Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 131

I felt a twinge of discomfort as I watched Kira scurry off to run another errand for Mara. I hated how she was being so


It was like I had gotten to used to it just being the two of us and the being the only one that got to make her do things.

I decided to take some time to think about my feelings and figure out what I wanted to do. I couldn’t keep ignoring the situation, but I also couldn’t just rush into things without thinking them through. I needed a plan, and I needed to be careful. If I spoke too soon, I would say things that I would not be able to take back and that would not be good for me.

I was in the next room when I heard a loud crash and a faint cry of pain. I rushed to the scene to find Kira lying on the floor, surrounded by shattered glass. My instincts took over, and I hurried to her side to help her up. But to my surprise, my brother, Brax, was already there, kneeling beside her. I felt a surge of anger and shame as I realized we were both competing to help Kira

“Let me get her,” Brax said, his voice firm and commanding. He was always so quick to take charge, and it irritated me. He seemed to have forgotten who it was that was in charge.

But I didn’t want to give up. I wanted to be the one to help Kira. No, I’ve got her,” I protested, trying to push Brax aside. Brax ignored me and scooped Kika up in his arms, cradling her like a child. I felt a pang of jealousy as he carried her to the couch and gently set her down. Why was he always so gentle with her? It wasn’t his f***g place!

“Get me a first aid kit,” Brax barked at me, his eyes flashing with authority and one glare from him reminded him of who he was talking to. He rushed to get the kit himself and returned as quickly as he left

Brax was tenderly cleaning Kira’s wounds and applying bandages like he was a f****g doctor.

“I’ll call the doctor, don’t make things worse by trying to show off I said while I reached from my phone.

Brax looked up and caught my eye. “Thanks, Aston,” he said, his voice sarcastic now. “But I think I got this. You can go now.”

“There’s no need for the doctor, Aston. Ljust need to get shards out.” Kira agreed.

I nodded and backed away, feeling embarrassed. I should have minded my business.

As I left the room, I heard Kira’s soft voice. “Thank you, Brax. I owe you one?

I felt a pang of jealousy again, but this time I pushed it aside. I needed to focus on my own behaviour and figure out why I was acting this way, I couldn’t keep competing with Brax for Kira’s attention. It wasn’t healthy, and it wasn’t fair to Mara.

I was still trying to process what had just happened when Mara chimed in, her voice stern and uncaring. “Kira, stop overreacting. It’s just a few cuts. You need to get back to cleaning the living room and make us lunch. It’s almost time.”

I felt a surge of anger at Mara’s order. Couldn’t she see that Kira was hurt and needed to rest? Kira was still sitting on the couch, wincing in pain as she tried to move her injured hand. But Mara just stood there, her arms crossed and a scowl on herface.

Before I could say anything, Brax spoke up, his voice firm and commanding. “Hell no,” he said and he definitely meant it.

“What do you mean?” Mara asked, her voice rising in anger. “Someone needs to clean up this mess and make lunch. And Kira is the best person to do it

“Not Kira,” Brax said, his eyes flashing with anger. “She’s already burt. She needs to rest and take care of herself

“Yeah, and besides, it’s not like she’s your personal s**t,” Brax added, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “She’s a person. not a machine that you can just use and discard.”

Mara’s face turned red with anger, and she looked like she was about to explode. But Brax just s

crossed and his faces twisted in a frown.

his ground, his arms.

I knew I had to take charge of the situation and ensure Kita received the care she needed. I couldn’t rely on Brax to handle. it, so I issued an order for all palace workers to return immediately.

“Get everyone back here now,” I told the head guard on a call. “I want all the staff back in the palace within the hour. And make sure they understand it’s not a request, it’s an order.”

As the staff began to arrive, I assigned two maids to take care of Kira. “See to it that she gets the best care,” I told them. “I want her fully recovered as soon as possible. And make sure she doesn’t lift a finger until she’s healed”Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, sir,” they replied in unison, curtsying before hurrying off to attend to Kira.

I watched as they carefully removed the remaining shards of glass from Kira’s hand, doing my best not to yell at the maids as she cried out in pain. I felt a little mad at. Mara for putting Kira in this situation, but I pushed it aside, focusing on getting Kira the care she needed. The only person 1 ought to be mad at was myself for attaching so much importance on a maid.

Mara stormed into the room, her face red with anger, her eyes blazing. “What’s going on here?” she demanded, her voice loud and annoying. “I hear you’ve assigned two maids to Kira? Even I don’t have that many attendants! What’s so special about her, huh?”

I sighed, trying to remain patient, but feeling my temper rumbling within me. “Mara, Kira is injured. She needs extra care. It’s not about being special, it’s about being human.”

But Mara wouldn’t let up. She paced back and forth across the room, her hands gesturing wildly. “That’s not fair! I’m the one who deserves special treatment, not some…some servant! I’m the one who’s always by your side, Aston. I’m the one who supports you.

I felt my frustration grow. “Mara, stop being ridiculous. Kira needs help, and I’m going to make sure she gets it. This isn’t about you.”

But Mara just kept whining, her voice growing louder and more shrill. “What’s gotten into you. Aston? You’re always treating Kira so nicely, and it’s just not fair! I don’t understand why you’re doing this! Is she better at sex than I am? Have you had sex with her and you want more? Is that it? Does this b**h have you sticking it up her p***y?

I threw up my hands, feeling my anger boil over. “Mara, shut up: Just shut up for one second! You’re not making any sense. Even though she was and sex with Kira was so much better.


But Mara wouldn’t stop. She kept ranting and raving, her voice echoing off the walls. I felt my head pounding, my ears ringing. I just wanted her to be quiet

Finally, Brax stepped in, his voice firm. “Mara, that’s enough. Aston is trying to help Kira. Just let him do it.”

She stormed out of the room with tears in her eyes and I think we’re done but I was wrong.

Mara stormed back into the room, her eyes flashing with anger Aston, I can see you’re not even listening to me,” she said, her voice cold and detached. “You’re too busy fawning over Kira to even notice me.

I sighted, feeling a sense of frustration. “Mara, what’s going on? Why are you being like this?”

Mara’s expression turned icy. “You need to choose, Aston. Me or Kira. You can’t keep treating me like this. I’m your ***g “Luna”

I felt a surge of annoyance at this pettiness. “Mara, if you’re my Luna then f***g act like it and get your head screwed on straight”

Mara’s laughter was harsh. She did not look like she had any intention to be reasonable and I understood that. I knew it was only a matter of time before she blew up and started to make a scene. I had had enough time to be torn. To think about this, to weigh the pros and the cons and I knew it was time for me to make a decision. I could not keep standing on the fence like nothing mattered. I was a f***g alpha.

“Choose, Aston,” she repeated, her voice cold and hard. “Me or Kira. Who is it going to be?” as much as I hated her tone, she deserved an answer.

“Mara, all I have to say to you is that you’re special but none of you are leaving this house so you better get used to it.”

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