Falling For The Man I Married

Chapter 3: His Cold Stare

Chapter 3: His Cold Stare

Madi's POV:

Answering some phone calls and checking out his new schedules, took up almost half of my day. I didn't notice how time passed and it's already lunchtime.

Sandy appeared at my office door wearing her hungry smile.

"What's up? Work over food?"

I smiled. "Fine. I haven't noticed the time."

"Hmmp! That's your dialogue every day," she said rolling her eyes.

"Really? I didn't know that." I said smiling widely as I cleaned the table.

I just got my phone and my purse before going to the elevator down to the cafeteria of the building.

"You know what, I have a wonderful story."

I glanced at her while entering the busiest side of the building at this hour.

"And what is it?"

"About our boss." she covered her mouth on the other side so no one could hear her voice except us. And it intrigues me. I arched my eyebrow.

"That's gossiping!" I told her even though it really intrigued me to the bone.

"His cold behaviour has a story." she continued whispering.

"What story?"

"I heard, he was betrayed by his ex. The one he loved but also the one who got away. She left him."

I don't know but hearing him already loved someone else gives my heart a slight pinch. But I just ignored it and opened my ears to the additional information from her.

"How did you get that?" I asked her all ears.

"I just heard it when I went to the finance department earlier. And you know what, after that incident, that's when he accepted the position from his father to become the CEO of WEC."

I turned to her, trying to gather more of her story.

"Plus... they said after his ex cheated on him with another man, he became cold and heartless."

"Hey! You heard it from someone talking behind his back?" I eyed her.

"Yes, but I didn't mean to. They were already talking when I passed them. And don't tell me you're not interested, because everyone in this building loves to gossip about his life."

"I'm not interested." I lied. "I'm just intrigued."

She chuckled behind me as I entered where the line starts.

"Girl, that's the same. It's a synonym of interested."

So, he was betrayed? I wonder if his behaviour he shows us today is different from his personality before he was duped by his ex. Wait? What kind of ex? Ex-girlfriend or ex-wife?

"Ex-fiancee." I was shocked and my head immediately snapped in Sandy's direction.

"You heard it?" I asked with wide eyes. I'm just asking myself.

She chuckled again. "Of course, silly! Your thinking so loud!"

"Ohh.." the only word that came out of my mouth. I bit my bottom lip in slight embarrassment. I hope no one has heard me talk to myself except her.

"So... that's what you call 'not interested', huh?"

She smirked but I rolled my eyes.

"Hi, Madi."

I was saved by the bell when Troy from HR department greeted me over two people in the line ahead of me.

"Hi, Troy." I smiled at him.

"Hmmp! The flirting has begun."

Sandy muttered to herself but I just laugh. She keeps on insisting that Troy has a big crush on me but I also keep ignoring her.

The thing is, even though he has a crush on me, I don't see anything wrong with that. And that's not a valid reason to avoid him. For me, as long as I don't give him any motive to bring his 'crush' on me to any level, I don't need to stay away from him. Besides, I also considered him my friend.

He joined us at our table as he always did every day. Of course, sitting next to me.

* * *

"I really love their chicken sandwich."

Troy said, unwrapping the second sandwich on his hands.

"I can see that," Sandy said while grinning.

I swirled the spaghetti on my fork and shoved it to my mouth.

"Troy, where are you from?" Sandy asked him suddenly.

"Me? I'm from Florida," he answered and Sandy and I shared a look.

"You also came from Florida?" I asked, facing him.

"Yeah, that's where I lived before I tried my luck here in Chicago. Why? Don't tell me you were also from Florida?"

"Well... yeah." I shrugged. "That's my birthplace."

"Wow, great." we both looked at Sandy. She just shrugged and took a sip of her juice. I know that kind of look.

"Yeah, destiny." my eyes widened at Troy's word but widened more when Sandy spat half the juice out of her mouth and coughed.

"Sandy!" I glared at her. Thank God, I've already finished my food.

