Capo Dei Capi (Secrets of the Famiglia Part 1)

Chapter 4 (Aliyana)

Chapter 4 (Aliyana)

The Catelli’s were kind to the children, raised them as they would us. But for us, it wasn't the case.

We weren’t accepted in Chicago as our parents had hoped. I was treated the worst and called a whore

for staying with four boys.

They didn't consider that we were staying with their Capo’s sister and husband. Well, they just didn’t

care. It wasn't the Adults that made us miserable, it was their kids.

Our Famiglia killed a lot of their family. They wanted to do the same, but their hands were tied, and

payback wasn’t off the table.

What the other kids hoped would make us miserable and easy targets made us stronger.

“Yes, indeed we are,” Ren touches my head. His gaze straining far away. I don’t need to be his mind

reader to know the night he is thinking about. The night we were saved by a Di Salvo.

“Now, you all join the same University. One day your kids will be just as close,” My sister says.

To the people in the Famiglia, these four boys are my brothers. After seven years, the stories amongst

our kind became history, and Papa's choice of sending his half-blood daughter was regarded as an

honorable action, not a suicide to his name.

But unfortunately, marriage to any one of the boys would be a scandal. It was the one rule Papa

couldn’t be clearer about as I got older.

The thing is, I didn’t care, the lot of them were not him.

It was 2-days after my 15th birthday and the first day of summer vacation when I fell hopelessly in love

with the handsome Leonardo Catelli.

The sun was blazing, giving his skin that extra golden glow as he stood in the Chicago heat.

He was moaning to Ren and Gabriel about having to fetch us. He was 19 and the epitome of bad-boy.

And I was a 15-year-old girl with crazy hormones. The poster girl for all things wrong.

He looked right past my short form as I stood gawking at his tall one. Black glasses hiding the eyes that

would come to haunt me in the days that followed.

I never existed then, and I didn’t exist now. I was Yana, Ren’s friend. Leonardo greeted me when I went

to his home after that day. He spoke to me when he had to and I always froze. Only with him.

I - A little cat with a distinguished surname and him - A lion raised to rule a territory of his own.

It’s my own personal brand of torture that Leonardo Catelli is the only one for me. Maybe it’s his voice,

or broad shoulders, or the fact that he’s always smiling.

Or the few moments we shared on those rare occasions. Moments, I convinced myself a man like

Leonardo Catelli could actually know I exist.

Whatever the reason, it was my driving force to get into University. The reason I choose to stay in

Seattle, far away from my family.

One look at him in the morning as he crosses the Campus grounds and a few more when he attends

frat parties is the perk me up, I need. A link. Even if it is all in my head.

Sometimes I wonder if he is the sole reason I chose to study business?

My Papa was proud when I announced that I was going to further my studies.

He always empowered me in more ways than one.

Except when it came to matters of the heart. I am clueless as my sister. My father still preaches to me

that love will not guarantee me a stress-free life.

“I have not met your brother, Marco. Is he as charming as Deno?” I question Ren, changing the topic of

conversation and quietening my mind.

I am aware that my sister is hoping to get chosen by Marco. I have not seen the man in person, but his

brother, Deno, is a regular when Ren is around.

His dark humor, always welcomed.

If I could say it aloud, I would call him a friend. But Deno once told me that his friends were actually the

enemies, he would one day kill.

I don't want to be his enemy.

It has been a while since I have seen him. There are rumors that the Famiglia is shifting power. And

Deno Catelli is the name whispered as the leading player.

Unlike my sisters and most women of the Famiglia and even the ones that make up the 5th State, I say

again, I know the dealings of our men. Not the false stories that are told to the women in attempts to

keep them happy.

Growing up, I was always ashamed of having only half Italian blood. My Papa told me to be proud of

the Bratva's blood in my veins. He said our women were strong, but the Russian's made their women


He said I am unbreakable. I like to believe that is true.

However, the bit I have come to know of the Bratva isn't something I want to be known for.

“He's hard work, thank fuck you don't have to marry for power, or you might just be stuck with one of

my clan.” He laughs as I smack his arm, knowing he is teasing me because of Leonardo.

Ren has known my affections for his brother from that first day. But he also knows the chances of me

marrying his brother is in the negative. Marcello Catelli won’t let his sons marry a half-breed, no matter

how prominent my surname is.

Ren’s phone rings. I know the ringtone all too well, his fathers.

He doesn’t answer it, just frowns.

“I have to leave you ladies now. Guilia, it was lovely seeing you again. And my Yana Banana, I'll be

your plus one tonight. I'll see you there. Wear something short and fleshy.” He winks at me as he

saunters off to do his father’s bidding.

“He has a sexy butt, your friend must sleep really well.” My sister sighs as she watches Ren leave.

“It's the hormones. Control them, we have three hours. Our stepmother will be bitching a fit if we’re


“Why do you care so much about what she thinks?” Giulia asks.

“She is Elia and Serena's mother. We don't have a choice,” I tell her.

A valid reason but a lie.

My sister opens the black Mercedes as she takes off her light blue heels and throws them in the back

of the convertible.

Her skin-tight jeans and Blue top screams sexy. She is so tall that I know she could have done well in


My short form, pale skin, green eyes, and ash blonde hair is everything that sets us apart.

Our slim figure is the one thing we share from our father.

“There is always a choice. We can go Gunzo on her and Zap-zap, ditch the body. Who would know?”

Guilia says it like that can be an option as she starts the car.

I slam my door closed.

“Ilaria is Papa's wife, and a DeMarco, we can't go Zap-zap, or someone would Zap-zap us,” I inform my


We both hate the woman but tolerate her, I more than Guilia. The only difference is, I try to do as she

says in hopes she will shut up about my extramural activities long enough. She has for now, but I think

Ilaria's reasons are selfish and have nothing to do with me.

My sister is lucky when it comes to Ilaria. She is the eldest daughter, and my eldest brother, Filippo, will

never let anyone harm our spirited sister. Ilaria included.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

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