Four or Dead by G O A

Chapter 83

Four or Dead

Chapter 83


When we pull up to Devaro's main building I spot our guys parked and waiting for us out front. Wyatt parks alongside them and one of the

guys steps up and opens the door for me

"Boss." He says nodding his head at me

"Axel. How many are with you?" I ask accepting his hand and climbing

out of the car

"Fifty here and another waiting for your orders

He says

"And the others?" I ask him

"Moved to the garage for now, but they are all ready to roll out if need be." He reports and I feel a sense of relief

The crew was safe for now, and that was my biggest worry after what

happened with the Angels

"Okay," I say and the guys gather around me ready to hear my orders

"We are going up against some tough Russians and some of your old crew, so if you have any reason you can't put history aside and go up

against some of your old pals tell me now."

Chapter 83

I glance around at my guys and not a single one moves to accept my offer. I can't help but smile at their loyalty even though our crew is still so young

"Great. Now we are here to assist The Angels, but you are my crew so I want you to look after each other. No offense to Devaro and his men, but this is their mess, not ours. So if you need to haul ass at any time, grab your brothers and get the hell out. I won't lose any of you guys if I can help it." They nod their agreement and I turn my attention back to Axel. "Were you able to get the other things I asked for?" \'*Contentt bel0ngs to N0ve/lDrâ/ma.O(r)g!

"Yes, boss. The best they had. With how scarce the police presence has been recently I doubt they'll miss them." He smirks proudly and I shake my head

I'm not proud of stealing from the police but Axel is right. The crews around here have been at each other for months with no police presence or help. Devaro's crew complex was burned down and still nothing. So, if they don't plan on getting involved we were going to take advantage of their gear

"Make sure every one of our guys gets a vest and keep it hidden

Unfortunately, we don't have enough to go around and I need you guys alive. When this is all over we have big plans for this city and we need to make it through this without any loss. Got it?" I say firmly

"Yes, boss!" They cry out in unison

"Good. Let's head in." I say turning toward the entrance of the building

Chapter 83

"Hang on," Wyatt says and I turn to see him open the back passenger door and pull something out

He walks over to me with a pile of dark fabric in his hands

"What's this?" I ask when he hands one over to me

I unfold what I now realize is a leather jacket of some kind. It's nice I must say but I don't understand why I would need it right now

Wyatt chuckles at the confused expression on my face. "Turn it over." He

says and I do

A gasp escapes my mouth when I see the beautiful design on the back

A firey bird in midflight embroidered on the back with the words, "The Phoenixes" written above the image. I')

"Wyatt," I say in disbelief and when I look up at him he is slipping a similar jacket on

The movement around me has me looking at the other crew members as they too pull on matching jackets

"What is this? I mean I know what it is but why?" I ask

"Every crew needs a name," Wyatt says shrugging

"I guess but why this name?" I ask him

"You have been through hell and came out a stronger person with her

Chapter 83

own army. You are the definition of a Pheonix, and we will follow you through hell and back." The guys all whoop at his words and I feel this intense urge to cry. \')

"Wow, I don't know what to say. It's amazing." I can't help myself when I walk toward him and pull him down and kiss the hell out of him

"So I guess that means you like it." He says when I pull back and rest my forehead against his

I laugh. "Yeah, I really do."

"Let's go give them hell huh?" He says

"Let's give them hell," I repeat pulling my jacket on and shaking it off until it's laying firm against my shoulders

I never thought a piece of clothing could feel so much like armor, but now I know this jacket is exactly that. I glance down and notice on the upper arm of the jacket there is a red crown sown in. \I)

"Every queen has a crown," Wyatt says with a wink before walking ahead and pulling the door open for me..*

I smile at him as I pass through and he throws me a playful wink. My crew follows me inside with Wyatt at their back and all eyes turn to us

as we enter

Take good look boys, there is a new queen in town. I'

Chapter 83

Just a heads up: NovelDrama.Org is the only place to read the complete version of this book for free. Don't miss out on the next chapter-visit us now and continue your journey!


