Drawn To Darkness (Kings Of Mafia)

Chapter 11

The floor polisher’s handle vibrates in my grip while I stare at nothing in particular.

The past twenty-four hours have left me feeling rattled. First, I lost the morning shift at the diner, then my bag was stolen. I had to clean up puke and got scolded, time and time again, by Mrs. Stafford.

I agreed to dance for Dario because I needed to ease the stress bearing down on my shoulders, but I didn’t plan to have sex with him. That just kind of happened.

I was so wrapped up in the moment that I didn’t stop to think about what I was doing.

I wouldn’t classify it as a one-night stand, and even if it was, it wouldn’t be my first.

But I was reckless. We didn’t use protection, and although I’m on birth control, I should be more careful of catching an STD.

I’m sure Dario’s clean, and out of everything I have to worry about, an STD isn’t at the top of my list. To ease some of my stress, I pull my phone out and send him a message.

Eden: Are you clean, or should I get checked out?

Not even a minute later, my phone vibrates.

Dario: I’m clean. Are you on birth control?

Eden: Yes.

Dario: I’ll make sure to carry condoms for the next time.

A chuckle escapes me.

Eden: You assume there will be a next time.

Dario: You blew my mind. There will definitely be a second…third…fourth…fifth…etc.

Eden: It all depends on how the date goes.

Dario: Then I’ll just have to impress you.

After messaging Dario, I feel a little better, and while I do my work, I keep replaying the night over and over in my mind.

The sex was hot and emotional, which is something I haven’t experienced before. I’m used to quick fucks with men who don’t care whether I orgasm.

Jesus, Dario didn’t even have to try. Just having him inside me was enough to make me come.

I can still feel his hands roaming my body. I can still taste him. I can still smell his scent on me.

And now I’m getting hot and bothered again.

With a smile playing around my mouth, I keep thinking about Dario until I’m done with my work. After putting away the cleaning cart and equipment, I go to the locker room, where I take off the apron and cap.

I check my locker for my bag only to remember it was stolen.


My apartment’s keys were in the bag.

I slam the locker shut, and as I walk to the exit, I realize I don’t have money for the subway.

Feeling miserable, I stop by Quincy’s desk and say, “I hate asking, but can I borrow ten dollars? I’ll pay you back tonight.”

“Sure.” He digs the bill out of his wallet, and I take it with a grateful smile.

“Be careful on your way home.” He says the same thing every morning because the streets aren’t the safest at two am.

“I will,” I reply, shooting him a smile. “Thanks for the money.” I walk to the side door and wait for Quincy to buzz me out.

A blast of chilly air slaps me right in the face, and I huddle into my coat as I walk in the direction of the subway.

Now that I’ve left work, the bubble I was caught in pops, and I realize how stupid I was to have sex with Dario. I’m not so sure going on a date with him will be a good idea.

What if he wants more, and things get serious between us? What if he finds out I’m nothing but a poor girl from the wrong side of the city?

I seriously doubt he’s going to want to keep seeing me. Things like that only happen in the movies.

But maybe…?

I shake my head, and glancing up and down the street, I quickly cross to the other side before I take the steps down to the subway.

Even though it’s two-thirty in the morning, there are still people around. Everyone looks tired, and it makes the atmosphere somber.

It takes another forty-five minutes before I reach my apartment, and knowing the window by the fire escape is nailed shut, I have no choice but to wake up Tyrone.

I head into the building, and as I take the stairs up, I dial Tyrone’s number.

His voice is groggy with sleep as he answers, “What happened? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. My bag was stolen, and I can’t get into my apartment. Can I crash on your couch?”

“Of course.”

Just as I reach the third floor, Tyrone’s front door opens, and I walk inside. I wait for him to lock behind us before I move closer and plant my head against his chest while wrapping my arms around him.

“I need a hug,” I mutter as tears threaten to overwhelm me.

I’m so tired.

Tyrone rubs a comforting hand up and down my back for a while before he says, “Get some sleep, baby girl. When the hardware store opens, I’ll get a new lock for your door and change it.”

Pulling away, I force a smile to my face. “Thanks, Tyrone. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

A fatherly smile curves his lips up. “Luckily for you, you’ll never have to find out. I plan on sticking around for a long time.”

“You better.”

I walk to the couch and kick off my sneakers before lying down. A few seconds later, Tyrone places two blankets over me.

He presses a kiss to the side of my head, then murmurs, “Get some sleep.”

When he walks back to his bedroom, I say, “Tyrone.”


“I love you.”

“Love you too, baby girl.”

When I see Yukhaejang, the restaurant where I’m meeting Dario, I stop walking.

I glance up and down the street for the R8 I’ve seen him drive, but the car isn’t parked anywhere.

Pulling my phone out, I check the time. It’s almost six, but there’s no way I’m going into the restaurant only to be stood up.

I wait a few minutes, and when six comes and goes and there’s no sign of Dario’s car, a weird feeling sinks into my stomach.

I walk closer to the restaurant, and just to be sure he’s not here, I glance through the window.

When I don’t see Dario, I realize how much I was looking forward to the date.

Ugh. I even put on a skirt and stockings for the man. The heels on my feet are uncomfortable, and it makes me feel angry that I went through all this trouble to look pretty for the date.

Turning around, I walk back in the direction of the subway while sending him a text.

