Chasing His Kickass Luna Back

#Chapter 26: Girl’s Night

#Chapter 26: Girl’s Night


“Seeing anyone new?” I ask Leah, trying to take a bit of the attention off me. She turns and gives me a

cheeky grin. “Always.”

“Anyone of note?”

Her smile grows. “Always.”

I don’t think Leah’s ever been in a serious relationship, and I’m confident she never wants to. I’m more

of a relationship girl myself, but sometimes I envy her. After my divorce, when I finally felt ready to date

again, I tried the casual

thing, but I hated it. I need a connection with someone that lasts longer than a night to feel any type of

attraction to them. I wonder sometimes what it feels like to be as confident and free as she is.

“What about you?” I say, turning to look at Chloe.

She looks unimpressed. “I’ve been seeing that guy, Jason. He’s nice, but it’s nothing serious. Not yet


I nod. Chloe hates talking about her dates. She’s determined to make the point constantly that the men

in her life don’t define her. I think that’s partly why she hates Karl so much. I think she hated how I

acted when I was with him. She doesn’t like that I gave up so much of myself for a man.

“What about you, Abby?” Chloe says. “How’s your fiancé?”

It’s the perfect segway into what I really want to talk to them about, but I suddenly feel nervous. What if

she thinks that my reservations about Adam are because of Karl? Sure, part of the issue is that I can’t

stop comparing Adam to my ex. But I haven’t had many serious relationships, and my relationship with

Karl was the most serious of all of them. It makes sense that I would use that as a reference point.

“He’s fine,” I finally answer. “Good.”

Leah gives me a look. “You don’t sound very convinced.”

I shrug. “I guess I just have some worries. Sometimes I feel like there’s not as much… passion as there

should be.” “I knew it!” Leah gives Chloe a triumphant look. “Didn’t I say they have like zero chemistry?”

“Hey!” I say, but they both ignore me. Clearly, they’ve been talking about this behind my back.

Chloe frowns. “I think zero chemistry is probably taking it a bit far. I think maybe Abby’s just been a bit

distracted lately. Maybe if certain people weren’t hovering around her all the time, she’d have more

time and space to dedicate to her relationship.”

“Guys, I’m sitting right here,” I say. “Karl isn’t the issue here. I just worry that Adam and I don’t feel as

strongly about each other as I thought we did. He wasn’t even a little jealous when he found out Karl’s

working for me. He hardly reacted at all.Plus, our sex life isn’t the best. It’s almost been a week since

we had sex.”

“A week!” Leah practically yells, throwing her head back in laughter. “You act like it’s been six months!”

A heat creeps up into my cheeks. Nearby, a few people passing by turn their heads to give Leah a

curious look. I sink into my seat, feeling my heart pound.

“We just got engaged,” I complain. “Shouldn’t we want to tear each other’s clothes off?” I say it in a low

voice, hoping Leah takes the hint.

“Um, yeah.” She shakes her head. “A week is a little crazy, if you look at it that way. It’s not like you’re

an old married couple.”

“Well, Karl and I never had that problem,” I admit.

Chloe shakes her head. “This is exactly what I was worried about, Abby,” she says. “I knew the minute I

saw Karl in your restaurant, actually doing something selfless for once, that you’d fall for it. Though,

let’s be honest, I’m sure his motives have a lot to do with what he wants from you. I just knew he’d find

a way to wear you down.”

“He hasn’t worn me down. Karl and I aren’t getting back together.”

“Why don’t I believe you?”

“She has a point,” Leah concedes. She reaches out and takes my hand, giving it a squeeze. “We just

want to make sure you end up with someone who deserves you. While I personally think Adam’s a

bore, and that a good sex life is a must have, he’s still a better option than Karl.”

“I don’t care about Karl,” I say, the words ringing a bit false in my ears. Hopefully, they at least buy it

more than I do. “What I care about is working through things with Adam. I don’t know what to do to fix


“Maybe you guys just need to rekindle the romance,” Chloe says. I can’t help but think it’s a little early

to need to ‘rekindle’ anything, but I don’t say so.

“Yeah, take a night out to have some fun,” Leah adds with a wink. It doesn’t take a genius to get the

message. If I want passion in my relationship, then I’m going to have to make some.

Karl shows up again the next day, much to my surprise. I thought after his display the previous evening,

his pride would finally win out over his desire to help, but I guess I was wrong.

I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever get him out of here. Doesn’t he have responsibilities he needs to attend

to? He’s got a pack to run, after all. It’s not like being an Alpha is a low-stress, low-commitment job.

When we were married, he basically worked 24/7.

“Hey,” I say as he walks in, the doors swinging shut behind him. He’s wearing black jeans and a fitted

black t-shirt, the sort of thing most of my employees wear if they’re working in the kitchen, but

somehow, he makes it look so good. Everything fits him so perfectly, it’s unfair.

I realize I’m staring and force myself to look away. Hopefully, he didn’t notice my gawking. The last

thing I need is for him to think his ploy to get me back is working.

“Hey.” He hands me my coffee and puts the tray down on the counter. I look at the clock, then give him

a pointed look. Yet again, he’s arrived before Ethan.

“You know you don’t have to get here so early,” I say.

He shrugs.

“I’m sure you have other things you need to be doing.”

He tilts his head down to look at me and smiles. “Stop worrying about what I need,” he says.“I’ve got

things under control.”

“Do you?”

His smile widens. “Always.”

I can’t help but lean toward him a little. He smells so wonderful. Musky and dominant. I sometimes

forget just how powerful he is, especially since he’s been working here. It’s too easy to let his true

nature fall to the wayside when he’s suddenly being so benevolent.

He’s an Alpha. Dominating and possessive, just like my friends said. His ego is so big, it borders on

ridiculous.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

But I can’t seem to hold on to my thoughts as our eyes meet. My wolf shifts a little, not waking, but

perhaps not sleeping quite as heavily as she was. His presence seems to be the only thing that wakes

her up a little.

“How long are you going to do this?” I say, sounding a little breathless.

He smiles. “As long as you need me.”

“And when I don’t need you anymore?”

The smile falls from his face, and he looks away. I almost think I see fear in his eyes, but I can’t be

sure. “Do you think that’ll happen soon?”

“I don’t know.” I don’t think we’re talking about the restaurant anymore.

“Well, a part of me dreads the day.” He seems to realize what he said, because he makes a point of

looking around the restaurant. “I actually kind of like it here.”

“Do you?” I’m not sure I believe him.

He meets my gaze again. “Sure, it’s a nice place. I have some suggestions, but overall, pretty good.” I

roll my eyes. “I’m not interested in your suggestions.”

He shrugs. “You might be at some point.”

“I doubt it.” He must see the skeptical look on my face because he reaches out and takes my hand. A

jolt of electricity runs through me.

“I’m just trying to help,” he says. His hand is rough and warm. We haven’t held hands like this since we

were married, and I hate how amazing it feels. I know I should tell him I never asked for his ‘help,’ but

I’m too distracted.

I lean even closer, and he looks at me with something like hope on his face. “I’m the leader here. I don’t

need someone giving me orders,” I say, and I make sure he can tell I really mean it.

“Whatever you say, boss.” God, he’s insufferable sometimes.

“What are you thinking?” he says softly, running his thumb over my hand. A shudder moves through

me. “I–”

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