Cruel Destiny

Chapter 34

Chapter 34



Third Person POV

The rage inside him was boiling, making him want to kill someone. More precisely Scott Allen.

He had snatched his love from him and now he had seized his child again too.

No that child in Natasha's womb could not be his. She might have slept with that bastard after him.

They were playing with him just like she did. Miranda had promised him that she only loves him.

Scott must have paid Natasha to lure him and make him fall in love with her.

What could he expect from a slut like her? She might have done that too with many men.

Scott was taking revenge from him for what he had done with him. He might have got to know about

him and Miranda.

He clenched his fist and threw the file in the fireplace and watched it turned into ashes.

'You have made a mistake, Natasha. I thought that you were innocent. But you are a bitch. His bitch' he

mumbled in his mind.

He got a call from Officer Seth. He cut the call in anger. He heard the sound of the message.

He opened it in anger and read it. This ignited his fire of anger more than before.

So now this bitch wanted to sue him. Her lover might have told her to do that.

"You are gone, Natasha." He shouted




He snorted the lines of cocaine and groaned in ecstasy. His eyes rolled back and he fell on the

luxurious couch of the club.

He felt instant relief and for some seconds, he forgot everyone. But after a missed call from his man

brought him back.

He picked up the call and heard "Your work is done."

He smirked and pushed the random girl, who had been sitting on his lap, on the couch.

He walked out of the club which was only 5 minutes away from the place where he had to be.

The rain was falling furiously along with irregular thunders. He doesn't care about it.

He sat in his car and reached the place he needed to be. He saw the broken look on her face which

gave him some satisfaction.

She called him with her trembling lips. Her eyes were red from crying furiously.

She was still a nymph in his eyes but now she was also a slut who had her legs spread in front of him

for revenge.

He felt something in his guts when he saw the blood on the ground along with his man cum.

He shouldn't feel guilty about it. She was asking for it. She was just showing him that she was innocent.

He scoffed internally and went toward her. He offered her more sex but she shouted at him.

His fury got out of his hand when she mentioned her sister. He did what he had promised himself not to


He raised his hand on a woman. The flame erupted inside his hand after that, literally burning him alive.

But that didn't subsidize his anger. He warned her to stay away from that bastard and threatened to kill

that bastard's child.

He would never kill Natasha no matter what. He likes her but her child is another case.

She looked at him with those sad and painful eyes making him feel guilty. So stood up and went toward

his car, leaving her alone.

The drugs were fucking with his head making him remorseful. He shouldn't have taken that drug.

He crashed on his bed and slept, not knowing that he had ruined an innocent life in a





Few days have passed, now the guilt was eating him alive. He shouldn't have let out all his frustration

on that girl.

He couldn't think anything straight when it came to Miranda. He pulled his hair and again gulped down

a shot of whiskey.

That's what he has been doing after that night when he did sin.

His body needed some alcohol to sleep or he might stay awake all night, tossing and turning in bed.

He didn't touch Linda after that night and she also kept her distance from him.

He sighed because he didn't know the reason behind her anger.

He got a call from Officer Seth and he picked it up with a sigh and asked "What do you want now?"

"Sir are you sure you don't want to sue her. I can make it look like she had been calling you to her


He got furious when he heard him talking shit and shouted "I have told you a thousand times to leave

her the fuck alone. Is it difficult for you to understand?"

Without hearing his reply, he cut the call and rubbed his temple which was aching.

He received another call and was about to cut it off, thinking that it might be that stupid Seth.

But stopped himself and saw that it was from the person he had ordered to follow Scott.

"Sir Miss Natasha and Mr. Allen never met each other after that night. Mr. Allen was Miss Natasha's

doctor during her pregnancy. She met him when she was 4 months pregnant. She isn't his girlfriend


Liam dropped the phone after that. He had dragged her into his mess thinking that she might be a part

of it.

But no she was never. Oh, God. What had he done? His jealousy ruined everything.

He needed peace or else he would go mad. Unknowingly a tear fell from his eyes.

He picked up his keys and went toward his mother's house. She will help me relax.

He ran inside his house and saw his mother in the living room talking to his sister who was crying.

He stopped suddenly when they looked at him. He stepped toward them slowly and cupped her sister's


"What happened, Brianna?"

His sister and his mother were his life. He loves his dad but sometimes he doesn't agree with the way

he behaves.

He had seen his father hitting his mother one time and that day his father had lost respect in his eyes.

After that day, he didn't talk to his father much other than the family dinner they have once a month.

"He betrayed me." She whimpered

She had just turned 20 this year. He had given her everything she desired, to compensate for the time

where he was not with her.

"Who sweetheart?" He asked her while wiping her tears.

"My boyfriend. He recorded our video and now he is blackmailing me, Liam." She told him, ashamed of

her deed.

It was then Liam remembered a saying his grandmother used to say.

"You will never understand the damage you did to someone until the same thing is done to you.' NôvelDrama.Org © content.

He felt an immense amount of fury when he thought about his sister getting betrayed.

In reality, he had done the same with someone's sister. The difference is that she doesn't have any


"I will take care of it, Brie. Don't worry." He mumbled and went to his room.

He stripped off his clothes and stepped inside the shower. The cold water of the shower didn't calm his


And for the first time after Miranda, he cried. He cried about what had happened to his sister.

He cried for what he had done with Natasha. But now nothing can be changed.

But he can help her with money as an apology. Yes, he can do that.

He will even provide her an apartment where she could stay during and after her pregnancy.

He was lying down on his bed, staring at the ceiling when someone knocked on his door.

His mother came inside with a smile on her beautiful face. Even though she has aged, she was still as

beautiful as ever.

