Entrapped To Alien Lords Free chapter




Finally. my survival instinct kicked in and I concentrated on scanning the horizon for land. These currents would dump me on a shore eventually, I reasoned, I just had to be on the lookout. Focusing my energy felt good. I was a survivor, I could live through this.

The first time I felt something brush my leg I screamed. Quickly, I realized it was my motion that was attracting whatever kept touching me. I floated on my back and tried to move as little as possible. I looked at the stars and did that breathing Rose had taught me

The panic started to crest again. My options were not looking good. I could drown, be eaten. or die of dehydration. Fighting hard, I concentrated on watching the stars and breathing deep.

Looking to my right I thought I saw a light, so I moved and my feet sank into the water. I kicked a little to get higher. It was my imagination or the reflection of the moon. Nothing was out there, it was just me

The touch on my leg was firmer this time. I stilled all my movement, but it was too late. I screamed and thrashed as something wrapped around my lower leg. Slowly it started to pull me down. I took a big breath just before my head was pulled under. Some part of me realized it would probably be the last air I would ever take.

I tried to fight, but it was useless. I was dragged deeper and deeper. Whatever was wrapped around my leg was thick as my arm and slimy. It had a hold on me like I'd never felt before. Little stinging pricks went around my leg everywhere the thing touched.

Now I knew what would kill me, drowning. I fought the urge to breath; it was so strong. I needed air badly. That first breath underwater would be my last. I put it off as long as I could.

I gave in to the urge and felt the ocean wash into my lungs. The pain was immense, but it would be over soon. My throat slammed shut and I struggled with the lack of air. My body writhed in the water. The blackness overtook me and I was grateful for it finally.

I dreamed of Master Kein in that horrible abyss. He was in my face, his hair floating like a halo around his head. Next thing I knew he was forcing a thick piece of slime between my lips. The thing he stuffed in my mouth was gross. It was so nasty and it was moving like worms. This was a horrible way to die. Drowning while worms crawl into you.

The worms were moving everywhere inside of me. They had long since forced past my gag reflex deep into my threat. I felt them in my nose, too. I tried to cough, but I couldn't. Really, I just wanted the worms out of me.

My strength started to return, it felt like I was breathing again. Reaching up I tried to grab the slimy junk out of my mouth. Now Master Damien was right in front of me, his hair was plastered to his face. He shouted at me to leave it. He held me in an iron grip.

My vision blurred and blackened for another moment. Master Bane was before me now feeling over my heart and shouting. I couldn't understand him This was such a horrible, confusing dream

Wind was whipping past my face; there isn't wind underwater. I was laying on metal. In my dream I wasn't underwater anymore. A sharp pain got my attention and I looked toward my leg. A giant pink mass was wrapped around it and stuck to it. It's tail end flopped and moved down by my foot. I tried to scream or move away, but strong hands held me down.

I watched as a man I didn't recognize brought what looked like a fiery brand down over the pink mass on my leg. Pain rocketed through me and I saw the burned part fall away. The brand was reheated out of my sight and then he placed it back over the thing covering me. I'd never felt such burning as when he brought the fiery metal down over the mass, but each time he moved it away a little more fell off my leg.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Looking up I saw my owners standing over me. They looked like they were all seething mad and soaked to the skin. The pain radiated up from my leg again and I watched the moon slowly fade out of sight.

This was an awful nightmare, I just wanted it to end. Why couldn't I die like a normal person and not have a nightmare first? Finally. blackness took over and I welcomed the calm that it brought.

I was back in my owner's bed in the compound. My brain felt muddied and clouded. I was used to waking slowly, but this level of confusion was annoying even for me. Turning my head slightly I saw bright blue eyes and long blonde hair.

Master Evan was watching me with unfaltering attention. He lay on his side in the bed locking at me. He had his head propped up on his hand as though he had been studying me for some time.

"So which horror is it to be this time, Ciara?" he asked brushing my hair off my forehead. "Though I know it serves no purpose, I will tell you again, you are safe and we are real."

What a bizarre thing to say.

I turned my head and saw the moon through the window. It was night. I couldn't figure how I got here or where I was supposed to be. I didn’t remember going to sleep and no one else was in bed.

The men slowly came into the bedroom and sat around me on the bed. They were all dressed in their linen shifts. It must be bedtime. I couldn't figure out why I went to bed first.

"What has it said this time?” Master Damien asked taking a sip from the cup in his hands. God, I was thirsty, so thirsty. "Master Damien.” I pleaded and pointed to the cup. My voice was raspy.

"It recognizes you, brother,” Master Evan said as he helped me to sit up.

They held me-up and let me drink. I felt weak ang-dizzy. Inside the cup was water, but itburned going = ™ down. I coughed and sputtered, brat I wanted ore. I clung to Master» Damien’ s arm so he wouldn Htake thezcup away. They fed met ittle sips until the thirst had gottenbetter.

I tried to movexny leg and screamed as pain shotthrough me. Jerking the covers away I screamed again. My right eg was tattooed and raw . S looking, I it looked like an intricate snake wrapping around my entire cal fon the right. Content belongs ite) 6

"Ah, it is to be the waking dream of the tentacle again,” said Master Bane quietly.

It doesn't have-you, Ciara," Master Christof said\petting my shoulder. "We burned i it off of your leg, there4s no tentatle stuck to you. You arent drowning. We cut the fleint's ©. appendage and pulled you up,” “he said. _~ a

"What are you talking about?" I grated out. "Why did you mark my leg like this, Master Christof?"

They all just stared at me for a moment. "Is it avake?" Master Damien asked contemplatively.

"Ciara," Master Kein asked, "where are you?"

“In the bedroom," I answered confused.

"Do you know who we are?” Master Christof asked looking hopeful

"You are my owners," I croaked out.

They cheered and slapped each other on the shoulders. It was an impromptu celebration going on around me.

Master Bane leaned forward and kissed the top of my head, "Although I'd like to whip you raw before we take you to the village, I'm glad to see you back,” he said smiling

"Why do you want to whip me? Why did you mark me? Why are you so happy? What is going on, Masters?" I asked in rapid fire succession. "Ah, the questions," Master Damien said laughing

“And what's wrong with my voice? Why do I hurt? What happened today?" I continued to ramble

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