Forged in the Flames

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Forged In The Flames By Karima Sa’ad Usman

Chapter 101 The King’s Promise To His People (Nikolas POV)

When I got to my office, everyone was there except for Gabriel, and I did not need to guess where he was. Five years was a long time to be apart from his spouse. I would let him have the time he so much craves.

Everyone cheered as I went to sit on my chair. They praised and greeted me for what I did.

I was glad it was finally over, and all those involved in my father’s demise were finally dead.

“Your coronation for Forest is the day after tomorrow,” Qusack said, smiling brightly. He looked too happy, and I knew it had everything to do with Ania.

Title of the document

“When will you like to fix your Snow Coronation?” Abraham asked me a question that I had found a solution to. I turned to look at Miles and smiled at him.

“You fought for Fredrick most of your life and kept that place. You are my brother, so you have Royal blood. Snow belonged to werewolves before the Semenov clan came and took over the place. Would you accept the Kingship of Snow?” I asked Miles, and he was stunned by my request. Everyone saw it as a good idea. They were happy, and they urged him to accept. Most especially Israel. Miles reluctantly accepted under the condition that we rule together. I said yes, but I planned to leave everything for him to handle.

“I see a very bright future for us. Me, you and Miles as kings, our world not know war,” Piotr said, and everyone laughed.

“Hills are always seeking a peaceful resolution,” Israel said, and we all laughed. Piotr was like his father in every way. The only difference is that Piotr dared to challenge his enemies and fight to protect his people, Something his father could not do.

We discussed the coronation extensively and what we would do after. I did not want to waste time because I wanted to put everything behind me.

I told Qusack to invite everyone to attend a committee meeting in Forest after my coronation. I planned to abolish the Unity law in Snow and Forest there and persuade them to abolish it completely by requesting King Aleksander to do the same.

I wanted to get everything over with so that Aliana and I would wed in peace, and I could claim her and continue living life with her.

Qusack got on it, and we all helped duplicate the draft Abraham wrote so we could finish it quickly and Qusack could take it to the post office to send it.

Since Fredrick was dead, we no longer needed to worry about the post office spies. No one to report their findings to. Both Fredrick and Isaac Lucas were dead. If that was the sole reason they worked at the post office, then I knew they might have started seeking new employment by now because the post office staff weren’t paid as well as other staff.

The day of the coronation was finally upon us.

I woke up with Aliana in my arms. I realised I was holding on tightly and thanked the goddess for sparing our lives and giving us victory. The day was finally upon us. The day I am crowned King and can give her everything I had promised. I could not wait.

She stirred in her sleep and finally woke up. She smiled at me, and I knew she knew what today was.

We went to the bathroom to get ready together, and I made love to her in the shower. She felt so good. Burying myself inside her hoisting her up in the shower felt good. She was wet and ready and responded just as great as always. There was a tiny bump on her lower belly. It was now real to me. I would be a father soon, and I took pride in knowing my child would be born free.

I got dressed and left the room. I knew I would not see Aliana again until the coronation ceremony.

The ceremony for the coronation was tedious. I was made to read and sign many decrees of promises.

By evening, the procession began from the outskirts of town to the Palace. Everyone was around. I was to ride for an hour, waving at the people as they cheered and wished me well.

Standing at the heart of the Forest Kingdom on my horse, surrounded by the majestic trees that had sheltered me throughout my life, I felt pride and joy. I could not believe the time had finally come, and the anticipation was electrifying.

The setting sun’s orange rays filtered through the branches, casting a warm glow upon the path I would ride through to reach the Palace where the coronation would take place. NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

While I rode through the jubilating crowd consisting of halfbreed, werewolves and lycans, who were waving and singing songs of joy, I couldn’t help but reflect on the incredible journey that had led me to this moment.

From a young age, I had known that I was destined for Something greater, but little did I know that I would one day ascend the throne of the Forest Kingdom and restore my father’s name and honour.

Qusack rode on a horse behind me as my protector and shield. He had been by my side every step of the way, his unwavering loyalty and support fueling my determination. My officers put their lives on the line to help me realise my dreams. And the people I once considered my enemies completed my

dream. The honour was restored to my family, and my father’s name was redeemed. The lies and deception of Fredrick were exposed. This was truly a great day.

As I looked around, I spotted the alphas of the Hill Kingdom and the Snow Kingdom, their regal presence adding to the grandeur of the occasion. It was an honour to have them here, celebrating with me on this momentous day. Their unity and respect for the Forest Kingdom demonstrated the strength of our alliances forged through war, peace and resolutions.

Among the esteemed guests riding with me on separate horses was my half-brother, Miles Kowalski. Although we had just met, he had proven that he was my family and would never betray me. I was grateful to him for what he did for us at the battle.

Had he not split Fred*ic*ks’s army into two and made them fight themselves, we would have lost a lot of souls on our side that day. I was grateful to him, and the people appreciated what he did for us. Most especially Gabriel, who would not stop singing his praises.

We finally arrived at the Palace. Gabriel, Isreal, Abraham, Grant and Ingham were waiting at the entrance. There were musicians at the entrance to greet me with a welcoming song. I disembarked the horse, and we all entered the Palace and headed to the Throne room where the coronation would occur.

Everyone invited went in before me. I was the last to enter, and I did so in a ceremonious way.

Music was played as I walked through the aisle between the rows of our guests toward the throne.

