Fates Hands

Chapter 10

Chapter 10


Chapter 10

Alpha Micheal sat at the desk in his office, surrounded by his enforcers. He was clearly not happy

about how things turned out. His enforcers kept their distance, not wanting to be a target of his anger.

Some even had daughters they needed to protect. Soon their would not be any females left in the pack.

“So, now we know that the pack we are dealing with is those nasty werebears. I don’t mind saying that I

don’t like ever dealing with those assholes. They can’t be bribed or negotiated with, they only

understand one thing, fighting. Believe me when I tell you they are not only good at it,they enjoy it too”

“Do we have any information on them at all.?” Everyone shook their heads, nothing Alpha other than

it’s a rather large pack and they all looked like bikers. Their territory is massive, though it’s mostly


“Has that tracker moved out of the territory


“Not really Alpha, it did go into a small town about a mile on the north side of their borders, it is now

back in the middle of their territory.

10:41 AM 3.4KB/s 90 They are keeping her in the center of their territory, probally at their pack house

or what ever those smelly bastards call it.”

“Is there anymore information on the wolf pack that MacPatton is from.?”

“No Alpha, they are a pretty secluded pack, they like to keep to themselves. Those that do travel out of

the pack are exceptionally tight lipped.

With a sigh, Alpha Micheal ran his hand through his greasy hair, thinking things through. Something

inside his head was going off in alarm, no matter how he tried he couldn’t pin point the problem.

“Ok listen up here is what we are going to do, I want the three best hunter-trackers we got to go to the

werebear territory, they are going to sneak in and do some spying and if possible get the female out.”

“I also want two other hunter-trackers to go to the Storm Crow Moon pack and do some recon, I want to

know how big the pack is, how big their territory is. Gather any and all information you can, no matter

how small it is. Don’t engage with any of them if you can get away with it.”

“Both teams will have two days to gather info, be back here in two days no matter what. Now


10:41 AM 2.0KB/s GO!”

Alpha Micheal was starting to sweat it out and he hated that more than anything else. Prince Adam was

not going to be happy when he finds out about this. Still if he can get that little bitch back before he gets

here, then all will be


Alpha Micheal motioned for one of his men to come to him, “I want you to start checking out Storm

Crow tell me anything you can find out, use the royal contacts if you have to. Something about all this

isn’t sitting too well with me.”

“As you wish Alpha.”

“Tell no one that you are doing this, I think we have a spy in our own ranks.

Lily was at home throwing another one of her famous spoiled rotten temper tantrums. She was pissed

when her mother told her she was going to be punished for not keeping better tabs on the Spare. Alpha

Micheal sentenced her to two weeks of cleaning the cages at the warehouse. Lily was also going to be

sleeping there to, on a little cot in one of the back rooms.

( 3

What she didn’t know, is that Alpha Micheal

10:41 AM 1.2KB/s] 90 was giving her as a reward to the wolf or the wolves that brought back Spare.

Not as a mate or wife, no, just a couple of nights of fun. If she gets knocked up, she will be living in one of those cages she will be cleaning.

Lily decided she wasn’t going to be the cleaning maid. If this is how she is going to be treated after all

she has done for that bastard. Then she is going to repay it in kind, she over heard them talking about

the pack up north, the one that sent back all of his enforcers in boxes.

Perhaps they would be interested in a little information and where the locations of the Alpha’s favorite

factories are. She looked at her backpack she took with her everywhere. That should at least buy her a

ticket out of this hell hole.

It contained all the information she would need, including pictures, things she copied off his computer

at the factory, a log book and security camera footage on DVD’s. She made sure to cover her tracks,

they won’t even realise that it was missing till it was too late. She started doing this as an insurance

policy, she realised how bad things were by watching some of the footage, that was when she realised

that he was going to toss her aside.

She also found recorded camera footage of her

10:41 AM 1.7KB/s 90

Dad and Alpha doing despicable things to break in the new girls. It made her want to puke when she

saw what her Dad liked doing. She realised the role she was playing in it all and she wanted to curl up

and die, she was such an idiot.

Gathering up all the money she could get her hands on, then packing her suitcases. She took one last

look around her room only to realize how empty her life really was.

Perhaps Spare wasn’t as stupid as she thought she was, after all she did escape out of this miserable

excuse for a Pack. Lily wondered if she would ever see Spare again, not that she was that interested in

Spares life. It was just a thought, nothing more.

She put it all in her vehicle, her stupid mother thought that she was happy about going to live in that

hell hole of a warehouse. The longer she thinks all is well though, the further away she will get.

When she left she made sure her mother watched, as she went in the direction that was to the

warehouses. Once she was certain that there was no one watching anymore, she turned another

corner and headed to the freeway.

10:42 AM 2.0KB/s 90

Prince Adam Antonio Ryes Mason of the High Moon pack of High Garden Castle,sat in his study

tapping his fingers on his desk in agitation. He was so close now to his goal he could taste it. That

moron Alpha Micheal was lying to him. Why he was lying to him he couldn’t guess.

He better not mess it up, he wanted that girl because she was pure. Also she would be his and only

his. No more of these court whores trying to get in his pants, because they want money and power. He

wanted someone who would only be his, not for his title but for him alone.

He wanted a show piece and a slave. That way he could continue with the real things he liked doing,

while the world looks on at the happy royal couple. She was perfect for this in so many ways, mostly

they could not find any information on her other than the stuff he puts


He had rooms designed just for her, she of course wouldn’t be able to leave these rooms, at least not

until she earned his trust. He bought everything she might need or want. He was willing to give her

anything she desired except of course her freedom.

He knew that going this route to get her was

10:42 AM | 3.2KB/S DOO wrong, he was out of options because his father was going to force him to

marry some stupid half wit of a princess. Not that he minded stupidy in his women, he did want them to

be pretty though.

He couldn’t stand that idea at all. He wanted a girl who was for him and only him, Alpha Micheal better

not mess this up. He needed everything like he wanted it because, he could control it all, he didn’t

intend to really do anything with her. She would have his heirs and that would be all he needed. He

would be free to play as he saw fit.

There were times he wished he had never met Alpha Micheal, something about that Alpha never sat

well with him. The problem was though, he couldn’t get rid of his need for sex with younger males. He

realised the second he told that shady Alpha what he really liked, he wouldn’t be in this position if he

just kept his mouth shut. The Princes need for young males was the reason that Alpha Micheal decided

to open a branch in his factory for those purposes.

Another thing he didn’t want his father to find out. Not that his father cared if he was gay, his father

would be insane with anger if he knew about his habit though. His father hated men and women who

liked children in that way. No

10:42 AM 2.7KB/s 90 telling what he would do to him if he found out.

His father would give everthing to his little Brother Alex. That he would not let happen, he would murder

the perfect little brat before he ever had a chance to wear the crown. If his father didn’t want to disown All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

him, then he would make sure he suffers for the rest of his life. He would find the worst of them all, a

really ugly shrew of a princess that no one wanted.2

As long as his father doesn’t find out, at least not find out in time. He will marry the girl in secret and

then introduce her to the royal court and his father. His father will want to know all about her but there

won’t be anything to find. The girl didn’t really exist anywhere.

Alpha Micheal threatened him one night with telling his father all about him, Adam wasn’t intimidated as

Micheal had hoped. Instead he found himself on the other side of the coin. The Prince told Micheal if he

so much as thinks about those things, not only will he expose everything, he would skin him alive and

feed his dick to the royal pigs.

If he lost that girl though there would’t be enough time to find another, that is when he got the idea to

start looking for another. It’s always good to have a back up plan.

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