Fighting Darius

Chapter 10

The dinner table is noisy as usual with Genesis and Caspian fighting over the most inconsequential matters. Eva too joins in the pointless banter now. Serena laughing over how silly the

argument is but joining in once in a while anyway. Constantine and Lazarus talking more quietly about their work matters, but once in a while listening in or even joining in Genesis and Caspian’s banter. The only thing missing is me leading the argument. I’m just pushing the food around the plate,

pretending to eat while mulling over things in my head. Darius is very quiet too. I know his eyes are on me a lot of times, staring at me broodingly, but I refuse to look up.

I know they are all wondering what’s going on with me and worried about me, but I don’t even know how to put things into words. I can’t even figure things out in my head. I’m confused.

I wonder what happened between Darius and Polina. Why

didn’t he mark her when he clearly wants her so badly? I know she loved him. That tortured look on his face haunts me.

Whatever happened must be devastating for him to cause such a look on his face. I’m jealous of Polina for getting such a reaction out of him, but this isn’t about me. If she’s what he needs to make him happy, then he should have her.

I feel bad for him, but I’m pissed that he’s here when I’m trying to get over him. I know he doesn’t want me, so he should really just leave me alone.

I need some alone time to figure things out.

For the first time, I’m feeling relieved that dinner is over. I usually love dinner time. Not only that I love food, I also enjoy the noisy banter that we share.

Everybody is planning to get into the hot tub and watch a movie there tonight, but I creep upstairs into my bedroom.

The hot tub is in the back by the lower tier swimming pool. It’s inground and big enough to fit twenty people. A big screen tv comes out at a push of a button on the side of the tub. We sometimes spend our time watching movies there, though we’re not in the tub all the time. When it gets too much, we sometimes move to sit on the lounge chairs or pause the movie to cool down in the pool before we get back in.

“Oh Beany!!! We’re letting you pick the movie tonight,” yells Caspian, trying to tempt me to join them in the hot tub. “Red, tell her to come and pick a movie for us.”

“You guys go ahead. I’ll come watch the movie in a while,” I yell back from the top of the stairs.

“When?” asks Genesis.

“When I feel like it,” I answer before closing the door.

I lay on my bed, trying to think for fifteen minutes, then I open my book, trying to read for another five minutes before I give up. I can hear them having fun down there without me. Their voices, the sound of the water jets, and the movie they got going drift in from the open window of my balcony.

I hear Genesis saying, “Oh Penny…you’re missing out!” in a sing a song voice, followed by Caspian, “Stop bugging her, Red.

She’s having more fun sitting there all alone, staring at the wall, or pretending to be studying than watching this awesome movie with us.”

“You never know, she’s probably up there knitting,” says Constantine.

“Yeah, and I’m Mother Theresa,” says Lazarus in a serious voice. They burst out laughing. Damn it! Bad influence. Bad, bad influence all of them.

“Shut it!” I yell and they laugh even harder.

That’s it! I’m so weak. Who am I kidding? I knew I wouldn’t be doing any studying when I came up here. I quickly changed into my simple white bikini and tie a little light blue sarong wrap around my hips.

I hope Lazarus isn’t in charge of picking out the movie tonight.

Last time we let him pick, we had to sit through three hours of a documentary about lions. I had nightmares about those cute cuddly male baby lions getting killed by a big bad male lion who wanted to mate with their mommy lion. I had that

nightmare for a whole week!

It’s a bit chilly tonight. It’s windier than normal, but the moon and the stars are bright. The backyard is lit up by several patio post lights and underwater pool lights. The hot tub has its own underwater lighting. The lights illuminate the steam that rises from the foamy water.

Everybody is already outside in the hot tub. The movie is probably already halfway over. Genesis is sitting on

Constantine’s lap and Serena is leaning on Lazarus’s shoulder with their arms around each other. Then there’s Caspian, next to him is Darius with Eva sitting at the end. I notice how good Eva is looking in her black bikini and how close she is sitting to Darius. Remember Penny, he is not yours. Not yours!

“Come on, Penny, you’re missing half the story already!” calls out Serena. This brings out everybody’s attention to me. I give them a little wave as I approach the bar.

There are several bottles of drinks chilling in a copper wine bucket. I pick a bottle and pour a generous amount into my glass.

I can feel his eyes on me as I undo my wrap and approach the hot tub. My eyes are drawn to him like magnets.

He’s leaning back against the wall of the tub. His chest is visible above the jets. His shoulders are broad and his chest is chiseled perfection. His biceps and arms resting on the back of the tub are big and muscular. There’s a thin black chain holding a small black medallion around his neck that I’ve never noticed before.