King Aleksander was there waiting for me. My crown and sceptre were resting gracefully, waiting to be posses by me. I looked at the jewels that once adorned my father. They were a beautiful fit for a King with a heart of gold. I prayed that I would not fall short.

I felt a sense of honour knowing that King Aleksander would be the one to crown me as the rightful ruler of the Forest Kingdom. It was a testament to the unity and respect that existed among our kingdoms.

As I moved towards the throne, my heart was gladdened when I caught sight of Lena, Miles’s mate; they could finally show their love. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she took in the splendour of the surroundings. Lena and Mile’s love was a reminder of the good that could be found even in the darkest times. Regardless of all that was believed of Miles, she gave him a chance, and that spoke volumes of her personality. Miles had indeed chosen well.

I got to the front and saw Aliana sitting on a seat specially made for her. She was a vision of beauty. Beside her were Gabriel and Gwen, and they looked happy together.

Gwen nodded with gratitude, and I could swear Gabriel looked a bit younger. I guess joy will do that to you.

Aliana looked beautiful in the purple velvet gown with diamond decorations on it. I froze on the spot to take her in. She was beautiful and perfect. She would sit on the throne with me very soon, and I could not wait. She publicly blew me a kiss, and I smiled.

Her eyes were filled with joy when she linked me and said. “It is finally yours, my love,” her words made me smile as I turned to proceed to where I will be crowned.

As the ceremony began, the air filled with reverence and awe. The werewolves and half -breeds from far and wide had gathered to witness this historical event, their cheers and jubilant howls resonating through the throne room. The alphas and officers sitting closest to the throne echoed their jubilations, and the air was filled with joy. It was a moment of unity, celebrating our shared heritage and the power within us.

As King Aleksander placed the crown on my head, emotions overwhelmed me. Gratitude, humility, and a deep sense of responsibility coursed through my veins. I vowed to honour my predecessors’ legacy, rule fairly and compassionately, and protect the Forest Kingdom and its inhabitants with all my might.

The crowd’s cheers echoed in my ears as I was ready to address them, my voice strong and filled with conviction.

“People of the Forest Kingdom, Today, I stand before you as your King, humbled and grateful for the trust you have bestowed upon me. I address you as your ruler and a fellow inhabitant of this magnificent territory we call home. I pledge to lead our Kingdom with unwavering integrity, embracing the values that have defined us for generations.

In Forest, where nature’s beauty flourishes, we have forged a kingdom as a beacon of prosperity and harmony. It has always been where everyone, be it Halfbreed, Lycan, or werewolf, finds solace and acceptance. I promise you that this sacred bond of unity will remain unbroken under my reign.

Integrity shall be the cornerstone of my leadership. I vow to govern with honesty, fairness, and transparency, guided by the noble principles that have guided our ancestors. I will uphold the highest standards in all matters, big or small. I implore you, my people, to hold me accountable to these ideals.

Prosperity is our shared destiny, and I am committed to nurturing it in every aspect of our Kingdom. Together, we will cultivate a thriving economy that provides ample opportunities for growth and advancement. We shall support innovation, entrepreneur ship, and sustainable practices safeguarding our precious environment. Forest will remain a source of abundance, with bountiful resources for all.

But prosperity is not measured by wealth alone; it is also measured by the well-being of our people. I pledge to invest in education, healthcare, and infrastructure to ensure every citizen has equal access to opportunities and high quality of life. No one shall be left behind or forgotten in the pursuit of progress.

Harmony shall resonate throughout our lands, for our harmony defines our strength. I promise to promote understanding, tolerance, and acceptance among all inhabitants of our Kingdom. Let us celebrate our diversity as a testament to the richness of our collective heritage. In doing so, we will build bridges of unity, eradicating prejudice and fostering an environment where all can flourish.

Lastly, remember that the Forest Kingdom has long been a sanctuary of peace and refuge. I solemnly pledge to protect this sacred haven, ensuring its borders remain open to those seeking solace and safety. In times of turmoil and uncertainty, our Kingdom shall stand as a bastion of hope, extending a helping hand to those in need.

My people, I ask you to walk this path with me, hand in hand, as we shape the future of our Kingdom. Together, we can create a legacy of integrity, prosperity, and harmony that will resonate for future generations. Let us embrace our differences, honour our past, and strive for a better tomorrow.

May the moon bless us, and may the goddess guide us in our noble endeavours.

Long live the Forest Kingdom!

Long live our unity!

Long live our shared prosperity!

Long live peace and refuge for all! i

Thank you, and may our journey together be filled with blessings and triumphs!”

Their resounding applause filled my heart with hope and reinforced my resolve.

As the festivities continued into the night, the Forest Kingdom came alive with music, laughter, and joyous celebration. It was a testament to the bonds we forged, our unity’s strength, and the triumph of love over differences.

I danced under the moonlit sky with Aliana in my arms, showing everyone the woman in my heart. We will never have to hide away again or be afraid again.

Surrounded by friends, allies, and the people I had sworn to protect, I blessed the moon for all it had done. At that moment, I knew that the Forest Kingdom’s future was bright and promising.

Together, we would navigate the challenges ahead, always striving to preserve the beauty and magic that had made our Kingdom legendary.

And so, with a heart brimming with happiness, I embraced my role as King Nikolas Kowalski, grateful for the opportunity to lead with love and guide the Forest Kingdom towards a future of peace, prosperity, and everlasting harmony.

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