Fates Hands

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Chapter 46


Val pulled up to the gate, the armed guard let him in. He went down the drive to the delivery door.

When he stopped he looked around the area, he never fully trusted these creeps. Thankfully it is the

last time he was going to deal with them.

He got out of the car and went to the back, opening the door just intime to be rushed at by a werewolf.

She snapped her teeth at him but was in too much of a rush to stop for anything else.

She bolted into the yard and with her momentum she managed to jump the seven foot barbed wire

fence. There were guards but they were human and not fast enough. Val shifted to his Tiger and went

after her. He didn’t have any trouble clearing the fence, his bigger frame just made him go slower over


Val knew it was important to find her quickly, she couldn’t out run him but she could out last him. If she

were to get a big enough head start then it’s to her advantage. Truly he had underestimated the Luna, it

wouldn’t happen


He was actualy happy she ran, he hadn’t had a good chase in a long time. He was relishing catching

up with the Luna, it would be satisfying to teach her a lesson.

Artemis and Adira were running but not at full capacity, being pregnant they didn’t want to use all their

energy. Artemis knew that they couldn’t out run the weretiger in a race but they could win if it became a

distance run.

Adira mind linked Duncan as soon as she cleared the fence, she told him which direction they were

heading and where she ended up. Duncan gave his location, Artemis turned a little south to catch up

with Duncan and Apollo before the tiger caught up to them.

Still Artemis kept her nose in the air to pick up any scents that may be of harm, especially feline. She

could smell something faint about a mile behind them, they picked up a little more speed.

Still they can’t over due it or it will cause harm to the pup. Artemis stopped for a second and turned to

sniff the air. That weretiger was closer than they realized, he was masking his scent so we couldn’t tell

how far he is behind us. This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

Artemis let out a carth shattering howl and took off running again. They heard an angry roar behind

them, they both smiled though when they heard a howl in front of them. Just a little further.

Duncan put on another burst of speed, shortly behind him was his lycan pack of warriors as well as

Jack and Archer. Duncan was far out front, once he heard Adira was being chased he put all his anger

and rage into his running. He leapt over fallen trees and bushes. All the while Apollo was wanting

faster, we must get to mate and our pup.

He heard her howl ahead of him, he let out a howl in answer. He also heard a roar, no way in hell was

that bastard ever going to get his hands on his little wolf. He isn’t going to be using his hands ever

again because they were going to rip them off.

They scented their mate before they heard her running full out to them, just as they were almost to

each other a weretiger pounces out of the shadow’s aiming straight for Artemis. Artemis dodge’s as

she runs past Duncan and Apollo in their Lycan form.

{{So things don’t get too confusing I will refer to

Duncan and Apollo’s lycan form as just Duncan. As well as Adira in her wolf form is Artemis.}}

The weretiger snarls at them and launches at their head, Duncan dodges and grabs the tiger by the tail

and whips him around like carnival ride, letting go at the last minute, tossing the tiger back deeper into

the woods, a loud crack was heard as the tiger crashed into a tree.

Artemis ran straight to the other lycans as they formed a circle around her. Closing her off from any

further attacks.

Jack and Archer took flanking positions on either side of Duncan. Neither was going to step in unless

Duncan asked or got into trouble and needed help. Otherwise they were there to make sure the tiger

stays in the fight.

Duncan wasted no time going after the tiger, loud snarls and growls were heard, the trees moving

violently as they were crashed into. The tiger came up from behind and latched his jaws onto Duncan,

going for the throat, instead his bite landed on the shoulder, Duncan let out a growl of pure anger.

Duncan shook off the tiger, blood was running down his torso from the bite. The tiger came at him

again this time Duncan was ready for him

and dodged at the last second, at the same time reaching with his other hand full of razor sharp claws

and tore open the tiger’s belly.

This went on for about an hour, till finally the tiger showed signs of getting tired. Duncan was still

running on adreneline and rage. At one point the tiger tried to run past Duncan to the other Lycan’s

trying to get to the Luna.

Jack met him head on and pushed him back into the fight, Duncan grabbed him by his back legs and

drug him away.

(Val) was getting tired of all this, it was getting time he found a way to either end this fight or escape.

Damn Werebear had the balls to get in my way, how dare he. He had fought plenty of werewolves in

their natural wolf form, he had never understood the lycan form till now.

He didn’t like the way this fight was going but the bastard just kept coming at him, why isn’t he getting

tired. He managed to get a little more energy, enough to get up and fight again, his tiger form was

healing fast but not fast enough.

Perhaps if he lets the Alpha think that he killed him, he can play dead and when their backs are turned

make my run for it. Yes, that is what I

S D will do. As he leapt out toward the Lycan, landing on his back,

Duncan let out a roar when the tiger landed a scraping blow with its claws. This however made him

really pissed off. Perhaps the tiger was hoping to make him so mad that he would start making

mistakes. Duncan chuckled to himself. Good luck with that strategy. Lycan’s are at their best when they

are fed by rage.

Duncan dodged another blow, this time he sunk his claws deep into the side of the tiger, holding on and

then slamming it to the ground. The tiger lay just a few feet from him as if it was dead. It wasn’t. That’s

when Duncan realized that the tiger was playing dead.

Duncan pounced on to the tiger, clamping his heavy jaws on it’s neck holding and suffocating the tiger

while shaking him back and forth violently till the tigers neck gave an audible snap.

Duncan wasn’t finished though, the large tiger was still alive. Duncan ripped out his throat and then

beheaded the tiger, grabbing the tiger once again in his heavy jaws and whipped the head at the feet of

his lycan warriors.

back to come to him.

What was said next shocked Archer and Jack.

“I want you two to escort your Luna three miles to the south were Marco is waiting with the second

wave of warriors. They will take your Luna back to our territory, when you have handed her over to

Marco, I want you to come back and catch up with us.”

He sat down for a minute as another warrior was seeing to his wounds, Apollo was already healing

them to the point that they didn’t hurt or bleed much anymore.

He motioned for Jack and Archer to come to him, with a smile he said…..

“It is time to put an end to all this evil shit, what do you say boys, lets go have some fun, it’s time to go


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