Bye, My Irresistible Love

Chapter 688: Quarrel With Helen

Chapter 688: Quarrel With Helen 

Lucy’s POV:

After Helen left with the child, only Martha and I were left alone in the office.I opened my mouth and spoke in a confident yet unemotional tone.

"Firstly, it‘s useless for you to come to me.If you want to solve the problem, you should confront Dyer.Secondly, you exposed all my personal information on the Internet without my consent.I will pursue a legal course of action against you.Thirdly, as far as I know, you and Dyer have been divorced for many years now.I am definitely not a home–wrecker as I only got to know him well after your divorce.I am done with what I wished to say, and I do not wish to meet you ever again.I hope that this is our first and last meeting."

I looked at the woman in front of me scornfully.

Martha had been harassing me via text messages for a while, accusing me of being Dyer‘s mistress and ruining their relationship.

When I had had my fill of her, I blocked her number.I thought she would stop pestering me, but I didn‘t expect her to slander me and even expose my personal information on the Internet.

My blog account with millions of followers, which I had been operating for many years, was ruined as a result of this.

Many business partners requested to terminate their contracts with me after this matter came to light.I had been dealing with the termination of these contracts these days.

Seeing Martha‘s tear stained face and aggrieved look, I couldn‘t help but sneer inwardly.She felt wronged, but I was the real innocent one in this whole shit! I didn‘t do anything wrong, but I was accused as a home–wrecker and suffered major losses as a result.

Clenching her fists, Martha sobbed, "We are not divorced! We never get divorced!"


My mind went blank and my ears started buzzing.I was completely dumbfounded.

When Zhester Technology hired Dyer, I did a thorough background check on him.

He was single.

Before I started dating him, he told me frankly that he was married before, but that he got divorced three years ago.I didn‘t really know what I had been afraid of, but I had actually distanced myself from him for a while after finding out about it.

But in the end, I couldn’t resist his attraction to me and carefully trod into a relationship with him.

At the end of the day, I was not a conservative person.

Even if he had married before, so what? People divorced all the time and moved on with their lives.

The most important thing was to enjoy the present moment.

"Lucy, I‘m begging you.As long as you leave him, he will come back to our daughter and me.You are such a beautiful and talented young woman.You will be able to find another man very easily.In fact, you will be better off without Dyer.But I can‘t live without my husband! And my child needs her father."

Martha had been humble all the time.She brought on the tears and sobbed bitterly.She indeed looked pitiful.

But I was not a young, naive girl who had never seen the world.I had been in and out of several relationships and I was an experienced relationship blogger for many years.I had seen more than my share of drama between mistresses and legal wives.

Actually, Martha was very cunning.

She knew how to guilty–trip me and further her cause.But I did not feel guilty at all for I did nothing wrong.

Her copious tears got no sympathy out of me.

"I have said all that needed to be said, and there‘s nothing more we can talk about.Please leave now."


"Lucy, please! Please say yes.Please take pity on Dyer‘s child and me.Leave him."

Suddenly Martha became very emotional and a sea of tears cascaded down her cheeks.I was so annoyed by her emotional outburst that I stood up angrily and was about to leave.I had nothing to say to Martha.

She should go to Dyer for answers, not me.She had exposed my personal life online and made a mess of my work life.I already had a bone to pick with her.

Why should I now give up my boyfriend for her?

"Lucy, just promise that you will leave my husband! If you don‘t then I will kill myself!"

Martha was standing near the window.

When she sensed that I was unwilling to give in to her demands, she edged towards the window sill and climbed onto it.She held tightly onto the window frame and begged me with tears in her eyes.

Martha was a gentle, beautiful woman.

With her hair disheveled, she looked so fragile and vulnerable at that moment.

My head started throbbing and my mind went blank.No matter how experienced a relationship expert I was, I had never prepared myself for something like this.

Martha was in an emotionally fragile state now and I didn‘t dare to upset her anymore.I was silently considering how to tempt her to get off the window sill first.

At that precise moment, the office door was suddenly pushed open.

Helen came in and looked at Martha coldly.

"If you want to jump, just do it.I‘ll just take your daughter downstairs to pick up your dead body."

She walked in quickly and stood beside the other window in the room.She poked her head out and looked down, saying, "We are on the twenty–sixth floor.If you jump down, you will definitely die.Your head will hit the ground first, splattering your brains at least three feet away.The impact will shatter all your internal organs inside your body.But don‘t worry, as long as you fall straight down, without encountering any object such as an open window on your way, your corpse should more or less remain intact when it hits the ground with a thud.At least we will have a relatively blood free body to show your daughter so she won‘t be too frightened."

