Cruel World

Chapter 55: chap54

Chapter 55: chap54

Chap 54


Sarah close her eyes this is her end...she know at any second roma will fire but then something happens to Sarah and she thought what if she killed her and go after Ava.

Sarah opened her eyes in fear and saw Roma hands were on the trigger and with the count of 1 2 3...sarah recall Helen (her prison roommate) voice 'don't show your weakness ....fight them"

Sarah suddenly looked down and kicked Roma leg that made Roma to lose her balance and pull the triggered that hit the wall. Roma screamed in pain 'fuck ! you bitch'

Sarah hit her again but roma got the gun again and the butt of the gun on Sarah's head.

Sarah yelped in pain but this time she run to opposite direction of the room all she wants that roma get out of the room away from Ava.

As soon she was out ...Roma screamed her name. Sarah was breathing loudly and blood was pouring from her head...Roma run with her limp leg and she found Sarah ...then she grabs Sarah hair but Sarah hit Roma stomach by her arm. Roma shot again but this was also missed.

Roma wailed in a painful way 'you bitch how you get so strong? I will kill you'

But Sarah found the stairs direction and start to go there but out of nowhere Roma stand in front of her and smiled 'now who will save you, stupid girl'

Roma put her finger on the trigger and point the gun on Sarah's head...Sarah shiver and tears were falling but Sarah wants to say something to her 'you think killing me let your daughter be happy again will she come back to she is dead...why don't you accept that...and you guys killed her daily

by torturing innocent people but if it makes any difference to you, by all means, kill me because one day we all have to go to God then you will give your justification and I will give mine and you know who will be right '

Roma lips shiver with sob but her evil look was back 'i can't tolerate this... I just can' can you live and have everything and my Tina have nothing because she is dead...she should be here so yes I will kill you'

But as soon the Roma pull the triggered Theo came out of nowhere shouted'


And he pull Sarah towards down and covered her by his body

Sarah was too shocked what happen as she was still shaking ...but then she heard Theo loud painful voice 'ahhh god' and then Sarah saw Roma shocked expression ...then it click to Sarah when she felt blood coming from Theo arm...fuck Roma shot theo.


Theo decided to go home his mind is still on Sarah then he can't work properly...when he came home....he found the house too quiet and empty for his liking...where is everyone?

He shrugs maybe staff are in their compound but then he heard a faint sound of strange sound...more like a fire was shot by a gun...he feel super weird as the voice came from his wing side

He becomes alert and runs towards his wing. As soon as he reached hi wing he can hear some disturbing voices and his mom screams 'i will kill you bitch'

Fuck...what the hell she is doing here...his first thought goes to Sarah and Ava...oh no...he run towards the star and see the image of Sarah running and mom on the floor while holding a gun.

He feels like his whole blood was sucked out ....he was so with a gun? What the hell she is doing...she will kill Sarah

He controls his panic and start taking three stairs at one time then he saw his mom put the gun on Sarah's head and looking at his mom expression he knew how serious she is ...he shouted 'MOM NOOO!!!'

He has no idea how he jumped on Sarah and how he covered her....but then he heard a dash sound.

He then flinched as the bullet hit his left arm...he feel instant pain and then he yelped in pain 'fuck'

He was speechless...His own mom shoots him.

He looked at his mom in stun expression and saw his own mom was too shocked

He felt Sarah hands on him ....he looked down and saw his wife scared and tearful expression 'oh god...theo oh my are shot...'Sarah lightly touched his arm.Like she is scared to touch him

Theo came back from his trance and picked Sarah to face, touched her bleeding hurt and looked all her body to find any damaged ' alright you alright? Are you hurt ...oh god she hit you on your head'

Sarah nodes and also cry same time...'im ok but your arm'

Then they both heard Roma loud sobbing 'theo oh my so so sorry... I shot you shot you let...i shot my son..oh god' she starts to walk towards them

But Theo move Sarah body at his back and shouted 'mom stay there..don't you dare to come near to Sarah '

