
Chapter 6: Trapped

Chapter 6: Trapped

I’ve been stuck in this bed for three weeks now, isolated and alone. I hadn’t seen Damon since the day

I woke up in here. I haven’t really seen anyone, aside from the doctor and a nurse. It’s been very

lonely, and I just want out of this place so bad; I just wanted to go home, but I was stuck here until my

leg had healed.

As I lay there, sulking, the doctor came in for her regular visit. “Good morning, Amelia.” She said with a

bright smile. She was always so cheerful and warm towards me, brightening the atmosphere around


“Good morning Ruth.” I had gotten to know Ruth quite well over these past few weeks, and she has

been very good to me.

“How are you feeling this morning?” She asked as she began to check my vitals.

I pursed my lips. “Not too bad, I guess,” I said with a shrug of my shoulders. I was improving, feeling

better each day, but my mental health was beginning to diminish as the days went on in solitude.

She tilted her head to the side, raising a brow. “Aren’t you excited?” She asked me.

My brows furrowed, as I thought for a moment, suddenly I remembered something that instantly

improved my mood “Omg! I forgot; I get my cast off today.” Relief washed over me at the thought of

this; I would finally be free from this room and free to leave this place, free to go home.

She smiled. “Yes, but remember, there is a chance that it hasn’t healed yet. When this one comes off,

depending on the X-ray, another one may go right back on.” She said regretfully.

My excitement instantly vanished; I couldn’t stand the thought of being stuck here for another three

weeks; I needed to get out of here and go home.

My face fell. “I know,” I said sadly. I could only hope that Ruth would come back with good news after

my X-ray.

She placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “Cheer up; I’m sure everything will be fine. Your other

injuries healed quite nicely and fast, too, so fingers crossed.” She held her hand up as she crossed her

fingers with excitement.

I nodded and gave her a half-smile. I was not feeling very optimistic.

“I’ll send Trevor in to bring you down to the X-ray room.” She said excitedly.

I snorted at her upbeat attitude; I couldn’t understand how she was always lively and happy. “Ok, thank


After a few moments, Trevor walked in with an extra pep in his step. “Morning, beautiful.” He shouted

and was full of cheerfulness.

I chuckled. “Morning, Trevor.” He was worse than Ruth; I swear you could shit in his corn flakes, and he

would laugh it off.

Trevor is the nurse that’s been attending to me and assisting the doctor. Honestly, if it wasn’t for him, I

don’t think I would have gotten through some of this. He is so energetic, joyful, amusing, and just

absolutely fantastic. He never ceases to make smile or laugh.

He propped his hand on his hip. “What are you still doing laying in that bed? Little miss lazy pants.” He

said with sass.

I arched a brow. “Waiting for your ass.” I retorted.

He tsked and shook his head. “What would you do without me?”

I shrugged. “Parish,” I said with a smile.

Over the past three weeks, I had become very close to Trevor; he visited me every day, some days

more than once, making sure I was alright, that I was eating, laughing and smiling. We talked for hours,

and he would bring games to play together. It was never a dull moment with him around, and I wouldn’t

have it any other way.

“Come on, get your ass up. That bitch” He pointed at my leg, “Needs to go!”

I scoffed. “You don’t need to tell me twice.” I threw my legs over the edge of the bed; Trevor extended

his arm out for me to grab onto and steady myself as I stood on my foot.

I wobbled a little, struggling to maintain my balance. “Come on, girl, you’ve got this.” Trevor winked at

me. He was so encouraging, and I was beyond grateful for that.

One of the perks of becoming close to Trevor was he told me the truth, bits of it at least. Of course,

there was only so much he could say to me without getting into serious trouble. But he explained that

he is a werewolf, that everyone here is. They can shift at will between their human form and their beast

form. They keep their kind a secret from humans and don’t harm humans unless there is a good reason

for them to do so. They are a pack, a family, and Damon is their Alpha. Some of the information was

overwhelming, but I loved learning about it, especially mating. How they are destined to find someone

who is their perfect match, someone they would die for and love unconditionally. I thought that was

beautiful and unique.

I was finally stable on my feet, sort of; Trevor and I then made our way to the X-ray room. Singing and

laughing, all the way there.

Ruth removed the cast gently and then began to take X-rays. She left me in the room while she went to

examine the pictures. It started to feel like she had been gone for eons as I impatiently waited for her to

come back. Finally, she returned to the room with a neutral expression on her face. My heart sunk, and

my breathing faltered at the thought of my leg still not being healed.

I looked at her with wide eyes. “Well?” I anxiously asked her.

She closed her eyes and let out a heavy breath. “I’m sorry, Amelia.” She said, sadness lacing her tone.

My lip quivered. “My leg hasn’t healed, has it?” Tears were now threatening to spill from my eyes.

She perked up suddenly. “No, your leg has healed.” She smiled. “But now, we won’t get to see you

every day.” She frowned like a child.

I clutched my chest and chuckled. “Oh my god! Don’t do that to me. I had thought that my leg hadn’t

healed, and as much as I love to see you and Trevor every day, I am beyond sick of being stuck in that

bed!” I said dramatically.

