Forged in the Flames

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

The night with Nikolas was explosive and intense. I wondered how he knew of the blacksmith.

Thinking of how he handled it made me laugh. Who would have guessed he would be that protective and jealous? It wasn’t like I had anything with the blacksmith; the guy only promised to give me honour when Nikolas dumped me. I knew it would never happen because Nikolas did not seem like he would let go, but it was sweet.

Thinking of Nikolas’s reaction made me laugh and gave me butterflies. I sat by the window gazing at the empty garden and hoped that Nikolas would soon be king and could do all he had promised me.

I could not wait to stop pretending.

I looked at the trees ahead of the garden and remembered the night of the full moon.

Our wolves had connected as if it were normal. There were no feelings of superiority coming from Bane. Our wolves and the goddess weren’t the problems. The problem was the greedy people of our world.

The slave trade had made many Lycan’s rich, and abolishing the Unity law would end their empire. I prayed that Nikolas succeeds and that we remain together. Even though I was prepared to walk away, I prayed it would never come to that.

Ania and Lisa joined me in the room. They were all smiles, and I wondered what the occasion was— most especially pessimistic Lisa, who always had something glum to say to take away the sunshine.

I left the window bench and went to join them in the sitting section of the room.

“What is the occasion?” I asked Ania, and she squealed.

“You haven’t heard?” She said, and I shook my head.

“Everyone knows the Queen is not allowed to mess with you. They say Alpha chose you over the Queen. Some suspect what is between you and Alpha is serious. They even claim you two might be fated. They say it is just like Olive and Mathias,” She said, and I frowned.

If Nikolas and I were fated, I would know. I have seen how fated people act towards each other, and we didn’t have that.

“I doubt we are fated, Ania. I would know,” I said, and Lisa laughed.

“Silly, Aliana. He will know, but you won’t. The pull will be stronger for him, but it will just be a tug or a strong attraction for you. I think you should ask him if you can,” She said, and I shook my head.

“I would not dare it,” I said, giggling.

“I doubt you wouldn’t dare anything with Alpha. Aliana, you have gotten away with everything you do to that man. It is as if he is a complete fool for you. Even Lisa has seen it now,” Ania said, laughing, and I looked at Lisa, whose cheeks coloured.

She nodded her head, and I smiled at her. “Anyway, enough about me and Alpha. What is our plan for the day?” I asked them, and they shrugged.

“Alpha has not instructed me to get us jobs at the werewolf clinic yet, so we just have to hang around. Luckily tomorrow is Saturday. We can hang with your father tomorrow,” Ania said, and I did not like that we would be in the palace. I dreaded seeing Nikolas’s mother.

“I hope we don’t bump into the queen,” I said, and their smiles dropped.

“She is a handful. We committed a huge crime by helping her out. We are lucky Alpha pulled us from her services. She is giving Gezel and Erica hell. She slapped Gezel this morning because of the temperature of the tea she served. The woman believes she is a queen. I doubt she got the memo.

Alpha needs to control her because I doubt this place will be peaceful with her around. This is her second day, and we already don’t like her,” Lisa said, sounding angry.

“Well, look at the bright side. Thanks to Aliana, we have been exempted from her cruelty,” Ania said, and Lisa nodded.

“There was an assembly this morning, by the way. That was why we did not come early. Beta Qusack called an assembly,” Ania said with excitement, and I wondered what Beta Qusack must have said that would make her happy.

“Honestly, after what he did for us yesterday, I wished I was good at chess. He would have been a great catch. But that would be aiming too high, and that chapter is closed for me, thanks to Grant,” She said with annoyance, and I remembered the brand on her neck.

It would have been nice to see her with Qusack.

They would have complimented each other. Ania was gorgeous, intelligent and optimistic. I did not understand why her scent mattered. She was more Lycan than Were. Her father was the halfbreed. It shouldn’t matter, but it did.

I did not want to discuss it, so I did not spoil our moods. The brand still profoundly hurt her, so I changed the topic.

“What was the assembly about?” I asked quickly, and she and Lisa beamed.

“I think you have made an impression on Alpha, Aliana. I think Alpha is crazy about you. All the Riverhead werewolves believe so, too,” Lisa said, beaming.

“Beta Qusack and Gamma Grant implored us to pretend to be slaves for the meantime every time we have an outsider in our midst. They said it would only be until Alpha becomes king,” Ania said, and I

frowned at her. Pretending not to understand why that would be amusing.

“And why is that a good thing?” I asked, and she widened her eyes.

“I think Alpha plans to be king and abolish the Unity law in Forest. Once He does that, it would no longer be a universal law, and we will be equals in Forest,” She said, and I was shocked they figured it out already. These women were brilliant.

“The only reason he would do that might be because he wants to be with you officially. You cannot be his mate or Queen with the Unity law in place. And knowing your father’s history with his father and what your father’s actions have cost his family, he has no reason to be kind or grant us freedom.

Combining what Qusack said at the assembly with how he cautioned the Queen yesterday made me realise Alpha is doing it for you. He is changing the laws for your sake,” She said, tears of joy streaming down her face.

“If truly it is what I think, Aliana. Then Alpha’s love for you might liberate all of us,” she said and hugged me tightly with gratitude.

“I hope it is what I am thinking because none of us deserves to be treated this way,” She said, and I wrapped my arms around her to console her.

Being a slave wasn’t an easy thing. I had not tasted it as severely as they had. Nikolas had shielded me somehow, but I knew it wasn’t easy. The Lycans were very mean and believed they were better than us. Liberation would be most welcomed by all on the receiving end of the cruelty of the Unity law.

While I held her, I wondered if the love Nikolas and I had for each other was strong enough to move this mountain.

