Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Chapter 43

Third-person narrative.

“I want that slave that dared to cast his lustful eyes on my daughter beheaded this minute,” Gwen’s father said in rage as soon as the pack elders were gathered and waiting for the arrival of the alpha king.

Lucas Amel had earlier been told by his daughter that the only way to silence Samuel forever was for him to try to get the death penalty passed on him.

So, when he heard that the alpha king had called for a meeting, he quickly sent out gifts to the pack elders to raise their voices in his favor when they got to the palace.

“It is an abomination!” one of the elders said.

“He must be beheaded,” another elder added.

Hearing them speak with so much confidence gave Lucas Amel the confidence that by the time the meeting ended, Samuel’s head was going to be on the chopping board.

When the alpha king arrived, everyone stood up and sat down only after the alpha was seated.

“I am sorry to have kept everyone waiting. Now to the matter at hand.

I have been told that the triplet’s mate was sexually assaulted by the head of my royal servants. The servant in question has been held in the dungeon, and I have left his fate to my sons, and I am sure they would mellow out the right punishment for him,” the alpha said to the elders, who nodded their heads supporting what the king had said.Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

Lucas Amel looked at the elders and wondered why a sudden silence had fallen on everyone around him.

Well, if they were not going to say anything in his defense, he was going to speak for himself.

“So that bastard would be given the chance to breathe in the same air after what he has done? I am sorry, my alpha, but I do not agree with your decision. What message are we trying to put across to his fellow omegas? How dare an ordinary omega cast a lustful eye on his royal mistress? This is a taboo, and he must be beheaded to teach others a lesson,” he ranted, also mining the tone in which he spoke to the alpha.

“I can understand how you feel, my friend, but I can assure you that justice will be served. I have decided that some of the decisions that will be made from now on will be done by my children; this is to enable my sons to master the act of rulership before they or one of them ascends the throne. I will try as much as possible not to influence their decisions, and I also do not expect anyone to try to influence them too,” the alpha said to him while also addressing his pack elders.

Even though Lucas Amel was still apprehensive, he knew better not to push the matter any further. He had decided that if the alpha did not kill Samuel before the end of that day, he was going to take care of it himself.

There was no way he was going to allow an ordinary omega to sabotage his and his beloved daughter’s reputation.

What was even pissing him off was the sudden silence of the elders, he had given his precious jewelry to get their support.

“Now to a more pressing issue at hand: the pack has been experiencing some hiccups in the past few weeks. First, it was the attack, and now one of our palace maids has died due to a mysterious food poisoning. Can anyone tell me what is happening and why we are experiencing the sudden attacks?” the alpha questioned his pack elders.

“With due respect, my alpha, I would suggest that the guards tighten up their security on our pack borders to avoid these types of sad events from recurring, one of the elders said.

“And if I may add, the royal house should henceforth be vigilant about who brings gifts to the royal house. And those gifts should be thoroughly checked before being taken,” another added.

After carefully listening to his elder’s talk, the alpha couldn’t help but notice his friend’s silent agitations, his expressions, and the fact that his body was looking bothered like he had something to say.

“You seem to have something you want to contribute, my friend; why not say it?” the alpha urged his beta.

“Thank you, my alpha; I don’t understand why everyone appears to be afraid to say the right thing. The question we should be asking is not Why are we having these attacks,” but When did we start having these attacks?” My alpha, in case you haven’t noticed, the attack the entire pack suffered from and this mysterious food poisoning all started when one bad egg entered our midst. So, are we ignoring the fact that this is connected to one person? Is this not a clear sign that the moon goddess might be angry that the triplets have not been mated to the one she originally said should be to them?” He said.

Some elders seemed to agree with him, as they nodded their heads in support.

The alpha was about to address his elder when one of the palace guards entered the chambers to notify the alpha of the arrival of his chief priest.

The alpha king tells the guard to let the chief priest into the chambers, and within seconds he was standing before the alpha.

“Greetings, my alpha,” the chief priest said.

“You are welcome. What is the goddess saying? The alpha king asked his chief priest, who had paid a courtesy visit to the palace,

“No day goes by without me trying to appeal to the goddess, but she has yet to say anything regarding the triplets and their mates. But last night, while I slept, I saw an evil gathering plotting tribulations against our pack, and a voice told me that they would succeed if the triplets were mated to the wrong mate. I will suggest that the triplets be mated to their rightful mate soonest because a wrong mate seated on the throne will bring nothing but impending doom to us all,” the chief priest said to the alpha and the others seated with him.

“But how do we know the right mate between the two women involved?” the alpha king questioned.

