Caged Between the beta and alpha

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

It terrified me knowing that deep down he felt like he wouldn’t make it .

I saw him fighting .

Even at night , he’d wake up and hold me tight , his heart thundering as the darkness surged .

I felt him weaken as he repeatedly hurt himself to contain the threat he may become .

The emotions in his kiss terrified me .

It told me how much he loved me , how much he wanted to be with me , yet the fear that he’ll lose me


” So … tell me , what colour I should wear tomorrow ?

” I asked , looking up into those gorgeous cerulean eyes that I loved as a new song began playing .

” Hmm ….

I actually have something for you .

” He said smiling softly His eyes sparkled as he caressed my cheek before cupping my chin .

” I hope you like it ” ” Ooo an outfit … I do like it ! Even if I haven’t seen it ! ” I said kissing his thumb

that was rubbing my bottom lip He smiled in amusement before his gaze fell to my lips as he licked his

own lush ones .

I wrapped my mouth around his thumb , taking it fully into my mouth , letting my tongue stroke it as I

sucked on i t for a moment , my eyes watching him seductively , my core throbbing with a need only he

could satiate .

” Fuck love .

” He growled huskily , pulling me close and kissing me hard .

This was the life .

LIAM It was much later , everyone had eaten and drunk a lot .

I had gone easy on the drinks , having two and that’s it .

With the darkness looking for any chance to seep out , I needed to be in my right fucking mind .

We were seated at a table ; Zack , Taylor , Damon , Raven and I playing spin the bottle .

A game that Taylor insisted we play .

” Ok ok , how old were you Zack when you lost your virginity ? ” Taylor asked , smiling goofily .

The dude sure was drunk .

” Thirteen .

” Zack said , making Taylor pout .

” That’s early ! ” ” You asked , babe .

” Zack replied , kissing him hard .

Taylor pulled him close , although there wasn’t much space left between them .

The rest of us exchanged looks as Raven giggled , watching them .

” How old are you ? ” I asked her , standing u p .

Her reply was only to whistle and giggle again .

Damon chuckled .

” Go home , guys .

” He teased .

The three of us went over to the side .

The party was still going strong , and I knew it would continue for another few hours .

” Aunty seems happier lately .

” Raven said , looking over at Monica , who was now sitting with Mom and Dad as Mom hugged her .

” Yeah , I think having more people around her has really helped . ” Damon said guiltily .

I knew he was probably feeling awful that he had to leave her often .

” You have work , don’t feel bad , no one realised we could have done more … I’m sure we can make

sure Aunty always has someone around her .

” I said , frowning thoughtfully .

” She’s aware that Dad isn’t here … But she’s coping .

, ” Damon whispered , his eyes on his mother .

” Yeah , losing a mate isn’t easy .

” Raven said quietly .

All eyes were on Aunty Monica , but I won’t deny that we were all thinking of our own situation … I

realised Damon only had his mother … and Raven … she only had us … Her family was gone .

” Ooo they are cutting the cake ! ” I smiled , watching her .

Dad had cut the cake and Mom had fed him a piece a while ago , but it hadn’t been cut up for the rest

until now .

Trust Raven to want some , but i n the process , she left me and Damon alone with that mate comment

hanging in the air … I decided to ask him the question that was on my mind .

” Why didn’t you tell me you two had rejected each other ? I swear I didn’t know , or I wouldn’t have

said- ”

” I know you didn’t .

You’re not a sly ” person , Liam .

You’re straight up .

I knew you didn’t know and Raven confirmed that .

We did what was best , for all of us … ” He said quietly , looking up at the sky , sighing deeply .

It ” It takes a lot .

Thank you .

” I said quietly , looking at him .

” It does , but that’s the difference between us ..

You’re an Alpha and I’m a Beta .

” He smiled despite the pain in his voice , but his words hit home .

” We won’t ever be equal , no matter how much we say it .

” I didn’t say anything , I couldn’t .

I was an Alpha , and it was in my blood to be possessive , but in the process , I had made him feel

inferior … That was never the intention .