She smiled before her facial expression became grave. “But you need to be careful; your leg is

sensitive and freshly healed. So, any accidents or trauma to the leg and it will break again, very easily.”

She scolded me as if she was my mother.

I nodded erratically. “Yes, of course.” I agreed with her, excitement bursting inside of me.

I got off the bed and engulfed her in a huge hug. “Thank you so much, Ruth, for everything. You have

no idea; how grateful I am for you.” I said before letting her go and smiling at her.

She smiled back at me; then she began to tear up. “You are so welcome, Amelia. It has been a

pleasure getting to know you.” She expressed to me.

Suddenly, an angry voice came from behind us. “Umm, excuse me? What about me bitch?” Trevor

shouted, glaring at me.

I rushed over and gave him a big hug. “I think I’m going to miss you the most, you’ve been such a great

friend to me, and I couldn’t thank you enough, Trevor,” I said with tears streaming down my face now. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Trevor closed his eyes, obviously not wanting us to see him so emotional “Goddamn you, Amelia,

you’re making me cry now.” He reared back and started fanning his face.

I laughed at him and his goofy antics. “Can I go home now?” I asked them.

They looked at each other with troubled expressions and remained silent, but it felt as though they

were having a quiet conversation.

My brows scrunched together, the silence becoming daunting now. “What? What is it?” I asked with


Trevor looked to me, a solemn expression. “Well, you have to speak with Damon first,” Trevor said.

My shoulders slumped. “Why?” I didn’t understand why I couldn’t just go home. But then I remembered

Trevor telling me that they keep their kind a secret from humans, and most likely, I am now a liability, a

danger to revealing their secret.

Ruth walked over and held my hand in hers, squeezing it gently. “Because your human, and if you want

to leave here, the Alpha has to grant it,” Ruth informed me, guilt in her tone.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Fine, can you take me to see Damon, please,” I said, looking between the

two of them. I wanted to get this over with and get out of here, so I could finally go home.

Trevor came to my side, giving me a half-smile. “Come on, doll; I’ll take you.”

I smiled. “Thank you.” I turned towards the door to leave, fingers crossed that this wouldn’t end badly

and he would allow me to go without question, but one way or another, I’m getting out of here; I don’t

care what it takes!

Damon POV:

Amelia had seemed so weak and broken that day in the hospital, except when she slapped me. I

smiled at the memory, she had fire and strength inside of her, and when she struck me, I wanted more

than anything to devour her mouth with mine. I almost prayed she would do it again so that I could

spank that ass of hers.

Since that day in the hospital, I hadn't spoken with Amelia, knowing she needed her space. The urge to

be near her was excruciating, and I craved her presence constantly. So, every night after she fell

asleep, I would sneak into her room and watch over her, gently running a finger across those rosy

cheeks of hers.

I craved to feel her soft skin with my hands, exploring every inch of her body as she writhed beneath

me. But I held my composure by a fucking thread!

I kept tabs on her through Trevor, a nurse in the medical wing. I trusted him and knew he wouldn’t try

anything, as she wasn’t his type. He informed that she was healing rapidly and quite well, which eased

myself and my wolf.

I was sitting in my office, trying to catch up on some things that I had been avoiding, as attempting to

focus on something other than Amelia felt damn near impossible. Then, I was disrupted by a knock at

the door.

“Come in.” I groaned out.

Trevor walked into my office with Amelia trailing behind him. I straightened myself in my chair, and my

wolf began to howl inside my head with excitement, finally seeing her awake. I pushed him back down

before digging my nails into my thighs, trying to contain him and myself.

Trevor narrowed his eyes at me briefly, and then they widened a little before he shook his head.

“Amelia asked to see you, Alpha.” He told me with a shit-eating grin on his face. Just by the way he

was acting, I could tell that he knew something was up, that he knew I was struggling around her right


I glared at him. “Thank you, Trevor; you may leave now.” I shooed him with my hand.

He bowed his head and turned to leave the room, but Amelia grabbed his arm, not wanting him to go.

My wolf growled upon seeing her touch another man, and some of that growl had slipped out.

Their heads whipped in my direction, Trevor wide-eyed and Amelia confused. But thankfully, Trevor

brushed it off and looked back to Amelia, whispering something to her. I focused on the whispers, so I

could hear what he said.

“Don’t worry, doll; you’ll be fine.” He squeezed her shoulder to comfort her.

She sucked in a deep breath and then nodded as she watched Trevor leave the room and close the

door behind him, leaving her alone with me.

She hesitantly looked to me but then straightened herself, and any sign of fear was wiped from her

features, but the smell of it still lingered in the air. I chuckled to myself at her attempt to be brave in

front of me; she was my little spitfire.

I cleared my throat and gestured to the chair in front of my desk. “Would you like to take a seat?” I

offered her.

She shook her head. “No, thank you. I’ve been immobile for too long, and it feels good to stand up.”

I nodded. “I understand. Now, what did you want to speak to me about?” I asked as I leaned back in my

chair and folded my arms across my chest. I loved to intimidate her and watch her squirm.

