Cruel World

Chapter 43: chap42

Chapter 43: chap42

Chap 42


"The court is adjourned'' Everyone stand.

The guard took Sarah and she saw Mark, Rome, and morgan disappointed faces and she knew she is responsible for this but she can do anything for her daughter anything.

After the intense statement from Perry Mole that was obviously against her and then that other evidence that point out Simon and Sarah was involved made the case against her. Only Rome was there whose statement was favouring her but that was also no use as jury ahs already made their mind.

Six years! six years were the punishment she has to bear in the prison for a crime she never did. According to the law she is a culprit and a murder but du to her indirect involvement in Tina murder case and her being underage at that time made her serve 6 years.

She can see the happy faces of Tom and Roma who were hugging each other and were smiling when she saw her husband cruel eyes ....he was not smiling nor he was sad...he just had an expression that Sarah don't know...they stare eachother...and Sarah shakes her head...She can see the war inside Theo's eyes that she never know exist

When she was taken outside the courtroom.....Roma caught her and sarcastically smiled 'Officer I need a moment'

After the node from the officer. Roma arrogantly said 'Six years are long but I will make sure you live in the prison forever as I will make sure for no payroll, and another case will be filed to make your punishment from 6 years to 60 years'

Theo came into the vision 'Mom please...stop's done now come leave this all behind'

Sarah gives theo a disgusting look which theo return with a blank look.

When she was taken to the main prison ...she looked scared as the jailer was already mocking her and was pushing her...other inmates were looking dangerous to her like they are waiting for a prey

Sarah try to control her breathing and looks down ...the jailer was a larger white woman who doesn't call Sarah by her name but called her little mice

When she was taken inside her room was very small with an attached bathroom.

She was about to enter the room when the jailer stops her and said rudly 'little mice here you are on your own. I don't think so you will survive here but a pro tip don't mess with me maybe you have your last breath peacefully' she smiled and Sarah flinched with terror

When the door was locked Sarah took a long sobbing breath and cry 'Oh god'

She tries to calm her heartbeat..then she heard a voice she saw her roommate who looks old may be of Roma age. She had a cigarette on her lip and she looks bored of Sarah condition

'you don't belong here...what you did child' her roommate says

Sarah slowly said down on her bed 'i... I was'

She throws the cigarette 'forget it ...I'm Helen....the way you are talking you will take whole damn day....but listen to me, are some inmates that your kind should stay away...they look for weakness and they use it very dangerously...and secondly listen to that jailer....she is right don't mess with her...she is a bitch... sometimes I think( she shakes her head) hell no i totally believe in this she took money from outsider and then kill some of the inmates here very cleverly but I hope you survive because like she said you are on your own'

Sarah's eyes were bulging out if Helen is saying the truth then maybe Roma can also. She shakes her head in terror she is just overthinking, six years are long but she will survive for her Ava.



He was sitting in his home office and staring in the laptop screen absently. So it happens. What he wanted for all these years it happens. Sarah got from here. Tina got the justices and his life is turned upside down. Theo pinched his nose but his heart feel so empty, like a part of him is dead.

He was in his own thoughts that he heard Ava loud crying voice....messy the maid was trying to calm her and she enters the office nervously ...theo also stand and looked concern

Messy said 'sir. Ava is crying nonstop I did everything. She is not eating nor she is having her food... I don't know what to do'

Theo winced when he heard Ava cries 'Mama....mama...mama'

Theo can't control himself and walked towards her and put his hand on her cheeks 'hey hey it's alright' he softly talked to her

Ava looked at her with Sarah eyes and Theo stop breathing, how can he be happy, when a small child has been taken away from her because of him.

Roma joins the moment and glared 'Messy what the hell are you doing her and roaming this loud spoiled girl in every know Olivia is sleeping and Lisa needs you...'

Theo felt an instant anger but he controls it...roma said again 'take her to Mrs Bricskon she is in her compound and you go to Lisa room and help her with the baby'

Theo stop her 'but mom Mrs Brickson is sick and Ava is disturbed I don't think so'

Roma looked her son 'Theo I'm here to talk to you on that matter...(she looked at messy) what are you waiting now go when she is asleep put her back to her bed'

When Ava was gone...Theo put a hand on his hair and sighs, he sits down on the couch.

