Grand Epic Elemental

Chapter 16: The Musician

Six years ago…

The Palace Elder stood in King Xenon’s dimly lit chamber gripping the hems of his sleeves nervously. “Your Majesty, you have not eaten for two days…”

King Xenon sat in the shadows. His hair was untied and disheveled, and he was wrapped in a plain robe. Dark circles were under his eyes. “I wish to be left alone…”

“Your Majesty, forgive my insolence, but you cannot persist like this. Your health-”


The Palace Elder cowered at the outburst. Bowing deeply, he scurried away and closed the door.

King Xenon sighed heavily. He turned to the wall to gaze upon the mosaic of the late queen.

Amongst the palace attendants, there were many whispers.

The King is getting worse by the day…

He has been in mourning for far too long and is neglecting his duties…

Without strong leadership, the kingdom will fall apart…

The Palace Elder burst into the servants’ quarters. “Where is Izel?” he asked the few people in the room. “Have you seen him?”

“He should be tutoring His Highness the Crown Prince in the main courtyard,” one of the servants replied.

The Palace Elder made his way to the courtyard. He spotted two people sitting under the shade of a large tree.

Prince Thallios, who was fifteen at the time, daydreamed as his tutor Izel paced before him. Izel was a slender man in his early thirties. He had long dark brown hair tied in the back, straight bangs, and wore a plain doppi on his head. His chapan only extended to his knees and had a simple pattern, unlike the long intricately embroidered ones that the nobles wore. Underneath his chapan, he wore a cotton shirt and trousers, paired with nondescript shoes. His eyebrows were delicately curved and his brown eyes had a slight almond shape.

“Your Highness, please pay attention,” said Izel.

“Ah, can’t we learn something more fun?”

“History may not be the most exciting topic, but it is an essential part of your education. Someday, you will rule not only this kingdom but the entire Western Region.”

The Palace Elder approached them. “Izel, there you are!”

Izel turned. “What is it?”

Prince Thallios grinned. “If it’s something important, you can take care of that first.”

“Very well, Your Highness,” said Izel. “We’ll end here and resume tomorrow.”

Prince Thallios ran off gleefully. Izel shook his head and sighed. Turning to the Palace Elder, he asked, “Is something going on?”

“His Majesty is not well,” the Palace Elder replied.

“Oh? What has happened?”

“His Majesty has not eaten for the last two days and is in a terrible mood. He has been mourning the late Queen for the last five years and it is getting worse and worse by the day. He no longer comes out of his room.”

“Hmm, what would you like me to do? I hardly know His Majesty.”

“His Majesty enjoyed music back when the Queen was here. You are quite skilled at playing the barbat.”

“Oh, I play a little…”

“No need to be humble, I taught you how to play the barbat myself. I’ve heard you teaching His Highness the Crown Prince.”

“Ah yes, His Highness does like playing music. Far more than he enjoys learning history.”Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Perhaps you could play for His Majesty.”

“Me? But you are far better at it.”

“I am getting old and my hands are becoming unsteady. Besides, His Majesty is often furious with me since I keep imploring him to mind his health. He may be more receptive if it is someone else and the music may calm his moods.”

“Oh, I don’t know. What if he gets angry with me as well?”

“It is worth a try.”

“All right.”

King Xenon was lying in bed under a blanket when he heard a knock at the door.

“Your Majesty?” said the Palace Elder from outside.

“I told you to begone!” the king shouted.

Outside the door, the Palace Elder and Izel shuddered a bit.

“Your Majesty,” the Palace Elder continued nervously. “This humble servant has brought a musician to play for you.”

King Xenon sat up in his bed. “A musician?”

“Your Majesty enjoyed music very much before. And this musician is already instructing His Highness the Crown Prince.”

King Xenon sighed. “Very well, send the musician in. Let’s see if he is any good.”

The Palace Elder unlocked the door and opened it slowly. Izel stepped in cautiously carrying his barbat. The king remained in the shadows.

Izel bowed to the king. “Your Majesty…”

King Xenon regarded him with curiosity but said nothing. Izel looked around the room for a place to sit.

“You may sit there,” said King Xenon, pointing to a cushioned stool in the middle of the room. Izel walked over to the stool and slowly sat down.

“Proceed,” said the king.

Izel took a breath and began to play the barbat. His fingers danced on the strings stretched over the instrument’s neck while his other hand did the strumming. Intricate melodies filled the chamber. King Xenon rested his chin on his hand as he listened.