That’s not true Damon , my behaviour does not mean- ‘ ” I love you , Liam , you are my Alpha , but

don’t use that line .

We both know we aren’t equal .

” He said quietly , his eyes full of hurt , hurt that he usually masked so well .

” Guys , come here ! ” Raven shouted .

” Come on .

” Damon said , patting my shoulder .

Damon .

” He paused , glancing back at me .

” Yeah ? ” ” I may have wanted her all for myself , but never once did I think that I deserved her more

than you because my rank was higher than yours .

I’ve always loved her , since I was young , that was all I could think of .

That I loved her first … It was never because I was an Alpha and you weren’t .

” I said quietly .

I needed him to know that .

” Isn’t it the same thing ? ” He asked quietly .

I didn’t reply , unable to .

If anything were to happen to me ….

Maybe they could be together … Maybe that’s why she was given two mates ? I watched him walk off ,

thinking he’d once said he’d die for me … Didn’t he realise I’d do the same for him too ? ” Liam ? ”

Raven said , coming over holding a plate piled high with two , no three , large slices of cake .

” Yes , beautiful .

” I said softly as she caressed my face with her free hand .

” Are you ok ?

” I nodded , ” That’s a lot of cake for one bite – sized she -wolf .

” I teased .

She pouted .

” One was for you .

” She said .

I raised an eyebrow .

” Was it ? Or were you planning on taking y share ? ” I asked .

my s ” Not at all … I mean , you should offer it to me because I need to eat lots to grow … but that

wasn’t the plan .

” She said , blinking u p at me .

Oh , it was definitely the plan , when it came to sweet treats , Raven could eat lots .

I chuckled ,

” Depends on what I get in return ? ” 1 asked .

” And now your bartering , shouldn’t mates be willing to give up everything for the other ? ” She

complained , sounding cute .

” I still want something in return .

” I wrapped my arm around her as she did her best to keep her plate upright , and it was at that

moment that I felt a wave of coldness wash over me .

Something wasn’t right .

I may not have the ability to foresee like Kiara . But I have always been very intuitive .

It was the same when we had pinpointed where the witch Endora was trying to resurrect was buried .

I just … felt i t .

I looked around sharply , the sound of Raven’s voice fading away , my eyes burning a magnetic blue .

I could see the kids playing together … Azura now in Mom’s lap … No , it’s not …

I turned scanning the crowd , watching Damon walk back towards the wall where we had been not long

ago … and it was then that I saw it .

The flash of something out there , hiding i n the trees , metres beyond the wall .

My heart thundered in my chest , as I saw the glint of metal , and I realised what it was …

Time seemed to slow down , my heart .

thundering in my ears as my eyes homed i n on the man who was holding one of the deadly assault

rifles we had designed only to use on the Wendigos years ago … Weapons that were now meant to be

locked away … A weapon that was pointed towards us , with Damon being in its first line of range ,

eating his cake unsuspecting .

My instincts kicked in and I pushed Raven to the ground .

” GET DOWN ! ” I shouted , as I rushed towards Damon in a flash , spinning him

around , shielding him with my own body a s I heard the shots go off .

Screams erupted in the air , pain ripping through m e , knocking the breath from me .

Pain , suffocating pain ….

My entire back was screaming in burning agony , spreading through my entire body .

I couldn’t breathe , I couldn’t …..

The growls of wolves filled the air as Damon turned , his eyes wide in shock as h e stared at me ,

catching me before I fell .

I said I’d die for you too … My eyes stung as I realised this was it ….

I never got to say goodbye to her … Her piercing scream of despair ripped through my heart .

I had failed her .

I wanted to see her … One last time to tell her I loved her … but I couldn’t link … I looked up at

Damon’s hazy face .

He was saying something , panic and fear in his voice .

I wanted to tell him … to take care of her … I felt my heart palpitate before it seemed t o slow .

The agonising pain was fading … and darkness was surrounding me .

