Dangerous Desires

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

126 Punishments and Resolutions


We landed at the base in Woodclaw City. When we exited the helicopter, I breathed in Woodclaw City's air and was

glad to be home. We moved towards the exit of the building and were greeted by a crowd of happy residents when we

stepped out. People cheered and welcomed us home. The press was there, and they were in our faces.

"Alpha, Alpha, please tell us how you successfully overcame Regan after he double-crossed you and tried to cheat?" A

man asked my father, shoving the mic in his face, and he looked at me and smiled.

"You are asking the wrong Alpha," he said and pulled Stacy along with him, protecting her from the crowd as they

made their way to the car. The press moved to me immediately, and I cursed under my breath because I did not need

the attention right now.

"Alpha, Alpha. Can you tell us what happened after Regan's men shot the helicopter from the sky? The people need to

know because we were worried," a woman asked, and I looked at Tia, who shook her head vehemently. I began to

laugh. She did not want the attention either.

"I will make a press release explaining the ordeal. Right now, my Luna and I have work to do." I said and guided Tia

away from the press into the vehicle waiting for us. Mike was

behind the wheels while the Alpha of Santa Braee and Stacy's friend was there. I hoped the man wasn't trying to cheat

on his wife with the woman. That will be low. Especially after he took out Regan's eyes for her.

"Where is your souvenir, Alpha?" I asked, and he smiled at me. He pulled out a small ziplock bag from his inner pocket

with a frozen eye in it.

"Dude, put that away, please," I joked, and he laughed and tucked it back to where he kept it.

"Olivia and I were just discussing military prospects for the women in Santa Braee," he said, and I frowned at Olivia.

"Are you planning to source fighters for him because the women you came with are already in the military? Processing

will begin next week," I said, and she was dumbfounded.

"Well, you beat me to it, Alpha Luke." Mark Winslow said, and I smiled.

"Please call me Luke," I said, and he smiled.

"And me, Mark. Do you think we can do business together?" He asked me, and I looked at Tia.

"My wife runs Diamond Corp. I am sure she will happily go into an agreement with you as long as it is beneficial to both

parties and islands," I said and sighed.

"Thank you for coming through," I said, and he smiled at me.

"I wish I knew and helped sooner. It wouldn't have led to this, and your men wouldn't have died out there," He said,

referring to the soldiers killed in the struggle before Tia arrived. We observed a moment of silence for them, and I

vowed that their names would not be forgotten. A monument will be created in the park to pay our respect because

they helped save the island from a mad pimp.

"We arrived at the mansion, and I gave the Alpha a room in my wing. He was happy about it. I told him we had to lay off

our staff because we did not know who to trust, but I told Bart to attend to his needs. Mike went to the room allotted to

him, and Tasha, Tia, and I went to ours. Apparently, Caleb came home before he went to coordinate the arrest of the

Alpha, and that was why they were no longer in the bunker.

The moment we entered the room. I rushed at my wife. I managed to close the door and began to tug on her clothes.

"You had a fever last night, you know." I said, taking my clothes off, " And you were murmuring a lot of things." I said and smiled at her. Lifting her up, I took her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed. She

had nothing on, but she looked like a goddess with her tiny bump. I leaned over her and travelled down with my kisses. She moaned and dug her nails into my skin, encouraging me to do more. I kissed her bump and took in her scent. I felt our baby's heartbeat and could not wait to welcome our child into the world. Spreading her legs wide. I breathed in her arousal and smiled. Using my tongue, I parted her lips and sucked on her clit. Her fingers ran through my hair and grabbed it. Tia moaned, and it was like music to my ears. My phone was ringing, but the world could wait.

"Luke, Ahh," she moaned, "Your phone," she managed, but I did not stop.

"Let it wait", I linked her, " All that matter is you."

She came fiercely from my ministrations, and I did not waste time burying myself in her. I pumped and stared into her eyes. She looked beautiful. Her need for me drove me to the edge, and I pumped my heart into her, giving her everything I could provide. Words could not express my emotions in those moments; I hoped she felt it. She flipped us around with my back against the bedboard and began to ride. Sitting up, I placed my hands on her back to guide her while she ground herself on me. The pleasure shot into my head, but I needed her to ride her fill. She was so wet, and it felt so fucking good to be inside her.