She sat on the bed and patted her thigh. He took the hint and laid his head down on her lap.

"Why are you worried, Liam?" She asked him softly while caressing his hair.

"I did sin. I hurt someone, mom. I ruined and betrayed that person." He confessed.

He needed peace and that could only be provided by him confessing.

"You should apologize to that person, Liam. I never thought my son would do something like that." She


He grabbed her hand and looked at her with a sad face and whispered "I am sorry."

She gave him a small smile and said "You should say this to that person."




Time passed but Liam didn't meet Natasha after that. The guilt was eating him alive.

He knew that he was being a coward but he just couldn't face her. But he kept his promise.

He had told his man to transfer the money in her account every month along with that he had bought

her an apartment.

He heard a crying voice from his bathroom. He furrowed his eyebrow in confusion then it dawned on

him that Linda is in the bathroom.

He ran toward it and found her in the bathroom, sitting with her back against the wall.

He knelt on her level and asked "What happened?"

She looked at him with teary eyes but a smile was present there. She showed him something and he

looked at it.

He fell on his butt in surprise when he saw that it was a pregnancy test which was showing a plus sign.

She was pregnant and the baby was his. He had knocked up another girl.

It wasn't supposed to happen. She wasn't supposed to get pregnant.

He had a lot on his plate and this baby will be too much for him. She was not Miranda then how could

he accept that child.

"I need space." He mumbled out and walked out of the bathroom at a fast speed.

She looked at his retreated form with a sad look as tears kept falling from her eyes.

She knew that they haven't talked about babies yet. But she wasn't expecting this reaction from him.

Her hand went back to her stomach. She has a baby inside her. She was ready to sacrifice her

modeling career for it.

'Natasha was so lucky for me. I just touched her bump and I got pregnant.' She giggled

Knowing that it takes more than touching someone's bump to get pregnant.

He didn't come back that day. He was driving in the hope to find a mysterious place where he would be

free of tension.

It was Karma. He had betrayed Natasha and snatched her happiness.

And now he was restless. He couldn't find peace anywhere. He sighed and banged his hand on the

steering wheel.




Linda had told her parents about being pregnant and they, in turn, told this to Liam's parents.

There was happiness around everywhere but the would-be parents weren't happy.

Linda was sad that Liam wasn't supporting but she accepted it and stopped asking him questions

regarding their baby.

Liam hasn't been sleeping for a few days which was pushing him into the pit of depression.

When his mother insisted he take Linda for the check-up, he agreed because he didn't know how to

say no to his mother.

The doctor said the baby was healthy and good. Liam excused himself when Linda insisted on the


He couldn't breathe inside properly. It was like he was cheating on Natasha. He wasn't with her when

she was pregnant.

Then why would he stay with Linda as well? He needed a vacation and that too away from her.

He called Adam and told him to come to the hospital. After 10 minutes, he went outside and saw Adam

was on the phone.

He was looking disappointed and cut the call when Liam stepped toward him.

"Have you found her?" Liam asked him, knowing about his mysterious sister.

Adam sighed and said "No I haven't yet. But don't worry I will find my sister. I have found a clue and if I

am right, then it won't take time."

There was a small smile on his face when he thought about his sister. She might be his step-sister but

he will take care of her like a real one.

Liam sighed and turned his face only to see Natasha carrying a bag that seemed to be quite heavy.

He was surprised when he saw her frightened look when she saw him along with Adam.

He wanted to move toward her and when he saw her big bump, he couldn't help himself.

His hand moved toward her bump unconsciously making her tremble. He could have touched it if Adam

wouldn't have spoken.

He put his hand back and looked at Adam who was staring at her curiously.

'He better not be thinking about her.' He thought in his mind angrily.

Their trance got broken by Linda who was coming toward them and happily greeted Natasha.

She even lied that he was taking care of her when he never said anything relating to the baby.

He saw the heartbroken look on Natasha's face and she gave him an accusing and sad glance.

He wanted to clear the misunderstanding but he kept his mouth shut. His ego wasn't allowing him to

say something.

She went away from them but he saw the tears falling from her eyes. He bis his lips and sighed.




His life was anything but happy. Someone had cursed his happiness.

(I know who did it. My readers ?)

He had been drinking in the morning too. Sleep was far away from his eyes and whenever he closed

his eyes, he saw the sad eyes of Natasha.

He started to behave well with Linda but when it came to the baby, he kept himself distant.

He didn't know how to involve himself in his children's lives. He put his head down on the bar table and


He heard footsteps behind him and he looked back and saw Natasha. She was still a Nymph but now

there was no glow on her face.

She was looking skinny which made her bump more prominent. She has dark circles under her eyes.

She started her accusation and he just stared at her with a guilty face.

He had wronged her and he deserved all the curses he was getting from her.

But he had to interfere when she started to accuse him of wrong things.

He had never talked to Seth after that call. Then why would he tell him to sue her?

And snatching her job and house. He had made sure to put 20 grand in her bank account every month.

And he even bought her an apartment. Then how? She did stop him before he could explain.

And knowing that he was going to be the father of a daughter was thrilling.

She was leaving and now she won't come back. He wanted to say something, anything to stop her

from leaving.

But then he thought that he didn't deserve them. They deserve happiness in his life which he couldn't


She walked out of the house, breaking something inside him. He stared at her until she left the house.

"You shouldn't have done that Liam."

He heard her voice and turned back to see a crying Linda.


Authors Note

Hello guys

Hope you liked it

So yeah, Again Liam's POV

If you have any doubts then clear it.

I'll share the story of Scott, Miranda, and Linda in the further chapter.


Till then

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