"Where is she? Do you think something happened?" Leo asks pacing around my dad's office

"Chill man, she had her own crew to get together remember?" Logan reminds him

"Right. Yeah." Leo says stopping and dropping into the nearest couch

The door to the office opens suddenly opens and Tony walks in. "She's here." He says with a smile on his face

He steps inside and our girl walks in like a blaze of fire. She's pulled her hair back into a ponytail and is sporting a leather jacket that looks damn good on her

"Emma." My dad says with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Devaro." She says nodding her head before turning slightly. "I got your backup, where do you need us?"

Dad laughs and comes around his desk to look over Emma's men. There are too many of them to fit in the office so a ton of them are waiting just outside the door

"They can follow my men to the northeast side," Dad says

The men start to move but Emma holds up a hand and they all stop

Chapter 83

"I want to make one thing clear right off the bat. These are my men, and their lives are in my hands. I already instructed them to look out for each other and I'm telling you now. We'll help you but I won't let my men die because of a war that

has nothing to do with us. You started this mess and I won't let my men die because of it. No offense. So we'll help you but if things go bad my men are instructed to get out

Understood?" She says raising a brow at my dad and I swear I felt that below the belt

Our girl was hot like this

Dad laughs. "Wow, things sure have taken a turn."

"Adapt to survive. Isn't that what they say?" She throws back and dad chuckles at that too

"Absolutely. I accept your terms. You're right, this is our mess and we appreciate your help." I think if I was anyone else my mouth would have dropped open like those old cartoon characters. I"

My dad just thanked her for her help. That is not like him at all, but this is Emma. She isn't just anyone, she's family. \'

"Alright." She turns to her guys and lowers her head at them

They all turn to follow Tony out and once they clear the room Wyatt walks in

"Well, who do we have here?" Dad asks looking him over

Chapter 83

"This is Wyatt. He's one of mine." Emma replies and I glance at my friends and see that Logan has a smirk on his face

Wyatt steps up beside her and wraps his arm around her waist and that seems to be the clue dad needs. \*)

Just a heads up: NovelDrama.Org is the only place to read the complete version of this book for free. Don't miss out on the next chapter-visit us now and continue your journey!

"Ah, I see. Well then, let's talk over the plan once more." Dad turns and walks back behind his desk

I turn as well but I hear Logan greeting Wyatt and I roll my eyes. I may accept him because it makes Emma happy but it doesn't mean I actually like the guy. \°/

"We are splitting the crews up into four since we don't know where Zane's men will come from, but we need to cover our asses. The Russians will most likely be the biggest threat and will be the kind to use the masses of Zane's crew to cause a distraction so they can sneak in the back and come for us where there is a weak spot." Dad starts to explain. "So we need to cover all angles."

"Send my men to cover Zane's crew. They know them and know how they work." Emma says and Dad nods

"I had the same idea, but the men you brought won't be enough to cover three sides." Dad points out

Emma smiles. "Don't worry I have more than enough men, but we are keeping some back as a contingency plan. We need to hide some of our numbers. We can't show all our cards." She points out

Chapter 83

We all, except for Wyatt who just smiles to himself, look at her in awe

Has she turned into some war goddess overnight or something? I"

She glances at each of us. "What?" She asks

"Where did that come from?" Logan asks with a chuckle of disbelief

She rolls her eyes. "My dad pretty much locked me away for my whole life. Reading was all I ever did, and I read almost everything I could. I know a lot of things." I?)

She shrugs and I feel a pinch of pain for the life she lived before we pulled her into our little nightmare. Except, it looks as if all those years have molded her into the perfect girl for this world. We were just too dumb to see it. She was never given a chance to show what she was really made of until now, and as much as I wish I could protect her from this world, she belongs here with us. Always has

Our dark queen. \*

"Alright then. Tell the guys to move out." Dad says and we all move at


Except for Emma

"You will be running point Emma, can you do that?" Dad asks standing from his chair and offering it to her. \*

"Where are you going?" She asks him

"I'm going to clean up the mess I made, and you are going to keep all these boys in line. Got it?" He shoots back with a smirk

"You got it." She says with a smile that looks almost dark

Dad turns and walks out leaving us all alone with our girl to say goodbye

Who knows what will happen after this but we have something precious worth living for, and we are going to fight like hell to get back to her

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