"I am coming," She moaned, increasing her speed, and I held on because I felt myself coming too.

"Come for me, darling," I said through the mind link, and she closed her eyes and came all over me. I could not hold it anymore. I shut into her, and it was intense. Gradually she slowed down and stopped. Still buried inside her, I pulled her close to my chest and kissed her neck. She pulled away to stare into my eyes and kissed me sweetly.

"Now we can have peace," She said, and I smiled. She gently got off me, and I reached for my phone. It was Caleb. He had called me three times already. Still breathing like I had run a race, I called him back. He answered on the first ring.

" Luke, everyone is waiting for you." He said, and I frowned because we just got there.

'We just arrived, Caleb." I said, and he sighed.

"I know, but we have been waiting in the sentencing hall at the headquarters for an hour. I thought you would just go home and change and come back. Please hurry. I want to go home. The press is here, and all the Alphas that defected are here with Regan. You need to sort out the sentencing, so we can move on. I do not want to continue this matter tomorrow, Luke. I want us to put it behind us." He said, and I grumbled.

"Have you called father?" I asked him, and I sighed.

Neither he nor my mother is answering," He said, and I began to laugh, " Don’t go there, Luke; I do not want to even imagine what is going on in their room." He said and knew exactly why he couldn't reach them.

"I will tell them to join us," I said, and he thanked me and hung up.

"Caleb?" Tia asked me, laying on her side and resting her head on her hand with her elbow supporting the weight.

" Yes. We need to get ready and go to the sentencing hall. They have gathered the Alpha's there." I said, and she widened her eyes.

"That quick?" She said, and I nodded.

"They left pretty early. I think about three in the morning.

Caleb wants to get it over with. I do not blame him, really." I said, and she smiled at me.

"Have you figured out what you want to do to them?" She asked me, and I nodded.

"I do not want to kill them; neither can I leave them to roam free. I have the perfect plan for them in my head." I said, and she smiled at me.

"Don't tell me, Luke. Surprise mewhen we get there." She said, and I smiled.

We showered together and got dressed. I linked my father, and he said they were ready too. Mike and Mark joined us at the front of the mansion, and we headed back to the headquarters.

There was a crowd there still cheering. Multiple big screens were set up for the public to see the sentencing. The press was present, too, broadcasting it live throughout the island. It was finally time to end the menace that calls himself Luis Moon and his cohorts.

Tia and I walked into the hall hand in hand, followed by my father, Stacy, and then Mike and Mark. We were given seats. Stacy sat beside my father, and Tia sat beside me. Caleb was there, and he nodded. The Alpha of Bravadome was there. He was the only one that was genuinely Loyal. The rest of the Alphas defected, and they would pay for it dearly. Once we were settled, I nodded, and Caleb ordered them to bring the prisoners. I watched them march the Alphas shirtless and in silver chains; some looked defeated and remorseful, but two looked proud. If they knew what I had in store for them, they would be praying to the goddess at this moment.

Regan was brought in one eye close, thanks to Mark.

He had lost an eye and an arm in the battle, but I did not feel sorry for him. I looked at the screen and noticed that the journalist had focused on him. It was time to address them. I cleared my throat, and there was silence in the hall. I looked at the prisoners sternly while Tia squeezed my hand for support.

" Regan, we tried to fight fair, and you chose to cheat. Teaming with the young Alpha of Neev, you double-crossed us when you realised you would not win the challenge. You had the option to tap out, and you would have been spared. All your friends and accomplice would have been spared, but you chose to continue in your old ways and tried to cheat. If the goddess wasn't on the side of truth, you

might have won. " I said and sighed, then chose to address the treacherous Alphas. Their sentencing was going to be separate from Regan's.

