Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

#Chapter 17 Gossip kills

Doris hurried through the halls back t o their room. She wasn’t sure if William was going to take Alec out for a walk—but he had to tell him before he went into another meeting with those people. What if they had already started trying to sway his people in this palace to trust them? They had to be stopped before it got out of hand—

“My lady—is something wrong?” A guard asked as she passed him. Doris knew her face must have been in as much of a panic as she felt.

Doris slowed her steps and turned to smile at the guard. She couldn’t let the palace know that there was something to be worried about. Not yet at least. “I’m fine. I just have to talk to William about something. Is he in the room still?”

“Yes, my lady. He hasn’t left the room today yet. He ordered lunch—“

“Thank you.” Doris turned away and pushed inside her room.

William was lounging on the couch with Alec asleep on his chest. His head was propped up by his fist and he raised his chin a little when sheentered. A ghost of a smile touched his lips when he saw her. She swore she was about to melt from the sight. This was her little family—her beautiful family.

“We missed you.” He said when Doris closed the door behind her. She felt her heart skip a beat in her chest at his words. She sat next to him and ran her fingers through his messy hair. “TI shouldn’t have sent you away, we thought about you the whole time. I just thought Alec might have needed some alone time with me but I think we both prefer when you’re around.” “Oh yeah?” Doris smiled as her world started to shift back into place. Her worries started to melt and all her horrible thoughts sounded silly in this moment. William moved slightly to lay his head on her lap. “I missed both of you too. I always miss you when you’re away from me.”

“What did you do?” William asked with his eyes half closed. Doris suddenly wanted to talk about anything but the kingdom. She wanted to stay in this moment forever and hear the sound of his sleepy voice as they talked lazily about their days.

But she had to tell him—it wouldn’t be right to keep it from him for her own selfish reasons. Even if it meant wrecking this perfect moment that she had waited weeks for. It was more important.

“I went for a walk around the palace... Doris started. She traced his relaxed brow as he listened to her. “Hmm?” William closed his eyes when she brushed her fingers through his hair again. It was one of her favorite things to do and she didn’t think that would ever change. “I um... I heard something interesting on the walk.” Doris hesitated. “I was going towards the gardens and overheard the rulers from Eldon talking. They were talking about you.”

William stiffened a little under her touch. She looked down to see his eyes had opened a little. Already she knew he was on alert and she wondered if it was because of her tone.

“What were they discussing?” William asked.

“I,.. that’s what I came back here to talk to you about. I almost raced across the palace when I heard them.” Doris said. William sat up and put Alec in his crib before he focused on her. His blue eyes turned into a light storm as if it didn’t know how harsh the winds would be just yet.

“I didn’t hear everything, but it sounded like they were plotting to get on your good side so you would trust them.” Doris took a breath. William was deathly still as he watched her. “I... It didn’t sound good, it was almost cynical the way they were talking about you and it gave me a bad feeling”

“What else did they say?” “Something about how it was going to be hard because you’re strongwilled but worth it... They want to find your weakness and poke at it until you come undone. I think they’re going to try and come for your crown, William. I had chills just listening.”

William stood at once. Doris stood as well when he started to move across the room like a storm. He grabbed finer clothes and changed into them before he brushed out his messy hair into something neat. He only ever did that when he had to make a scene and wanted to look like a king.

“What are you going to do?” Doris asked.

“I’m going to confront them and get them out of my kingdom. I should have known—I should have been more careful.” He turned to her. “ Grab Alec, you are coming as well.” “Me?” Doris’s eyes grew wide. “ Wouldn’t this be royal matters—" “You’re coming. You heard them, not me. I don’t want to confront them without you at my side.”

Doris gently took Alec out of his crib and cradled him to her chest with a blanket before she followed William out the door. He was a force when he was angry. Hallways parted for him and not one person spoke a word when they saw his face. He went up to one of his guards who looked as if he wanted to blend into the wall.

“Take me to the rulers of Eldon. We have important matters to discuss that can’t wait.” William said.

“Yes sir.” The guard bowed before he led the way.

Doris felt hot suddenly. She wasn’t used to confrontation with strangers. Part of her wanted to stay in the room and hide from any sort of arguments that may arise from this.

They came to a stop at one of the large guest rooms in the west wing. The guard knocked on their behalf before he stepped away.

Doris glanced up at William to see hisjaw clenched tight. She wanted to kiss it and kiss him until it was all better and smooth again. She didn’t even notice the door had opened.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Your highness, we didn’t expect you.” King Sail said. He had a light smile to his face as if it was a good surprise to see the young king that looked as if he wanted to burn a hole through him.

William didn’t wait to be invited in, he walked right past the king and his guards and Doris followed.

“What do we owe the pleasure? We thought we weren’t set for another meeting until tomorrow.”

“I came here because my lady heard something peculiar while out on her walk.” William said. Queen Pearl stood from the couch and went to stand by her husband, Her face also held a light expression as she glanced between Doris and William.

“Oh?” King Sail said.

“Yes. She overheard both of you speaking about my kingdom. Tell me, was it your intention to come for my crown when you set out to visit? Or just when you realized it would be a fun challenge?”

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