Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Jasmine And Her Bullies – Chapter 16


It’s been over two weeks since the festival, and Noah apologized for abandoning me at the festival.

He blamed it on having mood swings and not liking the fact that I was dancing with Ethan and his brothers.

I also apologized to him and told him that it was not intentional, as I too was surprised that I was in their midst when I opened my eyes during the Luna dance.

We have been cool ever since and this morning while we were in class, he invited me over to his apartment.

It was our one-month anniversary, and he said he had something planned for us. I excitedly accepted that I wanted to spend more time with him.

I had a hard time trying to figure out what to wear, but with time, I decided to go with a fitted long black dress that had a slit that reached my thigh.

I sighed as I stood at the door to Noah’s apartment, my heart thumping hard with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty.

I was excited about having to spend the evening alone with him but also was uncertain of how the evening was going to end.

I mean, I knew I liked Noah a lot and wanted to always be around him, but I have noticed over time that there wasn’t much s****l tension between us.

And I fear this evening might not end the way it was supposed to.

Pulling myself together, I knocked on his door and waited for a response, but none came.

I knocked again and still got no response, and I was honestly wondering if he had forgotten our plans for this evening.

I was about to knock on the door for the third time when the door opened followed by the explosive sound of colorful ribbons and shimmers filling the air.

“Happy anniversary babe,” Noah had said with a bright smile on his face.

“Thanks” I responded with a warm smile, as I was too lost for words to describe how special that moment felt for me.

I watched the colorful ribbons flying in the air, and it gave me this warm feeling of being welcomed.

Maybe I was wrong earlier when I said nothing might happen between Noah and me. I mean, I was already very excited by this little gesture of his. I wonder what could happen next.

Noah said no word, he moved closer to me and stretched out his hand with a big smile on his face.

I took it right away and he led me into his apartment and closed the door.

He led me to the cushion chair where I took a sit, on the table was wine and lots of snacks, the night was about to get interesting.

“I will be right back,” he stated and excused himself.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

For the minutes he was gone, I looked around, admiring the decorations he had done and the plan he had made for this night.

Aside from the few ballots on the floor, his apartment was the same as every normal guy, only that he seem to have a thing for the color black. As most of his furniture, curtains, and electronics came in that shade.

Another thing was how he arranged his apartment, everything seem to just be in its right place.

He came back minutes later with his hand behind his back, I believed he was holding something, probably a gift for me.

He got to me and took a sit right beside me, his hands still at his back

“We’ve been together for a month now, and I must say that it has been the best moment of my life,” Noah began, maintaining eye contact with me, “it’s been such a great time with you, and I hope that it continues this way. Your presence has added so many positivity to my life, and each day I want to do better for you,” he added and kissed my forehead softly.

I had anticipated our anniversary so much, and this felt perfect, one of the best days of my life.

“I want to be with you forever, never to separate, if only you will let me,” he said, intensely gazing into my eyes.

I nodded immediately, I had imagined being with him and spending the rest of my life with him. He made me so happy and I most times forget who I am whenever I am with him. I felt he understood me more than anybody else and I was always happy to be around him.

Noah to me was the perfect gentleman who would go out of his way to make his woman very happy and comfortable.

Unlike my three mates, who took delight in teasing and pranking stupid childish pranks on me.

“I love you so much, Jasmine, and I can’t imagine my life without you,” he stated with a big smile on his face.

I smiled, “I love you too, Noah, and I do not think I can live a moment without you.” I answered.

He finally handed over what he had been hiding since it was a flower bouquet.

I took it from him with a wide grin on my face, I was very happy, and I couldn’t wait to see what more would happen that night. I was already getting butterflies in my belly.

He brought out a small box and opened it, it contained a beautiful necklace.

“I do not know what else to give you, Jasmine, you are so precious that no gift in this world can express how much I love you and how much you mean to me,” he said and stood up, and walked to stand behind me.

“But this is a token of my love for you, and I hope you remember me whenever you look at this necklace,” he said as he unhooked the necklace.

He gently placed it around my neck, while I pushed my hair to the side to give him enough space.

I held the necklace and smiled when I saw that it had the initials of both the first letters of our names as the pendant.

“Thank you, Noah.” I mumbled, feeling a bit awkward that I had nothing to give him in return for the gifts he had given me, “I…I’m sorry Noah, but I didn’t prepare any gift for you, and I…” I was saying this when he interrupted me.

“Shh..”He placed a finger on my lips and took his seat beside me.

“You do not have to be sorry, your presence in my life is enough for me, that is one gift which I can never replace.” He stated and held my hands, “Just stay with me, Jasmine, I do not want anything else,” he added and softly kissed my hands.

