Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Eighty Four

Eighty Four

Elora’s POV

We were awoken by screams, I sat upright in bed thinking at first, I Imagined it, that is was all a figment

of my imagination. But the bloodcurdling sounds coming from outside could not be mistaken for

anything else, but pure horror and carnage that awaited us outside. Silas and Matitus took off in a blur,

I went to chase after them, to find out what the hell was going on when Dragus arms wrapped around

me tossing me back on the bed.

“Wait here” He screamed rushing out after them. Running for the door, I quickly threw on the first thing I

laid my hands on, jeans and one of their shirts. Running for the door, only to open and find Marian

rushing towards me and shoving me backwards into the room.

“They took him, they took Aldrin” Marian says frantically locking the door.

My heart was hammering in my chest so hard I thought it was going to explode, when pain ripped

through me, bringing me to my knees, Dragus pain smashing into me and taking my breath away, as

red-hot pain tore through my back.

I stagger trying to get my footing as I rush for the door, Marian grabbing my wrist.

“You can’t go out there, there are more than we first thought” She says, her hands visibly shaking a she

tugs on me.

“We have to help them, we can’t just sit here Marian pull yourself together, where is Abbie?”

“She is, she was”-

“She was what, Marian?”

“She was trying to get to Claire” Marian breathes, and I throw the door open, rushing down the stairs,

Marian hot my heels as she chased after me, trying to keep up. My sword slipping between my fingers

as I raced toward the front of the castle, that can’t be a good thing, it means danger is close, I thought

to myself as I looked down at the sword now in my hand, smooth and cold to touch as it glowed subtly

like a beacon in the night, illuminating everything in front of me in the darkened castle. The floors cold

under my feet as I see the doors.

Orange lights flicking in the dining room, the sort of light that left shadows as it burnt its way through

everything, fire. The castle was on fire, black smoke billowing out the archway toward us, slowly

consuming everything in its path. Marian throws her hands for, silver light, so bright I had to squint to

stop it hurting my eyes, before my feet feeling wet and I realise she put out the flames, now white and

black smoke as the fire dies.

I look back at Marian and she had her hands braced on her knees trying to catch her breath. Rushing

over to her, I grab her arm pulling her against me as we continue for the doors.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her, as she pants, her hair turning white in patches.

“I’m old dear magic, is hard for me to use now, that’s why I don’t use it” She says before coughing. I

take her to the Library sitting her down on the chair looking toward the front.

“Stay here” I tell her, running toward the doors leading outside when I hear her staggering after me.

“Marian stay” I tell her, but she ignores me following me anyway.

“Marian” I snap at her.

“I am not letting you go out there by yourself” She gasps out. Stubborn old woman, but I knew there

was no stopping her as I shoved open the doors. What I was not expecting was to run out and see the

entire city on fire, the sound of the panicked screams echoing through night, made my heart rate spike.

Werewolves and vampires fighting everywhere, as the tore each other apart.

“oh no” Marian gasped as we both stared around in panic.

“Werewolves were attacking our men, alongside the half beasts. Buildings caught alight everywhere

when I see a green dragon thrown into the side of the castle beside us, narrowly missing us as its body

hit the stone walls. Pluto rushing over and shoving us toward the doors.

His body littered in burns.

“Get inside my Queen” He says, as the dragon finds its feet, shaking itself off, its scales gleaming

though, most of its scales were missing like it had the mange, it roared breathing fire directly at us and I

raise my sword.

My sword cutting straight through the flames diverting them away from us as my magic flared to life.

The thing charged at us, Pluto ripping me out of the way, but Marian was to slow as its tail whipped

through the air smacking her in the chest and sending her flying through the air.

I scream as I watch her body hit the ground with a sickening thud as it advanced on her, my sword

cutting through its tail as I yielded it, making it pivot and bare its teeth snapping in mine and Pluto’s

direction. I hear another menacing roar coming from behind me, but I don’t look, trusting that Pluto

would have to deal with it, while I kept my eyes on this one.

Moving just in time as it teeth snapped toward my face, my sword biting into its neck as it come down

before I am thrown as Pluto fly’s into me, I brace myself for impact when I see his hand reach out

ripping me toward him before he pivots taking the brunt of the impact as we smash against the ground.

I hear the air leave his lungs, before his eyes snap open panic coursing through him as his eyes dart

behind me and he rolls with me on top of him, just in time to see a foot come down where we once

were, I jump off him scrambling to my feet, when pain tears through my shoulder, the green monster

sinking its teeth into my shoulder and I see my sword flicker, the light dying out for a second as my

blood oozed down my arm, its teeth embedded in my flesh at is flings me into the water fountain in the

middle of courtyard, my head smacking the ground so hard I see black dots dance before my vision.

My head felt like it was exploding, thumping to its own beat and I find my sword gone, no longer

clutched in my hand as my magic fizzled, the green beast stalking towards me before it suddenly drops

writhing and shrinking as it started changing back to its human form, I didn’t have time to watch when I

feel claws biting into my flesh making me cry out, a black wolf tackling me as I try and holds its head

away from my face as it snapped its jaw dangerously close. I use my legs trying to throw it off when its

weight suddenly disappears all together. Dragus ripping it away, and I see his skin is littered in burns,

onyx eyes burning back at me, as he tosses the werewolf into the fountain.

It jumps up attacking biting anything it could, as Dragus held it, I watch its claws slash across his

stomach, the pain dropping me like a sack of potatoes.

