Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 247

Chapter 247

#Chapter 37 Unusual objects

William's POV

Enzo was harder to track down than he should've been. He was breathless by the time William found him on the second floor by an old nursery. William grabbed his arm and hauled him into a random room.

"Nice to see you too!" Enzo said and straightened himself. William closed the door on his guards from following them in. It wasn't that he didn't trust them, he just had to be careful. It seemed everyone in the palace had started to look at him differently.

“What did you learn?" William asked. He didn't want to admit that he was relieved to have Enzo here. He always handled things with a sense of ease that not many people could have. Still, Enzo would never let him forget it if he did admit a horrible thing like that.

"The entire place is talking about you—and not in a flattering way. There's a different stream of gossip down every hallway you turn." Enzo leaned against the wal] and shoved his hands deep into his pockets. "Honestly, I regret staying away for so long. If I had known your palace has become so entertaining, we would have never left. u“

"Enzo. What sort of things are being said?" William asked impatiently. Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

"They think you're trying to sell the kingdom to those rulers you have visiting. Others heard that you are bringing in some... bad people to help decide things for your villages. As for the rest of the rumors... I think it would be best if you didn't hear those."

"I have to get them out of my palace." William muttered. "I don't know why it feels as if something worse has happened. I can't put my finger on it, it's more of a gut feeling."

"I feel it too. It's in the air." Enzo said in a serious tone. He pushed off the wall. "I already saw the rulers have their carriage packed. I assume they're on their way out."

"I need to make sure of that. 1 know they wanted to plant a poison in this palace." William headed for the door with Enzo on his heel. The halls always silenced when he walked through, but now he felt more eyes on him than normal.

Or maybe it was all in his head. It was better to be overly cautious than to be sorry about it later. The last time he had a bad feeling like this, Doris had almost been taken from him. He wouldn't let that happen again, even if he had to burn down their palace to prevent it.

"Where are our guests?" William asked one of his guards. The man straightened the moment he spoke up.

"They should be near the carriages by now if they haven't gone already, your majesty. They said they hope to depart before nightfall."

"Not even a proper goodbye? How rude." Enzo said and lifted his head slightly. Their strides were long and fast. By the time they reached the stables outside, the carriage was already out of the main gates.

William stood and watched them leave for a long moment. It still didn't feel right even knowing that they were almost gone from his kingdom. They left their mark, it stained everything they touched. "Check their rooms. Make sure they didn't leave anything behind." William ordered. "Yes sir." One of his guards bowed and moved to leave.

"Perhaps we should celebrate. I didn't think this visit would be so exciting." Enzo said as he clapped his hands together. William only didn't snap at him because he knew he was trying to keep things light even when they felt so heavy. | "No, I think we should have a look around ourselves actually." William said and turned to follow the guard up to their room.

"What do you expect they left? Some sort of dramatic letter that a lover might leave another?" "Have you ever been serious for longer than a moment?" William grumbled. He headed for Daemon's room first.

"Not longer, no. But I do try to attempt it oncein a while." Enzo followed William into the room. " What on earth would we be looking for in here? Every thing in this room looks as if it was someone else's—" They both froze when they noticed the box on the table.

It was addressed to Doris. "What the hell—" Enzo went to pick it up and open the box while William grabbed the letter. "All it says is that only she would understand." William said as his anger spiked through his veins. He grabbed the box out of Enzo's hands to see a white stone necklace inside.

"How strange. Why would he give Doris a necklace like this? Did he know she was a white wolf?" Enzo asked.

"Yeah, he has been following her out into the forest apparently." William growled.

"These necklaces are meant for white wolves. They help the power flow through them more smoothly and they're quite rare to come by. This necklace alone is worth more than half a village." William's brows furrowed. "If they're n debt, why wouldn't he just sell this to help? Why would he give it to Doris?"

"Perhaps we should ask her." Enzo suggested. William didn't bother to look around any further, he let his guards do that as he stormed out of the room. He could barely hear all of the nonsense that Enzo was spilling out as he trailed behind him.

Doris and Beth had their heads bent together in conversation when William entered. They both stood.

"Why would Daemon leave you this necklace?" William shoved it in her grasp a little more harshly than he intended. She looked at him shocked for a moment before opening the box. He saw pure confusion

on her face before a light went off. She went to the side of their bed and pulled out a book.

"What is that?" William grumbled. Alec was still sound asleep in his bed. It was a miracle that kid slept as much as he did even when his father lost his temper.

"It's a book on white wolves." Doris said absently as she flipped through it. Finally landing ona page with necklaces. "He left this for me?"

"Don't sound so touched." William snarled.

"I'm not touched, I'm confused." Doris took the necklace out of the box to study it as if she didn't believe it was real. "This is extremely rare..."

A sort of dazed look crossed her features. She glanced over at William. "I..." She quickly put the necklace back in the box. William went to her side and gripped her arm. "I don't think I should have touched that..."

"What's happening, Doris?"

"It's a horrible pull... it wants me to wear it." She whispered.

Enzo came and took the necklace far from her. She stared at it with a dark look as if she would have jumped across the room to get to it. William held her right where she was but it still didn't feel like enough.

"Enzo. Make sure there's nothing else like that in their rooms." William ordered. Enzo was watching Doris with a curious look before he bowed his head and turned to leave.

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