine.” “If they want to get rid of him then we should make sure to stay and help him, William.” Doris crossed her arms over her chest. Her feet were planted firm on the ground, nothing would make her leave. Not even him at his grumpiest. William looked as if he was about to blow. She didn’t care, she wasn’t afraid of him anymore. If he struck her down, sl

down, she would come back with a wrath ready for him. Her days of living in fear were long gone. “What are you not getting? If we stay, we are making it worse for them. They may be able to talk themselves out of this if we’re long gone. I’m trying to avoid another fight for them and for us.” “We could at least hide nearby and make sure it doesn’t turn deadly, don’t we owe them that? Enzo saved my life several times and I don’t want to repay him like this. He let you stay with him knowing the message it would send and now look where we are.” William slammed his hand down on a table across from her. The sound made her flinch. “We are not staying. If I have to tie you to the back of my horse, I will. Get your things, now. We don’t have time for any of this! I should have headed straight for the palace rather than run all the way here to warn them.” Doris felt her insides bubble with a newfound rage. How dare he tell her what to do? She was trying to help her friend and he wanted to leave them to die! “No. How could you even say that?” Doris said through clenched teeth. William narrowed his eyes at her and took a step closer. “If you touch me, I will change into my wolf and rip you in half.” “You don’t have that sort of power over me. I will always be stronger than you.” “You don’t know what I’m capable of.” Doris lifted her chin. William’s face went from rage, to a mask of emotionless calm within seconds. It was terrifying to see someone change

so quickly as if he was stepping out of one personality and into the next. 1 “You want to stay and defend him? Be my guest. I’m not going to risk my men’s lives for a maid and her lover.” The words hit their mark more than she expected them to. She knew he only thought of her that way, she’d told herself it a million times. It did nothing to protect her from the hard truth. His confirmation felt like a direct blow to her chest. Doris swallowed her bleeding heart and looked him in the eye.

her sick, she wished she had slapped him even if it meant he hit her back twice as hard. Beth didn’t deserve to live out Doris’s punishment. She did nothing but be a kind friend to Doris for years. “I thought it was going good. I felt how happy you were in his arms and how happy he was with you.” Cordelia said quietly, as if a part of her had given up. “Unfortunately, men are good are pretending. I was fooled for a moment there myself.” Doris pulled her hair up and tied it so it was out of her face. She didn’t have time to cry over a broken heart, she had to help Enzo. “We will find our happiness one day, Cordelia. Even if it takes years.” Her wolf said nothing as she walked out into the snow but she could feel her presence remain as if she was ready to be there when Doris needed. William and his party were already long gone she supposed. She pushed his face far from her mind. Doris swore to herself that she would make things right with Beth when it was safe here. A taste of freedom was better than never having any and Beth deserved her own. Enzo turned to her with a bit of surprise written on his face. “I thought you left already, I saw William leave with the rest.” “They left, I wanted to stay and help.” Doris said. Enzo’s face softened a little. “I couldn’t ask you to do something like that. You have no training as a wolf.” “After everything you did for me, I want to at least try and help. I couldn’t leave you knowing you might be hurt.”. Enzo gripped her shoulder softly. “Doris, I don’t think any of us deserve you. Your intentions are more pure than any I have ever met.” “I just wanted—“ “They’re coming!”

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