
Chapter 7


“Have you felt her at all?” Horn inquired as we regrouped in the foyer of a seedy Inn tucked away behind an alley. The answer was written all over my face. The sun beat down mercilessly, and the smell of perspiration and food lingered in the air of the bustling city. Underneath my leathers, sweat trickled down my spine, and my fingers longed to grip my trusty swords. To kill. My anger continued to simmer beneath the surface; there was definitely something amiss. Something was deeply wrong.

“I’m telling you; something happened. She is muted from me and I felt pain. Everywhere.” I jabbed my finger in the direction of my entire body, indicating to all parts of me. The orc obediently nodded for what felt like the hundredth time. The eerie feeling still lingered, a reminder that something horrific had happened to my woman. We barged into a dimly lit bar that was nearly empty except for a few patrons who gave us suspicious glances before returning to their drinks.

Horn scratched his braided chin and thought. “I bet ’chya the charm has significantly weakened because of that.”

I shoved a stool back and sat down. “You would think!”

“What’s the matter with you two? These are happy times.”

A young woman, who seemed like she might be too young, glided over to us and placed a pint of ale in front of each of us. Innkeeper’s daughter? “Didn’t ya hear? The Seelie’s granddaughter was caught, there’s a tournament for her hand in marriage.” She drummed her pale fingers against the blackened bar. “Although I’m disappointed there was a stay of execution. Guess the Unseelie Queen had a change of heart.”

Horn snorted. “That’s not possible.” He gulped down a long swig from his cup, eager to quench his thirst.

The young girl grinned, flashing a row of fangs. “Yea, that doesn’t sound like our queen. She must be up to something.”

As I took a sip from my cup, I glanced at her with interest. Her words had caught my attention. What were the odds?

“I didn’t realize there was a member of the royal family left.” I murmured.NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

She leaned back and poured herself a cup of cold liquid, watching as it foamed and bubbled over the rim. Then she raised her finger and thumb, rubbing them together in front of us. I took a moment to study her before glancing at my partner, who raised an eyebrow in response. I motioned towards the girl with my chin and Horn let out an audible groan before reluctantly placing a couple of gold coins on the table. In the filtered light, her pale skin seemed to gleam as she eagerly scooped up the coins. It suddenly hit me - she wasn’t just the innkeeper’s daughter, she was the innkeeper herself.


“There’s a rumor that the daughter of the Seelie Queen is also the granddaughter of Unseelie Queen. I heard a nice little love story of a forbidden love, a son and a daughter, caught up in a moment of passion. Honestly, I’m not sure of that.” She leaned back and had a long drink. “If the granddaughter is a line of both royal families, I would guess rape,” she waved her hand. “When all the Seelies were killed off there was speculation that she was swapped with a human baby. Taboo act right there — but not uncommon. I believe some truth is there, because our Queen has been relentless in combing the human realm. And now, all of a sudden, here she is. Over at the courts for all to see.” Her hollow eyes glanced at the door before she looked back to her half-empty goblet. “Hanging like a puppet on strings.”

“Doesn’t sound very home welcoming, if she were a changeling.” I murmured; my thoughts drifting back to how my mate had wandered in the forest during the darkening. No one was that stupid. She also had questioned about the extended night. There wasn’t any way, was there?

“Yea... but who cares. So, there’s going to be a battle of the beasts for her hand and General Navid of all people is leading the charge!” She let out a wistful sigh, and I almost spilled my drink.


“Yes! He’s so dreamy. But I’m surprised he’d actively enter such a tournament when he’s matched. Feels like a slap in the face, I wonder if the gods will smite him.”

I drained my drink and got to my feet. Her eyes followed me and she hastily let go of her mug and clutched the arms of her chair in fear. It should have been gratifying to have that kind of effect on a vampire, but I couldn’t waste time on it now. “We could only be so lucky.” Horn commented as I strode towards the door. “Tell me anything extra you might know.” He handed over another fat, golden coin.

“Uhhh. Ummm. Oh. Yea.” She laughed nervously. “You can meet her, for a price. You have to schedule an interview with the Seer.”

“Thanks doll.” Horn gave her a sly smile and joined me as I made my way to the door. “Are you thinking she’s your match?” We were momentarily blinded by the harsh rays of the sun, and someone shouted obscenities at us. I noticed the looming shadow just before it hit us, and I quickly dodged to the side, pushing Horn out of harm’s way with me. I glared at the rider in their cart and cursed. Horn stood beside me, likely calculating our next move, but remained quiet as he turned his attention back to me.

I spun my feet and began to pace. “I don’t know! I have no fucking clue! But it can’t be a coincidence! I need to see her, to be sure.”

“Will you know?” I gave him a level look, one that caused him to step back. “Sometimes, Niall, you show your inner colors and they ain’t very bright.”

“Neither are yours.” I growled before marching towards the courts.

