Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Can you handle this

That swammed Melody. Donis stepped back but of their way in haste. What happened to her? Daris caught a glimpse af Melody with wide, classy eyes and foam coming out of her mouth as they lited her from the ground and carried her off to the nedical ward. Doris placed her hand against her chest and tell her heart beat race beneath her hand. Was she allergic to the flower as well? Was she…

“What happened to her?” Prince William asked, his brows furrowed. He looked around the room as if the answer might come forward. Each and every one of the guests looked just confused and homified as Prince William did.

Each of the royals glanced at each other with their brows furrowed in their own confusion. Guards crowded around then with their blades drawn as if waiting for the prisoner to try and take one of their lives as well. Someone in this room put that in Luna Queen’s soup and caused Melody’s collapse.

Oh no, Doris thought and gripped her checks. Melody wasn’t truly dead, was she? Doris hated every ounce of her, but she would never wish death upon anyone. Even someone that almost killed her the other might

Jack stood from his chair, it was only then that Doris realized he had been the only one still seated during this ordeal. “I saw exactly who did it!” Jack’s gaze slid right to Doris, just as everyone else’s did. He lifted his finger and pointed right at her, she

the soup before we delivered li Es Lily



Two sirds were her side in a breath, thay grabbed her arms tight as they could not couldn’t even think to run, Doris Kasped from the TOTEKLIF and accusation. “I Do! I would never da such a thing

“I think she intended the soup to be far Lumia Queen.” Jack continued, his eyes naftowed at Daris. “I saw her switch them, thank the goddess that my mother hadn’t had a chance to take a bite yet!”

“Nal” Doris winced when their grip tightened. “I didn’t poison anyone! Especially not my own lady

“Doris would never do such a thing.” Prince Martin spoke up calmly, he held out his hands is if trying to ease the panic in the room. “I may not know her Very well, but,”

“Exactly! You don’t know this maid very well at all.” Jack interrupted. “I heard rumors that this maid had stolen from Lady Melody and beaten as punishment. Perhaps she wanted revenge—”

“No!” Prince Daniel spoke up next. Doris was a little startled that either prince had cared enough to defend her in front of everyone. She didn’t think anyone in this room Would ever have risked Speaking up for her. It would have warmed her heart if she wasn’t so terrified of what was to come. Would they kill her for this? “Prince Martin is right, Doris would never do something like this to anyone! Even someone that was cruel to her, I know she has a wonderful heart. Please, let her go.” Prince Daniel pleaded.

“And how would you know what this maid is capable of?” Tack scoffed. “I saw her do it myself! 1

else, though his face didn’t h

ay much but hii

Prince William stayed silent he watched then argue before him. His lady w possibly dead, and he said nothing while Jack accused Doris of doing the unthinkable. He wore in emotionl mask, Doris wondered how he could possibly manage it after what they’d all just witnessed.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“My majesty, if you say you saw me poison the bowl. why didn’t you say anything?” Doris asked Jack with tears rolling down her cheeks. “Why didn’t you stop it if you saw me? Especially if you thought it might have been meant for your mother?”

It just didn’t make sense for him to accuse her of this, he could have easily stopped her with one shout and Melody would’ve been fine. Doris searched his face and only siw i small sense of surprise that she would even ask him something like that.

“How dare you speak to me like that!”, Jack parted his lips, his cheeks slightly red. He quickly calmed himself and cleared his throat. “It was too late, I didn’t think you were doing what you did at the time. When I heard Melody choke, I knew what you’d done and it it was too late.”

Prince Martin stepped forward, his gaze lingered sadly on Doris. “I believe Doris when she said she didn’t do what you claim. This has all been a terrible misunderstanding—


T ond thant!Daniel What to blind me Prince Martin. “Please, let her free. You’re hurting ther.”

The guards loosened their grip just a little, but not much. Jack looked at the two princes and marrowed. his eyes. Are you saying I’m a liar?

“Of course not, I’mo simply suggesting you’re mistaken in your claims.” Prince Martin said and clasped his hands behind his back. We were all here, no one else saw Donis do anything with the bowls. I think anyone sensible would have spoken up if they saw her put poison in one of the bowls.”

