Fates Hands

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Jack made it back to his clan with all the much needed supplies. They could get normal things in town,

getting supplies when you are not human can be a challenge. Special herbs and medicines for instance

that you can’t find in a normal store. Bulk food is always a good thing, they could get it at a whole foods

store but it isn’t the same. He even managed to bring ten cases of jars back for their honey and maple

syrup production.

They sold both honey and syrup in town, they also made their own jams as well. That was mostly for

their own consumption.

Did they need all these things from the King, not really but it was a gift. Jack never turned down gifts as

long as there were no strings attached. This particular gift was a simple thank you from the King.

Werebear’s tend to like things as natural as possible, such as they grow their own foods and can, dry

or freeze them. They hunt and fish for their meat of course, what things they buy are really more of a

luxury than a need.

They don’t have internet or television. Nor do they use cell phones while in clan territory. Cell nhones

don’t work in the mountains anyway

phones don’t work in the mountains anyway. They do have a land line for the phone so they can call if

there is a need.

They have their own doctors and hospitals. They also have jobs out in the human towns. Such as

sheriff and police officers to truck drivers. A wide assortment of jobs they tend to hold down, the only

thing in common with them all is that werebears tend to stay in the small towns and rural areas.

Jack’s clan is a little bit more unusual than normal, they are a big clan mostly grizzly which is very rare

so rare that it is more legend and old stories than reality any more.

Adira stood infront of a full size mirror looking on in disbelief that the woman that was staring back at

her was in fact her. He gown was gorgeous, it was empire waist, it was off white with gold trim and All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

designs. It was made as a velvet over skirt with silk and tulle under skirt. It had lots of sparkle.

Adira almost didn’t wear it because she found out that the sparkle was actual diamonds. It also had a

cathedral train. Her ladies maids did a fantastic job on her hair, it was in up in a elaborate style, of

braids and curls.

Upon her head was a small golden crown with diamonds and saphires, attached to a long flowing lace

veil. It was perfect. She was just about ready to leave to go to the waiting area at the court, when a

knock came at the door.

When the ladies maids opened the door, there stood the King in his finest, with a huge smile on his


“Your highness, Adira gave a very graceful curtsy.”

That was when she noticed what the King was holding in his hands. It was her bridal bouquet, it was

beautiful with white and cream colored roses the roses themselves looked like the tips of their petals

were dipped in gold.

“My dear girl you look beyond amazing, I thought that you would be needing someone to walk you

down the aisle. I would like to volunteer for this duty if it is alright.”

“With teary eyes she spoke the words, Yes, I would be honored to have you walk me down.”

“Adira, the honor is mine little one. Now lets get going before your very nervous Duncan explodes.”

“Why would Duncan be so nervous, He knows I love him and that we are forever.”

“All males whether they know it or not, that their brides love them and it is a sure thing. Are still nervous

up at that end of the aisle waiting for their brides to come join them.”

Just in the nick of time in a deep red and gold trimed velvet bridesmaid dress looking absolutely

beautiful was Marnie. She was practically jumping up and down in excitement. She then gracefully

picked up Adira’s train, gave the King a curtsy and they were off to the hall.

As Duncan stood at the alter, everything went beyond what he thought was possible. The King went all

out for their wedding, he gave a chuckle to himself. Small wedding indeed.

Everything was covered in gold or silver sparkles, there were at least 10 christmas trees, that were also

done in mostly gold and silver sparkles, fairy lights were everywhere. Someone magically made snow

fall from the ceiling, it never landed on the floor though it was magical.

A red carpet was going down the center of what looked like a sea of chairs made out of sparkling

looked like a sea of chairs made out of sparkling snow. There was light music playing though Duncan

couldn’t pin point where it was coming from

He was there with Marco at his side, Duncan was happily surprised when Marco showed up with

Marnie. He simply told Duncan that he wasn’t going to let his best friend get married without him. That

was that and now here they are waiting.

The chairs were now full and the music became just a bit louder as they heard the main doors to the

hall begin to open, everything but the music was silent.

There she was on the arm of the King, it was as if time stopped there was no one else there but

Duncan and Adira. Apollo had to remind him to breathe. She was a goddess, his goddess. Till death do

they part and beyond.

Adira was in a state of awe. It was everything and anything you could possibly ever want for your

wedding and so much more. She gave the Kings arm a little squeeze of thank you. That was when she

looked down the aisle and there he was, her Duncan.

Eveything else faded away, time no longer had meaning as she looked into his loving eyes. The King

leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Just Breathe”.

They slowly made their way down the aisle to Duncan. The High elder asked, “Who Gives this Bride?”.

The King spoke in a very firm and loud voice… “I do.” He then reached for Duncan’s hand and put

Adira’s hand in it. He stepped back and went to his seat.

Duncan and Adira only had eyes for each other, they would answer the questions when asked. It was

time for them to say their vow’s. Duncan went first.

” Adira you woke my heart from a winters sleep,

the flames of my love are yours forever to keep.

I will always protect and love you till my dying day.

I am your rock, always I will stand, never will I stray.”

Adira looked at him with happy tears in her eyes, they shined like diamonds. He felt their bond grow

even more than he thought was


“Duncan, I am your other half, forever be 1 here.

Facing all our troubles and facing all our fear.

My love for you will never be broken or end.

My prayer they did hear, for you they did send.”

Now they spoke the last lines of their vow’s together. while holding hands.

” Together we are tied, as before all we stand,

We are blessed and it is by the goddess’s hand.

On this day till the end of days, our love will


Forever and beyond it’s just you and it’s just me.” 2

“The elder spoke again..Your highness, lords and ladies. I now give you Alpha Duncan and Lady Adira

of the Storm Crow Moon Pack. First bound by Love and now by Law.”

“You maynow kiss your bride.”

Duncan pulled her in for a deep passionate kiss, not caring who was watching. Hoots and woops

were heard coming from the audience. Adira was bright red as they walked back down the aisle and

out into the hall.

Once the doors closed once again, Duncan picked up Adira and swung her in the air, as they both

laughed in happiness. She pulled his head in close to hers for another kiss. Deep kisses came one

after another as their happiness consumed them.

“I am the luckiest wolf in the world right now. You are so beautiful I feel there isn’t a word created that

would do justice to describe your beauty.”

Duncan carried Adira all the way to the banquet hall, kissing and laughing all the way there.

Marnie and Marco followed from behind taking pictures as the went. The couple were completely

unaware that it was going on. Which made for some great pictures.

The banquet hall doors opened and trumpets sounded as they entered, the King himself announced

their presence. Everything was decorated just like it was at the court hall. Except for the chair for the

bride and groom, it was a love seat in red and gold velvet. Duncan sat down with Adira on his lap. Not

letting her out of his sight as they fed each other.

out of his sight as they fed each other.

That was how they spent their last night in the castle, in each others arms.

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