Eden: You could’ve saved me the trouble and just canceled instead of standing me up.

I’m surprised when I see him read the message immediately, and I stop walking.

Not even a second later, my phone starts ringing.

“Hi,” I mutter.

“Care to explain the message you sent?”

Hearing his deep voice sends tingles rushing over my body.

“It’s already twenty past six, and you’re not here.”

“I am. Where are you?”Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Shocked, I swing around and start walking back to the restaurant while saying, “I didn’t see your car, and you weren’t sitting at any of the tables.”

“Where are you?” he asks again.

“A block away from the restaurant.”

Dario hangs up on me, and tucking the device back into my pocket, I can’t keep from smiling because he didn’t stood me up.

A couple of seconds later, Dario comes out of the restaurant and glances up and down the street. When his eyes land on me, he doesn’t wait but walks toward me.

Every step he takes is filled with determination, and it makes a kaleidoscope of butterflies erupt in my stomach.

Unlike the suit he usually wears, he’s dressed in a pair of faded black jeans and a dark gray sweater that looks expensive but cozy.

As soon as he’s in hearing distance, I say, “Sorry, I thought you ditched me.”

Without a word, his arm slips around my lower back. I’m tugged flush with his chest, and his mouth crushes against mine.

All I can do is grab hold of his biceps while he kisses the ever-loving shit out of me.

It’s so intense I forget about the people around us and don’t hear the sounds of the city.

When he breaks the kiss, he pulls back until our eyes lock. He brings a hand to my face, and his thumb brushes over my bottom lip.

It takes me a moment to catch my bearings, then I ask, “What was that for?”

“Just want to make sure there’s no misunderstanding between us. I want to get to know you better, and one fuck isn’t enough for me.”

I love the intensity coming off him, and I can’t stop a smile from forming around my lips. “Okay.”

Dario takes hold of my hand and leads me to the restaurant. When we walk inside, I glance around the place, thinking it looks expensive.

Then again, everything’s expensive to me.

When he takes me to a private room, I understand why I didn’t see him sitting at any of the tables. It almost feels like I’ve stepped into a bamboo forest with soft, warm lights coming from lanterns.

“It’s pretty.”

“I’m glad you like it,” Dario murmurs as he pulls a chair out for me.

A server comes in and smiles at me. “Can I take your coat, ma’am?”

Wow. Fancy.

I shrug out of my coat and hand it to him.

When I sit down, Dario’s eyes drift over me with a look that tells me he appreciates what he’s seeing.

“You look beautiful.”

I glance at my skirt and pantyhose, glad I didn’t wear jeans, as I say, “Thank you.”

  The server comes to pour two glasses of what I assume is champagne before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.

I turn my attention to Dario and catch him staring at me.

Suddenly feeling awkward, I mutter, “Sooo…here we are.”

A sexy grin curves the corner of his mouth. “Here we are.”

“Have you eaten here before?” I ask to make conversation.

He nods as he answers, “My friend is the owner. She’s also one of the best chefs, so prepare yourself for an award-winning meal.” He pauses for a moment before saying, “I hope you don’t mind, but I already placed the order for the signature dish.”

“Oh…I don’t mind.”

God, I hope it isn’t prawns or some kind of shellfish. That shit gives me the creeps.

“What did you do yesterday?” he asks.

“I worked.” I can see he wants to ask what I do for a living, so I add, “I’m a waitress at a diner.”

“Is it one of those that’s open twenty-four-seven?” he asks.

Shit. Friday night, I told him I had to get back to work , which is probably why he’s asking the question.

Hating that I have to lie, I nod.

There’s a pause in the conversation, then Dario says, “Tell me about yourself.”

And just like that, I hit a blank. I can’t come up with something interesting to say, so I ask, “What do you want to know?”

“Do you have siblings? What’s your family dynamic like?”

Letting out a chuckle, I pick up the glass and take a sip of the bubbly liquid that’s the best alcohol I’ve ever tasted.

“Wow. This tastes good.”

“I’m going to assume by the chuckle that you feel uncomfortable talking about your family.”

“Yeah. It’s not my favorite topic.” I take another sip, then say, “I have no idea who my father is and my mother…let’s just say we don’t get along at all.”

My tongue darts out to collect the drops on my lips, then I ask, “What about you?”

Dario inhales deeply, then says, “I lost my parents at a young age.”

“I’m sorry,” I murmur. “Do you have any other family?”

He nods, but not telling me about them, he changes the subject by asking, “Have you always loved dancing?”

I shrug as I think about how to answer him.

“It’s a nice hobby that helps me deal with stress.”

“Just a hobby? Why didn’t you pursue a career as a dancer?”

“God, I could never do that. I’ve seen the pressure the ballerinas are under. That shit’s not for me. I’ve only danced in front of two people. My neighbor…and you.”

A frown instantly forms on his forehead. “Your neighbor?”

A soft smile spreads over my face. “Tyrone. He’s like a father to me.”

Memories of the past pop into my head, drawing a happy chuckle from me.

“When I was younger, I used to put on little shows for him, and he would cheer and clap as if it was the best performance he’s ever seen.”

The door opens, and the conversation is paused while the server brings in our food.

So far, the date is going better than I expected. Hopefully, I don’t screw things up because I’m enjoying it.

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