Falling For The Man I Married

Chapter 48: The brave Madi

Chapter 48: The brave Madi

It's four in the afternoon and it's time for my boss -slash- husband, the third coffee of the day. But before I make him coffee, I need his signature first on some important documents which I also need to pass to Sandy for dismissal to its designated department.

I carried the documents and was about to knock on his office door when it instantly opened before my face and Gabriel's hasty gaze looked at me.

"Oops! I'm sorry, are you in a hurry, Sir?"

Do I really need to ask that--- when I already know the answer?

"Yes, someone called me---"

"Stacey called you, right, Sir?"


"Oh, it's okay Sir. I just need your signatures for some documents here, can I?" I smiled like it wasn't a big deal to me and that I wasn't affected.

"Yeah, in my office." he opened the door and walked in again. He didn't bother to take a seat. He just took the files and signed each one of them.

"Are you not going to read the contents?"

-'Do you really can't wait to see and fuck your ex again? No... your girlfriend again?'- I asked him just in my mind. NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

But he just smiled and handed me all the papers.

"I don't need to. I know I can trust you, Madi."

I raised an eyebrow and tried to make a joke. "Really, what if it's a part of my way of earning a few million from your account?"

But instead of being alarmed... "It's okay. You can have as much as you want and don't worry, I can give you anything you want, Madi."

I laughed inside... -'Yeah, you can give me everything I want, except your heart.'-

And much to my surprise, he kissed me quickly on the lips.

"What the---" I uttered, but he's already exited the door. I gulped and laughed bitterly as I touched my lips.

We've been married for two weeks, but we barely see each other at his house. You can only count on your fingers the nights he sleeps in that huge but empty house. We're just seeing each other in the office, but after that, we can have our own precious time at night.

And with that, I'm really starting to think if he still needs me in his plan, because it's been two weeks that he hasn't mentioned it. And because it's once in a blue moon when he shows up at his house at night, he didn't notice the time I got home every night. There's one time, I didn't come home and slept in my old apartment, but he didn't notice it.

He continued his plan of chasing her and I continued to become invisible in his eyes. Every day, I need to smile and show him I'm fine and everything around me was just fine.

But every day, smiling feels like wearing a mask, a lonely mask that keeps my real feelings inside. But do I have a choice? I chose this, right? So feel free to endure the pain of my stupidity.


"Madi, are you ready?"

"Yeah, I'm just going to change my clothes at Gabriel's house."

It's Friday night and we'll be celebrating tonight in a night bar, along with her, Nancy, Greg and two of Greg's friend. And since Gabriel took an early out this afternoon, for sure he's enjoying the night between Stacey's legs too.

"Why do you keep calling it 'Gabriel's house'? Why don't you just call it 'our house?"

"Because it's not my house!"

"But you're married, that means it's marital property."

"Sandy, I don't have an interest with all the things and properties he has----''

"Yeah, because your only interest is to win his heart."

I didn't say anything, because it's true. And it just hurts me more to think that my love for him grows every day, but I can't do anything about it.

"You don't have to go home, Madi." I looked at her and she smiled. "I have a lot of dress, you know. You can borrow any of it."

"It's okay, you don't need to do that."

"But what if you find your husband at home?"

"And so?"

"What if he stopped you from going out tonight?"

"Oh, he can't do that! I didn't ask his whereabouts, so he has no right to question me!"

"Huh! Oh my, the brave Madi version 2.0."

I chuckled at her idea... 'brave Madi version 2.0' I like it.


I actually listened to Sandy's suggestion. I wasted no time going home to change my clothes. I just borrowed one of her killing dress.

"God! I missed this!"

I said turning in front of the mirror. I'm wearing a tight red and fitted dress which ended on my mid- thigh. And take note, it's in a strapless style and fits all my curves perfectly.

"Oh my God, Madi! You're so fucking hot and sexy!"

"Oh, I already know that, but thanks anyway."

She laughed at the way I answered back.

"I wish your husband could see you in that killing outfit tonight, I'm sure he will immediately drop his revenge plan on his ex and will start chasing you around!"

And that's my turn to laugh.

"That's not gonna happen, Sandy," I said popping my lips after applying my favorite shade of red lipstick.

"Well, who would know? But anyway Madi, you really look confident and beautiful tonight."

