Daddy James

Chapter 3 : Cursed Will

Chapter 3 : Cursed Will

Sarah's pain and anger had doubled while she spent five years in hostel. Her story was simple and

boring, no one had time for her since her father died a cowardly death of suicide when she was

thirteen. But now she knew very well how to seek attention and revenge from her mother and James.

Her mother was her biggest culprit for having priorities bigger than family and James was responsible

for ruining her family further by taking her dad's position. She never liked her mom but the hatred

began to evolve once she married James , a man ten years younger to herself just after her dad's


Sarah stood there staring her mother while she downed another glass of wine,'' This looks more like

you are mourning end of your rule instead of celebrating your daughter's birthday!'' She taunted Jenna

keeping her clutch aside.

Jenna looked up and matched Sarah's gaze,''Birthdays come and go sweetie there's nothing to

celebrate.'' Jenna paused to have couple of sips from the glass again,''But this Birthday of yours

definitely needs to be mourned.'' She taunted Sarah keeping her chin up.

Jenna's words hurt Sarah directly in the heart. Whatever the relation had been but Sarah always

wanted Jenna to think twice before letting out harsh words against her own daughter.

Getting back to normal Sarah pasted a confident look again on her face,'' Your rule has come to an end

Mrs. Jenna Anderson. Now kindly go to hell!'' Sarah raised her tone while walking towards the


Sarah paused after rising one step. She turned flipping her hair over the shoulder,''So tonight it would

be only you and Daniel at the dinner right?'' She asked looking at Jenna straight in the eye.

Jenna stood up from the maroon stool kept near the bar counter and made sounds by continuously

clicking her white gold ruby ring against the glass while Sarah rolled her eyes on her irritating


''James would be there too.'' She chuckled out of her senses before finishing off the glass in one sip

and letting her fall back on the stool while butler Joseph tended to her needs of alcohol.

''Joseph, fetch her some lime juice.'' Sarah commanded the middle aged butler with a beer belly who

rushed towards the kitchen obeying the command,''Jenna, I agree he is your husband but keep him

away from my things.''Sarah snarled shooting a glare at James still standing on the entrance waiting for

the scene to end.

Being mentioned in the conversation James felt it better to approach Jenna sitting in the bar,''Don't be

afraid darling I am perfectly okay if you want to marry.'' He said softly leaning on the counter of bar as

Jenna shot him a murderous look to which he responded with a pitiful smirk.

Sarah continuously stared at the gorgeous blue and violet antique vase avoiding any more eye

contacts with James,''I think it's your personal life and you are an adult now; go ahead and marry if you

want to do so.'' He added shocking Sarah further.

Sarah thought he would be more interested in creating troubles for her but he was ready to get her

married with Daniel,''Whatever...'' Sarah muttered before turning and moving up the stairs,'' Be ready

he would be here around eight.'' She yelled so James and Jenna could hear her clear.

The day was special for Sarah and she didn't want to spoil it for people who don't even care for her.

She had every detail in her mind and she felt it better to keep it in her mind till the execution time

arrived next morning.

She knew that her upcoming surprise would definitely shock James and Jenna and how she enjoy

seeing their shocked expressions.

Sarah marched towards her bedroom rewinding her plan in her mind trying to stay focused. This time

she would leave no opportunity for both of her enemies to flee, she swore inwardly.

Finally the day arrived when Jenna Anderson was sitting helpless empty handed. How much James's

waited for the day to arrive but better late than never. James was excited for the dinner as Daniel's

rejection will be his first victory in this game.

He would never sit back calmly till he gets what he wants and the dinner was nothing but trumpet

blowing ceremony before a big battle to start.

A battle which was decided to be one sided and winners were declared before it'd started and the

winner could be none other than James. He won't let anyone else win this game.

James uncapped the wine bottle and poured it in glass,''Have you signed the file of that new contract

Mrs. Anderson?'' He questioned sarcastically knowing very well what he was doing.

''Don't call me that!'' She snarled,''I haven't signed that yet.'' She said concentrating on Joseph offering

her some lime juice.

James adjusted his waist coat and loosened his tie looking continuously at her with narrowed eyes,''

You better sign it quick otherwise from tomorrow every official document would be needing Sarah's

autograph.'' James taunted once again making Jenna pause.

Jenna turned towards him while he unbuttoned the collar button of his plain white shirt totally

unaffected by her looks. Jenna showed him the finger right under his chin.

''Don't forget James you are just a mere.'' She trailed off as James caught her finger and signalled her

to shut,''I don't need anything to be reminded but since you are aging Mrs. Anderson.'' He paused

raising a brow at Jena in a mocking manner,''You might need me to remind you that Sarah has not just

turned eighteen but she has turned dangerous, seriously very dangerous.'' He passed her sly smirk

throwing her hand away.

Jenna clearly knew where James was coming from,''Oh please don't remind me of that shitty Will

again!'' She warned him raising a hand in air signalling him clear dismissal.