His fair hair is slicked back with a few damp locks fallen over his forehead. His face is a beautiful mask of cold indifference while his eyes narrow as they survey my body slowly with intensity and hunger. My breathing picks up and my stomach tightens deliciously. I should’ve stayed in my room.

As I step into the tub, Caspian reaches out and pulls me to sit in between himself and Darius. A place I would not have chosen for myself.

Trapped between two muscular half-naked men, I feel small. I don’t know what I’m watching. I’m so aware of his big bare body beside mine. I can’t concentrate but I pretend to watch anyway.

Sometime during the movie, I press myself closer to Caspian’s side and he slings an arm around my shoulders. I thought I saw Darius’s body tensing, or maybe that’s just my imagination.

Not long after I feel his leg pressing up against mine. His warm skin is hotter than the hot water. It feels like he’s staking his claim. His scorching skin branding my flesh. My breath catches in my throat.

I sneak a quick glance at him and he seems to be concentrating on the movie. I try to move away, but there’s not much room for me to move to unless I climb up onto Caspian’s lap. He turns to look at me as he sensed my little movement. Our eyes meet and hold. There’s a steely glint of possessiveness in his and I bet he can see the stubbornness in mine. I pointedly press myself closer to Caspian who rubs my shoulder

absentmindedly. Immediately his leg is pressing up against mine again, but this time even closer. We’re connected from the hip right down to my ankle. The feeling of our bare flesh mashing up together sends shivers all over my body. My heart rate goes through the roof. It’s getting too hot here in the hot tub. Too hot!

That’s it! “I’m going for a swim,” I announce suddenly, getting up from the tub.

“Awww…seriously? We’re just getting to the good part,”

protests Caspian even though he’s already reaching for the pause button.

Everybody joins me in the pool. I manage to do six leisurely laps across the pool before we’re back in the hot tub. This time I sit at the other end, as far away as possible from Darius. I’ll

endure Genesis and Constantine’s sickly lovey dovey whispering of sweet nothings to each other if I have to.

It doesn’t really do me any good since his eyes are constantly on me. I feel his eyes sweeping over me like fire. Lingering on every visible part of me. In return, I glare at him. He seems to think that’s funny because his lips curl up into a little smirk.

His eyes hold a challenging look. This sets my teeth on edge.

Argghhh!!! I want to punch him in the face so badly. We end up having a staring contest for the most part of the movie.

“I think Groot is adorable,” sighs Genesis at the end of the movie. Yeah, I guess we were watching Guardian of the Galaxy Vol. 2. At least now I know the title of the movie.

“We can go up and practice making our own little groots,”

murmurs Constantine, nuzzling her ear.

“Eeewwwww….can you guys not say that out loud?” I exclaim, clambering to get out of the hot tub as if it’s filled with toxic water.

Genesis turns bright red, while Constantine just laughs, followed by snickers from other men. Ughh! Men!!! Oh, the things you can’t un-hear!

After that, I quickly escape back up to my room, shower and get ready for bed. It’s still too early and my nerves are shot for me to go to bed. I open up my laptop and try to work on some assignments. I can’t concentrate, my mind keeps going back to Darius. I’m hot, bothered, and pissed off.

This hostility between us can’t continue. It’s draining every time I’m around him now. He certainly knows how to play this game better than I do. I need a new approach.

I’ve been thinking, since Darius and I are in the same boat and all, that is we both wanting someone we can’t have, we should at least try to be civil with each other instead of trying to kill one another. Well, okay, maybe it’s just me thinking about killing him all the time. If I stop doing that, maybe we could even be friends…maybe. Anyway, I will try to be nicer to him even if it kills me. Nicer would have to include not planning his next funeral. I will treat him like a brother I don’t want, or a distant cousin…or a friend of a friend…or something like that.

Penny’s new resolution, I typed on my laptop, be friendly and polite, not hostile towards our house guest.

Definition of not hostile:

1) Smile to show friendliness at all times.

2) Be agreeable, not try to disagree even if he’s being idiotic/stupid by saying that the sky is puke green when it’s clearly blue.

3) Go out with other men as planned, just don’t tell him about it.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

4) Do NOT under any circumstances try to sneak a poisonous viper snake into his bed.

5) Abort mission to use his toothbrush to clean the toilet bowl.

There, I think that about covers it.

Armed with that resolution, I close the laptop and lie down in my comfy bed, feeling quite pleased with myself.

I wake up with a start. There’s that sound again from the room next door. Just like last night.

Oh, come on!!! I know I have a new resolution and all, it doesn’t need to be tested right away. Can’t he keep it in his pants at all? Sheesh!!!

