Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

I shook my head at what I just read, anger coursing through me. Dragus said he was forcing me to All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

sleep up in their room to forge the mate bond, that I wouldn’t be able to resist the pull. I understood

their logic for it. They need their mate to have offspring. I get it. Not once did they mention that once the

third dragon heat hits, I would die. They know I don’t want this and they’re forcing me to choose, live or

die. Well, jokes on them if dying is what it takes to be free of them. Then I am fine with that.

Out of the three of them I trusted Dragus the most, and I felt a little betrayed that he wouldn’t warn me

that the dragon heat is lethal. No wonder it felt like burning alive. Exactly how hot did I have to become

to die, because if that was the first heat and I lived, does that mean the second and third will be worse?

I wasn’t sure I would handle the pain. Last time I passed out, will it be like that next time, will it become

worse? Suddenly the door opened and Matitus walked in. He glanced at the journal in my hand. Anger

bubbling violently in my veins. I had never felt anger like this, but for them to claim they wanted me,

they had a funny way of showing it.

“Come Elora, you were supposed to meet us for lunch,” Matitus said, stepping into my small room. He

looked huge standing in here as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at me sitting on

the bed.

I folded my arms defiantly, and he raised an eyebrow before reaching forward and grabbing my wrist,

pulling me off the bed. I shook his grip off.

“That’s why he wanted me in the room isn’t it” I spat at him. Matitus lips turned up into a smirk like he

thought my anger was amusing.

He reached forward, trying to grab me again, and I stepped back. He growled low, stepping forward.

“Take it up with Silas, we need to go before you anger him,” Matitus said lunging forward and grabbing

me around the waist. I kicked him and struggled; I might as well have been a small child in his

impossibly tight grip as he dragged me down the corridor.

“Put me down Matitus” I spat, kicking my heel into his leg. He ignored me, and I decided to hit him

where it hurt. Bringing my hand up, I curl it into a fist before hitting him between the legs. He grunted

and stopped, his grip on my waist becoming so tight I could barely breathe as I gasped for air.

Matitus groaned in pain before a whimper left my lips, my legs losing feeling from his grip. He loosened

his grip slightly, and I took a breath.

“I let you go, will you walk?” he asked, and I nodded. He let me go, my feet touching the ground, and I

placed my hands on my knees, catching my breath. Matitus tugged on my arm, but I shook him off

before storming down the corridor in search of Silas. Walking into the dining room, he was reading

something. He looked up when I walked in before looking to Matitus when he saw my anger on my

face. He stood up, moving toward me, concern on his face, but I didn’t care. I slapped him and the

force I used as his head whipped to the side shocked me. My hand burning from the sting of flesh on

flesh. I saw Dragus jump up and Matitus gasped behind me. I didn’t let my eyes stray from Silas’s face.

He rubbed his face where my hand connected, shocked before I saw his eyes glint dangerously as he

glared at me. His jaw clenched tight. He went to say something. Not giving him a chance, I spoke

before he did.

“you knew that putting me in that room with you, I would go into your stupid dragon heat. That’s why

you did it” he smiled cruelly before stepping forward and I took a step back. I watched as his hands

fisted by his sides.

“And what if I did, what are you going to do about it?” he asked, daring me to do something, anything.

“That’s what I thought now, sit the fuck down before I do something I will regret” he spat venomously.

“I won’t you know?” he turned back looking at me.

“Won’t what?” he said, cocking his head to the side.

“I won’t let you mark me. I would rather burn alive then be your fucking mate” I spat at him.

I was suddenly slammed into the wall; it happened so quickly I didn’t even see him move, only felt the

rush of air before feeling something solid hit my back. I clutched at his hands around my throat, I could

feel his entire body shaking with anger. Tears welled in my eyes as I struggled to breathe.

“Who said anything about you having a choice, you are ours. If you die. It won’t be because of the

dragon heat. It will be by my fucking hands” he said squeezing tighter, so tight, I thought he would

crush my throat. I could feel my face changing colour, my eyes aching as they pulsed in my head.

“Silas,” Dragus called, Silas ignored him.

“Silas.” Both Matitus and Dragus growled warningly at him and he let go. I dropped to the floor, gasping

for air and clutching my throat. I could still feel his fingers wrapped tightly on my skin. Matitus kneeled

beside me before gripping me under my arms before he stood up, wrapping my legs around his waist. I

didn’t care, instead slumping against him trying to catch my breath. I see Dragus get up, shoving his

chair back violently.

“Where are you going?” Silas demanded.

“She isn’t just your mate; I am done watching you hurt her when you don’t like what she says” Matitus

growled shoving past Silas. Silas gripped his arm, and I could smell the coppery scent of his blood and

I realise Silas’s claws were in Matitus arm. Dragus moved behind Matitus and gripped Silas’s wrist,

ripping his hand off his mate. Silas growled before reaching to grab me, but I wrapped my arms around

Matitus neck, refusing to let go. If I had to choose, I would choose them over Silas. At least they don’t

hurt me intentionally. I hear Silas growl before he storms off. I hear one of the maids scream in the

corridor and look up. Marian walks in clutching her chest. She eyes me in Matitus arms before quickly

dropping her gaze to the floor before they notice her quick glance at me.

Matitus starts walking, and I find myself back in my room. Matitus sits on the bed and I look up, Dragus

standing in the doorway.

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