Fates Hands

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Chapter 17


Duncan bit down hard tasting his mates blood, in an instant he could feel all of her pain, it was

unbearable. He called out for Apollo for help, instead he got Artemis surrounding him with warmth, that

was when he passed out.

Adira was floating on a wave of pain, she couldn’t get away from it. She felt so alone in the wave. She

could hear Duncan in the dark distance but she couldn’t make out what was being said. She lay on the

dark ground hugging her knee’s, that was when she felt light by her side, she looked up and there was

Artemis, wrapping herself around Adira. NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

Adira could hear her heart beat, as she listened the pain became less. There was a lonely sounding

howl in the distance, it was getting closer and closer. Adira wasn’t afraid of the howl, she thought that it

sounded beautiful, it made her feel calm and warm inside.

With each howl the pain lessened more and



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“Yes, Artemis?

“Open your eyes.”

“There isn’t anything to see but inky blackness.

“No little one, look it is no longer dark at all.”

Adira opened her eyes, before her was the single most wonderful place, there were little fairy lights

dancing lazily around, a gentle wind carried the scent of the blooming flowers. There was a little brook

running through the middle giving the sound of moving water to the back ground

The sky was the brightest blue and the sun rays danced in and out of the little clouds. Then she saw

them, a man and a wolf standing side by side. Looking at them in the distance, Artemis danced around

Adira’s feet and then took off at a run towards their two visitors. Adira couldn’t help herself she took off

running too.

The closer she got the more she realized who the visitors were, Duncan and Apollo. She ran even

faster till finally she was leaping into Duncans arms, laughing in complete happiness. The pain was all

forgotten, as Duncan twirled her around and around.

Once their joy subsided a little, Adira asked

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Artemis.. “Where are me, Arty?

“We are in my realm little one. This is where I stay when I am apart from you.”

“You couldn’t take any more of the pain, I think whomever gave us that poison ment to kill us

eventually. Duncan and Apollo saved you by marking you and I took everyone here. We will all be here

till the sun rises again. Then we go home, we have to follow the rules of the Goddess though to do so, I

will explain that later and don’t be alarmed if time moves slower here than out there.”

“Now we play, relax and then learn each other.” Artemis backed away and then came at Adira at a full

run , knocking her down. Adira was laughing so hard, Artemis was using her snout and teeth to tickle


Duncan was laughing at them both as he was hit from behind by Apollo, next thing he knew Apollo was

doing the same thing to him, all you could hear were giggles and playful growls.

Eric was excited with anticiption all through dinner with the Mayson’s. He was the perfect gentleman,

he thought he was funny and the life of the dinner party. Mostly though the

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Mayson’s thought he was a bit creepy, his sense of humor was a bit too dark.

Joann was the quiet one,she barely spoke more than five words all night. She did laugh at all her

husbands jokes though. Which seemed to encourage his over confident attitude.

They were very happy when the evening came to an end and it was time for them to part ways. They

said their good byes, and when they got into their car both of them gave a sigh of relief.

Eric and Joann drove home in silence, it wasn’t unusual for them it was how they preferred it. When

they reached their place, Joann got out of the car. “I will go get us a bottle of our favorite wine,

remember the one we drank at our wedding? I will get everything set up for just the two of us.”

When Eric entered their little dining room it was lit with candles, Joann was waiting for him in one of the

chairs, she was wearing the red silk teddy he loved so much. He had to admit, that even at this age she

still had a great body.

She got up with the bottle of wine and handed it to him, She kissed him. “Why don’t you pour us each

of glass, while I go get the pie for us to enjoy.

9:09 AM I 1.7KB/S He watched as she went into the kitchen, he poured them both a glass and then

added the poison to hers. She came in with the pie, this time only wearing an apron. She smirked at

him as she sat his piece in front of him. Together they toasted each other, she drank all her wine down

in one gulp and he smiled.

He picked up his fork and ate his piece of pie plus another, in anticipation of waiting for the poison to

kick in. It didn’t take too long and she was doubled over in pain, rolling on the floor in agony. He started

laughing at her when it hit him, the pain was horrible, before he knew it he had joined Joann on the

floor writhing in agony.

She saw him fall and though she was in terrible pain she laughed maniacally.

By morning both were dead, their bodies lay there for weeks stinking with decay, till the land lady found

them because they were late on their rent.

When Jack got back to their Den house, his second came to him to report on the she wolf.

“She had a rough time of it for a while there, now she is sleeping normally and her heat is all but gone


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Thank you for taking care of it Sam, it couldn’t of been easy.” Sam laughed, it was NO dang picnic

I’ll tell ya!

“On a more serious note, what do you plan to do with her Jack. I know she isn’t innocent but I have a

feeling there is more to her story than meets the eye.”

“I know Sam there are a lot of things that are finally adding up, still though, there are so many

questions unanswered.”

“Have her ready to go in the morning, I want her hands bound though. I want her to know she still has

to face the consequences for her the part she played in all this.”

“I will take her to the King, and see if she has anymore information to tell us. I will let him decide her


When Jack got to his room he sat on the end of his bed in sheer exhaustion, running his fingers

through his hair. His thoughts went to the things he found out about the royal house. He found it

strange that the Prince was off on some island, when he was scheduled for Royal Guard duties.

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Something just isn’t in the picture fully yet and he was determined to find it out. There is no way that

Alpha Micheal could of come up with the money to fund the opening of such a big scheme.

He hoped to find the Alpha ‘s account books, the real ones this time. Find out who is all tied to this.

Every pack, every human, every where. He wants to find other pack members of Rising Moon. To see

how far the abuse goes, he has a feeling he wasn’t going to like the answer.

Alpha Micheal was in his own apartments in the second pack house, playing nice with some big time

drug dealers who were really interested in Aphrodite’s Kiss. How to mix it for both shifters and humans.

Alpha Micheal realized that tomorrow night was the full moon that his wolf had mentioned. He

wondered if anything would happen. Probally not, his wolf was always a righteous prick and a coward.

Micheal smiled in the darkness, thinking of his father and wondering what he would think of what

Micheal did to his pack. He could still hear him yelling at him, ((What did you do this time. I simply don’t

understand what is wrong with

9:09 AM 0.1KB/s you boy.))

Right now his guests were enjoying themselves with a couple of his females, a little demonstration on

how it works with females. He will know their decision in the morning. The Prince decided to play the

role of the coward and backed out of his deal, he didn’t get refunded what he paid up front but Micheal

wasn’t going to gain any more money either.

Now that his search for that little bitch wasn’t so urgent, he could take his time to get his revenge.

Fucking Werebear’s, they messed everything up by getting involved. It doesn’t matter anymore anyway

because he now know’s where the female really is. They thought they were so clever, I will show them

how to be sneaky and clever.

I should know, I have pulled the wool over so many inspectors eyes.

Speaking into the darkness of his room…. “The Game is up assholes, time for round two.”

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