James stood straight on his feet and slid his hands inside pockets of his trousers,'' As you wish!'' He Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

hissed from clenched teeth while Jenna rose from the stool standing right opposite him. She was visibly

short to match his six feet height as she stared him with her green eyes keeping her chin up.

''You were nothing James.Just remember that before reminding me of anything.'' Jenna poked his chest

with her forefinger mocking him,''This status which you currently flaunt was given to you by me on a

silver platter, remember Mr. James Anderson?'' She used her fingers to flip her hair over the shoulder.

Jenna never missed an opportunity of reminding James about his mistakes committed in past but this

time it was James who fetched the time to remind Jenna about her bad time knocking on the door.

''You helped me for your own benefit Jenna.Forget my past just worry about the skeletons you've hid up

in your cupboard.'' He threatened Jenna while she knew very well about which skeletons he was talking


Jenna would never let anything and anyone come between her and freedom but this time she knew

she couldn't do anything.

'' Use your brains ,Jenna, otherwise you're doomed and you know how much I'll rejoice your funeral.''

James taunted her passing a chuckle as he fetched Sarah's clutch from the bar counter and rushed


''The idiot thinks I'll let Sarah take everything from me like that only?'' Jenna talked to herself in an

inaudible whisper.

Jenna never let anyone win over her be it her husband, business or rivalries and this time also history

was going to repeat. She thought as she planned to make Sarah bite the dust.

''To my daughter, Sarah Mount, I bequeath fifty percent of my property.'' Sarah read the last line of her

father's will once again.

It mentioned Jenna as her guardian till she turn eighteen and it also mentioned Sarah will have fifty

percent of the property, houses,hotels, state agencies and construction business but in the very next

sentence it mentioned all the decisions would be made by Sarah when fifty percent of property was

bequeathed to John, her elder brother.

The will seemed quite confusing to Sarah even after she read it thrice. It seemed like the attorney failed

to email her the full attachment.

Sarah flipped the lid of her laptop shut and dialled the number of the will attorney, Michael Clarke.

''Hello, Can I please have a word with Mr. Michael Clarke?'' She spoke to a man on the other end.

''This is Michael Clarke talking; Can I ask who is this?'' Sarah heard a distorted voice letting her judge

him as a fifty year old man.

''Sarah, Sarah Mount here.'' She paused for a moment,''I am Christian Mount's daughter.'' She said


''Of course we just talked few hours ago Ms. Sarah Mount.'' Sarah thanked her stars for at least making

that old man remember her,'' I have emailed you the will and if you really have the password to Mr.

Mount's secret account you can scan the will.'' He added.

''Yeah I got it....But I'm bit confused.'' She complained softly.

''What is confusing you young lady?'' He asked her briskly.

''I think some parts of it are missing...Secondly I am unable to connect to the executor of my father's

will, Mr. Chaulcey Gardner.'' She drawled emphasising on each and every word so the attorney could

understand it equally.

There was an awkward silence on the line for few moments and then the old man was heard clearing

his throat,''Look young lady my laptop is giving me some problems I'll email you the will as soon as I

am able to.'' He trailed off and some chatterings were heard on his side,

''How that bastard deny me alimony?'' A feminine voice was heard maybe some client was yelling at

him for not getting the alimony from her bastard husband.

'' Calm down dear, I am just an attorney and not a judge.'' Sarah heard the attorney trying to calm down

an angry client.

''Just shut the fuck up, you said you will get me the alimony from that scoundrel!'' She let out another

curse on her husband.

Sarah held the cell phone few centimeters away from her ear, saving herself from the pollution.

''Hello??'' After few moments she heard the attorney and brought the cell phone closer to her ear,''Mr.

Clarke it'll be good if you come to my office,Mount Enterprises, and meet me tomorrow morning.'' She


''Yes that's nice I will be there around nine tomorrow morning.'' He said cheerfully as the shouting in his

office came to halt.

''Please bring the executor with you tomorrow. I have something really important to discuss.'' She

requested to the attorney.

''Surely I will, young lady!'' He said before disconnecting the call.

Sarah dumped her cellphone on the bed and sunk in the couch kept in the corner. The question was

still making her think.

When John was given the other half of the property then why her father gave the right of making

decisions to Sarah when John was elder to her? She wondered , wondered and wondered but nothing

rang a bell.

Sarah wondered that there must have been a valid reason for her dad to make such a weird decision.

She rejoiced his decision as being one and only official heir of Christian Mount would help her big time

in her battle against the bad.

Couple of soft knocks were heard on the door as Sarah was unpacking her stuff from the suitcase.

Lucy packed her stuff and it was nothing but a mess packed together. Few jeans, tops and couple of

knee length dresses.

''Come in Joseph!'' She allowed the visitor in mistaking him to be the butler but her eyes widened as

she spotted James standing on the entrance.

He looked dashing in pair of jeans and a red tee. His blue eyes were fixed at Sarah while Sarah

continuously stared at his biceps as the half sleeved tee hugged his sexy built body perfectly.