"A Moon is not an Alpha by ceremony. A Moon is an Alpha because all the other clans were born from the Woodclaw clan. Every Alpha with a key mark on this island is a distant cousin of the Moons; that is why our island is called Woodclaw Island. A Moon's key mark will always burn and override the key marks of all the Alphas of Woodclaw because they were born from our clan. There is only one true alpha lineage on this Island: The Moons. Allowing all of you to own a clan without a burning key mark was a way to ensure everyone was cared for because as our population increased, we could not care for everyone. You all chose to abuse that privileged and tried to use it to take the island from us," I said, and my mark began to burn.

"You tried to steal the Moon's birthright. You tried to corrupt our land. I am standing here angry that lives had to be lost for you all to be put in your place. Those people that died yesterday had families. They had parents, children, mates and friends, and you took them away for the sake of your greed. I will be sentencing all of you because of your treachery. As Alpha of your clans, you still serve The Moons, but you turned your backs on the Moon family and sided with our enemy. Because of that, I am striking your family's names from the Alpha list. No one in your family baring a Key mark will ever lead a clan on this island again.

Additionally, a silver ring will be embedded in your spines. You won't have access to your werewolf abilities again, rendering you all completely human. Finally, I am sentencing you all to life imprisonment with hard labour where you will age and die slowly, reflecting on your errors. This punishment applies to all of you except Regan, whom I will leave the sentencing to my father and his mate." I said and sat.

"We did nothing wrong, Alpha. We just stayed out of the trouble and maintained a neutral stance. We didn't act against you." One of the Alpha said, feeling hurt.

"That is your crime," Tia said boldly, standing up. " As a

lower alphas, you must protect the island and the Moon Lineage no matter what. It is your first duty. None of you had

the right to deflect or maintain a neutral stance. You all deserted your Alpha in his time of need and sided with his

enemy with your inactions. Maybe the Alpha title got into all your heads, and you somehow began to believe you were

equals with a Moon alpha. Tell me, do your marks burn?" she asked, and they were all silent.

" Does it override others and burn brightly? Can you dominate another clan? Do you feel a bond with others?" She

asked, and they could not answer. Some of the Alphas averted their eyes from Tia. I felt her anger too.

" I don't think so. You all are just over-decorated and over privileged soldiers who forgot their place. Your fathers failed

to inform you of your duties to the Moon clan, and that misconception gave you wings. I will be clipping those wings

today. Henceforth unless you are a Moon with a burning Key mark, you cannot be referred to as Alpha again. Everyone

with a key mark leading a clan will be referred to as Beta, so you will always remember that there is a Moon above

you." Tia said, and I wondered why I did not think of it that way. The whole Alpha thing must have gotten into their


They were taken out of the room, leaving Regan behind. My father looked at me and then looked at Regan and stood


"Regan Adhit, you are one sick bastard. You coveted my wife for her money, and when you couldn't have her, you killed

her so you could plant your wife into my life to kill my son and me so you could take over the money and the Alpha

position. Today I will tell you a secret. If all the Key mark-bearing Moon dies, there will be no Alpha on Woodclaw, and

the marks of everyone on the island will fade away because they are all connected to my bloodline. You would have

turned the entire island feral because of your greed. You claim Stacy is your wife, yet you do not bear her mark. You

tortured and abused her for years, using her as a tool to gain money and support, yet you claim you loved her. You sent

her to me damaged without me knowing it. You threatened and blackmailed her for years. Collecting money so you

could gather support to lead an uprising against me. Today your time is up. Your lies have been exposed, and everyone

knows that you are just a pimp from Tempaah aiming higher than his reach. You said your family's name was stricken

from the list of Alphas by my family. If that is what your father told you, then he has lied. You are not regarded as an

Alpha because the Adhit bloodline is not from this island. The Moons took pity on your ancestors and gave them land

many years ago. To be recognised, you must be connected to the Moon's key mark; you must be a descendant of the

Moon bloodline, which you are not. Dome has never had an Alpha. We were kind and accommodating to your family,

yet you betrayed us and tried to destroy our lives. I will condemn you to death because that is what is most befitting.

