Darling, Don't Get Rid of Me

Chapter 101 More and More Presumptuous

Chapter 101 More and More Presumptuous

Harriet didn’t know how long she had been drowsy and dizzy for, but when she woke up she could see

the sunset and that no one else was inside the ward.

She got up from the bed with great difficulty and as soon as she opened the door she heard the quiet

murmurs of two nurses gossiping in the corridor.

“I’ve noticed that these rich men always seem to have more than one girlfriend. This one man clearly

brought one girl here to the hospital and then later he goes to another girl’s ward. I really don’t know

which one is his real girlfriend.” One of the nurses said quite outraged by what she witnessed.

The other nurse waved her arms and replied in an unsurprised tone.

“His real girlfriend is obviously that patient Miss Jones, Harriet is a celebrity. For people in his kind of

wealthy circle, no matter how much fame someone has in the end they are just a celebrity. What family

in the world could compare to the social standing that the Jones’s family has? Famous people are just

someone for them to have fun with and nothing more.”

“However when I saw Mr. Smith help her get here he seemed to really be worried about her…”

Harriet didn’t want to listen anymore so opened the door fully and said, “Where is Wesley?”

The nurses looked embarrassed and hurriedly pointed in the direction of where he was, “He is down

there in room number 203.”

After Harriet started walking in that direction along the corridor, the two nurses chased after her.

“Wait, Miss Clark, your body…”

The door of room 203 was not closed and Sandra’s voice which was full of disbelief was heard inside,

“What did you say? Pregnant?”

Harriet stopped and then heard Louisa’s voice full of joy, “I’m pregnant? Really?”

Wesley also stood quietly on the side; however Louisa clearly didn’t care about her so called fiancé.

She stroked her belly relieved but then a second later looked slightly woeful.

“Colin, you are going to be a father…”

Harriet listened and felt a pain in her heart; her brother finally woke up in the hospital, so how could it

be possible that he is dead?

Wesley saw a woman at the door and as soon as he saw her bare feet stepping on the cold marble

floor he frowned and opened the door wide. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Why are you not wearing shoes?”

Is this really what was important right now?

Harriet replied rather coldly as she looked over Wesley at Louisa, “Is it Colin’s child?”

Before Louisa could answer, Sandra stared at her angrily and shouted, “What are you talking about? If

it had not been for your shameless brother then my daughter wouldn’t have turned out like this!”

Harriet narrowed her eyes, “Can you please talk with a little more respect. I think we know who the

shameless one is, following Louisa’s immoral behaviour, it was definitely her who seduced him first,

otherwise why would she go to my brother’s school?”


“Enough, can both of you stop arguing!” Louisa crumbled slightly and covered her ears, “I don’t want to

listen anymore! In any case Colin and I are seriously in love, no one is able to split us up.”

After she said this she turned her head towards Wesley and said, “Wesley, have you found Colin yet?”

Harriet felt slightly moved by this all. Although she didn’t really like Louisa that much, inside this

woman’s stomach had the child of her brother in. Therefore she was not able to let her know the truth

in case she reacted badly and therefore possibly harmed the child. No matter what, this child was the

last descendant of their bloodline.

“We are still looking for him.” She spoke first.

Louisa’s eyes were full of longing as she stroked her flat belly, “I believe that Colin will definitely love

our baby.”

As soon as Sandra heard this she said furiously, “You are not keeping this child!”

After she said this she hurriedly apologized to Wesley, “Wesley, I’m so sorry for this preposterous thing

that has happened to Louisa, however don’t worry, we will make her have an abortion and then…”

Harriet sneered when she heard this and then intercepted her words, “And then what? You don’t

actually think that Wesley is willing to be the husband of a woman who has slept with someone else?”

Sandra’s faced turned deathly pale and raised her hand to hit her, however her arm was then grabbed

by Wesley.

As she thought about Wesley’s warning, Sandra’s faced turned very sour, and her lips trembled

unconsciously as she said, “Wesley… what are you doing? What does this mean?”

He had protected this woman more than twice now.

The look in Wesley’s eyes was a little cold, “We should be asking what the Jones family is doing.”

Sandra was speechless for a short while.

Not only was her daughter pregnant with someone else’s child, but she was also in front of her fiancé

asking about where this other man was. This really was all too absurd.

“I will not get rid of this child!” When Louisa heard what her mother said she carefully guarded her

stomach, “This child is mine and Colin’s, why would I not want him.”

“Louisa, do you know what you are saying right now?” Sandra’s voice rose in anger, “You are pregnant

before you are even married. If this spreads out to everyone then don’t you know how this could

damage the image of our family?”

Harriet was about to say something but was then picked up by Wesley.

“What are you doing? Put me down!”

Wesley didn’t listen to her and instead said, “This is a personal matter within the Jones family, therefore

is not something for you to worry about.”

After he said this he took her back to her ward.

Although she had been interrupted by Wesley, she calmed down and was staring at him as she sat on

the bed.

“Wesley, your investigation team has made mistakes before, right? It’s impossible to be accurate every

time and since you only searched for the remains of Colin but still haven’t found him, then there is a

chance he is still alive right?”

Wesley didn’t respond, so she lowered her head and couldn’t hold back the tears that fell from her


“It’s completely my fault; I was only concerned about my filming and I thought he would be able to sort

out his own mental state. I really am a terrible sister!”

As he saw her cry, Wesley suddenly felt irritated and coldly said, “It’s all in the past now, blaming

yourself is really such meaningless behaviour.”

Harriet raised her head furiously and then looked at him full of despair, “Yes, Wesley is always able to

remain so calm. This didn’t happen to someone in your family so of course you don’t care!”

Wesley’s eyes suddenly turned cold and he clasped her wrist.

“Harriet, you are becoming way too presumptuous.”

Harriet struggled hard trying to break free from his hand, “I have never been a docile person! If it wasn’t

for money, then who would ever willingly do what you tell them to do?”

Wesley was getting angrier and tightened his grip around her wrist.

Harriet’s wrist was starting to hurt but she gritted her teeth and continued to speak, “You still haven’t

gone back to accompany your fiancée? Staying with me here will only attract more rumours, damaging

your reputation is not my responsibility.”

Because of how devastated she was about what happened to her brother she had lost any remains of

her former sanity and therefore was not afraid to hold back her words.

Wesley was about to explode in anger when the doctor walked in, and when he saw the two of them

being somewhat intimate with each other he couldn’t help but cough a little.

“The two of you…”

“Doctor, I want to be discharged from the hospital.” Harriet said without the slightest bit of hesitation.

Wesley frowned slightly, “This is not ok.”

The doctor also said rather difficulty, “Miss Clark, you are still showing signs of low blood sugar, and

because you lost consciousness due to mental stimulation, I do not advise that you leave the hospital

right now. I think it is better for you to stay here two more days for observation.”

“No, I want to go and find my brother. He is not dead, it’s not possible…” Harriet stood up rather

stubbornly, but as soon as she stepped on the ground a feeling of dizziness hit her hard which made

her feet soften and she fell back onto the bed.

Wesley raised his eyebrows at her, “If you want to verify whether your brother is dead or alive, then first

you must recover fully and get your energy back.”

What he said slowly calmed Harriet down.

That was right; if she was to harm herself even more then wouldn’t that leave Colin even more helpless

and alone? He was definitely waiting for her somewhere to come find him.

As she thought about this she perked herself up and said to the doctor, “Ok, I will stay here and rest.”

After the doctor left, Harriet looked at Wesley and said, “Why are you being this way towards me? What

grudge do you hold against me?”

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