Roma also joined him and gently touch his face 'Theo (she softly said) I can't see you like this. I know. I can understand your life is changed and it pains me a lot to look at you like this but baby I love so much and what you did for us for tina will never be forgotten'

Theo looked at his mother with emotional eyes 'You understand mom?'

Roma hugs him 'of course darling but you have to move on and first thing first, about Ava (Theo raise his head) I think there are two options...first I think you let go can give it to Blake family...surely they will take her or you can give her to adoption'

Theo stands and yelled 'Mom what the fu..hell it can you say this... I won't do that not ONLY because she is my responsibility but also because but media will think too'

Roma stand too 'ok ok relax then I'm calling a nanny who will stay all the time with her and in this way, you will be a little relaxed and can move on with your life'

Theo shakes his head 'i don't know what the move on a definition for you, I'm ok and I will be and about the nanny thing I need the details too like full details'

Roma replied 'don't you trust me...I'm calling from a very reliable source don't worry'

Theo nodes his head but still there were millions of questions going on.



'Little mice someone has come to meet you' The jailer scrawled at Sarah

Sarah stands walks with her.....everyone was right the jailer is really a bitch...she is already giving her tough time...most of the time she gives the task to Sarah when it's their lunch or dinner was pining Sarah somehow that jailer is doing deliberately to her...she is unusually cruel to her....sometime Sarah thinks that her roommate Helen might be right as the Greys are bribing the jailer to make her life hell.

When she enters the visiting room...she saw her brother mark....his head was down and he was looking nervous

Sarah sat down and said 'Mark'

Mark looks up and gives her a painful look 'im sorry...I hadn't visited you soon'

Sarah shakes her head 'Its are you and hows, everyone?

Mark looked disappointed and said 'Normal but forget this just tell me why you didn't have the physical examination, you know you don't have to serve here'

Sarah sighs 'I told you before why I did that and even if we had the test they might manipulate the whole situation and I will be still held accountable for the action' Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Mark gets angry 'but we can at least try and were you sure that the will kept his promise, he might not meet you to your daughter Ava'

Sarah gives him a horrified look 'don't say this....plz don't say this....'

Mark replied 'what they did with you how can you trust even him still'

Sarah was more confused and terrified 'Then please take Ava from them please'

Mark sighs 'don't you think I hadn't tried that but those assholes are smart they know if they give us Ava then it will be bad for their case and bad press will be catered against them'

Sarah silently cry and said 'I don't know why it's happening to me'

Mark squeezed her hand 'hey I don't want to upset you and I promised you I will not let you serve 6 years in jail...I will take you out but I'm here for something else'

Sarah wiped her tears 'what...tell me'

Mark hesitate 'Its about dad and mom'

Sarah stop him in anger 'I don't want to hear anything regarding about them'

Mark nodes 'what this is important is really sick'

Sarah looked stunned 'What you mean'

Mark 'he is dying...cancer...last stage....he was diagnosed one year back ...he got better but now he is still fighting with it again'

Sarah sobbed and put a hand on her hand 'why didn't you told me before'

Mark looks emotional too 'I wanted too but dad he stops me...he was already in so much guilt that he married you to Theo and how miserable you are so he doesn't want to give you tension furthermore'

'Like it matter nows' Sarah yelled

Mark replied 'shh calm down...I know it's a shock for you was for me too...I'm so sorry to hurt you but I thought it's very important to tell you is also deeply disturbed..she told us about your

phone call and she is also guilty'

Sarah looks away 'I don't care what mom feel. I want to know daddy is ok?'

Mark sadly replied 'I wish I can give a positive answer to you'

Sarah starts seeing her father face....who used to love her so much. Who used to play with her...she was in her thought that her visiting hours were gone she was taken to her cell. And she looks at the ceiling of her cell and tears were falling down. Was her life ever going to get any easier?

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