When Helen gave this grisly account, her expression was as icy as her tone.

Perhaps she was recalling the day when her father jumped off a building and died before her very eyes.

Martha was horrified by the picture that Helen had painted.She carefully descended from the window sill, collapsed on the ground, and cried inconsolably.I didn‘t know what to do to comfort the others.

When I saw Martha crying hysterically, I stiffened into a block of ice.I rarely showed my weaknesses to others.

No matter how painful it seemed, I would bear it myself and gradually digest it.

Even though I had dated a lot of men before, I had never loved a man as much as I loved Dyer.

This was literally the only time that I was this serious about a man.

When Dyer hurried over, the tension in my heart suddenly decreased and I felt the urge to weep.I didn‘t walk over to him.I just stood at the door silently, my head bowed.

Dyer walked up to me and held me tightly in his arms.

"Are you all right? Sorry, I‘m so late." I detected worry and love in his deep voice.

He lowered his head and stared at me, completely ignoring Martha.I was much more relaxed now.

But when I thought of what Martha had just attempted to do, I still felt scared.

Afraid that our intimacy might agitate Martha again, I pushed Dyer away and said firmly, "Dyer, let‘s have a talk."

Dyer glanced at Martha frostily, as if this woman who was willing to die for him, meant nothing to him at all.

His attitude irked Helen.

She walked up to me and whispered, "Lucy, such a man doesn‘t deserve someone like you."

I was deeply annoyed by Helen‘s words.I asked in a hoarse voice, "What kind of man is he? Do you know him well enough to pass judgment? How can you draw a conclusion after only listening to one side of the story? It takes two to tango, you know!"

I admitted that I was partial to Dyer, but I was disgruntled with Helen‘s attitude.When I was vulnerable and needed the love and support of my best friend, she told me that I had made a poor choice in men.I was more hurt by her one comment than the hundreds of thousands of comments abusing me online.

Helen didn‘t retort.I kept asking, "Do you also think I‘m a shameless home–wrecker? That I got into their marriage? Am I such a shrew in your eyes?"

"I didn‘t!" Helen replied vehemently.

"Yes, you did.From the moment you saw me today, you regarded me as a shameless mistress.That‘s why you are so kind and polite to Martha and even take care of her daughter."

"I‘ve never regarded you as a mistress.I just don‘t think Dyer deserves you."

Helen‘s tone strained with grief.She looked at Dyer with disgust and disdain in her eyes.Her look of disdain fueled my anger.

I lost control and yelled at her, "Helen! Dyer is not your father! Not everyone is like your father!"

Helen froze on the spot and her face turned deathly pale.

Too late, I realized that I had blurted out such painful words to her ears so impulsively.

"Helen, I‘m sorry...I didn‘t mean it.Please forgive me!"

Damn it! Love indeed drove people crazy, but not always in a good way! Helen shook her head and said that she was fine, but I knew she was not.

My words had pierced her heart like a spear.She took a few steps back, leaned against the wall of the corridor for support, and remained silent.

Just then, Dyer‘s daughter ran over with Velma.She shouted, "Dad! Dad!"

The girl ran towards Dyer, ready for a hug.

But Dyer stepped back and stopped his daughter from approaching him.

Seeing Dyer‘s indifference towards his daughter, Helen continued, "Lucy, you deserve a better man.Dyer is so cruel to even his own daughter.Surely you can tell how ruthless he really is."

That was the last straw.

Helen had succeeded in destroying my firmness and confidence.

"Helen, I thought you were different from others.I thought I could trust you to support me unconditionally.I repeat, I am not a home–wrecker.Even if I was, I thought our friendship would be strong enough for you to support my decisions, regardless."

Helen and I had been very close friends for so many years.We regarded each other as family.

Whenever she was in trouble, I would stand on her side, support her and encourage her without any hesitation.

And I wanted her to do the same for me.

All I wanted was her trust and support.I didn‘t need her to rationally analyze whether what I was doing was right or wrong.I just needed her unconditional favor and support.

Was that too much to ask? Even if I was cursed by the whole world, I wouldn‘t feel helpless as long as the person I cared about the most was still on my side.I needed Helen to do this for me.

"Helen, Dyer is not your father, and I‘m not Libby or Jane.You can‘t expect me to deny my love just because your family was destroyed by your adulterous father."

I looked at Helen and felt greatly disappointed.

Her attitude hurt me more than the fact that Dyer hadn‘t divorced Martha yet. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

After saying that, I left without looking back at anyone.It was the first time that Helen and I had had such a fierce quarrel since we became friends.

My heart shattered into a thousand pieces at this moment, and hot tears just streamed down my face as I walked out of my office..

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