Reflection of his back in the mirror was just mouthwatering for Sarah. Loads of goosebumps invaded

her skin as she wondered how it would feel hugging him from back and caressing his abs?

She swallowed the saliva in her mouth coming out from the thoughts as she inwardly explained herself

how wrong it was to lust on an enemy.

Those sexy arms of his just seemed like were built to hold her body tight, Shit was going to happen the

thoughts were not leaving. Her mind shouted at her heart as she got chills run around her body.

''Here, you left your purse at the counter downstairs.'' He said softly looking straight into her eyes while

dumping her clutch on the bed. She wanted to stop looking at him and look somewhere else but she

just couldn't.

''Getting ready for the dinner?'' James asked seductively trying hard not to laugh on Sarah's condition.

He just loved how tongue tied Sarah got whenever she spotted him around her.

Striving to get normal and confident Sarah rolled her fist and looked up confidently,'' You can go now''

Finally she said it but it did not come out as firm as she wanted it to be.

James passed her a smile standing there without uttering anything,''I am happy for you. You are lucky

to have someone to love you.'' He let out in a serious tone and this time something really struck Sarah

to listen him further.

''Many ill omened humans do live here who never get something as pure as love.'' He added sliding his

hands in his side pockets as he leaned back on the wall.

Not knowing how to respond Sarah just stood there as a statue and tuck hair strands behind the ear.

Soft knocks on the door were heard,''Come in Joseph!'' James allowed Joseph to enter before Sarah


Joseph entered with lots of boxes in his hands. The boxes were packed in silver gift wrappings except

one which was wrapped golden.

''Put them on the bed Joseph!'' James commanded the butler and Joseph rested the boxes on the bed

as commanded and left the room.

Sarah felt scared as she heard the click of the shutting door, She didn't fear James in angry mood but

when ever he spoke soft it scared the shit out of her. She feared losing self control whenever James

behaved gently to her.

''What's this?'' She managed to ask.

James slid out his hands from the pockets and paced towards Sarah while her heartbeat raced.

She stood there praying for nothing to go wrong as James came closer to her, closer, more closer.

He gave her a look over and it gave Sarah chills. Having full clothes on, Sarah felt naked and shameful

whenever under his gaze.

James passed her and approached the boxes kept on the bed,''I ordered some dresses for you.'' He

explained,''Since your love is coming at your place you should look beautiful.'' He looked continuously

at the boxes while Sarah looked at him.

She never thought James would have some respect for a beautiful feeling called love but he had and

that surprised Sarah a lot.

James furtively looked at Sarah's reflection in mirror who was continuously staring at him,''That one

special person who loves us finds us the most beautiful person of the world.'' He quickly turned back to

face Sarah and she hastily shifted her gaze down,''It becomes our duty to stay happy and beautiful in

presence of that one person who gets happy seeing us happy.'' His tone softened some more.

James picked up the golden wrapped box and unwrapped it, the box contained a black dress with

golden embroidery on it,''Here! Wear this tonight you'll look gorgeous.'' He whispered audibly making

Sarah nervous,''Black will be perfect color to show him that you might not be a perfect companion but

you'll always remain truthful to him.'' He added as pain distorted his voice.

His different and never seen before attitude made Sarah raise her gaze to match his eyes,''Oh it's

absolutely fine if you don't want to wear this.'' He said dumping the box on the bed.

He was damn sure in his mind that she'll wear the black dress only; He, James Anderson, could never

fail in getting girls on their knees.

He looked into Sarah's eyes while she had not words to speak, the disbelief caused her to stay quiet.

He'd some feelings hidden inside him or was he just pretending to be nice? She wondered.

''Saru! Saru!'' A little angel like figure with twinkling blue eyes and blonde hair tied into a ponytail came

running inside the room,''Serena don't run you'll slip.'' James warned showing her the finger.

Sarah smiled looking at James' concern for his seven year old daughter. Serena wrapped her arms

around Sarah's waist,''Saru now you'll be living with us right?'' Serena asked looking up with her

twinkling blue eyes same as James' while caressing her polka dotted dress.

Sarah sat on her knees hugging Serena tightly,'' Yeah I'll be living with you Serena.'' She responded in

the same babbling manner as Serena asked.

Serena was Sarah's step sister and Sarah never gave any special attention to Serena but maybe

Serena's special bond with John made her feel positively about Sarah too.

Serena was two years old when James married Jenna and she shifted to the mansion along with her

Daddy, James.

Sarah loosened her grip and James picked up Serena adjusting her on his strong arm as she wrapped

her arm around his shoulders,''Serena my child you'd fever and you were told to rest right?'' He asked

softly as he caressed her chin softly.

"Daddy I am feeling good now, fever's gone!" She giggled covering her mouth with her hand adorably.

Sarah smiled as she got the answer to her question. James still had feelings in him otherwise he

wouldn't have been concerned for the adorable kid so much.

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