Chained By The Alpha Jessica Hall

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

Boyd slaps me, and I stare dazedly then he slams my head into the floor, and suddenly, my clothes are tearing further. I scream for my father, but his hand is suddenly clamped over my mouth. Boyd's malicious smirk and the glint of triumph in his cold, calculating eyes as he stares down at me on the ground, his hand clamped over my mouth. The tears streaming down my face blur my vision, but I can still make out his sharp claws grazing near my ear and the torn fabric of my clothes as the draft feels colder as it brushes against my skin

As I try scream for my father, my mouth fills with the metallic tang of blood, my own and Boyd's. It coats my tongue and my throat, a

bitter taste that only adds to the horror of the

situation. The weight of Boyd's body pressing against mine, his hand suffocating me as I struggle to breathe when I feel my underwear ripped away

And as the world begins to spin, as my senses dull beneath the terrifying reality that Boyd is about to violate me, I grasp desperately for Zarek at the other end of our bond. It's more a sensation than anything else, a reach into the darkness for a familiar presence

I bite down hard on Boyd's hand and taste his filthy blood flood my mouth. He howls in pain, giving me a moment's reprieve. But he is larger, stronger. His eyes glow with a sickening intent that churns in my stomach when I notice his wolf is forward when he slaps me. I try to scream but his hand quickly takes position over my mouth when J hear a creak. At first I thought it was the door but I can't turn my head to see

But that is forgotten when his hand suddenly covers my nose too, cutting my air off

With his free hand, he reaches to undo his dress, and I can feel his sickening desire creeping over my skin, even through his rough touch. His fingers dance on the edge of my core as I scream internally for Zayn, for anyone to save me from this monstrosity

All of a sudden, there is a growl so low and guttural that it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Boyd stiffens on top of me, and his claws retract an involuntary response echoed as he turns to see who's in the room with us

The pressure on me disappears in an instant as Boyd's body lurches sideways, crashing onto the floor with a thud that shakes the wooden panels beneath us. Gasping for breath, it takes me a

moment to fully realize what has happened

A silhouette stands above us - Lydia, her chest heaving and her eyes wild with fear and anger

Her hand grips a brass lamp - its base now dented from the impact against Boyd's skull. Her lips pull back into a snarl as she swings again at Boyd, who is slowly regaining consciousness

This time she knocks him out cold

Lydia stands, breathing heavily, the lamp clutched like a lifeline in her shaking hands. I push myself up on trembling arms, my mind racing as I try to make sense of her actions

She's the last person I expected to come to my rescue, and confusion clouds my gratitude

"Why?" I choke out, my voice raspy from fear

"Why would you help me?"

Lydia's eyes flick over to me, sharp and

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calculating. She tosses the lamp aside with a clatter that echoes ominously in the room. "Keep your friends close, Cleo, and your enemies closer right?" she says, her voice dripping with disdain

I frown, still wary. "I don't believe that's all there is to it. Why did you really help me, Lydia?" My voice hardens, pressing for the truth I'm sure she's withholding

She smirks, a cold, humorless twist of her lips

"I know Zayn will come for you. When he does, make sure he takes out Boyd's brother too. I'm not marrying that bastard." Her voice is laced with venom, and her eyes glint with a mix of anger and desperation

Her admission sends a chill down my spine, revealing a web of plots and counterplots that even I hadn't fully grasped. "You'd risk

everything, just to avoid marriage too?" I ask, my voice a whisper of disbelief

Lydia steps closer, her eyes flashing with an intensity that pins me in place. "You think you're the only one being married off to cement some damn alliance?" Her voice 1s a hiss, every word laced with venom. "When my father told me I had to marry that prick to secure my own pack instead of letting me marry my mate and claim my birthright, I told him to get fucked. I was planning on stealing yours, but your father had to make his own deal with the devil, didn't he? Now we're both stuck."

"So Deacon?"

"Yes, Deacon. We had it all planned until I learned of your marriage to Boyd," she spits

She kicks at Boyd's unconscious body with aContent © NôvelDrama.Org.

Planning your weekend reading? Ensure you're on for uninterrupted enjoyment. The next chapter is just a click away, exclusively available on our site. Happy reading! look of disgust. "I'm not going to be some Claymore Bitch." Lydia's gaze meets mine, fierce and unyielding. "So when Zayn comes for you-and he will come-remember this moment."

Her words hang heavy in the air between us, a stark reminder of our shared plight under the manipulations of our fathers

"Deal?" Lydia extends her hand, not as a friend, but as a co-conspirator in a game neither of us wanted to play

I hesitate, the gravity of her proposal settling in

Then, with a slow nod, I take her hand. "Deal."

Her grip 1s firm, as she rips me to my feet. We may not be allies in the truest sense, but in this twisted dance of power at the moment, we have found a common ground for now. That doesn't

mean I have forgotten everything else she has done

"Now, help me toss his ass off the balcony; they' Il think he's drunk." she tells me, and I glance at the door leading to the balcony and I am about to ask how, when it's locked, but she jingles the keys. "Don't even ask what I had to do to get these," she growls

"Wasn't gonna," I tell her as she unlocks the door and I grab his feet

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