Dangerous Invincible

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Xerxes Knight's Pov

"Everything is ready, Alpha King." My beta Damien said coming from behind me.

I nodded once to acknowledge him and to let him know that I've heard him.

He quickly walked out of the Blue Moon pack house where we are currently residing before we start out journey to the Crescent Pack.

I walked out of the pack house and got in my black Hummer to start our journey towards the Crescent pack, behind me a series of vehicles followed which were occupied by my pack warriors who accompanied me.

I don't let anyone drive with me as I like to be alone.

We changed our timing at the moment instead of visiting them at five in the morning we decided to schedule it a little later and so we decide to do it in the evening, 3'0 clock to be precise.

It's already eleven now and it would take at least four hours to reach the Crescent pack by car but if we choose to go in our wolf form it would take less than two hours but I don't wanna spent my energy running all the way there.

I don't even know why I chose to visit that pack as it doesn't even comes in the top hundred packs from around the world but when I met the Alpha and Beta of that pack I got this sudden urge to visit their pack.

I myself was shocked when I announced that I will be visiting the Crescent pack though I didn't let it show in my face, there was this sudden eagerness and jittery feeling when I met their Alpha and especially the Beta as if some inner force in me is making me feel the need to visit their pack at least once before I go back to my pack.

Even before the general meeting I had strange dreams for the last couple of weeks, it was of my parents and my brothers along with their mates.

I had this feeling in my chest that something is leading me to Crescent pack for a reason whether it be a good or bad reason I had to find out before anyone else.

The drive to Crescent pack was long but I was in no hurry to reach there.

After four and half hours we reached the Crescent pack grounds, I got out of my car followed by my pack members who were instantly at my back.

The pack's Alpha whose name was Mason and Beta Gerard walked towards us when they saw our Cars and also I know My beta had already informed him before hand about our arrival.

"How was your ride, Alpha King?"

The pack Alpha asked me politely walking beside me with his beta beside him.

"Good" I murmured not in a mood to start a conversation, he got the message as he nodded at my response looking uncomfortable and scared.

Fear was evident on his face though he tried to cover it up with his smile.

I snort mentally ‘Fucking pups’, I didn't even do anything and he's already scared shitless.

The beta too look scared like the rest of the pack members who came to received us along with the Alpha.

"This way, King"

Mason said leading the way towards a hall which was decorated elegantly and it was packed with the pack members who were looking eager yet scared at the same time.

Mason lead our way up to the stage where a grand chair was placed in the middle and a series of simple chairs at both the sides.

When we entered the whole pack stood up and bowed to me as a sign of respect and I basked in the power vested in me.

I took my placed at the grand chair like that of a throne which was red in colour with it’s outlines golden, I sat down and motioned for my pack warriors as well as Mason and Gerard to take a seat.

The right chair placed beside me was occupied by my beta while the left was occupied by the Mason then the rest followed suit.

"Sit down"

Everyone obeyed my command and sat down silently, no words uttered.

I smirked mentally at the power I have over the werewolves as well as humans.

Mason stood up from his chair and introduced us to the pack members.

"My fellow mates, as some of you might know the reason for this gathering while some of you don't so the reason for our gathering today at this hall is because The Alpha King had humbly decided to visit our pack.

The King of Werewolves"

His voiced boomed in the large hall that was occupied by more than one hundred werewolves.

At the mention of Alpha King, gasped and murmur started filling the already filled hall.


Mason bellowed, murmuring turned to whispers followed by utter silence.

He motioned towards his beta as he took his seat next to me while his beta stood up and started talking.

"Alpha Mason had already mentioned the reason of this gathering and I would like to..."

I zoned him out as soon as I got a whiff of the sweetest smell I had ever smelled in my entire existence, there was a tinge of it but was still there.

A mixture of green apples and honey, odd but it was divine.

I closed my eyes and breathe in deeply trying to suck in the smell as much as I could but the smell was gone like it was never really there.

I opened my eyes to see my beta, Damien looking at me strangely when he saw my hard gaze on him he jerked his head behind me.

I turned around to see Alpha Mason and his beta Gerard looking at me expectantly.

I raised an eyebrow at their expression as the beta smiled nervously and said.


We were just saying of taking this function outside, on the pack grounds.

He repeated himself as Alpha Mason tried to smile but it looked like a forced one.


I nodded my head and stood up followed by my pack warriors.

Alpha Mason walked down the stage leading us to the pack grounds.

"This way, King"

He walked beside me as we walked out of the pack hall to the ground which was decorated just like the pack hall.

kh "Would you survey this pack along with the others?"

My beta questioned me.

We were now outside on the pack grounds and it's already 6:30 pm, we should be heading out any moment now.


Dante, Thomas and James are responsible for this"

I answered looking around me as I was surrounded by the Crescent pack members both men and women.

