Entrapped To Alien Lords Free chapter




Master Christof had been taken, I was sure of it. No wonder the poor man didn't really like me. He had been taken and held by a gang of women who did who knows what to him. His psyche must have been destroyed.

"They took Master Christof, didn't they?" I asked

"He isn't quite right, then?" asked Fuji curiously.

I was suddenly not sure what to say. If my Warriors found out I talked about them I may get in trouble.

"He's just more insistent I face away is all. More nervous about my mouth, just those types of things," I stammered.

It wasn't really a lie, but it wasn't really the truth. Telling them he could couldn't even use his cock on me was going to be far too much information.

"My Masters say he refused to go the last coupling. His brothers had to go without him. It was a disgrace to them, but they won't talk about it. He was punished for refusing to go, if he refuses again my owners say he may be killed," Tamia chimed in.

I saw Master Bane jumping up and down on the field so I clapped my hands and hooted. This conversation had to end soon, obviously it wasn't something they wanted spread all over the compound.

"You called them brothers, but they don't look anything alike," I said hoping it would change the subject.

"Oh, no it's the markings they have that make them brothers. It is probably the same mark they put on your stomach. They think they must be born with it. When the mothers bring the sons back they all have them. When the Child Keepers notice similar marks they put the children together. They grow up that way," Fuji answered.

I was relieved to see the Warriors all heading back toward us. I had enjoyed talking to the women, but the talk about Master Christof had bothered me twofold. I didn't want to get into trouble mainly. Secondly, he had problems, that much was obvious; being a big mouth about it wouldn't help. I would never bring that subject up in public again.

"Did you enjoy talking with the other slaves?" Master Damien asked as we walked back toward the courtyard.

"Yes, Master Damien," I answered politely watching his heels.

"Did you learn anything interesting?"

"Yes, Master Damien," I answered again keeping my head down but trying to use my peripherals. There seemed to be a lot of people milling about.

He turned to face me and I ran into him. None of the men had redressed after the game. I was looking into his sculpted chest with it's sprinkling of dark hair. I tilted my face up to look in his eyes.

"Ciara, what did you learn?"

"The women here are mean and you have to have sex with them. Your teeth grow when you're excited. The slavers won't get me again. I'm lucky I'm human or the slavers would have sold me a worse place..." I trailed off and Master Damien smiled.

"We are going into the public bath. When we get inside we will remove your ornamentation and you will join us. You will bathe me," he said.

I nodded unhappily. I had gotten used to being sort of dressed in public. He noticed the look and raised an eyebrow at me.

"I don't like to go without clothes in front of other people, Master Damien," I complained quietly.

"Are you disobeying me, slave?" he asked.

I could feel his brothers surrounding me. Now seemed like a bad time to make them angry.

"No, Master Damien," I said meekly looking down.

We walked into a huge hall, the ceiling had to be up two stories. The public bath was bigger than the public swimming pool at home. It was at least half a foot ball field long. There were Warriors already there, lounging and swimming. Slaves were interspersed in the men.

The men stopped at a small enclave in the wall. A symbol, their symbol, was above it. Inside were several cushions and places to sit. They laid their clothes inside and started to undress me.

My care was evidently a group project. Master Damien unhooked the chains from my collar that held my breast covers in place. Master Christof removed my earrings. Master Bane took the chain from around my waist, while Master Kein had leaned down to work on my sandals. I thought I was done, but Master Evan reached out and removed a piece of metal from beneath each breast.

"What are those?" I asked looking at the thin curved metal. I hadn't even felt them there.

"The support you asked for Ciara," Master Evan laughed placing them beside my sandals.

Come to think of it my breasts had looked really perky underneath the gauze.

Once I was back in just my cuffs and collar, they removed the pieces covering their genitals. Master Kein and Master Bane raced to the pool and jumped in making a splash. I walked with the other

men who took a more dignified entrance into the water.

The water felt surprisingly good. It was a little on the warm side, but very comfortable. Remembering my instructions I wasn't surprised when a silky rag and a slippery bar were handed to me. I stood in the water and did as instructed.

I gently scrubbed Master Damien he sat in the shallow water at one end. He was powerful man and I felt the tension in some of the muscle of his back. I rubbed a little harder and felt the muscle ease under my palm.

"Lower down," he instructed, "do the same thing you just did."

Using the soap like massage oil I found the knot that must have been bothering him. After a moment it released in response to the gentle massage.

"Wash all of me like that," he instructed.

It was to be a full body massage, then. I rubbed and cleaned him thoroughly. On his right shoulder, I noticed the intricate mark he carried. Comparing it to my the insignia on my cuffs it was virtually the same. Except for scars, this tattoo was the only other mark on his skin.

Once I was done with Master Damien, Master Evan demanded the same attention. I started to massage him and he shook off my hands. He just wanted me to bathe him.

"Rub me with soap and wash it off," he said brusquely.

I did as he asked and gave him a perfunctory bath. After washing him he also told me to wash his hair.

I sat behind Master Evan on a step and cleaned his hair. I remembered the one time mom and I had gone to a fancy salon. The lady had run her nails over my scalp. It had felt really good, so I did that


"More of that," came the soft response.

I started to massage the scalp in front of me and Evan groaned very low in his throat.

"Like that," was the guttural comment, so I kept at it.

Evan moved only once as I worked on his hair. He jerked me around so I sat on the bench beside him. Flipping his legs up on bench he laid back with his head on one thigh.

"You may continue," he said settling down.

As I worked, I heard my other owners walking away. A game was being played on the other side of the pool and it had their attention.

Eventually, Master Evan's hair was clean but he didn't move. I just kept rubbing his scalp and playing with his hair. The long locks were a temptation. I spread them out over my lap and experimented with braiding them.

I would put a complicated plait in and then take it out. My skills getting better the more I practiced. Mom had been a hairdresser, so I knew quite a few fancy braids. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

I was allowing myself to get lost in the repetitive activity. Master Evan had his eyes closed laying in the water and looked completely relaxed. When he spoke I jumped.

"To what honor do I owe the attention you are paying my slave, gentlemen?" he asked never opening his eyes.

I started to look up, but stopped when I saw several sets of masculine legs standing at the edge of the pool beside us. I stilled my hands in Master Evan's hair and waited.

"Just noting how strange it is you all were permitted to keep a slave when your family cannot be trusted to follow the coupling schedule," the man said. "Will Christof be well enough to accompany you this time or does illness still plague him?"

I could hear the sarcasm dripping over the man's words. My heart went out to poor Master Christof, it wasn't his fault something terrible happened to him. He had been kidnapped and probably abused. He was too scared to even have sex with me. All that and he gets crap from these guys, too.

Men on this world were just like the men on my world. They wouldn't give anyone a break. Their attitude irked me.

"Master Christof is fine," I said defensively without really thinking about it.

Master Evan looked up at me with one eye open, "Who are you talking to, slave?"

"You, Master Evan," I said realizing my mistake.

He continued to look up at me for a moment and then returned to his resting position. "Christof will join us next time," he said closing his eyes again.

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