"I'm sorry," she said, still coughing.

"You did it on purpose!" I accused her.

"What? Of course not! Can't you see I'm coughing to death? Blame him!" She pointed to Troy next to me.

"Wait? Why me?" Troy asked confused.

"Because you mentioned the word destiny!" she snapped at him.

"And so? Maybe it's a real destiny that Madi and I come from the same land." he retorted aloud.

"Yeah! So, it's really your fault!" she snapped again in a louder voice than Troy.

"Wait! I can't see my fault on this! What if I said that Madi and I were brought here by destiny?"

-'Oh God!'-

I just bit my bottom lower lip, massaging my temple. I looked around to see almost all the eyes of the people sitting inside the Cafeteria were now on us. And the pair of brown eyes that owned by Mr Wilsons also staring at us -- coldly... well, staring at me.

"Hey! You two, stop bickering over your food. You're creating a scene and gathering attention!"

They looked around and smiled to those who were raising their eyebrows on them. But they didn't notice the cold stare of our boss from the corner--not--so--far from our table.

Sandy continued to eat while Troy scratched the back of his neck.

After we finished our lunch, we headed back to our desks, while Troy returned to his department.

I didn't found Mr Wilsons where he's seated earlier.

I checked the time on my wristwatch and found it 5 minutes before 1 pm. I need to go to the pantry to make another coffee for my boss. I also bring my notepad to remind him of his scheduled meeting at 1:30 pm.

After 5 minutes, I am knocking again on his office door.

"Come in."

Ohh... Thank God, the coffee in my hand didn't freeze from the coldness of his voice.

-'Why does he have to be so cold?'-

I pushed the door and found him on the phone. He's talking to someone on the other line, so I didn't greet him. I put the mug on his desk and wait for the call to finish.

"I didn't ask for your opinion regarding this matter!"

I gulped as he yelled that someone on the other line.

"I am paying you to investigate her, to monitor her and not to interrogate me! Understood?"

Maybe he didn't wait for that someone to answer as he ended the call right after screaming.

-'Wow!'- I mentally arched my eyebrow. -'Not so arrogant!'-

"Your coffee, Mr Wilsons," I said with a slight smile, pretending not to have heard anything. Liar!

"What's my next schedule?"

He sat on his chair. I remained standing as I opened my notepad.

"You have a meeting with Cordova's Marketing at 1:30 pm. Their COO will be the one to meet you along with his secretary. And as per his secretary, they will present their project presentation regarding the new product they want our company to buy." I've stated fluently. As I finished, I looked at him only to see him staring blankly at the bookshelves on his left.

I waited for him to speak but minutes have passed, he hasn't moved a bit. Then there's a new notification on his phone and he unconsciously swiped it by his arm. And since it's on the table, I was able to see the picture that popped up on it. I gulped as I saw the picture of a woman with a man's arm over her shoulders.

I averted my eyes away from it and focused on my notepad. I remembered Sandy's story earlier. I looked at him through my lashes and I didn't miss how he clenched his jaws and his knuckles turned white from the grip he's giving to his phone.

-'Poor phone. I'm sorry for you and for your suffering.'-

"Mr Wilsons."

I tried to call his attention. His head snapped at me and I flinched slightly at the look in his eyes. But when he realized that it's me who's standing in front of him, his eyes softened a bit and he let out a sigh.

"What's my next schedule?"


My mouth fell open by his question. So, I became really invisible to him earlier? I just mentally rolled my eyes and repeated what I said earlier regarding his next meeting. As if I have a choice.

"Okay. Be ready at that time."

"Yes, Sir. Anything else?"

"Nothing more."

I nodded and walked out of his office.

Walking back to my desk, my mind was left on the picture of the woman I saw from his phone. I can't help but think again what has Sandy told me about Mr Wilsons' past.

As long as I don't want to snoop other people's lives, I can't help but be intrigued by his past. Maybe the rumor was true, because of his cold behaviour. Was that woman really the reason he was distant?