Some female wolves were giving me seductive looks which earn them a glare from me and it made them ran out of my sight.


Everyone looks like they were having a nice time as murmurs and laughs were heard from everywhere but they tried to stay out of my way as everyone was at least ten feet away from me.

Even if some how they end up near me they would quickly apologise and scurried off.

"I thought you would do it as you came here all the way from Blue moon pack"

Damien knitted his eyebrows in confusion at my response.

I growled lowly at him.

"That's none of your fucking business"

He qulped audibly as his eyes shone with fear which he covered quickly.

"Sorry King"

He muttered.

"We should head ou-"

I stopped mid sentence when that same amazing scent hit me but this time it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I sucked in a deep breath and a growl bubbled in my throat at the delicious smell.

Green apples and honey.

As if on instinct my legs started walking towards that amazing scent as if it had a mind of it's own.

The more I moved forward the stronger the scent becomes.

I clenched my hand in a fist as a sudden warm feeling washed me with every step I take towards the source of that scent.

I stopped walking when I found the source from where this delicious, mouth watering scent was emitting from.

It was coming from girl whose back was facing towards me as she was clad in a white knee length dress with her long auburn locks falling effortlessly behind her back, she was short and looks like she

won't be more than sixteen years or so but that’s just my thought until I actually see her face.

She was talking to a girl who was pregnant and a guy who was standing to close to her for my liking.

My wolf itched to kill him and shred him to pieces.

My mind was fogged and all I could hear was my wolf, He started pacing and muttered one word that made my world upside down.

‘MATE’ The boy pulled my mate towards him by her elbow and he gave her a side hug when I saw this I growled loudly which made the girl turn around along with everyone present on the pack grounds.

Everybody stopped talking or whatever they were doing and looked at me but I was busy staring at my mate whois so tiny as she hardly reaches my chest.

My mate struggled against my hold as I gripped her tightly against me not letting go, she whimpered against my hold and I let go of her slightly just sol can have a good look at her.

She raised her head from my chest blinking her innocent big blue eyes at me, some of the hair was on her face which made her look all the more innocent.

She had a cute button nose with pouty pink lips.

She was beautiful and overall innocence was written all over her face.

"Excuse m-me, c-can you pl-please let g-go of me, King?"

She asked in her sweet silky voice that spread a warm feeling on my chest as I stare at her ocean blue eyes.

Her face was flushed in a pretty pink shade as she squirmed a little.


I command and her squirming stop in an instant.

She stood still as her head bow down, looking at my chest and not my eyes anymore.

Her wolf recognised her King as she is showing respect at my single command.

"Look at me.

I growled out not liking the fact that she is hiding her face from me.

A whimper escape pass her lips as she slowly lifted her head up but before she could meet my eye we were interrupted rudely.

"Meryl, What are you doing?"

The pack beta asked with his face morphed in horror, his mate was standing beside him holding his arm as her expression mirrored his.

Alpha Mason and his mate was also beside him looking confused as well as scared.

They were standing at least a few feet away from us as the Beta looked at my mate with scared eyes.


My mate whispered on the verge of crying.

Meryl, that's a very beautiful name.

I was distracted by the beta's intrusion that my mate, Meryl took that opportunity to escape from my embrace and ran towards the beta.

She hugged him as he did the same murmuring sweet thing on her ears.

My wolf didn't like this.

Hell, even I didn't like it.

I stalked towards them slowly with narrowed eyes as the beta gulped nervously under my gaze.

"King whatever she did, I'm sorry for that. She's still a child so please forgive her and let her go"

The beta begged still hugging her as she started trembling on his embrace.

"She's mine. I growled out at his useless begging and pulled my mate out of his embrace. She started sobbing as I held her against me making all her attempts to flee from me in vain.

The Beta’s eyes grew wide along with everyone present with him as they shone in realisation.

"B-but she's still a child"

He tried to reason out with me clearly understanding that his daughter is my mate.

"I don't care and she’s coming with me to my pack"

"You can't take her she's still a child. She’s not even eighteen yet"

The Beta tried again as his eyes held a helpless look in them.

His mate rubbed his arm as she cried softly and muttered.

"We can't do anything, he's her mate"

Her husband looked at her incredulously as he shook his head.

"He can't take her"

My mate started sniffling as I pushed her head onto my chest not letting her go.

After her few useless attempts to get out of my embrace she gave up as she helplessly lean against me now.

"Il can and I would even if it means killing you then I would"

I gritted out my words as my wolf itched to come out and take her away with me right now at my pack where she would be save and with me.

At my response the Beta said with determination. This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

"I wouldn't let you take her"

His mate as well as the other pack members gasped in shock at his open challenge to me.

He is a fucking pup who would be done and killed in less than a second.

"Your choice"

His mate cried.

"NO GERARD." I smirked at him evilly as I let go of my mate and stalked towards him ready to do what I do best. Fight. Kill. Win.

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