After Izel finished his song, he glanced at the king but tried not to stare too directly.

“What is your name, musician?”

“Your Majesty, this humble one is named Izel.”

“Izel? An interesting name. And you are teaching my son?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. I teach him music, art, calligraphy, history-”

“Heh, that much? Strange, I have never seen you before. Well, I suppose I would not have, since I hardly ever step out of this chamber. I have not seen my son much either…”

Izel blinked, unsure of how to respond. He chose the safety of silence.

“Your skills are decent. You may return tomorrow to play more songs.”

Izel’s eyes widened. “Many thanks, Your Majesty!” He bowed and exited the chamber.

In the hallway outside, the Palace Elder was waiting anxiously. “How did it go?”

“His Majesty said I could return tomorrow to play more songs.”

“Wonderful! We have something that can get through to him after all!”

The next day, the Palace Elder handed a tray to Izel. “When you go visit His Majesty to play music today, could you also bring this food? We need to make sure he eats.”

Izel took the tray. “I’ll try my best.” He then proceeded to make his way through the byzantine hallways to the king’s chamber.


Inside his chamber, King Xenon heard a knock at the door. “Who is there?”

“Your Majesty, it is Izel, the musician from yesterday.”

“Hmm, is it now?” I suppose you don’t have the key, the king thought, since he only granted access to his chamber to a very small number of trusted palace personnel. He walked to the door and unlocked it. “You may come in.”

Izel entered slowly, carrying the tray of food with his hands. His barbat was strapped to his back.

King Xenon frowned. “Did they send you to play music or force-feed me?”

Izel hesitated. “Both…Your Majesty.”

“Heh, well at least you’re straightforward.” He eyed the food on the tray. “How do I know they’re not trying to poison me?”

Izel was taken aback. Well, I suppose his suspicions are not entirely unreasonable, he thought. “Your Majesty, is this why you have not been eating?”

“Perhaps…but I have no appetite in general. Just play the music you were going to play…”

“Your Majesty…if I demonstrate that the food has not been poisoned, will you eat it?”

“How will you…are you going to be the food tester?”

“If Your Majesty wishes…”


“Your Majesty, if I taste the food and play music for you, and I am still alive at the end of my songs, will you eat?”

“Heh, you’re a bold one. Very well, you may proceed.”

Izel took a tiny bit from each of the dishes on the tray and ate. He looked up and saw the king staring back at him, so he quickly averted his gaze. After he was finished, he sat on the cushioned stool and began to play the barbat. He had chosen a new set of songs. The king sat down and listened.

Izel ended his last song. “Your Majesty, I am still alive, so you can enjoy your meal.”

King Xenon chuckled. He reached over, scooped up a spoonful of palov, and put it into his mouth. His eyes lit up. Since he had not eaten for days, the flavors of the fragrant rice dish were particularly enticing.

After he left the king’s chamber, Izel found the Palace Elder in one of the courtyards. He held the tray in his arms as he approached.

“Did you get His Majesty to eat?” the Palace Elder asked.

“Yes, but he had me act as the food tester first, to make sure he wouldn’t get poisoned.”

“Poisoned? My goodness, His Majesty thinks such dark thoughts. All of us want him to get better, so he can continue to rule.”

“Well, if you send over a tray tomorrow, please include extra utensils, in case I need to do the food tasting again.”

“Of course.”

From then on, Izel visited the king every day and acted as his food taster and personal musician. The king listened attentively as Izel played his barbat and slowly regained his appetite and strength.

About a week later, while Izel was preparing to begin a new round of songs, the king spoke up.


“Your Majesty?”

“Do you sing as well?”

“I can, Your Majesty.”

“May I hear you sing?”

Izel glanced at him briefly and then returned his eyes to his barbat. He took a deep breath and began to sing as he strummed the instrument. His voice had a beautifully melancholy quality. King Xenon felt shivers radiating all over his limbs and back.

Izel finished his song. He glanced over at the king.

“You have a good singing voice,” said the king.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Will you sing again tomorrow?”

“If Your Majesty wishes.”

Another week passed. One day, as Izel sang and played the barbat, King Xenon sat nearby and found himself imagining Queen Selenia dancing before him. She was radiant, the way she looked before she succumbed to her protracted illness. He smiled. As she finished twirling, a strand of hair fell in front of her face. He reached out, wanting to tuck it behind her ear.

