Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Ninety Two

Ninety Two

Elora’s POV

I wake with a jump when I realise who is in the room, my worst nightmare coming true, he was here to

take my baby. His hand moves over my bump and I jump, the muscles in my belly stretching from

moving so quickly as I sit up in my bed against the headboard. My heart pounding in my chest so hard I

could hear it.

“Calm down, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you” He says grabbing my arms while I frantically looked

around praying Dragus would come back. I move away from his touch ignoring the sparks moving over

my skin from the mate bond. The movement cost me my stomach contents as I scramble trying to get

off the bed but being so round and being tangled in the blankets, made my stomach contents spew

onto the blanket before I could even make it off the bed. My face heating with embarrassment as I

cover not only the bed and myself but also Silas from being so close.

“Sorry” I blurt before rushing to the bathroom as I feel more coming up, only just making the toilet in

time. I flush the toilet before washing my mouth out with water and wetting my face trying to cool down.

“Dragus said you were sick he wasn’t joking” I roll my eyes at his comment. Looking down at my shirt

and pants I am covered in it. Walking into the room, I find Silas shirtless and the bed stripped as he

rolls the blankets up before walking to the door and placing them in the hall. He turns around before

stopping looking down at my shirt, he steps forward about to peel it off me when I step back.

“I’m just trying to help Lora” NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

“Want to help, then leave” I tell him turning away from him and moving to my drawers in search of

another shirt.

“Dragus will be here soon” He says.

“Then leave, I don’t need you here Silas get out”

“I am not leaving; I will wait for Dragus to return then I will go” He says.

I grab some clothes before walking into the bathroom. He follows and I turn on him again when he tries

touching me.

“Out now” I warn him, but he doesn’t listen, completely ignoring my request.

“Just let me help you, I am not going to do anything to you geez” He says reaching for my shirt again. I

slap his hands way when he steps closer.

“Dragus!” I scream panic consuming me as I begin to feel caged in this small bathroom, my lungs

restricting from feeling suddenly claustrophobic.

“It’s fine Lora calm”- He says reaching for me when I slap him. My own anger getting the better of me,

my hand connecting with the side of his face with an audible flesh on flesh sound. My hands shaking

when I realise what I had done as his head snaps to the side from the force. His jaw clenches and


“I’m sorry, just don’t be grabbing and touching me like that” I stammer out as his eyes start flickering

before he closes them, his chest rising and falling rapidly and my blood runs cold. Panic hitting me

when I realise Dragus must not be in the castle because he would have smashed the door down by


He rubs his cheek his eyes opening. He reaches his hands towards and I put mine which were

trembling horrifically up ready to defend myself from him, stepping back. When he grabs them.

“Just let me help” I look to the door willing one of them to come in, surely the could feel me by now.

“I won’t hurt you” He says making my eyes dart back to him, his thumb rubbing my palms as he grips

my shaking hands. He steps closer his hands rung down my arms to my shirt before he pulls it up and

over my head, his eyes going to my bump for second before he reaches behind me turning the shower

on making me flinch away from him. He adjusts the taps before leaning back away from me. He

reaches for the waistband of my pants.

“I can undress myself” I tell him, and he steps away putting his hands up in surrender.

“I will wait out there for you to hop out” He says turning away before walking into the bedroom. I hear

the bedroom door fly open smashing into the wall before seeing Matitus grab Silas slamming him into

the wall pinning him. Dragus racing into the bathroom nearly running straight into me as I go dart out.

“I didn’t touch her” Silas says his hands up. Matitus growls his eyes looking for me.

“Wait he didn’t do anything” I tell Matitus, he lets him go and Dragus grabs me.

“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have left” he says.

“She threw up, that’s it” Silas says looking at me along with Matitus. I give a nod and Matitus lets out a


“It’s fine I will go, I promised to help Peter anyway” He says walking out.

Dragus lets me go and I walk into the bathroom stripping my pants before hopping in the shower.

Silas POV

I just wanted to help her, why can’t she see that? I never meant her any harm even after she slapped

me. I shouldn’t have been so handsy, yet the disappointment that flooded me when my mates ran in

assuming I was attacking her, hurt the most. They really think that little of me to hurt her again

especially while she is this far along carrying our child.

Walking out, I go to the stables the storm raging outside as I see him trying to shut the stable doors

which had blown open with Pluto. The wind moving so quickly it was bending the trees, leaves and

debris flying everywhere, as the storm picked up in intensity.

Shutting the doors. I step inside. “Storm came out of no where was fine a few minutes ago” Pluto says.

The horses all spooked in their stalls.

“You can stay in the castle tonight Pluto, where is your brother?” I ask him.

“Out in that” He says worriedly.

“I will have a room set up for you both, what needs doing?” I tell them and he nods.

“Nothing now Pluto and I got it all sorted”

“Sorry I was a little distracted” I tell them.