Roma broke down when she saw the hate and disgust in Theo eyes....she put her hand on her mouth and kneel down 'oh god.. I shot my son...oh god he hates me' she was in another zone

Theo gives the phone to Sarah and whispered 'call 911 now'

Sarah give him a puzzled what he is saying calling 911 means Roma will be ...theo node to Sarah thought and Said ' it now'

Sarah took the phone

Theo looks at his mom who was crying but still holding the gun...he was worried sick what if she does something insane again

He walks slowly and Roma looks up and grabbed the gun tight on her hand

Theo raised his hand 'come on mom stand up...its give me the gun...its fine its fine'

Theo lied to her so that she can trust was killing him what he is about to do to his was totally killing him to see his own mother who used to be so happy so full of life is now in terrible state.

Roma smiled 'you are theo is don't hate me'

Theo tears were also falling 'no mom i don't but please give me the gun'

Theo try to take the gun but Roma moved back 'im sorry theo so sorry'

Theo gives her an encouraging node 'ok mom ok....but please give me the gun'

He then heard Tom startled sound 'god...theo? mom?'

Fuck tom not right now...theo though in vain.....Tom looks paled 'whats happening here ...oh god theo you are bleeding (then he looked at Roma) mom? mom where you get this gun...did ...(tom gasped) did you shot theo'

Theo passes a look to his brother 'tom don't'....theo knew his mom will go back to again her madness part by reminding her and that exactly happen

Roma looked at the gun and raised the gun at her head 'i killed my son...i shot him'

Both Theo and tom shouted 'NO MOM STOP!'

But Roma keeps on chanting the same mantra '...theo signal tom to move at Roma back. Theo tries to calm her 'no mom I'm here, look at me. I'm standing in front of you' Theo saw Tom was moving slowly and then he grab his mom hand and Theo run and forcefully took the gun.

Then they heard siren voice...theo sigh 911 is here...

Roma was screaming like a mad woman and she kept on saying 'I shot my son I shot my son'

Tom and Theo saw some officers and medic team...tom looked at him 'what the fuck is going on'

Theo gives him a look 'isn't that obvious'

The officer's team took Roma distress and screaming body downstairs...and Theo felt his inner body parts to be screaming looking at his mother condition...looks like god has to start punishing this family in his own way.

Theo felt someone touch his shoulder 'sir you are bleeding you need to get checked' the young lady in white shirt said to him

Theo then looked at his left arm which was wholly covered in blood 'no treat my wife she needs more help first' theo turn to look Sarah who was still in shocked and was holding her midsection...she was crying badly

He runs to her 'Heyy Heyy its all done..its all done'...Sarah touch theo 'you are shot because of me' Sarah said in a heavy voice arm

Theo winces and shake his head 'no it was mom fault yours not come one medic team need to treat you' the node the medic girl

Sarah shook her head 'no no you need more are shot real shot' she shouted

The medic girl came forward 'ma'am we will look after your husband by other member but you are shocked now and I can feel your anxiety attack so plz let me help you'

Sarah sit down and they start wiping her blood.Theo looked her feel his body to be shivering..what if he was late..what if mom hurt her and Ava.

Then it clicks to him...Ava...where the hell is Ava...He looked at Sarah 'AVA...sarah where is Ava?'

Sarah who comes back from her shocked....she opens her mouth 'oh god ... I put her inside the cabinet room...leave me... I want to go'

she tries to stand but Theo put her down and forcibly said to her 'no you sit down... I will go...and please don't leave her alone' he looks at the medic girl

He runs inside his room...and was stun to see the disheveled appearance of the room..oh god...

He then runs to open the cabinet room and saw his lifeline.Was sitting in the dark corner and was holding both of her ears in terror....she get scared when the door open and Ava begged 'sooory soooory....don't hurt mama..dont hurt me' Ava sobbed

Theo broke down when he saw his daughter condition like that.