“With due respect, my alpha, we were all here when the prophecy first came that my daughter was going to be the mate of the triplets, so if anyone should be mated to the triplets, it should be my daughter,” Lucas Amel said.

“He is right; the triplets should be mated to his daughter,” said one of the elders of the pack.

“Then what happens to the slave girl whom the triplets claimed?” another elder asked.

“She should be banished from this pack as it is evident to us all that she used magic on the triplets, or how else can we explain the rotten apples found in her possession?” Lucas ranted.

“I have heard what you all have said, but just to remind us again that magic does not work on any member of the royal household. Yes, the rotten apples were indeed found in my triplet’s claimed mate’s possession, but I have been told she also almost took a bite from the apple herself. I can understand the insecurity and fear in everyone’s mind. So, I beg for a little patience while we decide what’s best for our children and our pack,” the alpha king said.

“Since it has gotten to this, I will have to perform some old rituals on both women to determine who should be our next Luna,” the chief priest said.

Everyone seems to agree with his decision, except Gwen’s father, who felt insulted at the thought that his beloved daughter had been reduced to a commoner by being asked to compete for the Luna position with an omega.

Notwithstanding, if there was going to be any competition, he was going to make sure that his daughter was the competitor.


“I am not convinced that he did it,” Gina, who was still saddened by the death of her maid, said to Denver.

She was sitting on the bed, while Denver stood at the entrance of the room, resting his back on the door.

Denver had just finished having a meeting with his father, and according to what they discussed, if Samuel was truly found guilty of the accusations, he would be executed.

While his brothers had gone to run errands for their father, he decided to use that time to come and see Gina.

He always likes moments when he has to spend some personal time with her. But with the recent sad event of her maid, he has not had that personal time because his brothers are always around.

He has been bothered by the fact that someone was out to get Gina; first, it was the attack, and now the bad apples.

“What makes you so certain that he wouldn’t have done it?” Denver asked as he walked further into the room and sat on the edge of the bed.

“I don’t know; he just doesn’t look the way I want him to,” she said, trying to wrap her head around the whole situation.

Samuel seemed like a nice guy when she used to walk under him. He was always quiet and kind of shy; he didn’t look like someone who would want to force himself on a woman.

“s*x predators don’t usually look for a path until they are caught,” Denver told her.

“So do you believe he did it?” she questioned.

“I am not sure of what I believe,” he said, as he started stroking her legs.

The sparks from their body contact heightened the tension between them, as the room suddenly seemed to feel warmer.

Gina’s eyes lingered on his fingers gently stroking her feet as she tried to keep her emotions in check.

“So you are just going to let him die, even if he might be innocent?” she questioned.

“What would you want me to do?” he questioned, intensifying the pressure with which he was stroking her feet.

It was obvious that Gina liked the soft massage, as she was starting to get a little extra warmth from his teases.

“Help him when you still can,” she said, swallowing hard on her saliva.

“I will speak with him, but I am not promising anything; moreover, I am not comfortable with him around you. He would have been dead if he tried that s**t with you,” Denver said, holding her and slowly massaging her feet.

“Why would he want to do that?” she questioned, a little confused about why he was bringing her up.

“I know he likes you; I see the way he looks at you. I will do my best to save him this time because, honestly, I don’t believe any sh*t coming out of Gwen’s mouth. I have been told by some of Gwen’s maids that this wouldn’t be the first time that he would be in her room. But if he or anyone ever tries that s**t with you, I will kill him myself, so please don’t give me a reason; stay the f**k away from him,” he said, slowly lifting his eyes to gaze upon her beautiful eyes.

“I am sure you wouldn’t have a reason to kill anyone,” she said, with her eyes sexily dimmed and her face moving closer to him until her lips touched his already waiting lips.

There was an instant spark of caged emotions they both wanted to unleash as their lips fought for dominance.

Being with her made him feel alive in the same way she felt around him.

“I am scared,” she murmured when she broke their silence for a second to stare into his eyes.

“What are you afraid of?” He inquired, searching her eyes for answers.

“What if I fail during the Luna ritual?” she questioned.

“Honestly, I am not bothered by that s**t; I don’t believe in it. I don’t know about my brothers, but the only time I will not be with you is if you decide not to be with me,” he said, taking possession of her lips before she could ask any further questions.

One thing led to another, and before you knew it, they were on each other, making out heavily on the bed. Oblivious to the fact that they were being watched by Devon, who had just walked into the room.

Seeing them together made him angry. He has noticed over time that Gina pays more attention to Denver than she does to him, and he felt he had to do something about that.

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