Still, I will let my wife, the woman you hurt and tormented for years, pass the judgement she feels most befitting," He

said, and Stacy looked stunned. My father sat and kissed her, then nodded that it was okay for her to speak. She

smiled at him and then looked at Regan and stood up. He had anger on his single eye, and Stacy had a smirk on her

face. I guess this was a dream come true for her.

"Tom Regan Adhit, you have been cancer eating many people's lives for years. I wish I had something to say, but I

don't. I feel nothing towards you, so I will not waste my breath on you. Death is an easy way out for you, so this is my

punishment. Silver will be embedded into your back publicly for all to see. You will no longer have your wolf abilities

anymore. So you can reflect on your mistakes. I sentence you to the eastern Prison of torture and hard labour for life.

So you can experience the pain you put countless women and young girls through daily. You will be trained in this

Prison just like you trained us, and your humiliation will be a public affair." She said and sat down. Her eyes were filled Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

with satisfaction, and I knew she had closure. As if the man had run mad, He began to laugh while they took him away.

After the sentencing, Mark commended us and said he had learned a thing or two and that it was time for him to return

to his island. Tia told him to visit after she had given birth for them to sign the trade deal. He was thrilled and said he

would look forward to it.


Caleb called me back to the right wing after breakfast. He sounded urgent, and Tia and I went in a hurry to see what

the matter was. My father was on his knees while Stacy had a small bag in her hand. She was finally leaving him. She

had tears in her eyes, and I knew then that she was still hurting.

" What is happening?" Tia asked, and my father got up.

"She is leaving me," He managed, and we all looked at Stacy.

" I just need time, Aesop. This is the first time I will be truly free in my life. I just want to go home and think things

through. A lot has happened between us, and I need time to heal. Every day I am scared you will kick me out of your

room or out of the house. You have embarrassed me times without number that I had to develop a thick skin to

continue to live with you. You shout at me at will and are quick to throw me out at every opportunity. I see Luke with Tia,

and I know I deserve that kind of love too. I am grateful for all you did, Aesop and I still love you dearly, but I just need

time. I need time to heal from the emotional trauma I have been through for thirty years. It turned me into a bitter bitch,

lashing out at the wrong people. I just want to return to the girl I was before Regan damaged me and you hurt me.

Please understand." She said, crying profusely.

"Please, Stacy, Stay. I will change. I will love you the way you want me to," My father pleaded, and she smiled at him.

"Twenty years, Aesop, and you never let me claim you. For twenty years, you never took a photo with me or hung my

picture on your wall. For twenty years, I was in constant competition with the ghost of your late wife. I felt like a

pleasure tool that could be discarded at any time. You have apologised and accept, but I need time to heal. I need time;

please let me have this, Aesop. I do not want money from you.

Tempaah in Dome and start a foundation to care for girls and women like me. Someone has to go back there to make a

difference. Not everyone will bump into an Alpha that will sweep them off their feet and remove them from their

troubles. Not everyone will find love the way I did. I just need time, Aesop, Please." she pleaded and wiped away her


"You can set up the foundation from here. You can still do everything you want here. Please, Stacy, do not leave me.

Not now." my father pleaded, but it was clear her mind was made up.

"She will comeback, father," I managed, and he shook his head.

"She might leave the island. What will I do while she is away? " He said with pain and fear in his voice and turned to


"Let me come with you to Tempaah. I am no longer incharge we can.." He said, and she pleaded with him to be quiet.

"Please, Aesop, I promise I will return when I am ready," she said, and my father felt defeated. He did not utter a word

as she picked up her bags and exited the house. We went out, and a cab was waiting for her.

"She will not return," My father muttered, and I did not know what to do. The truth is he was a bit unfair to her. I knew

he kicked her out many times and humiliated her. I did not like her because of what she did to me, but I saw the unfair

treatment. I hoped for his sake she returns. Stacy waved at us, and we waved back and watched the cab go.

"She will return, Alpha; she loves you. Her heart won't let her stay away for too long," Tia said to my father, trying to

console him, but he did not utter a word. Instead, he dragged his feet back into the house and straight to his bedroom.

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