Mom why you did this...he kneel down and softly said 'hey sweetie its save...daddy is here' he touch her cold hands..Ava recognizing her father voice and looked him and hugged him tight 'daddy...plss daddy save mama and me from grandma'

Theo kissed her head and wiped her tears 'shh ssh daddy is here...grandma is gone. She won't hurt you again ... I swear to god' his tears were also falling

He picked Ava and took her out ...his arm was screaming in pain but he tries to control it..he will see himself after Ava and Sarah are checked.

He saw Sarah was bandaged and was looking physically alright but emotionally it was a different case. Sarah saw Ava and jumped to them 'Ava my baby..I'm so sorry baby so sorry' she took Ava from Theo hold and checked her

Theo yelled at the team to checked his daughter...the medic give the green signal and said Ava is fine but little disturbed...'but sir you need to go to the hospital this is bullet need stitches..'

Theo argued 'I'm not leaving my family whatever you can do here'. .But it was Sarah who stops him 'please are bleeding please go...for my.. I mean for Ava sake please'

Theo wiped Sarah tears 'i don't want to leave you alone Sarah... I cant'

Sarah shakes his head 'no you will go. I will stay in Ava room...she is also little disturb ...but go now and come back soon' she said it with so much regard and pain

Theo nodes and kissed her forehead and Ava cheeks 'i will be back soon'


'Sir Mrs roma grey try to hurt MrS Sarah grey and your daughter Ava grey...since it's a serious offence she is under the custody of law...but checking her mental condition it is observed she is under the influence of lots of brain relaxant meds that had a reaction ..and now she is a threat for people around her so we have decided to keep her in mental ward....till the court decide what next is' the officer informed Theo and tom

Both of them were shocked and so quite....when they sit down on the car they were too shaken to say something.

After a moment theo looked at tom 'will you drive now'

Tom flinched and looked at Theo 'fuck i need a moment..dude...I still can't believe what the fcuk was really ok this morning....she was seen to be little relax and content....i still think this evening the women we have seen its not mom'

Theo sighs and hold his wounded arm and shake his head 'tell me about it but the moment I saw the gun in her hand and the way she was pointing at Sarah I knew it she is not our mom who can't hurt someone...she was someone else....we should have focused more on her mental health...(he pinched his nose) see what she did'

Tom looked at Theo arm and shiver 'still cant believe she shot you....i feel like throwing up....what we are going to say to everyone' his eyes were bulging out because of fear

Theo shrugs 'i don't even want to think about it now as dad is concern I think he is no fool to see this coming...fuck even I also have a doubt that mom is not right in her head...remember that time when she hurt Ava' theo still feel that immerse anger when roma hurt Ava

When they reached home....Theo looked at tom 'you should go and check lisa...she might be worried which is not good for the baby...' Tom nodes slowly

Theo walked to his wing...which look too quite as compare to what happened in the evening event....he felt the goose bumps ....and then sudden shooting pain in his arm.

He saw Ava room light as open...he wanted to check Ava so walk there...and saw Sarah was rocking Ava sleeping body a while Sarah's eyes were also closed.

He slowly walked towards her and touch her head which bandaged...he felt the tears....even making a promise to her and her brother not to hurt her he somehow hurt her.

Sarah eyes open suddenly in fear and gasp...theo squeezed her hand 'hi it's me'

Sarah took a relief breath 'oh god....what happens there are you ok...where's roma?' sarah asked three questions in once.

Theo look down 'for now everything in is put in a mental ward....officers and doctors told us she is not right to form her mind..she is the court will decide what will happen to her'

Sarah feels bad but also instant relief too

Theo gently grace Ava head 'how she is ?'

Sarah gently put Ava small body and put blanket on her 'little shaken what happens this evening but she got ok afterward....but she was asking about you nonstop...even I try to distract her but I think she got scared when I put her in the closet room....she was very scared ' Sarah was regretting and feel guilty that theo have it

He shakes his head 'no did the smartest protect are the best mother Ava can have....if you haven't put Ava in the closet room then don't know what mom had done....she is scared but not for the reason you are thinking'

Sarah's eyes were moist 'you think so?'