Does he still know how to smile? Ever since I started working in this company, I have never seen him laugh or even smile. Whenever his employees greeted him, he didn't even greet them back. His face was always masked with seriousness and coldness.

My thoughts were interrupted by a text message from George, one of my managers from my second restaurant. She's also my friend from college.

George: 'Madi, can you drop by before you go home? We just need your signature for the restaurant permit renewal. Thanks.'

Me: 'Okay... thanks, George.'

I replied back. I checked my watch and it's 5 minutes before 1:30. I gathered my things and walked out the door.

I saw Sandy walking towards me, she came from the elevator. For sure she just checked the conference room where the meeting will be held.

"The meeting room is ready," she said smiling.

"Thank you, Sandy."

"Yeah, good luck."

Before I could answer, the door from the CEO's office opened and there he stepped out the Greek God himself, I mean... Mr Gabriel Wilsons, wearing his signature cold demeanour.

"Let's go," he said as he walked past me.

Sandy winked at me when I glanced back at her.

I always thank God for giving me the ability to walk fast. I was a track in field athlete when I was in elementary and high school. So, I can follow the long strides of this giant.

He entered the elevator with me trailing behind him. I pressed the close button and our designated floor.


It's been almost one hour since the presentation began. I am always attentive to listen to this matter because sometimes, my opinion was being asked by my boss himself during the meeting.

It continued until 2:45 pm. That means the discussion lasted 1 hour and 15 minutes to be exact.

All throughout the meeting, there was a pair of eyes that keep staring at me. It belonged to Mr Emerson Solivan, the secretary of the CEO of Cordova. But I'm busy listening to the discussion in front of me, so I just ignored him and acted oblivious to his stare.

When everyone got up, I collected my things with some of the mess from the table.

They congratulated each other and exchanged handshakes.

I was about to go to the next chair to pick up another folder that was used from the meeting when someone bumped me on my shoulder. Not only did the folder from my hand fall to the floor but did I. I wasn't expecting the sudden strength, and since I'm wearing heels, I hadn't balanced my body so I end up falling to the floor with my butt first.


I groaned in pain and I don't know if I said it out loud. Thank God, some of the people have already left the room.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Ms Davis. I didn't notice you."

Mr Solivan explained as if I am going to buy his foul excuse. I know he intentionally pushed me for me to talk to him, as I haven't spared him a glance since I found him staring at me. This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

"It's okay Mr Solivan."

I managed to say with a smile. I am wearing a skirt and I noticed him gulped when he saw my legs. I tried to stand on my own, and he bent himself to help me but he was stopped by a cold serious voice behind me.

"Don't touch her, Mr Solivan! Or I swear I'll break your arms!"

Mr Solivan swallowed nervously when Mr Wilsons appeared in front of me glaring at him. My eyes snapped at him as his two hands now in front of me, offering me help to stand up.

When I was sure of his intention, I didn't hesitate to grasp them. He helped me to get up, and when I was on my own feet, he faced the pale man who is now also sweating from nervousness.

"I saw you, how you eye-raped my assistant while we were all discussing your proposal! And you intentionally bumped her, to make her fall and you act as if you were helping her to stand!"

"N-No... S-Sir. It's just ----"

"If you continued standing in front of me, I swear this would be your last job in your life!"

"O-Ohh... I'm sorry Sir, Ms Davis."

And he ran out of the door.

"Thank you, Sir."

I gulped as I bent to pick up the folder from the floor. But to my not--so--lucky day, my forehead bumped into another forehead... Mr Wilsons forehead to be exact.



We exclaimed in unison as we both rubbed our forehead.

"What a shity day!"

I muttered slowly to myself before picking up the folder again.

"I'm sorry, Sir."

I managed to say before collecting all the folders from the table.

He didn't say anything, he just walked past me towards the door.

'-What do I expect?'-

After gathering all my things, I followed him and exited the room.

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