Remember Penny, be friendly. Not hostile. Stupid lycan!

Argghhh…somebody needs to be kicked in the nuts! Okay, not hostile. Smile.

The sound gets louder. I pound on the pillow, be careful not to break it this time. I do this while smiling. I think I’m grinding my teeth a little, but at least I’m doing this while smiling.

The sound gets louder still, and…Oh gosh! That sounds awful.

Whoever is in there with him, that must not be very

pleasurable. I gingerly put my ear to the wall. No, I am NOT

being nosy. I’m just being concerned…you know the new

resolution and all.

There it is again. Is he calling out for me??? It sounds like he’s saying Persephone over and over again. Just what kinda kinky stuff is he into?

The noise keeps getting louder. That’s it! I can’t take it anymore. New resolution or not, I will NOT be a part of any

kinky sex thingy they’re into. I walk out and knock on his door.

The noise doesn’t stop. I don’t think they can hear me over that loud cry. The door is locked as well.

There’s a sound like something crashes on the floor. Somehow now I don’t think he’s having loud sex at all. It sounds more like a cry of pain.

I know some people are into that whole painful sex kinda thing, but I don’t think this is it.

I get back to my room and open the French doors to the balcony. His balcony isn’t far from mine. The noise is even louder from here. I climb onto his balcony and realized his balcony door isn’t fully closed. What are you doing Penny? This is not part of your resolution! Still, I’m so curious. Curiosity is going to get Penny killed!

The wind is blowing the curtains in. I slowly step inside to where he’s now groaning like he’s in pain. The moonlight is streaming in through the big windows. My eyes adjusted and I can see his form lying in bed. He’s topless and lying almost curled on his side. The sheet has ridden all the way down and I’m relieved to see that he’s at least wearing pajama pants. The muscles of his shoulders and arms are bunching. His skin is glistening in the moonlight. I can see that thin black chain around his neck. His pale blond hair is sticking out in some places and some strands are wet and plastered to his neck and face from sweat. Goddess, he’s beautiful. Even in this light, I can see that his body is a work of art.

He grows quiet for a bit, then he starts to groan out and thrashing about again.

“Persephone! No..Persephone..”

I’m ten feet away from him and I’m glued to the spot.

Then he starts sobbing. “Persephone! My Persephone…”

Oh, Gosh! Is he having a nightmare about me? Maybe, if I wake him up… it’s hard to watch him in so much pain.

There’s a broken bedside lamp lying on the floor. I am careful not to step on that.

I shouldn’t be in here. My heart is in my mouth. I gulp loudly and slowly move closer to hold his shoulder. His skin is smooth and warm to the touch.

As soon as my hand settles on his shoulder, he quiets down.

His body relaxes. His breaths even out.

Okay, time to disappear, Penny. It’s better for everybody if he doesn’t know you’re ever here. I gingerly take a step back, ready to flee. I’m almost at the door when he starts thrashing about again.

Goddess, my heart can’t take any more of this. I’m debating whether to run back to the safety of my room and leave him like this or try to wake him up again.

Oh shucks! His groan and moan get louder and I move back closer to the bed. You’re so stupid Penny!

I touch his bare shoulder again and shake him. “Darius,” I whisper.

“Persephone,” he murmurs.

“Yes, I think you…”

“Persephone. My Persephone.” He grabs my hand and pulls me to him before I can say anything else. I fall right on top of him and he wraps his arms around me tightly. For a second I thought he was waking up, but I think he’s still trapped in his nightmare.

I almost had a heart attack when he buries his face in my hair and breathes in my scent deeply. He murmurs something in Russian over and over again, and after a while, his breaths grow even.

I’m lying on his bed with my face pressed up against his chest and his arms tightly wrapped around my body. One of his legs is draped over and bent in between mine.

My body is enveloped with warmth. My heart feels like it’s about to burst out of my chest, while he’s fallen into a deep peaceful sleep.

I’d always dreamed of being this close against him, but I don’t think he’ll be too happy to see me in his bed like this when he wakes up.

Gosh, he smells so good. I close my eyes as the warmth of pleasure ripples throughout my body. Right now all I want to do is kiss and lick his warm hard body everywhere. I want the taste of him on my tongue. I want the scent of him to fill me up and saturate every inch and every pore of my body. I feel like

such a perv to feel that way when the source of that feeling is oblivious and sleeping soundly.

This is taking your new resolution too far, Penny. Get out of here! Get out now! Come on! Don’t walk, run!

I try to pry his strong arms off of me, but he tightens his hold even more, burying his face further into my hair. My face is squished up against his broad smooth chest. Uhhmmph….

Now what Penny? Now what?

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