I just smiled at her. They are actually my tags to myself. The ever beautiful, confident and strong Madi.

"Let's go." I took my bag and checked myself again in the mirror. I sighed and smiled at my reflection. I don't remember when was the last time I wore that smile and confidence in myself. But I promise I'll be myself again tonight. The real me, the beautiful, confident and strong me.

Greg was waiting in the living room when I decided to come out. He stood up immediately and smiled at me.

"Wow! I haven't seen you in that kind of dress for a long time. Do I have to say welcome back or congratulations on your return?" he asked kissing my cheek.

"Come on, Greg. I'm still here. Nothing's change!" ...

-'except my heart'-

"Okay, let's go?" he took my hand and put it on his arm as we headed for his black Maserati.

"Where's Nancy?" I asked when he opened the passenger, not before he opened the door for Sandy in the back seat.

"She's already at the bar. You know, flirting with Lawrence."

I just shook my head and smiled. Nancy's original plan was to stay with us at Gabriel's house, but when she met Lawrence, one of Greg's friend, she decided to stay in Greg's apartment.

We arrived at the night bar at exactly seven in the evening. Sandy and I didn't wait for Greg to open our car door. Once we parked at the parking lot, we immediately jumped out of the car.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" Greg asked me frowning when he's already in front of us. But we just laughed at him and started walking towards the entrance.

"It's okay, you know we can it ourselves," I said placing my hand on his right arm. "But there's one thing we can't do tonight."

He looked down at me. "And that is?"

"And that is to pay our bills tonight." I shrugged and winked at him. He laughed and scratched the back of his head.

"Tsk.Tsk. Fine!"

And my smile widened. "Thank you, Gregy. You're so cute." I pinched his right cheek.

"Tss! You don't know--- it's innate." he proudly stated.

"You're leaning from the expert, huh!" I said chuckling.

"Of course! You're my best teacher." and he also winked at me. I just smiled and rolled my eyes.

The loud music was starting to rock the nightclub when we entered the entrance. Greg took us to the VVIP section and that's where I found another Greg's friend, Luis.

"Where are Nancy and Lawrence?"

I can't help but ask when I noticed the two were missing. And he pointed them through his mouth. We followed his gesture and found the two on the dance floor.

"Wow! She's now rocking the night!" I said shaking my head.

"Yeah. Tsk.Tsk." Greg said and sat down next to me. "What would you like to drink?"

I smiled at his question. "You don't need to ask, anything is fine with me."

"Alright." he shrugged and stood up to get our drinks.

Greg knows me well. He knows how much my tolerance is when it comes to alcohol. I can drink the whole bucket of beers without being drunk. We took the same course in college and we were both used to this kind of drink.

After dancing wildly and rocking herself on the dancefloor, Nancy finally decided to sit down.

"Hi, Sissy." she hugged me and kissed my cheek. I can smell the alcohol on her breath.

"Don't get too drunk, Nancy," I said patting her arm.

"Of course, Sissy." she smiled at me. "How are you and my jerk of a brother?"

"Still the same," I replied, avoiding her gaze.

"Tsk.tsk.tsk. Don't worry, the wheels know how to roll themselves."

And that's when Greg came back with two glasses of devil spring vodka in his hands. My smile widened as he handed me the other glass.

"What's that?" Nancy asked curiously asked.

"Devil spring vodka." I smiled as I proudly answered.

"Is that strong?"

"Hmm... 80% of alcohol."

"Huh! Can you drink that, Sissy?" her eyes turned wide but Greg just chuckled at her reaction.

"Yeah, I can even drink the whole bucket of beer without being drunk."

"Oh my! But how can you do that?"

"Five years of dealing with and drinking almost all types of alcoholic beverages can make you immune, Nancy. And Madi has a strong tolerance when it comes to that." Greg answered next to me. Actually, I'm sitting between them.

"Wow, can I see how you drink the whole bucket, Sissy?" she squealed beside me, but Greg glared at her.


But she just ignored him.

"I have an idea!"

And the next thing she did really surprised us all. She ran towards the stage and spoke through the microphone.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I have a friend over there. She's actually my sister-in-law." She pointed to where we were sitting. "She has a high tolerance to alcohol. Now, is there any of you who can fight her in a bottoms-up competition?" she screamed loudly and the crowd begin to make their choice. "I'm willing to give ten thousand dollars to anyone who can defeat my sister-in-law! Only five bottles! Who wants to join?"