We played cards and gossiped in the room. We were afraid to step out because of Queen Isabelle. I could not wait to see my father and tell him about her. I did not want Nikolas to hear what my father would say just in case it might be something he wouldn’t like, so linking him was out of the question.

We were having fun until Ania suddenly dropped the cards in her hand with a worried expression.

“What is the matter?” I asked her.

“The Queen sent for the three of us,” She said, and I shook my head vehemently.

“Hell no,” I said, unwilling to see the woman.

I tried to link Nikolas immediately but could not reach him. It meant he wasn’t in the building or close by. I wondered where he would have gone in a hurry without informing me because he always tells me when he is going somewhere.

I tried to link Qusack and met the same silence. Then I became apprehensive.

“What do we do? It seems Alpha and Beta aren’t around,” I said, and Ania nodded.

“The woman knows. That is why she sent for us,” Lisa said, angry, and I decided to take my chances with Nikolas’s wrath.

“Tell her we are not allowed to go to her by order of the Alpha, and we will wait for Alpha to give the orders before going to her,” I said, and Ania looked very worried. RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

“If it turns to trouble. I will take the blame for it,” I told her, and she looked at me briefly before deciding to trust me. I watched Ania link the Queen back.

“What did she say?” I asked when she had snapped out of it.

“Nothing yet,” She replied, and I figured the woman must have gotten the message.

Five minutes later, there was a knock on our door. Then I heard Gezel announce the Queen’s presence.

The woman was a hand full. I could not believe she had the effrontery to come to Nikolas’s room. She knew Nikolas was not around.

Ania and Lisa became very afraid.

“Go and hide in the closet. I will face her,” I told them, and they shook their heads.

“We will remain here to bear witness to whatever she plans to do,” Ania said with determination, and Lisa nodded.

I was tempted not to open the door, but I knew that would be rude. So, I went to open the door against my better judgement.

I opened the door and bowed my head.

The woman was in a floral kaftan and looked very annoyed.

She pushed past me and walked into the room with her nose in the air.

I looked at Gezel at the door, and the woman was afraid. It was clear that she was no longer on the Queen’s side. That was quick. I thought she would be her minion. I guess there was a level of wickedness that Gezel found unattractive, and Isabelle had it.

I left the door open so everyone could see what was going on.

“Slave,” Isabelle called, and I knew I was the one she was talking to. I refused to reply. She turned to face me with a half smile.

“Your relationship with my son has given you some courage,” She said, walking towards me. I stood my ground and remained silent.

“You might think you are more than what you are, but you aren’t. You are just a piece of entertainment, something he to while away his time until a worthy woman comes along,” She said, and I did not care about her words. I remained silent, so she would not quote me.

“Next time I send for you, you come like the dog you are,” She said, and I remained silent.

“Are you dumb?” She asked me, and I shook my head.

“With all due respect, I do not work for you anymore,” I said, and she slapped me. Her hands were so quick, and it stung.

“Is that how you address a queen?” She asked me, and I wanted to laugh because clearly, she was mad. Raven was annoyed, but I held her in. I did not want to be faulted. “Nikolas is my son, and he will choose me over you. So do not think you have his ear and favour. You are just a phase in his life,” She said and yanked my hair, forcing me to my knees. I did not breathe a word. I dared not disrespect Nikolas’s mother.

“A tough one, I see,” She said, pulling my hair backwards to make me look at her face. “I will not let you take my son from me the way your father took my mate from me,” She said, pushing my head to the ground, making my forehead hit the floor. She laughed.

“Where is Qusack to save you now? I will make your life hell here. I will take my pound of flesh from you until you are empty, and guess what? Niko will not do a damn thing about it. I am his mother.

Whatever you share with him is irrelevant where I am concerned,” She said and spat on me.

“You have been warned,” She said, kicked me and walked out of the room.

Ania and Lisa rushed towards me. I stopped them from helping me clean up.

“Hurry, get me silver to hold,” I told Ania, and she frowned.

“I did not want to heal fast. I wanted Nikolas to see it,” I said, knowing his mother wanted it to be her word against mine, but I wasn’t going to give that opportunity.

Lisa rushed out and returned twenty minutes later with a piece of galvanised silver coin. I held it in my palm and felt the pain of the bruises I had sustained.

I went to sit on the couch to wait for Nikolas. I wanted him to see what she did to me, and I hoped he would draw the line officially because I doubted I would survive the woman if she was allowed to treat me like this.

Ania and Lisa tried to comfort me but d*eep down, I was sad because I did not deserve this. I did nothing to her. I cared for her. I never harmed her, even though the opportunity presented itself. I was angry because her actions were extreme. The anger made me cry, and I was inconsolable.

The doorknob turned thirty minutes later, and I handed the silver coin to Lisa, knowing Nikolas was about to walk in.

He stepped in, looking very angry.

I knew someone had told him what happened.

Ania and Lisa stood up to leave the room immediately.

He walked to where I was and lifted my chin to look at my face.

He was enraged.

He t*ouched the bruise on my forehead, which stung a bit and made me flinch. He t*ouched my cheek. I knew her palm had left a mark on it. He steadied his breathing.

“She came into my bedroom and did this?” he asked me, and I said nothing. Instead, I looked away. I did not want to be quoted. He had seen what I wanted him to see. It was up to him now to do what he felt was right.

“Why did she come here?” He asked me, and I knew I had to answer because he was mad. “She asked us to come to her room, but we said you had forbidden us from going there and that she should run it by you first. I guess our response made her angry, and she came here to beat me,” I said. My eyes were already swollen from crying, so I held my tears.

Nikolas did not speak a word to me. He just left the room. I did not need to guess what he would do, but something told me the queen was about to be put in her place.

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