I chuckled and nodded, I was too happy to speak. Noah was such a gentleman and I couldn’t stop gushing over him.

He pulled me closer to himself, “you want to see a movie?” he asked.

“Yes,” I responded, excitedly.

He switched the lights off and picked up the remote control, he played a movie which we both sat quietly to watch.

As we watched the movie, my mind raced through different thoughts. Despite my excitement, there was this little voice asking me if I was doing the right thing.

I couldn’t believe that I already knew who my real mates were, but I still wanted to be with Noah.

He had been so good to me, and he had come through for me many times, especially when the three brothers who turned out to be my mates taunt me.

Noah was always there for me.

He was the one I wanted to be with, and I was ready to fight any ill fate and resist every mate bond to see that happen, I wanted to be with Noah, and no one else.

As we kept watching the movie, I could feel the tension between us growing, and I could tell he was feeling it the most.

Slowly Noah’s hand trailed through my thigh, sending cold shivers down my body.

I turned to him and our eyes locked, he stared at me like he was looking through me. He leaned closer, his hot breath on my face sending goosebumps on my skin.

His head hovered right above mine as he cupped my face and smiled before locking my lips up with his.

I closed my eyes, my hands finding their way to his back and moving to and fro.

With our lips still locked up, Noah’s hand finds its way to my h**s, caressing and leaving a trace of his touch on my body.

But, I couldn’t get that scene off my head. It had been two weeks since I was compelled to watch Ethan, Calix, and Zane undress before me, and somehow, that scene has attached itself to my brain.

Now, I was in the middle of a make-out session with Noah, and all I could think about was my mates and how sexy they looked without their shirts on.

I couldn’t deny it; I wished they were the ones I was making out with, I wished they were the ones touching and exploring my whole body just like Noah was doing.

I wondered what it would be like to be with all three of them. Thinking of it made my cheeks flush.

I had been avoiding the three brothers since the festival, thinking that it would help me get over them, but I was very wrong.

My thoughts were disrupted when Noah’s hand went into my dress and was dangerously close to my warm core.

I subconsciously grabbed his hand and shook my head, stopping him from going any further.

His face dropped, and I could see a slight frown and anger radiating from him.

“Why?” He asked, “What is it, Jasmine?” he asked, his voice laced with undeniable l**t.

“I… I’m just not ready for that yet,” I murmured.

“I don’t understand, how come you’re not ready? We’ve been together for a month now, and we’re yet to become intimate. What is it?” He questioned, with his dizzy eyes on me. “I thought you said you love me or is that a lie? Do you not love me? Or do you have a mate?” he added before I could respond to his first question.

I shook my head and held his hand, “No, Noah, you’re misunderstanding me.”

“What is it that I’m misunderstanding, Jasmine? Is it the fact that you don’t love me and you’re just pretending to be in love with me?” he questioned and I noticed a bit of controlled anger in his voice.

“No, that’s not true,” I cupped his face, “I do love you, I love you so much, but I just want us to take things slow. It will be better for both of us that way,” I murmured, but I knew deep down that it wasn’t the real reason.

I hadn’t stopped Noah because I wanted us to take things slow. I had stopped him because I wasn’t feeling a strong connection with him like I thought I would.

All I could think about whenever he touched me was the three brothers. They were all I could see whenever I closed my eyes, not Noah.

I still believed that with time I would come to love him, and I was not ready to lose him. He was the only friend I had aside from Mia.

“I just want us to take things slow, Noah. I do love you,” I mumbled.

He sighed and held my hands, “I’m sorry for acting that way, and I promise I won’t pressure you about this until you’re ready.” he said, his voice a little soothing now.

I smiled and cuddled into his arms.

“Thank you,” I murmured as we both resumed watching the movie.

My mind was still racing through thoughts of how I was going to cope with this. I was in love with Noah and I wanted to be with him, but I felt no sort of s****l connection with him.

The three brothers were the ones I felt a connection with; my mates.

I didn’t know what to do about that. I wanted to be with Noah, but there was no bond between us.

I was still lost in thought when the loud sound ringing tone of my phone jolted me back to reality.

I reached into my bag and picked up the phone to see that it was Mia.

“Hey, Mia,” I said, holding the phone to my ear.

“Jasmine! Where are you? I have been looking for you,” she said, her voice, sounding a lot like she was worried and sad at the same time.

“Hey, Mia, I am not in school, I am with Noah off campus,” I said to Mia.

I noticed a little hesitation in her voice the moment I mentioned Noah, but she nevertheless went ahead to say.

“You have to come to school immediately,” The call dropped as soon as she said that.

What could be wrong with Mia? I wondered.

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