Deadly Storm

Chapter twenty

Sabe's POV

I figured out one thing in my life and I figured it out just now.

I'm gay.

And I'm proud of it.

And guess who I have a crush on?


Lennix Rivera.

Our friend.

Yeah, I know. Woohoo for me. I'm scared of telling the others since I don't know who they'll think of me. Especially my parents. They aren't known for gay people. They are old fashioned when it comes to relationships, which means they prefer opposite genders getting together and none of this same gender relationships.

It's awful. They are disgusted and won't approve, so I'm definitely terrified of telling them and they won't support me through it. I also know they won't accept me for I am.

So when I found out I'm gay, I started panicking. I know what they'll say. 'You are a disgrace to the family,' or, 'you are no son of mine," or, 'no son of mine will be gay."

It's very upsetting.

So I have a little faith for my friends for accepting me. I know Sarah might accept me. She'll accept me for anything.

I drove to pick them up. I stopped with Sarah. I honked the horn once I pulled up and within seconds, she came bursting through the door like a murder will spring out of the home chasing her.

"Morning Sabe."

"Morning. Hey . . . I've got something I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

I drove out onto the road. "This isn't easy to say, but . . . I'm gay."


I glance at her for a split second and in the second, her face beamed with happiness. "I'm so happy for you. So who's the lucky guy you like?"


"You must like a guy to become gay, right?

"Umm . . . Not necessarily."

"Oh." I can hear the disappointment in her voice. "But I'm so happy you like guys. I'm sure you'll come around to liking a guy."

"Hope so. But please don't tell the others yet, I'm not ready to tell them."

"Sure thing Sabe."

If only she knew.


We got to school and we went our separate ways. I head off to my PE class.

This class will be playing small teams of basketball. I change into my gym wear, which is a dark blue sports t-shirt and black basketball shorts.

I jog out to grab a basketball and start dribbling and shooting around. The final bell rang and the announcements came on.

We quit and listened until our national anthem came on.

"Alright everyone, huddle in."

We gathered around our teacher.

"We are going into groups of three, then find another group to play at a hoop, of all hoops are full, line up in the centre and wait until a court is empty. Games up to one."

I found my usual group that consists of Kyle and Alec. We found another group and an empty hoop.

One of their team members and I passed back and forth three times until I had the ball. The game begins. I pass over to Alec which he dribbles. One of the members blocked Alec, which gladly Kyle was open since I'm blocked. He dribbled the ball making it around the boys.

Kyle then took this to shoot at the hoop as one of the guys came running to him. The ball made it in and we got the point. We raised our hands to signal the next group in line.

One of the girls noticed us and she signifies her group before coming over to us. I passed it to her and she passed it back. I passed it to her and the game begins. She dribbled and risking to to take the shot.

She missed.

Alec ran over to get it, racing another girl for the ball. She ended up getting dribbling over a bit. I blocked the girl I played at the beginning. Kyle got the other girl. I glance over my shoulder to know where she is quickly moving to block her. She ran around me waving her hands like she's waving down a car, running away from a psychopath.

Her friend passed it which I ran around her and caught it in mid air. I cleared it by going out of court, passing to Kyle who made the shot.

He missed. One of the other girls caught it clearing the shot. Risking it, she made the shot and got into the hoop.

We walked to the back of the line breathing heavily as sweat rolled down our faces which are red. Since the games took a bit, we've got to rest and catch our breath before moving into another game.

One thing you've got to know about me is I love Basketball. My goal is to get on the team. That's my dream.

I have tried out before but never made the team since others are way better. But my friends believe in me so I have faith I'll make the team this year.


It's our turn to play against two boys and a girl. This should be fun. The girl passed to me, I passed back, passed to me and the game begins. One of the guys came at me but I spun around with ball, dribbling away.

Alec waves his hands and I pass. I make my way around the court as Kyle is in the other side. Alec dribbled then shoots making it in the hoop.

-Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

After gym I make my way to math. I hate math even though I do a pretty good job at it.

The teacher walked in ready to start the lesson.


"I'm trying out for the basketball team," I say with confidence.

Everyone cheered me on and have high hopes for me. "You'll do good," Lennix said.

My crush.

If only he knew.

Luckily, I can control my blush so it doesn't look too obvious. I just hope one day we'll be together. I'm still not comfortable to say that I'm gay to the others.

I guess not ready.

But one day, I will be ready.

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