Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

#Chapter 7 Any woman would do?

His stone cold voice pierced through Doris’ heart and froze her to the ground. It wasn’t the first time she’d felt like his prey with no where to hide, no where to run. A desperate feeling to be free of him overtook her senses, but all she could do was stay still beneath his gaze.

The crowd around them held their breath as they waited for the scene to unfold before them. Their eyes eagerly flickered between Prince William and Doris, the silence made each of her breaths louder to her own ears.

“Your majesty, I—“ Doris hesitated and cringed away from him when she saw his patience run out. His cold features let anger taint its beauty like a flicker of flame ready to start a fire. Prince William gripped her arm, about to haul her up until a soft voice rang out behind him.

“Please, forgive me your majesty.” His grip loosened on Doris, everyone in the crowd turned to look at Melody. She knelt close to Doris, her head bowed. “Forgive me for hiding so long.”

“Hiding?” Prince William turned away from Doris to focus on Melody. Doris could have deflated from relief when his eyes finally left her, the look he gave her alone was enough to follow her back into her nightmares.

“I believe I’m the girl you’ve been looking for, your majesty.” Melody said sweetly, Doris knew that voice well. It was the same tone she used with those higher up than her to get exactly what she wanted. And it usually worked, not many men liked to refuse Melody. Her regular tone was much more cruel when it was used towards her fellow maids—especially Doris.

“You’re the girl I’ve been searching for?” Prince William furrowed his brows, as if he was confused. Doris was more than confused herself, a bit of doubt trickled in her mind. Did he mark more than one girl that

night? Or was Melody—lying? To become his lover? To one day end up like Lisa? Doris curled her fists in her lap, how could she want that life for herself?

Melody stood without an answer, she walked straight into the booth and everyone stayed still until she came out again—including the prince. Ms. Shirley followed close behind, her face tired and worn from the day that just wouldn’t seem to end already. “She has the mark, your majesty. You may see for yourself.”

Prince William immediately went in to check, Doris stood on shaky legs and brushed dried leaves from her skirt. It couldn’t be… they both wouldn’t have the mark. Though, part of Doris hoped she did. Then perhaps it just might save Doris from the same fate Lisa suffered—or worse. A moment later, they both walked out.

“Why haven’t you come to me since I marked you? Do you resent me for what I did?” There was a bit of an edge to his voice, she wondered if his temper was already flaring at the idea of Melody hiding from him. Doris took a small step back, her hands clasped in front of her.

“Of course not, I wouldn’t dare.” Melody assured hm. Doris almost scoffed but held her tongue. Prince William attacked Doris, of course she resented him. Had he mistakenly marked Doris and intended his mate mark for Melody? It was possible he was just drunk and confused when he marked her—it would make so much more sense to Doris. NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

“Then what kept you?” Prince William asked.

“Your majesty,” Melody brushed her golden hair behind her ears nervously. “I’ve adored you for so long— it’s always been an honor to serve you and this Palace. I was afraid… I was afraid you would see me as nothing but a gold digger out for your fortune rather than how I truly feel.” Melody blushed, her voice choked from emotion that seemed forced to Doris.

Prince William watched her for a moment, his eyes took in every inch of her. Melody shifted under his gaze, “What’s your name?”

“Melody Harford, your majesty.”

“Melody…” Prince William said in the same tone he said Doris’s name just a few minutes before. A ping of annoyance shot through Doris, she quickly swallowed it down. A second later, Prince William turned and left without another word. It happened so fast, no one had a chance to react properly to his departure.

“What are you waiting for?” Mr. Carson sputtered to the surrounding crowd. “Dress Lady Melody up and escort her to her new quarters!”

A few days passed in a wave of calm, it seemed Prince William had been treating Melody quite well since she came forward as the one he marked. The former maid now wore beautiful gowns and jewels and no longer had to clean up after anyone, now people waited on her. Doris only hoped she enjoyed it while it lasted, Prince William was never satisfied for long.

“There’s no way it was her, she’s definitely taking advantage of Prince William.” Beth said quietly to Doris, she threw a look over her shoulder to make sure no one was nearby.

“What do you mean?” Doris asked.

“Prince William was much too drunk to even remember what the girl looked like. Any woman would do in that case, any woman could easily claim it was them he was with that night.”

Any woman would do?

The words rang through Doris. Did he attack her because she was the first girl he came across that night? Of course that was it. He was drunk and confused. “She’s beautiful, I’m sure she could have

charmed him without the mark. She never wanted to be a maid anyway, she always wanted more for herself and now she is. Perhaps we should try to be happy for her.” Doris brushed it off.

“Oh Doris, that’s so you. You’re being kind about someone who always looked for every excuse to abuse and embarrass you in front of everyone. Why would you ever forgive her or wish her well?” Beth snapped. Doris knew exactly where her friend was coming from, but it was easier to be happy for Melody than be the one in her shoes. Not that she could confess that to Beth, especially now.

“I—it doesn’t even matter. We don’t need to waste our energy on someone like her anymore, anyway. One day soon we’ll be free and able to leave all of this mess behind. We won’t have worry about her or any of this. Right?” Doris nudged Beth with a small smile. They had to remind that to each other—at least once a day.

“Of course we will.” Beth linked her arm through Doris’ and they stepped out into the gardens. The sun was high in the sky, only a few clouds peppered above them. It was enough to make her wish she could lay in the grass and daydream the rest of the day away. The Palace truly was a beautiful place, especially from the outside. Doris smiled to herself and stopped to smell a bush of red roses on their path.

“You know, I’ve always thought you were much prettier than Lisa and Melody, especially when you smile.” Beth grinned at her friend.

“Oh, stop.” Doris turned her face to hide the blush that bloomed. Beth was truly a wonderful friend, she wasn’t sure how she would’ve ever survived the palace without her.

Doris arrived at the Library with a lingering smile, she opened the windows wide to allow in the fresh air and warm sunshine. The lovely day was enough to boost a bit of energy back into her, she immediately got to work organizing the new books that had arrived to the library.

A smaller poetry book caught her eye across the room—Moon Rising—the book Prince Martin had been reading just a few days ago was left by the chair he usually favored. She smiled to herself as she picked it up, he really did love this book, didn’t he?

Slowly, she flipped through the pages and was surprised to see more of his own writing in the margins. Soft, delicate words that she would have never guessed were his coated the pages. Far more suited for a poet, not a politician.

Her fingers traced his words, part of her longed to know what went on inside his mind. She wondered if they were more alike than she had first thought. Did the words speak to him as they did to her? Did he imagine himself in the stories he read?

She caught a shadow of a man in the corner of her eye. She gasped and closed the book quickly, startled to see it was Prince Martin himself.

“Oh! Prince Martin…” Doris bowed.

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