“My son would never lie about such a thing!” Luna Queen said loudly. She glanced at the area Melody had been a moment before as if she were wondering if it could have been her. “This majd has been nothing but trouble since my birthday started, and how she has murdered her own lady!”

“Why did you switch the soup?” Jack neared Doris, Prince Martin and Prince Daniel stepped a little closer in case he decided to put his hands on her. 1

“I only switched it because I thought it had an ingredient that Luna Queen was allergic to! I didn’t know the soup was poisoned. I would have never given it to Lady Melody if I’d known.”

Her defense fell on unwanted ears, Jack turned away halfway through her explanation as if he never wanted it. “Take her to the prison, I’ll get the truth out of her one way or another.”

“No! I swear I would never harm anyone!” Doris cried, her eyes locked with Prince William but unlike his brother, he didn’t say a word in her defense. They began to move her out towards the




inched her go, his hands faldad inta tists

“Haw could you let them do this to our mante? Waylon growled inside him. “You know the wouldn‘t be capable of this! They’re going to kill her in there if we don’t do something – 1

“How do I know she didn’t poison Melody? You know they didn’t like each other.” William silently responded to his wolf.

“You didn’t like Melody much either. Waylon Shapped. “If that was the case, half the palace would be responsible for her poisoning. You can’t let thern do this to our mate!” .

William shut down his wolf when he saw the Alpha king step up to him. The king had two guards Hanked on each side of him as if they were afraid the alpha was next up on the poisoning list.

“William, since she was your lady I want you to make the judgement for yourself.” King Charles said. His voice was deep and allowed no room for questions or hesitations. “Listen to all sides before you let the anger cloud your mind. Can you handle this?


Chapter 27 I believe Prince William will Bring me Justice

The cell was dark and dingy. The back stone wall looked wet and the bed in the comer had only one Ehin sheet on it to use as the blanket Doris searched for the source and found there wilis a tiny window that was much too high for her to even out of, but it had to window and allowed rain to dampen the small room. They shoved Doris inside the cell and threw a prisoner gawn at her feet.

-Change into this.” Was all the man said before the cell door made of bars slammed shut and locked. Doris slid down the wall and hugged her knees to her chest. She’d felt it ther, the dam inside her break as her tears poured out. She tried to silence them, even when she choked. She didn’t want anyone to hear her misery, she pressed her face against the prison gown and tried to muffle every sound. Why was this happening to her? She wasn’t even supposed to be at the party! She was supposed to be resting

Oh, what will they think when they all realize Melody had beaten her just a few days before her being poisoned? They’ll surely think it was her, just 25 Jack had said. Not even Prince Martin or Prince Daniel had a say in her defense out there, they all listened to Jack. What if everyone believed him?

What if they sentenced her to death for this?

It’d felt like days had passed in the cell. The outside was gloomy, though she couldn’t remember if night had passed or if it was all in the same day. It

couldn’t be, it felt like in eternity had gone by since she saw Melody collapse night in front of her. Doris changed into the black prison gown and her own uniform had been collected almost immediately after

she slipped it discreetly off her body. It felt as if they erased her title as maid and replaced it entirely with prisoner the second she stepped through the cell door.

A creak echoed through the hallway outside her room. A light knock tapped along the bars of her cell before a boy sild the door open and slipped in silently. Doris quickly stood when she saw it was Da— Prince Daniel.

-Doris!” He moved further in, but a guard came in with him and stood by the wall as if he wen a shadow of the prince. “How’re you doing? I’m so sorry they put you in here I’ve tried convincing them to put you somewhere more… comfortable.”

Doris smoothed down her dress and looked at her hands. It felt strange speaking to him face to face now that she knew he was royalty. She’d acted so comfortable with him before as she cleaned his face and teased him about cake. Doris felt her cheeks warm. “I appreciate you and Prince Martin for standing up for me.”

Prince Daniel took a step towards her, her head snapped up at his movements. He stilled, a small flash of emotion she couldn’t place crossed his features. “Are you upset with me for lying about who I am?” He whispered.

“I’m not upset, Prince Daniel. I was just confused I suppose.” Doris admitted.

