Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Chapter 73

Third-Person Narrative.

The schwing sound of swords being drawn by the silver pack warriors cut through the night while they trained and prepared themselves for battle.

There were hundreds of tenths built all over the borders with a big campfire that provided warmth and light to the warriors while they trained.

The moon was exceptionally bright on this night as the warriors gave their all to train for the impending war.

Denver was busy training some recruits on how to fight with a sword, while Derrick was busy teaching the other set the act of self-defense and the art of archery.

Even though Derrick never got to use his bow and arrow during a fight, he still was one of the best Archers the pack could boast of.

The two brothers have been in the field all day ensuring that all their men were all equipped to go into the war as they hope to not have too much of casualties.

Denver, who has had more battle experience, was going out of his way to make sure that nothing went wrong.

The effect of losing men who had fought alongside him in the past had taken a toll on him, and he only recently started learning to deal with it.

The whistle blows for the men to take their twenty-minute break, which enables them to drink water or eat a little food to energize them.

Derrick walked over to his tenth to pick up two bottles of water and, after which walked over to where Denver was to hand over one to him.

“Thanks,” Denver said as he opened the bottle to have a few gulps while his eyes roamed around the various groups of warriors.

“Have you seen Devon?” He asked Derrick who also seemed to be just noticing his younger brother’s absence from the training.

“No. I don’t think he is back from the house,” Derrick said dismissively.

“It’s been over three hours,” Denver stated, his voice tinged with concern.

“I’m certain, he should be on his way back, or perhaps he may have slept off,” Derrick said.

Denver, in his usual way of wanting to make sure his little brother was safe, immediately tried sending a mind link to Devon but noticed he was not responding.

Just then, Derrick sees Devon coming from behind Denver.

“Here he is,” Derrick said to Denver, who immediately turns to see the grinning, fully refreshed Devon wearing a pleased smile on his face.

As soon as he got to where his brothers were, they immediately pick Gina’s scent on him but pretended not to have noticed.

“Where have you been?” Denver questioned him while feigning anger.

“Home, I went to check on our mate and to make sure she is *clears throat* fine, as you asked me to,” Devon said, unable to contain his excitement.

Denver and Derrick exchanged a knowing look and before Devon could tell what they had in mind, they had both playfully lifted him off the ground.

“You lucky bastard, men are out here working their a*s off, and you had the time to go and be f*****g our mate,” Derrick said as they playfully carried Devon around while he struggled to break free from them.

Their playful actions generated laughter among the warriors who were watching them from a distance.

“Hey, I was just making sure she was fine,” Devon said with a hearty chuckle.

They finally let go of Devon after some time, and they all shared heartfelt laughter, while they sat around a small campfire outside one of their tenths.

“God! I miss her so much,” Denver subconsciously said, after some time.

“Me too. Let’s just hope that this punk a*s gave her something worthwhile to hold on to,” Derrick said, playfully roughing Devon’s hair with one hand.

“Oh, you can count on that. And as for you guys missing her, I think she misses us more than we do her. I mean, she was practically dressed beautifully and was coming to check up on us when I got to the house,” Devon said as if reliving the scene where he saw Gina leaving her room.

“And you had to stop her from coming?” Derrick questioned.

“Well, I knew you both would be upset to see her, so I decided to keep her company for a while, you know,” he said, blinking knowing signs to his brothers.

“Oh yeah, I am so jealous right now,” Derrick said

“Oh you shouldn’t be, I mean, I made you guys proud,” Devon said.

“Motherfucker,” Denver said with mild chuckles.

“I can’t wait for everything to be over, hopefully, I am still here to spend every moment with her,” Derrick said thoughtfully.

“You are not going anywhere little bro, if anyone has to die, then it should be me. I mean, I was a few seconds ahead of you both. So if anyone should not make it out alive? It should be me” Denver said, unable to conceal the fear in his heart.

“You both should stop this, nobody is going to die. When we go out there to fight, we should remember that aside from fighting for honor, we are also fighting to stay alive for Gina. She loves us very much, and it would destroy her if one of us is found missing at the end of the war,” Devon said.

And somehow his words slowly sank into his brother’s heart as they all kept quiet for a little while.

Soon the whistle was blown again, an indication that the break time was over. The three brothers got up and were heading toward their various sections when the security alarm went off.



The warriors screamed as they all quickly harmed themselves with various weapons and stood in their various attack positions.

The triplet brothers drew their swords and marched to the frontline to see who the uninvited guests were

The closer the group got closer to where they were, the sooner they realized that they were rogues.