He holds sarah to face 'yeah I'm sure'

Sarah eyes then move to his arm 'your arm?' she gasped

The smile 'its fine the bullet just touched the skin that why it was so much blood...(he hesitant to share the news) as it also hit one of my veins that broke down let to the loss of blood but fortunately bullet was missed'

Sarah put the hand on her head and closes her eyes like she was having a terrible headache.

Theo said 'come on you need sleep. I will call messy to sleep in Ava room'

Sarah looked at Ava 'i don't want to leave her alone..what if she wakes up...can we take her to our room please'

Theo was quite then node 'ok... I will also feel much better let me pick her then'

Sarah touches his arm...that made Theo feel some sensation in his heart.

Sarah removes her hand abruptly like she also feels the same 'i will ...your arm is hurt'

After coming to their room and putting Ava in the middle of the bed Theo told her he needs to use the washroom.

When Theo came back ...he can't see search anywhere...then he heard a sniping round from the balcony....fuck why Sarah is crying now?

He looked concern when Sarah was holding her stomach and was sitting in one of the love chairs on the balcony

He also sits down 'Sarah why are you crying'

Sarah winced and looked too broken to reply 'i still can't take out those images ... I was so scared that what if something happens to know I just can't help her at that moment...Roma first points the gun at Ava first... I still don't know how I even manage to take her to the closet room..'

Theo also flinched in shocked 'what?' mom point the gun at Ava

Sarah nodes while crying 'she was .....she said kill my daughter because I have taken her daughter from her so she will take mine'

Theo feel like throwing can mom even say that...what if mom denial has really killed both of them...he tightens his hold on the armchair that made him yelped in pain

Sarah looked him 'theo...are you hurt...what should I do' it really touches him that after all the things happen with her she still care for him...of course, people like Sarah are always who think of others even those others have hurt her the most...

Theo saw how close she was to him. He can feel her breath on his face...thank god she is fine...she is in front of him otherwise the thing he saw a few hours ago he was sure for a moment he lost her for good


Sarah can see how Theo was close to her

Sarah can see how Theo was close to her he saved her his tears look so genuine and concerned.

He picked her face and wiped her tears 'I'm fine but I think (his tears were also falling) I might have died if something happens to one of you... I might have killed myself'' he just can't control himself and

did something that he wanted to do for a year that he always does in his dreams © 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

He kissed her....he kissed Sarah with so much love and passion like it was his last wish...Sarah was tense in shocked what was happening and did not respond to him but the way he was kissing her ...and the emotional mess she was ...she opens her mouth and kissed him back

Theo makes a pleasure sound in his mouth and kissed her more roughly like she was his reason to breath...'oh god Sarah i wanted to do this for long time;' he touch her breast and kissed her hard

Sarah who was enjoying intimacy after a long-term feel so good...but then she sees the flashes of theo cruelty ...roma pointing gun at Ava ....her struggle in prison....she opens her eyes in terror and pushed theo hard. Theo move back in shocked and raise his eyebrow in confusion 'what? sarah'

Sarah stand and redo her dress 'don't you dare to touch me again...don't you ever do that to me' she bites her lips to control the sobbed that she wanted to take out

Theo was breathing heavily; .Sarah looks him in disgust and walks away

She lies down in bed and holds Ava small body and smell her baby fragrance and kissed her, then she saw Theo came after a minute; looking little calm, she saw he picked the mattress and put it down on the floor without meeting her eyes...

Sarah who knew was so stupid to do that but she can't see an injured man because of her to lie down on the floor.

Without looking at him 'you can sleep on the bed '

Theo looks at her back 'are you ok with that"

Sarah sighs and replied slowly 'you are hurt that's why I'm ok and Ava is in the middle so

Theo tightly replied in irritation 'so I won't do anything to you isn't it? well thank you'

Sarah glares at him in anger. Theo lie down and lightly touch Ava's hair and kissed her forehead and then close his eyes.

But Sarah knows he is not sleeping nor she is. Today alto of thing happen and night is the always time for them to think about what next will happen.

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