Daniel looked down at her hand as if he wanted him

just thought you would’ve treated me differently as a friend if you knew who I really was, I never meant to deceive you.”

“I know you didn’t.” Doris said quietly, she cleared her throat. He wils a kind boy, that wils one thing she knew for certain. But it didn’t change the fact that they weren’t meant to be friends. “You must have

known there was never any hope for us to remain friends. You’re a prince-you’re not meant to speak with a maid like me.

* And why can’t I?” Prince Daniel raised his chin as if daring her to challenge his decision. “As you said, I’m a prince and I can make any choice I want. I can be friends with whomever I want. my title shouldn’t prevent that.”

“But it does!” Doris shook her head sadly and lowered her voice. “You know it’s not proper. A prince is a prince, and a maid is a maid. We’re in completely different worlds and you knew that when you told me you were a guard.”

Prince Daniel frowned as he looked down at her. Sadness coated his features and she wished she wasn’t the cause of it. She wished he really was a guard and it wouldn’t be wrong to call him a friend. “I’m sorry you feel that way. Doris.” He said quietly. Doris looked down at her hands again. She was sorry, too.

Daniel scratched the back of his head and glanced back at his guard before his light eyes landed on her again. “You know, the alpha king assigned Prince William to be the judge of your case. He thinks since it was his lady that was poisoned, he should be the one to decide what happens to you.”

ROLT to be the judge Doris W n’t sure while that should make her feel, but she didn’t feel completely hopeless. At least I wasn’t Prince Jack though perhaps Prince William hated her just as much. A chill ran through her. Would be be fair, or blindedi by revenge for his ex lover?’ He must have cared a lot for Melody. didn’t he? Did he believe she was capable of killing her own lady just because they didn’t get along? He witnessed what Melody did to her, perhaps he would believe it was possible.

But it wasn’t surely he had to

me that.

***Prince Martin and I are trying to find a way to get you out of here. We’ve been looking into who prepared the soup and anyone else that might have had access to it before you helped pass them out.” Doris flinched at his words, the quickly softened his tone. “We both know you didn’t do that, Doris, Prince Martin sid he was looking at you the entire time and didn’t see you once polson Melody’s bowl. We don’t know why Prince Jack is claiming it was you, perhaps he was just confused.”

“I don’t understand why he wouldn’t have stopped me if he said he did see me poison her.” Doris picked at her nails and started to pace her cell. She didn’t have much toom, it only took a few steps to walk between each wall. “I only switched the bowl because I thought someone had accidentally put something in Luna Queen’s bowl that she was allergic to. I didn’t think

Prince Daniel stepped in front of Doris and put his hands on her shoulders to still her. “I know your intentions were harmless. Doris. You didn’t mean to give her a bowl of poison, and I know for certain that you weren’t the one to put it in the bowl to begin with. Someone else must have had it out for


either Melody or Luna Ouren. Do you know anyone else that might have done something like this? A maid or a servant

“No! I know many other maids weren’t fond af Melody, but nobody hated her enough to kill her!” Doris took a breath a closed her eyes for a moment, Melody had more foes than friends, but none that Doris would suspect. As for Luna Queen, Doris didn’t know anything about her to even guess who might not like her. She supposed it was possible anyone might have it out for a royal, but no one would be ridiculous enough to harm her at her own birthday party-would they?

Her shoulders felt warm, Doris glanced at his guard who watched both of them like a hawk. She quickly stepped out of Prince Daniel’s hold, his hands dropped to his side as if defeated. She knew he meant no harm, but she couldn’t help but feel sad when she thought about the friendship they could have had if he

wasn’t a prince. It wasn’t time to think about something like that, they had much more important things to think about.

As for Prince Jack-Doris had never met him before the party. She’d heard of him, of course. But never had she crossed his path enough for him to dislike her or accuse her of something so serious. Did he truly think Doris slipped something into the bowl? In front of an entire crowd of people? Doris knew it didn’t make sense, she was alone with Melody all the time and not once had she thought about harming her

“I’m sure Martin and I can talk to William and try to reason with him.” Daniel took a step back and Scratched the back of his head again. “I know he can be a pain in the a

“I believe Prince William Doris said.

will bring me justice.”

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