She gulped harshly as she played with her hands, “I...I... would like to go home.” She finally squeaked


My blood began to boil at the thought of her leaving me, and my wolf began to stir, wanting to keep her

here with us

I sat up quickly and slammed my fists down on my desk, unable to control my rage. “NO! You cannot

go home.” I boomed.

She flinched at my outburst but quickly regained herself and stood confidently.

She threw her arms in the air. “Why not? I am no longer injured and want to return home, where I

belong.” She snapped.

I began to shake from the fury building within me. “Because I fucking said so, and you belong here,

with me.” Shit! I didn’t mean to say that out loud. The words had just come out of my mouth before I

could stop myself.

Her brows furrowed together in confusion. “What do you mean here with you?” She questioned.

I cleared my throat and thought of the first logical thing I could say “So, I can keep an eye on you and

make sure you don’t tell others about us, about werewolves.” I told her in an attempt to cover up what I

had just said.

Her eyes widened before she looked away from me. “Trevor told me that he and you spoke, that he

told you the truth,” I informed her; my pack didn’t hide anything from me, and even if they tried to, I still

found out.

Amelia folded her arms across her chest. “Well, at least Trevor was honest with me and didn’t lie to

me.” She scowled at me.

It pained my wolf and me to know that another man had told her this information, that I was stupid

enough to lie to her. I should have just told her the truth then and there.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and huffed in annoyance. “If you hadn’t run away, you would have

never found out!” I said through gritted teeth.

She scoffed at my words, “I wouldn’t have had reason to run if you hadn’t fucking kidnapped me.”

Amelia screamed at me; anger etched onto her beautiful features now.

I rose from my chair and, in an instant, was standing face to face with her. She gasped and pressed

herself into the wall, clearly stunned at my speed and the minimal amount of distance between us now.

Amelia POV:

Damon wrapped his large hand firmly around my neck, twisted us around and slammed me onto the

desk, caging me between him and the wood. I trembled slightly from fear. Especially with the

knowledge, I had gained over these past few weeks. Knowing now just how easy it would be for this

man to rip me to pieces without a second thought.

He glared down at me. “You crossed into my lands and attacked one of my men; it was determined that

you were a threat and the safety of my people is always top priority. At first, I didn’t know what to do

with you; I had thought about letting you go in the beginning, but then that man attacked you, and I

wanted to ensure you were alright before deciding on what to do, but then you just had to run, causing

even more problems.” Damon said through gritted teeth. His body was pressed to mine, making my

skin feel like it was on fire.

I was baffled by his words, how he so quickly blamed everything on me. “I ran because you wouldn’t

fucking let me go; I felt as though I had no other choice in the matter. I want to go home; I don’t want to

be here anymore.” I yelled in his face as I had finally let it all out, and tears began to well in my eyes. I

was overwhelmed with everything, feeling angry and miserable.

His expression was neutral, eyes holding no emotion. “Now that you know our secret, I can’t let you go

yet. Not until I’ve determined that you are not a liability to the pack.” He stated calmly.

Fury coursed through my veins now, taking over my thoughts as I drank in his words, telling me that I

couldn’t leave, that I couldn’t go home.

I struggled underneath him. “Let me go and get the fuck off of me.” I was frustrated and annoyed with

him and his decision.

A wicked smile spread across his face before he leaned down. “I like you like this, though, vulnerable

and squirming beneath me.” He whispered sweetly in my ear.

I was taken aback by his words, the sudden change in subject and I took notice of the hard cock

pressing against my thigh. I shook my head and got back on track.

“I am not going to tell anyone about your kind; I wouldn’t put you guys in danger, especially after talking

with Trevor,” I told him truthfully.

Trevor had explained everything to me, and I could never put him in danger, especially when he trusted


He released me and stood on his feet. “As I said, I will determine that over time, and when I’m sure you

will not tell anyone, then you can go home.” His expression was stern, yet sympathetic and I felt as

though he was lying to me about something, about the real reason he wouldn’t let me go.

Rage boiled inside of me now. I got off the desk and stood in front of him, my chest heaving now.

I shoved him in the chest. “Fuck you, Damon and your bullshit lie; let me go home!” I began to pound

on his chest with my fists, and for a moment, I could’ve sworn I saw a smile form on those plump lips,

but I had to have been seeing things, as his expression was apathetic now.

Damon gripped my wrists tightly. “That’s enough.” He growled, “I will not discuss this any further; my

decision is final.” He released my wrists and began to walk back to his desk.

My nostrils flared. “I hate you; you’re an asshole.” I turned on my feet and headed towards the door, but

Damon grabbed me by the waist, swung me around and slammed me into the wall.

“I would learn to watch that pretty little mouth of yours if I were you; you know what I am and what I’m

capable of.” He said in a deadly tone.

I didn’t say anything, just looked away from him. I felt defeated and drained at the moment; I needed to

be alone. “Can I go to my room now?”

He released me and took a step back, making room for me to go by him. I stormed out of his office,

slamming the door behind me. I went to my room, and as I entered, I noticed the windows now had

bars on them; you’ve got to be fucking kidding me? This truly is a prison, and I am the


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