The square was a bustling sea of creatures, ranging from women in elegant gowns to children with curious eyes and more men than one could count. Towering buildings, adorned with intricate designs and expensive materials, surrounded us on all sides. In the center of it all stood the largest house I had ever seen, its grandeur and wealth emanating from every inch. My eyes roamed over the crowd, taking in the gleaming glass wall on the opposite end.

It appeared to be a greenhouse, newly renovated with luxurious red accents that caught my eye. Beyond the glass, I knew lay what used to be a beautiful garden of exotic plants, now replaced with rich red velvet drapes cascading from the ceiling. Horn was ahead of me, his towering figure scanning the scene before us. He was easily three heads taller than me, a fact that never ceased to amaze me. As we made our way through the crowd, I caught sight of a quaint picket fence marking off a private property to our right. Without hesitation, I leapt onto it for a better vantage point.

The scene before me stunned me into silence.

She was a hauntingly beautiful creature. At first glance, I couldn’t help but notice her long, jet black hair that spilled over her shoulder in a thick braid. Each strand of hair seemed to absorb the surrounding light, creating a stark contrast against her white silk clothes. The fabric draped gracefully over her figure, revealing only her face and hands to the world. As I looked closer, I noticed the glistening beads of sweat on her forehead, the contortion of pain in her features, and the slight trickle of blood from her tightly pressed lips. She was both mesmerizing and terrifying at the same time.

Her silver eyes, like shards of moonlight trapped in glass, scanned the barrier before her. I doubted they would let her see outside, see the crowd that gawked at her and cursed her, but I imagined she had been told about their presence - given the scowl of resentment etched across her brows. Thick, red velvet ropes were tightly bound around her wrists and ankles, blending in with the luxurious cushions surrounding her. Those who noticed the restraints were more than likely into it. This was no ordinary prisoner; this was the Seelie heir being held deep within enemy territory in the Unseelie kingdom.

Being a member of neither court, I ran the risk of getting arrested if they found out. I had never laid eyes on an actual royal before, one born with the blood of the gods. Therefore, I couldn’t accurately determine who she resembled more. However, one thing was for sure: the small wooden trinket hanging from her gown stood out in contrast to her lavish attire.

They knew she was matched.

“What are you thinking?” Horn asked. “I’m thinking it’s a trap.”

He nodded somberly. “I have to agree with you. Even if she isn’t the one, they’re looking for her match to share her fate. Her execution was stayed until they find it.”

“Let’s join the fight club.” I hopped down. “Just like that?”

“Yea, even if she isn’t the one, which I can’t tell without being in the same room as her, I can beat the shit out of Navid.”

He nodded. “I will join as well then.” I grinned. “Thought you would.”

As we approached the girl behind the glass, the dense crowd parted like a wave to make way for Horn. I gratefully followed in his wake, using the opportunity to move through the throng of people. The guards ahead were busy organizing and registering participants for the tournament. I stepped out from behind Horn and joined the line, glancing up at the girl behind the glass. Her jaw was tightly clenched, and her lips trembled with tension.

My eyes narrowed as I studied her closely, noticing a thin red line of blood seeping from between her lips. Was she chewing on the inside of her lips? A wave of horror washed over me as I witnessed her open her mouth, threads of fabric intertwined with her plump lips and a stream of blood trickling down her chin, staining her once pristine gown.

They had sewn her mouth shut.

The deep crimson fluid continued to trickle out of her mouth, staining her lips and chin. As she overcame a moment of shock, a wild scream escaped from her throat, blasting the surface before her. The mirror cracked with a vicious sharp sound, fracturing from one end to another as she yanked her arms back. The people in the crowded street let out startled screams and jumped away. Through the cracks in the glass she must have heard the commotion, as she remained fixated on the mirror, spitting blood onto its surface and screaming something that was too muffled to make out.

A shiver ran through me as I subconsciously reached up to touch the brand on my shoulder, its faint outline barely visible through the tightly buttoned hide armor around my neck. The room unexpectedly plunged into darkness and I blinked. The sense of movement ahead drew me back to the crowded courtyard and I turned my focus back to the guards. A few of the men ahead of me hesitated and backed out of line, but Horn and I stood our ground and stepped forward.

As I approached, one guard nodded towards my neck while another leaned in to whisper something to him. “Your match going to be okay with you doing this?” He inquired, his dark eyes betraying a seriousness that contradicted the casual tone of his voice. They were certainly hunting.

“Sure.” I said curtly.

“Mind if we take a look?”

“Yes, I do.” I quickly scribbled my signature on the pad and gave them a piercing glance before I turned to leave.

“We can schedule an interview, with her if ye like. We only need to get a measurement of your blessing beforehand.”

“I can meet her when I win her.”

I stated firmly, making it clear that I was not interested in meeting her beforehand. While it would be more convenient, I refused to give into their plan so easily by revealing our potential match. Horn observed them for a moment more before joining me as we walked away.

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