“Your Majesty?” Izel’s voice interrupted him.

King Xenon paused, startled. He realized that, lost in his reveries, he had stood up and was now in front of Izel, his hand hovering inches away from the musician’s face. Izel was gripping his barbat, his eyes wide and his breathing tense.

“I’m sorry,” King Xenon managed to gasp out as he quickly retracted his hand. “I wasn’t trying to…I was just reminiscing about the Queen…I thought I saw her dancing before me…”

Izel turned around. The mosaic of the late queen stared back at both of them. Although made of small tiles, she seemed so life-like that it made Izel uneasy. Would staring at this for years make someone go mad? he thought.

“Queen Selenia will always be in my heart and no one can replace her,” said the king as he looked at the mosaic. “I miss her dearly. But I have been holding on for too long, letting everything fall into disarray…” He looked at Izel. “Your singing reminds me of her. In a way, it is helping me release the stranglehold that her memory has on me.”

“Your Majesty…I am glad that…I could be of help…” Izel said as he looked downward, still feeling a bit shaken.

“Izel, I…I apologize for my actions earlier. I do not want you to feel uncomfortable. You may leave if you want. If you no longer wish to return, I will understand…”

“Your Majesty…” Izel glanced at him one more time and bowed. He strapped the barbat to his back, took the tray with empty dishes, and left the chamber.

After the door shut, King Xenon locked it. He went over to his bed, sat down, and buried his face in his hands.

Izel walked down the hallway in a daze. He did not notice the Palace Elder approaching him.

“Izel?” asked the Palace Elder.

Izel nearly jumped. “Oh, it’s you…”

“Is something wrong?”

“Um…well…” Although no one else was around to hear, Izel leaned over to whisper what was on his mind into the Palace Elder’s ear.

“Oh…I see…” the Palace Elder replied. “I’m surprised he apologized to you, with him being the King and all. He’s never apologized to me.”

Izel looked downward, unsure of what to say next.

“Well, what do you wish to do?” asked the Palace Elder. “His Majesty’s spirits had been improving a lot lately. I hope this doesn’t undo all the progress.”

“I..I need some time to think…”

“Of course, take all the time you need.”

Izel had a routine of visiting the Palace Library when his daily duties were over. It was a quiet place that few ever set foot in. He would generally spend an hour there perusing the books before he had to leave for dinner.

This time, he skipped his evening meal. He had many volumes laid out on a table before him. As the night wore on, he read and read until he could read no more.

The next day, King Xenon sat alone in his chamber. His eyes were even more tired than usual since he had slept poorly during the night. His hair had returned to a disheveled state. He faced the wall, gazing at the image of the queen.

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.

“Who is there?”

Your Majesty, it is Izel, the musician.”

“Oh?” He got up, made his way over to the door, and unlocked it. “You may come in.”

Izel walked in slowly, barbat strapped to his back, his hands holding a tray of pastries.

“You…came back…” the king breathed.

Izel closed the door and set the tray down on a table. “Your Majesty…forgive my impudence, but there was something I wanted to ask…”

“Go ahead…”

“Your Majesty, was it the music you enjoyed, or was it…something else?”

King Xenon stared at him for a long silent moment.

Izel looked at the floor. “I’m sorry, Your Majesty, I shouldn’t have asked…forget what I just said-”

“Your music is beautiful,” the king cut in. “And…”

Izel glanced upwards.

“And you are beautiful,” said the king.

Izel gasped and his eyes widened. He averted them quickly and felt his face flush. “Your Majesty…”

“I was sad for a very long time after the Queen passed away, but my spirits have been uplifted ever since you started playing music for me.”

“Oh…” Izel began to bow. “Your Majesty, I am glad that I am able to make you happy.”

King Xenon reached over and put his hands on Izel’s shoulders to stop him from bowing. “No need to bow to me.”

Izel looked at him, confused.

“It’s all right, you don’t need to be so formal with me anymore.”

“Your Majesty?”

King Xenon smiled and let go of Izel’s shoulders. He began to walk around the room. “You said that you are teaching history to my son?”

“Yes, I am trying. His Highness the Crown Prince prefers to read about ancient legends and fanciful tales rather than historical records.”

The king chuckled. “Ah, I remember being that age. How about you bring some of those history books next time you come?”

“Your Majesty?”

“I’d like to hear you read them.”

“As you wish, Your Majesty.”

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