Was this what death felt like ? Was my time truly over ? RAVEN My heart shattered when I felt agony

tear through me , as I watched Liam pull Damon away from the wall …

Watching my love take the rain of bullets , the smell of his blood and wolfsbane hung in the air , his

pain and sadness washing through the bond .

A scream left my lips as I ran towards him .

All I could think of was the seal on his healing .

Many wolves rushed past , heading to the attacker , but all I could think of was my mate … ” Liam ! ” I

cried as Damon placed him on his side .

” Fuck ! ” He whispered , he was shaking I was about to look when he shook his head , placing his

hand on my shoulder .

” Don’t look .

” ” Liam baby , ” I whimpered , cupping Liam’s handsome face instead .

His heartbeat was fading , I couldn’t think straight … This can’t be happening ….

He couldn’t heal ! He can’t … “

He can’t heal ! His healing is sealed ! ” I sobbed as if someone could fix this .

” ” What do you mean , Raven ?! ” Damon asked urgently .

” No … No , Liam , wake up ! ” I cried , cradling his head to my chest .

He can’t die , or I don’t want to live anymore .

Goddess , take me instead ! ” Liam ! ” Aunty Red called .

” Raven , what d o you mean he can’t heal ?!

She looked ghostly , tears streaming.down her cheeks .

” He got Delsanra to seal his abilities away so he wouldn’t hurt anyone if he lost control ! ” ” No wonder

… I couldn’t sense his Alpha Aura … ” Aunty Red murmured .

” We need something to lift him onto ! To get him to the hospital ! ” I stared down at him ….

This was a nightmare … It’s not real … I couldn’t breathe … I can’t … I don’t want to live without him …

I need him ! The pain inside of me was ripping me apart , tearing into me like a thousand beasts ready

to kill , each passing moment more painful than the last .

My head was pounding , my heart was squeezing …

I felt someone dragging me away from Liam .

” Let go of me ! ” I struggled , tears blurring my vision .

I need him ! ” He’ll be ok .

” Damon’s soothing voice came , but it was lies ! I could hear it in his voice , the broken tone of defeat .

The two doctors were shaking their heads and pointing at his back .

” ….

can’t move him ….

” ” He’ll die … ” ” It’s too late … ” No.

NO ! It’s not too late ! ” I need him ! Let go of me ! ” I screamed .

I won’t let him go ! I twisted in Damon’s arms , slamming my elbow into his ribs as hard as I could , and

broke free , rushing to Liam’s side .

Aunty Red was sitting there frozen , her face ghostly white .

I pushed through , lifting Liam’s head in my hands .

You are my world .

I won’t be able to live if my world is gone .

I looked at his handsome face , tears streaming down my cheeks .

The fight isn’t over until we take our last breath .

I kissed his unmoving lips , and for a moment everything faded away … The soft tingle of a dying bond

remained … There’s nothing worth living for if he’s gone .

I looked down at his neck , my heart pounding , my eyes flashing before I bent down , extracting my

canines and sinking them into his neck .

Marking Him … I felt the flicker of the spark flare through us as I felt the bond becoming complete .

His heart skipped a beat , picking up for a moment , and my heart leapt with hope . Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

” Please , blue eyes , look at me .

” I begged .

” We need to get the bullets out .

Just try ! ” Aunty Red was shouting .

” Contact Kiara ! ” D ” Luna , please listen , he … there’s no hope .

” One of the doctors was whispering .

I stared down at him , begging him silently .

Wake up , baby … Please wake up …

His heart thumped , once … twice … and then … It stopped .

I felt something being torn from my chest , agony slicing through me like a million lashes .

” NO ! ” Aunty Red’s scream filled the sky .

I closed my eyes as pain I had never felt before wrapped around me … I couldn’t breathe .

The pain inside of me was crushing me . Goddess … If you are to take him , then you will take me too

… I opened my eyes , as tears streamed down

my cheeks , staring down into the face of the man I loved … Reality hit me brutally , wreaking havoc in

my life in a way I never thought was possible , completely destroying me .

Only one reality rang clear in that raging storm .

Liam was gone .

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