At first, they could barely make out the number of rogues that were heading their way, but as the leader of the group got closer to where they were, they could pick up a familiar scent.

The brothers exchanged looks as they wondered where they must have picked that scent before. Well, they didn’t have to wait long, as one of the rogues blew up a blue color firework that indicated that they came for peace.

The tension between the silver moon pack warriors lightens a little, but the misery of whom this rogue pack was and what they wanted still kept them edgy.

The rogues soon stopped in their tracks, leaving their leader with two others with him to continue marching forward.

The triplets also decided to do the same, as they took steps to meet them in the middle.

On getting to the middle, they discovered that it was none other than Samuel.

“Samuel?” Denver questioned out of surprise.

“Yes, alpha Denver, it’s me, and this is my mate Rebecca and my Beta, Zion. We heard you might need a few extra hands in the battle, so we came with about three hundred men to join you to win this war,” he said to the triplet brothers.

The triplet brothers were truly surprised to see him, as they kept wondering what the hell happened to him.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

How did he go from a weak omega to an all-powerful alpha with hundreds of men at his command?

“What the hell happened to you,” Devon, who couldn’t keep to himself any longer, asked.

“Well, I guessed life happened,” Samuel said with a mild smile.

“You are welcome to join us, and we truly appreciate your kind gesture,” Denver said as he brought out his hand for a handshake, which was well received by Samuel.

Samuel’s men soon joined the silver moon pack warriors, while the alphas decided to catch up on old times.

“We will have a few of our men alongside Devon take your mate to the palace,” Denver said to Samuel as soon as he was alone.

“Hopefully, she listens to you, Samuel said to him with a smile.

“What happened to you?” Denver’s curiosity questioned.

“I honestly can’t say for sure, one minute I was trying to run away from the pack after you and your brothers sent me away. And the next minutes, I was called an Alpha, and here I am,” Samuel said casually.

“I am sorry about what happened that night,” Denver said.

“You must be kidding me, you guys saved me. I mean, considering the allegations that were levied against me, I thought I was going to die. The fact that I am alive today is thanks to you guys, and I am forever indebted to you,” Samuel said with all sincerity.

“We knew something wasn’t right, even we couldn’t exactly say what it was. You can imagine our surprise when we found out that you were Gwen’s mate. It must have been tough on you that period,”

“Yeah, she was one desperate b***h, it’s sad what happened to her though,” he said, letting out a deep sigh.

“I guess what people say is true then, karma is a b***h,” Denver said and the mild laughter from Rebecca directed his attention to her.

“Your mate, she is beautiful. But honestly, I would never have guessed you would be attracted to a red-headed girl. Because you were always calm and quiet,” Denver said to him.

“It is astonishing what our hearts are drawn to, I mean, look at you guys, all mated to the girl that you almost killed for daring to lift her hand against your mistress,” Samuel said.

“Life can be mysterious sometimes, but that is what makes it all interesting,” Denver said to him.

“Your mate has to go to the palace, she is pregnant, and she is not safe out here,” Denver said to Samuel after some moment of quietness.

“I will be more than happy if she listens to you. She is f*****g stubborn, not that I would want her any other way, though,” Samuel said, as his eyes connected with that of his mate.

“If you don’t mind, I would like to speak with her, and make her see reasons why she should be home and waiting for you to return,” Denver said to Samuel.

“Sure,” Samuel said with a shrug.

Denver purposefully walked slowly towards Rebecca while keeping his face as straight as he could. While Samuel tagged along slowly behind him.

“Hi, I truly appreciate you coming to support us in these trying times, and also, thanks, for taking good care of him. He is looking far better than he was when he left our pack,” Denver said to Rebecca, who was a little indecisive about how to feel about the all-powerful Denver, she had heard her mate talk about.

She could certainly feel his domineering aura, and being someone who has never really been afraid of anyone, she found herself almost cowering at the sight of him.

“Please, if you don’t mind, your presence is causing a little distraction for your mate, and he thinks that his heart would be more at rest if you and your pup are safe in the palace. Where I am sure you will get the princess’s care you deserve,” Denver continued.

“I am no princess,” Rebecca said firmly, directing her eyes to her mate, who was pretending not to know what was happening.

“You are his princess, and now you are our responsibility. Moreover, I think he will fight better when he knows his mate and his pup are somewhere safe and awaiting his safe return,” Denver said to her.

Rebecca nodded in agreement as her eyes instinctively went to that of her mate again.

“Thank you, my brother will see to it that you arrive at the palace safely,” he said to her.

After this, he went to join his brothers, while also creating an atmosphere for Samuel and his mate to bid their goodbyes.

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