Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 Be safe, my friend.

“He…he said what?” Doris felt as if the world around her had slightly shifted as her focus grew a little fuzzy. The dress she was wearing was much too hot for her to handle this news. “Mr. Carson said you can’t leave unless I retur?” Beth nodded, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. “He just told me when I came here to say goodbye.” Doris squeezed Beth’s hands as she talked, but her mind was far from her words. It was William who put this order, it had to be. He must have thought this would guarantee she wouldn’t try to escape while they were in the north. It hadn’t even crossed her mind that she might be able to escape-she was only worried about staying alive in such a horrible place. She supposed to others-it should have been front and centered in her mind, to grasp at the chance to be free from him and this palace. Running away from Prince William while they were somewhere dangerous was just not an option to her and it never had been. How would she fend for herself in the north without the royal guard and Prince William? She had no survival skills for the freezing snow or self defense against wild packs, so there was no way she could do it without dying in the process. For William to punish Beth because of Doris angered her. Had he truly thought so little of her that he would bring her innocent friend into this to make sure she didn’t try anything? The nerve! Every time she thought he had a heart, she was immediately proven wrong. She wished she could Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

for the prince. Beth did not deserve to suffer for however long it would take her to return. Their trip could take months or more! And what if something happened to Doris while they were in the north? Would they keep her friend long after they found her body? Or let her go by default? Doris let out a small sigh and brought Beth in for a tight hug. “I’m so sorry, Beth. I will return, you have my word. I don’t know how long this will take, but I promise to come back so you can have your freedom.” “And yours.” Beth mumbled against Doris’s hair. She pulled away a little to grip her shoulders.” Perhaps it’s okay that I have to wait for you, so that we may go free together like we always planned. I would have waited close by for you to return anyway.” “Leaving your fate up to my return is not fair—” “No, it’s not.” Beth frowned. “But we have never gotten a say in anything we do here. I would rather know you’ve returned safe than be out there

alone wondering where you are.” “What if it takes me months to return? I won’t have any way to communicate to you when I’ll be back.” Doris picked at her nails as her thoughts started to run from her. “What if something happens to me out there and you’ll never be freed?” “Doris! Don’t talk like that, nothing will happen to you out there. Mr. Carson told me they’re sending some of the strongest guards out there with Prince William, surely they will protect you too.” Beth said gently. There was no guarantee that they would care to protect a maid when they were only meant to protect their prince. They both knew that, but it changed nothing. Doris would just have to try to stay alive for more than just herself.

She knew her friend was trying to look on the bright side of things, but the back of her mind kept screaming her own fears back at her. She felt as if her corset was crushing the life out of her, the heat it caused was enough to make her faint if she wasn’t careful. “Beth… I’m going to the north… we’ve both heard the horror stories of what happens there. Remember the servant that was forced to travel through to deliver a message? They said they found his body ripped apart and never found where his head went!” Beth’s brows formed a line of worry, she shook her head. “Don’t think about those sort of things, he was traveling alone. You’ll be protected by the roya guard, Doris. If that man had Prince William at his side, we know he would have survived. Even though Prince William doesn’t have his own pack–he’s a very dangerous wolf when he turns. Of all the princes, I’m glad he’s the one you’re going with because of that.” Doris already knew how dangerous and scary Prince William could be. She had the scar to prove it. There was so many thoughts trying to drown her nerves, it was getting harder to breathe. She was to be alone with Prince William for who knows how many weeks or months in the snow. There was no where for her to run or protect herself, especially against the prince if he got drunk and tried to attack her again. She knew his guards would look the other way if he instructed them. Yes, Prince William hadn’t tried anything with her since she told him she wasn’t interested, but she hadn’t been around him when he was as drunk as that night yet. And if she wasn’t worried about him, she was worried about the rogue packs that lived out there. The ones that would love to catch Prince William or

one of his party alone to torture for fun. She wandered how true that was, if they were desperate for the chance to snatch a royal member and hang him for all their friends to poke at. What would they do to the

ones he traveled with? Pick them off one by one first starting with the weakest her? Who knows what other dangers awaited her, but she knew each second made her more terrified to find out. It had always been a dream of hers to leave the grounds of the palace, now that she was she only wished she could remain inside and hide in her old comforts. “Doris?” Beth gripped her shaky hands and brought her racing mind back to earth. How long had she been talking? “It’s okay to be scared, anyone in your shoes would be more than frightened for this journey.” Beth said softly. “Remember who you are. I know you’re more brave than you allow others to see, it’s time to face the fears that are trying to pull you into the darkness.” Doris felt her eyes water, she quickly brushed away a few stray tears. “You’ve always been a good friend to me, Beth. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you.” “You’re going to survive,” Beth said with a smile, her voice cracked. “And come back home to marry one of the princes who are crazy about you.” She laughed lightly, though it died off rather quickly. Doris rolled her eyes and laughed. “Perhaps I’ll come back and you’ll be the one who’s married to a prince!” Beth pulled out a handkerchief from her apron and dried Doris’s tears before she pulled her in for one last hug. “Be safe, my friend. I will see you when you return as whole.” “I surely hope as whole.” Doris tried her best to

laugh, Beth pulled back silently and smiled. Doris watched as her friend turned away and disappeared into the palace for the last time. A part of her heart would always stay with this place, perhaps because she knew she would never truly escape it no matter how far she would get away from it. She supposed that happened when you were forced to become a maid like she was at such a young age. Even now, as she was about to leave the grounds for the first time in years, it still had a hold on her. It was as if a long rope had tied itself to her ankle and she knew she would eventually have to follow it back to release the grip it had on her friend. Freedom tasted sweet, but it would be rotten if she knew Beth was forced to stay here because of her. Doris lifted her skirts as she turned and made her way down the pathway towards the stables, ready to face the beast that she was forced to call a prince and start their journey.

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