Four or Dead by G O A

Chapter 72

Four or Dead

Chapter 72 Asher

"What the hell happened back there?" I yell slamming my hand on my dad's desk

"Someone got her out," Logan says again but I still can't accept that we lost Emma again and to one of Zane's men

"We took out most of Zane's guys at the cabin so we don't know who it was that took her," Leo adds

"And Zane isn't talking." My dad says. I'

"So what do we do? We have Zane and his men are probably on the warpath to find him. They have no orders to follow now. They will either come for Zane or leave a mess around the city. We need to do something." Leo says messaging his temples no doubt imagining the chaos that would involve

He isn't wrong. These men are trained and have the means to take down the entire city if we don't step in and fight them off. Sure we weren't hero's or anything like that but this is our city, and we plan on keeping it that way. Zane had worked his way in like a snake in the grass and came for us when we least expected it, but now....*

We've taken away the catalyst holding his men in line. That's a whole lot of trouble we can't leave unchecked

Chapter 72

"We need to focus on rounding up the rest of Zane's men before they start making a mess. No doubt they will want to keep business running and I'm sure they will do it with less finesse than Zane has. He had a reputation to keep but they don't. As far as the world is concerned Zane has no connection to them at all." My dad points out

"What about Emma?" Logan asks softly

He's taking this harder than the rest of us. He had been the first on the roof and although there is no way he could have gotten to Emma in time he blames himself

My dad sighs. "I hate that Emma is out of reach again and we have no idea what's happening to her but as of now we have nothing to go on

Until someone tells us who took her we have to focus on what's more important."

Jayden growls. Like actually growls. "Emma is what's important to us! I couldn't give a damn about any of this! I want her back."

We all watched him warily. He's been working through his anger by using his fists to get information but we're starting to reach dangerous territory now. There has only ever been one time when we were sure we would lose Jayden to his darkness for good. I can't even think about that time without shuttering. He looked almost possessed

It was the anniversary of his family's death and some reporter had decided to pick that case of all things to write about. Jayden left the night he saw it and was gone for three days. When he came back he was

Chapter 72

covered in blood and had a murderous look in his eyes

"Look I get it. Emma means a lot to you guys. She is important to many of us but we still have the city to think about. This is our city and our crew has kept things running smoothly until recently. It's time to get our house in order. I'm sure someone will know about where Emma was taken. We round up as many of Zane's guys as we can and find out. I leave the how to you four. The rest of the crew will head out tonight and start hunting." My dad says nodding his head to the guy at the door. "I'll go over a plan with Tony. Go to the cabin and wait." I")

I nod and turn to the guys. Leo shakes his head but doesn't argue. The four of us leave and head back to our place. We are going to be at that cabin for a while, so we are going to need more gear


"I-I don't know what to say," I stutter out looking to my savior who I have yet to learn his name

"You don't have to say anything yet. It's been a crazy night and it would be best if you rest for a while. I just wanted to show you how many people are on your side. Guys, pack it in and split watches." He said to the group's and they all called out in answer to him

He reaches out his hand and I take it. "Come on, let's get you back to the room."

I follow him out the way we came and back to the room I had woken up

Chapter 72

in. Once inside I drop to the bed as my mind races

This is crazy

Maybe even a dream?

Why would all these men vow to help her? She didn't even know them

"T can see the wheels turning in your head." "What's your name?" I ask him suddenly

"Oh, man. I'm so sorry. I guess that's an important thing to remember to share when you meet your crush." I watch his face flush at the word 'crush' and I smile

"Well, I would rather call you by a name in my head than 'my savior'." His eyes sparkle with pride at the nickname I had given him

He clears his throat and laughs nervously. "I think I prefer that name but my name's Wyatt." 7)

"It's nice to officially meet you, Wyatt," I say holding my hand out to him

He takes it and does something completely ridiculous but that I definitely swoon over like the silly girl I am. He drops to one knee and places a kiss on my hand like I'm some kind of princess

Chapter 72

"What are you doing?" I ask pulling my hand away and giggling

He smiles and stands again. "I am at your service, so I have to bow before the Queen." I"!

I shake my head and laugh. "You're ridiculous."

He smiles at me in a smug but proud kind of way that makes me flush a little. Now that we're not on the run for our lives and it's quiet I feel the weight of his presence. I take this time to look at him and take him in

He's stunning to put it simply. Warm brown eyes that look like melted chocolate, light brown hair is cut just above his eyes and trimmed in a way that reminds me of those really pretty boy kpop idols. His skin is a warm tan color, like honey. His smile is beautiful too with dimples and all. He's fit but not in a bulky way like Logan or Asher

How have I never noticed him before at school? He was right, my head was always focused on staying hidden. I feel terrible that such a sweet guy was there and she could have met him but was too busy trying to

be invisible. \

"Thank you for saving me back there," I say

He moves and sits beside me. "I'm sorry it took me so long."

I turn to him. "You saved me when I really needed it. Zane could have killed me tonight."

He lets out a deep breath. "I hate how you ended up at the cabin but

Chapter 72 I'm also glad because I was there and could finally get you out. Of

course, I had planned on a smoother exit but I'm glad all the same."

I look him over and realize he still looked like a mess. "You should get cleaned up.

All the blood should have bothered me more didn't. What does that say about me? I?)

He glances down at himself like he had forgotten about the blood as well. "Oh shit. I'm sorry, yeah I should. I'll go to one of the other rooms and shower real quick."

He stands to head for the door but my arm moves without a thought and I grab onto his wrist

"Don't go," I say softly, locking my eyes on his. I?)

I felt safe with him for whatever crazy reason and I couldn't bear to be alone right nowExclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

"Okay." He says in a similarly soft voice

He turns to me and I release my hold on him as he squats down in front of me

"T won't ever leave you, Emma. Not now that I can finally be with you

Let me just grab some clothes and I'll use your shower okay?" He says and I nod

Chapter 72 He stands and drops a gentle kiss to my forehead before heading toward

the door

Once the door is shut the panic starts to start. I feel like I'm locked in again with no way to get out. My heart starts to race and my breath starts to quicken as flashes from tonight hit me

I'm trapped again. If someone came for me I wouldn't be able to get out

A knock comes at the door and I hesitate before standing on weak legs and shuffling to try and open it. I take in a deep breath and squeeze my eyes shut as I reach for the doorknob and turn it just a bit. When there is no resistance I let out a shaky whimper and pull the door open

Wyatt is standing there and I can't help but throw myself at him and wrap my arms around his neck

"Thank you. Thank you." I say as the relief hits me in calming waves

I'm not trapped

I'm free

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