“Well I am going to head home” Peter says.

“Not in that you’re not. Come, you can stay in the castle tonight” I tell him.

“No, it’s fine Silas it’s not that far” I shake my head.

“No, you’re staying you will blow away in the wind out there you’re too scrawny” I tell him. Pluto

chuckles as Peter looks down at himself before sighing.

“Fine, I will tell Abbie” He says walking toward the back of the stables.

“Abbie is here?” I ask following after him.

“Yeah, her and Claire ducked in here when the rain started to come down on their way back from the

greenhouses, they are near the fire heater up the back” He says. Following him, I find Abbie sitting on a

chair, Claire on her lap trying to warm up around the fire.

“Have you seen Dakari?” She asks looking up as we turn around the corner.

“He was at the orphanage, he will be back soon” I tell her. She nods looking back at the flames. Claire

looking over her shoulder at me, watching me in that weird eerie way she does sometimes.

“Come on it is freezing out here, come inside” I tell her.

“No, I will wait for Dakari the wind is terrible” She admits. I walk over putting out the fire pit before

turning around and reaching for Claire.

“No, it’s fine Silas we can wait”

“Stop being stubborn come on” I tell her grabbing Claire from her before grabbing her hand and hauling

her to her feet. Her belly was nearly as big as Lora’s. I let her go once she is standing but continue to

carry Claire.

Walking to the front of the stables Pluto stands up.

“Did you put the fire out?” I nod.

“Keep a grip on Peter don’t want him to fly off in the wind” I tell him, and he grabs Peter’s hand.

“Really I’m not a baby” He says shaking him off. I open the door the wind gust pushing the door in

nearly as I hold it.

“On second thoughts” Peter says grabbing Pluto’s hand making me chuckle. I turn shielding Claire from

the wind.

Hang on to Pluto till I close the door” I tell Abbie. Pluto grabs her hand, and we all step out. I force the

door shut before bracing it with some wood. Turning around I grab Abbie’s other hand and we run for

the castle. This was by far the biggest storm we have had in years, as I watch branches break off the

trees. Making it to the castle doors I pull them open Abbie taking Claire from me as I step inside pulling

the door closed.

“Hate to see the damage tomorrow” Peter says, and I agree this storm was going to wreck havoc.

“Can I borrow the phone to ring my mum” Peter asks.

“Of course, if you are worried I can go get her” I tell him.

“No offense but I think she would rather take her chances” Peter says.

“None taken, go ring your mum” I tell him walking into the study. Pluto following me as I sit in front of

the fire.

“Can you watch her for a second, I just want to go find us some dry clothes”

“Sure, come here Claire the fire is warm” I tell her, and she rushes over plopping down on the mat.

“Where do you want me” Pluto asks.

“Anywhere, plenty of rooms on the bottom floor just pick one, the last one is where Elora is though” I

tell him. He nods walking off. Claire watching our exchange. Getting up I grab the throw blanket off the

couch before wrapping it around her.

“Better?’ I ask and she nods.

“You scare her” She says making me look at her.

“Who?” I ask wondering who she is talking about, Abbie didn’t seemed scared, she was used to me


“Aunty Elora” Claire says. I sigh that I did know already.

“How is your grandma?” I ask changing the topic. Her eyes glazing over for a second.

“I can show” She says and I furrow my brows, Claire was five now but watching her, her eyes were that

of someone much older, almost ancient. Wise and knowing it creeped me out, but I know she doesn’t

mean it.

“Show me what?”

“Why she is scared”

“I know why she is scared” I tell her, and she nods.

“Aunty Elora scared is you will take your son off her; she will leave she will swing from the roof” Claire


“What do you mean?”

“I can show you” She says getting up and walking toward me.

“She swings so high” Claire says making my heart skip a beat.

“Let me show you what scares her, so you can stop her from swinging from the roof, it makes mummy

cry. I don’t like it when mummy cries” She says looking down.

“Is this what you dream about?” I ask her.

“Yes, but if you know it will change, you won’t make my mummy cry”

“And if I don’t, see?” I ask not wanting to know what tortures this poor child’s mind, she was blessed

with sight but also cursed with it too, I would hate to see the things she probably does.

“You live in the castle, but I don’t get to see Aunty Elora again Uncle Dragus and Matitus and mummy


“Can you show me something else?”

“I can show you lots, mummy is having a girl, you having a boy”

“I’m having a boy?” I ask her.

“Yep, he is different”

“Different how?”

“He is special” She says.

“So, what did you want to show me then”

“Everything, all of it so you don’t make aunty lora swing from the roof, I like Dakari but not even he can

stop making mummy cry, but you can, so please don’t make my mummy cry” She says her little hand

reaching toward my face. She places her hand on my cheek, I place mine over hers, the room

disappearing disintegrating around me.

Author Note

Let me know your thoughts.

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