I try and breathe through it as my eyes find Marian’s limp body still laying on the frozen ground, I hear

growling and the sound of ice cracking making me look at Dragus in the fountain as he held the

werewolf under the water, it thrashed as he drowned it, the wolfs thrashing stopping.

I rush toward Marian, shaking her shoulders when Pluto suddenly throws himself over the top of me,

dropping me to ground, I land heavily on my hip, just as flames rush above me and a mighty roar cuts

through the night, the gold glint off its scales from the moonlight reflecting on the ground as it flew

above us. Flames decimating the earth around us, before I hear howling screams making me look up to

realise, we were completely surrounded by wolves before they were burnt alive by Silas.

“Pluto get her out of here” Dragus bellows before I feel myself being ripped to my feet, his huge hand

clutching mine as I try to pull away, try to get to Marian’s crumpled form on the floor.

“No, I need to help Marian” I scream trying to get out of his iron grip before he tosses me over his


“She is dead my Queen, I am sorry, but she died the moment she hit the ground I heard her heart stop”

Pluto says as he takes off in a run, heading for the cover of the forest and away from the city and the


“No, I can help her, stop put me down” I scream, tears pouring from my eyes as I thrash on his


“I need to get you out of here, get you and your baby to safety” He says refusing to let me go as he ran,

the scenery around me blurring black as I felt air rush around me at his intense speed. I feel myself

becoming woozy from the motion before I am suddenly placed on my feet, feel the frozen ground on

which I stood.

Pluto bites into his wrist, offering it to me.

“Your mates won’t like it but if that wound doesn’t stop bleeding, I am afraid you may lose that arm,

please my Queen” He says thrusting his wrist toward me, before wrapping his arm around my waist

when I refuse. He presses his wrist to my lips forcing his blood down my throat, my shoulder healing

where the beast teeth sunk in, the claws marks down my back healing before I rip his hand away. Pluto

steps back watching me.

“I’m sorry but at least my scent will mask you for a bit” He says before grabbing my wrist and pulling me

into the trees.

“We need to go back, we can’t just leave” I tell him as he continues pulling me, dragging me through

the forest.

“I’m sorry but I can’t risk it, I promised your mate, I would keep you safe and that’s what I intend to do”

I feel my magic surge, I wasn’t leaving them behind before it suddenly dies out, fizzles out like water to

a flame. I stare at my hands trying to figure out why I have no magic suddenly.

“Your magic is weak because you got injured, don’t worry my Queen it will come back when it



“Yes, you are Fae, a creature of light, it is now dark” He says making me confused.


“You still have magic, but you have exerted yourself, kind of like what Marian did, usually your magic

would be infinite, but you exerted yourself each time you got hurt, your magic was not only protecting

you but the baby you carry in your womb, at the moment its left you to protect your little one, you have

taken a few blows, yet your babies heart beat is strong, yours erratic, didn’t you know when a Fae is

pregnant, its magic is shared to protect their young” I shake my head, I didn’t know that but that would

explain why every time I got hurt I could feel my magic flickering it wasn’t cutting out it was diverting it

to protect my child.

We stop, hiding amongst the trees, as Pluto tells me to sit on a log. I do, my entire body shivering from

the cold and my own shock. Marian was dead, she died and yet it didn’t feel real, like nightmare I just

hoped I could wake from.

Abigail on my mind as I think of what Marian said that she took off to get Claire, I hope they were okay.

I felt stupid sitting here and hiding amongst the forest while a war broke out at home.

I could feel all their pain, Dragus was injured that much I knew for sure because he was on the ground,

Silas and Matitus were burnt as I feel my skin burn, but nothing compared to the ache in my heart, the

pain of so many lives lost all because of my blood and Aldrin’s. Being Fae was everything magical, and

terrible, truly a curse for anyone forced to be around us.

The screams start to die down, Pluto watching with eagle eyes as he looked back on our burning City. I

hear the sound the wings in the air, wishing I could use mine, even just to fly up and see, to make sure

they were okay, yet I couldn’t feel anything, couldn’t feel my magic, I felt as bare as the day I was

brought to castle. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

The sounds of wings up above making me look up and seeing a black shadow fly above us, my mind

going to Matitus and his black dragon ”Matitus” I breathe running for the clearing we just ran through,

Pluto screaming at me to stop and I realise my mistake, I assumed it was Matitus or Silas, I thought

they were the only ones that could fly, thought the black shadow was my mate, when I see the dark

green beast above me, I freeze spinning on my heel, rushing back toward the tree line as Pluto ran

toward me, how was it possible, that’s when I see him. The man from outside the borders sitting atop

the Dragon my blood healed in the courtyard. Its talons wrapping around my body before I feel my feet

leave the ground. Pluto narrowly missing me as he tried to grab me, but it was to late as I felt myself

going higher, the temperature dropping and the menacing laugh of a man before his words made my

blood run cold.

“Burn the city down” He said, I feel the rumble as his Talons caged me in, before I see red and orange

flames below me as the flames flew from its chest and out its mouth, setting the buildings of the city

alight below us. My scream dying out when its claws tightened restricting the air in my lungs,

suffocating me in its tight grip, I feel the pressure in my chest tighten as I tried to suck in much needed

air, my vision blurring as they water, my mouth falling open as I tried to get air. The last thing I

remember before darkness sucked me under was the deep voice of a man.

“Not too tightly she is no good to us dead Malika”

Author Note

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