Greg gritted his teeth as he watched his cousin gathering some boys from the crowd.

"It's okay, Greg. I'm used to this." I said patting his arm.

"But Madi---"

"It's fine. In fact, I missed this." I stood up and winked at him.

The crowd gave us some space and placed the buckets of beer in the middle. And then the battle began. I'm really enjoying it. Nancy, Sandy and Greg's two friends were cheering for me. But my killjoy friend by the name of ---Greg---, was just standing next to me and checking me out from time to time. I wanted to laugh at his face but I need to finish my battle.

And After ten minutes... bottoms up! I won!

"Yes!" Sandy and Nancy squealed in unison as they hugged me and kissed me on both cheeks. But their faces were far from Greg's face after that. His frown got deeper.

"Are you okay?" he asked, holding me by the elbow.

"Of course.l, it's just alcohol, duh!" I answered laughing.

We headed back to our seats and continued our drinking sessions. We laughed, we danced and we rocked the whole club upside down. I felt so free as if I really belonged to that world. I let out all my stress that night, as I know that tomorrow, I will have to face my battle again. The real one.

It's already one o'clock when we have noticed the time and we all decided to cut the party and went home. Greg drove me home and opened the car door for me. He even helped me get out of his car as if I were going to trip at any moment.

"Thank you, Greg. I enjoyed this night so much."

"You're welcome, Madi. You know I'll do everything for you, right?" he said seriously.


"I know, " he sighed. "But nothing's changed, Madi. I'm still the Anderson boy you know eight years ago."

I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you, Greg." When I pulled back, I looked at him. "But you know, we all know everything has changed."

"I know but not me. And you don't have to tell me the things that have changed about you."

"What do you mean?"

"You love him." I gulped and straightened my body. "I see it through your smile, how your eyes shine every time you hear his name. But like what I said before, I'll be waiting for you Madi."

"Greg----" he put his forefinger on top of my lips.

"I waited for you for eight years and I'm willing to wait another eight years again or more if you want."

I took his hand. "Greg..." I don't know how to explain my feelings to him.

"Madi, just let me do this, please? This is all I can do for you. To be on your side whenever you need me. At least I can be the friend you need. I'm still here, Madi."

And because I can't form any words, I just hugged him again.

"Don't be pressure with this, huh? I'm not telling you this to pressure you and to avoid me. I just want you to know you can have me as your friend or... something else, you know." he shrugged and I punched him in the shoulder.

"Thanks again, Greg. You don't know how lucky I am to have you as my friend since the beginning."

"Ouch! I'm just your friend." he faked his hurt expression.


"I'm just kidding. So, I'm going ahead?"

"Yeah, take care and thanks for the drinks." I winked at him.

He chuckled. "No problem. Goodnight, Madi." he kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight, Greg. Take care!" I waited for him to get into his car and drive away until he's already out of my sight.

Then I headed towards the wooden door. All the lights were already off but I have my own key in case the door was also locked. I was humming my country song when I walked in. I put the key back in my bag and left the phone in my hand.

I was about to take my first step when I heard the booming voice from the living room and the lights went on. Then I saw the angry face of my 'husband'.

"Where have you been?"

I gasped as I put my hand on my chest. I almost drop the phone because of so much shock.

-'For goodness sake! Why is he still awake at this hour?'- I asked myself looking directly at him.

"I just went out with my friends," I answered casually after composing myself.

"Went out with your friends, Madi? At this late hour?" he yelled at me. I can't believe it, he really yelled at me!

"Hey wait, Mr husband! Why are you mad?" I asked him, laughing sarcastically.

"Why am I mad? Are you seriously asking me that question, Madielyn?" my eyes widened with that.

"Wow! So, I am Madielyn to you now, dear husband?"

"Are you drunk?"

Am I drunk? No! A little tipsy maybe... but drunk? Nah!

"I'm not drunk! And excuse me, I just want to take a rest." I brushed past him but he grabbed my hand.

"Where have you been, Madi? You didn't answer my question seriously!"

-'You didn't answer my question seriously.'- I mimicked his words in my head before laughing in his face.

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