Fates Hands

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Spare woke up feeling like she was still dreaming, the bed was so warm and soft, there was a lingering

scent that drove her crazy, as she was rubbing her face all over the pillow. She woke with a start, not

knowing where she was till Artemis lazily informed her that they spent the night in their mates bed.

She quickly got out of the bed and looked around the room. It was huge, there weren’t a lot of

decorations , there was a couch on one side with a really large TV. When she turned to look at the rest

of the room, she saw him asleep on a cot. He didn’t look very comfortable.

She silently made her way over to him. The blanket was down around his hips as he was snoring

softly. She took him in, no one should look this good, his broad shoulders and dark hair covering his

well muscled chest, she followed that hair to where it disappeared under the blanket. Artemis was

panting so hard that Spare started breathing harder too. His scent was so strong right here,she couldn’t

control her hands, she managed to stop herself before she actually touched him.

She turned and found another door, upon opening it she found to her joy a bathroom. She had to pee

so bad her eyeballs were floating.

When she went into the bathroom, Duncan opened his eyes. He pretended to be asleep to see what

she would do, He could still smell her arousal in the air. Running his hand through his hair in

frustration, mind linking his wolf, Apollo this is going to be the toughest thing we have ever done.

He got up and put on some casual clothes and waited for her to get done in the bathroom. He looked

in the drawer where he put her clothes, he was going to burn these as soon as possible. They were

too big and saggy looking. He picked up her shoes they had a hole in the bottom of them , that she put

a piece of duct tape over.

He took the envelope with her money out of the safe and put it on the side table, the rest he packed

up, including her shoe’s and tossed them down the laundry chute, mind linking his Beta to collect them

and destroy them.

She wasn’t going to be happy but there was no way his Luna was going to wear those clothes ever

again. He stood up and went to sit on his cot, just as she was coming out of the bathroom.

They looked at each other for a little while, Spare blushed and finally looked away. She sat down on

the bed defeated.

Duncan saw this and cringed, as he went and sat down on the bed beside her. ” I have ordered

breakfast for us both to eat in here, I hope that we can talk about everything.” NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

She was grateful for that, she really didn’t feel like meeting new pack members just yet. Just then a

knock came at the door, Duncan opened it and two girls came in giggling, as they sat down two trays

loaded with food and drinks.

They left as quickly as they came, for which Spare was happy about, she didn’t need anyone giving

her looks. She hated to be in the spotlight. It made her feel vulnerable. She sat down at the table

looking at all the food, it smelled like heaven. She wasted no time, grabbing her fork she dug into the

food with gusto.

Duncan watched her eat, at least she has an appetite. Unless she is so starving that she can’t help

herself. Either way she was going to get all the food and snacks that he could give her.

“So little wolf, tell me about that really weird looking teddy bear, what is his story?.”

” His name is Max, I made him when I was six years old. I wasn’t allowed any toys of my own, My

sister though would throw huge tantrums and destroy her stuffed animals. So one day I started to

collect parts out of the garbage and made max.”

“Did you do anything with your family?”

“No, I had to stay out of sight, I wasn’t even allowed to use the front door.”

Duncan was getting more and more pissed as this conversation was progressing. Taking a deep breath

to calm himself and his wolf down.

“How about food, if you were not allowed to be around them how did you eat.?”

“When I was little I waited for everyone to go to bed, then I would sneak down and steal some food. If

they noticed things were missing they never said, though I was punished really bad when I got caught

on one of my runs, out of my room.”

Ok, he was going to have stop asking those questions or he was going to be punching out the walls.

“I know that I messed up your plans to get out of there and go to college. However let me say this first,

You can go to any college you wish and study whatever you like. You won’t be paying for it either, nor

are you going to be paying for anything. I’m going to spoil you rotten.”

She got up and grabbed the envelope with her money inside, she handed it to him. “Here take this to

help pay for my things, it isn’t a lot really but it’s something. I can also work cleaning or cooking, to

earn the rest of it.”

Duncan put his hand over her’s, “No, my little wolf that is your money and you will do with it as you

please. There will be no paying me back or working it off. You are my Mate and no one is going to hurt

you ever again, you will want for nothing.”

She just stared at him, with her mouth open in shock.

“You can’t be my mate, claiming a mate is a bad thing in our pack, well not everytime but usually more

so than not.”

“What do you mean by Claiming a Mate is a bad thing?”

“Well I only hear gossip here and there but the last two girls that found their mates were rejected and

disappeared the next day. Everyone said it was because of the pain of the rejection, that they will

come back in a while, but they never returned and just last weekend it happened again to two more


Duncan sat there in silence stunned, what the hell was going on in that pack, could they all be slime

balls. Were the males rejecting their mates to make money?.

“Spare I want you to know that that is not normal behavior for mates, a mate is your other half. To be

cherished and loved forever. It’s a gift from the moon goddess.”

“One more thing, I want you to choose another name besides Spare, I will not have that insult slapped

in your face everytime someone speaks your name.”

“I don’t know a name to choose to be honest.”

“It will come to you don’t worry, you have lots of time. My sister Marnie will be here soon, she has new

clothes for you and all kinds of things I’m sure, she loves shopping. Perhaps you two can come up with

a name. Just for today and tomorrow too, I want you to just relax and pamper yourself. When Marnie

gets here do whatever girls do, when they are together.”

“Umm, Duncan. I didn’t have any friends. My only friend is my wolf Artemis.”

At the mention of her wolf, Apollo perked up and started to tell Duncan what questions to ask them.

“What does your wolf look like?. Can you shift?.”

“Ok, but turn around. I have never been naked in front of anyone before.”

Duncan turned around, after a little bit he heard a small woof behind him. He turned back around to

see the most beautiful wolf he had ever seen. She was snowy white with little black tips on her paws.

She had even darker eyes than Spare did.

Apollo was dancing around in his head excited. Artemis just sat and stared at him like she was sizing

him up. Duncan quickly got undressed and changed into Apollo. Reminding him to go very slow. Apollo

was huge next to her, he was a golden wolf with glowing amber eyes. Apollo got down into a laying

position so as not to intimidate Artemis.

Artemis gave out an excited little bark and went to Apollo rubbing herself all over him, Apollo laid there

smugly. Duncan felt his joy and was happy for him. Apollo spoke to Duncan, “You will have yours soon

too, we just have to gain her trust, she has been through too much. She needs time to heal.”

Artemis then grabbed Spare’s shirt and walked to the bathroom. Spare came out shortly afterward,

Apollo was still there waiting for her. She reached out a hand to scratch him behind his ear. Apollo

looked like an idiot with his tongue hanging off to his side.

“You’re very handsome Apollo, thank you.”

With that Duncan stood before her once again, naked. She quickly turned her head but not before she

got a little peek at him and blushed. Duncan was happy almost giddy, she is ours Apollo. Nothing will

take her from us. Not even her.

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