Bound by Vows



"Why is it bothering you?" He said with a smirk.

"Yes or no?" I said but his smirk didn't faded a bit.

"I never accepted that i have an affair..." He said.

"But you didn't even denied it?" I countered back

He is confusing me. Why he can't say it clearly

"You tell how many things about you, i will be knowing from others? First your real family i never knew it

exists and now your bloody damn marriage..." He screamed with a punch beside my face.

I closed my eyes for a second in fear...i thought he is going to punch me.

"Since we don't have a trust between us which is the base of any relationship...I think it would be better

if...if we g— get separated..." He said blasting a bomb on my head..

Tears poured out of my eyes...He...he really wants th..this.

"I—is this y—your final decision?" I asked.

I could tell him about letter but if he don't trust me enough and thinks that i can betray him... then what

is the use of this relationship.

"Y...yes" he said while releasing me and turning his back from me.

"Then i have n—no right to stay here..." I murmured to myself but audible enough for him to listen.

But he didn't opposed me...and it break my heart into millions.

I went into closet and started packing my clothes.

After taking my few clothes in a bag, i for the last time tried.

"I...Aashi... how will she live without me???" I asked thinking it might change his mind and he would

ask me to stay back.

"She will, like she used to before you came in her life..." He said hurting me more.

I am sorry baby but mumma will have to go leaving heart wept thinking about my little girl.

"What...what will i say to everyone if they saw...saw me leaving?" I asked.

Please Kabir!!! Don't let me go... please...

I thought while crying but he didn't for once turned back.

"You don't need to...i will tell them myself..." He said closing the discussion.

I looked at his back for last time and walked out of the room.

Luckily noone saw me when I walked out of the house.

I took the auto as i don't want to use his car.

Now where to? Ma's house? But she will get panic after seeing me with a bag.

Papa's house? He will not let me even enter the house.

I cried at my fate...I have 3 houses but at this moment there is no place where i could go without any


"Madam, where?" Suddenly auto driver asked me making me wiping my tears.

I told him ma's address as that would be best option to go.

I closed my eyes thinking about Kabir, our special moments... I never thought i will saw this day in my


Its all because of you subconscious said...

Why? Did i told him to distrust me and shout at me...i countered my subconscious...

But if he was stubborn, you're no subconscious told me...

Suddenly my trance broke by the vibration of my phone.

Could it be Kabir? Maybe he wants me to come back...I smiled internally.

"Hello kabir..." I picked up the call without looking at the caller ID.

"SS" Nick said from the other side.

"Nick...what happened? Why are you sounding low?" I asked him in concern.

"Di...vo...papa" he said while breaking into tears..

My heart came to a halt.

"What happened to papa? He is fine na" I asked immediately.

"He...he...come to lifeline hospital..." He said without telling me the reason.

I just hope papa is fine.

I told the driver to change the route.

Kabir’s POV

"Duggu, where is Payal?" Mom asked me again for the nth time in this whole week.

"Mom I told you many times since last week, she is with her family...She wanted to spend some time

with her ma..." I said feeling frustrated with the situation.

"I was fine earlier with it...But its more than one week since she left that too without telling anything to

anyone...This is not in her nature..." She said.

"Mom... she will come back when she wants to..." I said controlling my anger.

I didn't told her to leave...she herself left me...In the last 1 week, she didn't even contact me for once.

Why she would when you treated her so heart states...

"I am doubting you both... I even talked to her but both of you are silent... If you both had any quarrel,

you can sort it out... At least think about your daughter...How can you both ignore her...This is heights

of irresponsibility" She scolded me.

"Mom, we are fine... don't worry!!! And as far as doll is concerned, she is fine...I know..." I said but I

don't know how many days I will postpone this matter...One day or another doll will not be able to stay

away from her.

And everyone will come to know that she is not coming back. Though it's not like that I don't want her


Of course, I want her in my life. I am missing her like hell but I cannot digest the fact she hides such big

news from me.

Probably it's my mistake that she couldn't confide in me. It's not that I am angry because she was

married before or she had someone in her life.

That's okay if she was divorcee because everyone has their own past. Even I have one but I didn't hide

it from her.

This is the only reason I lost my control. I can stand anything but lie. I hate liars.

But what if she told you but you didn't listen to heart said...

No!!! How could it be possible? If she could have told me, I would definitely know it...Urgh!!!

Payal's POV

It's been a week since I left his place. Life is always been crucial to me...

"Nick!!! what happened to Papa??? He is fine na..." I asked him as soon as I reached the hospital. I am

panicking a lot. I am just hoping that papa is fine.

"Di, Pa...Papa..." He uttered and started crying badly which raised my heartbeat to another level.

"Nick...tell're scaring me to hell," I said while consoling him.

"Mr. Agarwal?" Doctor interrupted us.

"Doctor, how is Papa now?" I asked him.

"He is fine now...It was a mini heart attack...We will keep him under observation for the next 3 days. I

would suggest you- keep him away from stress. It's not good for his health as he is already a heart

patient" Doctor suggested.

"Thank you, doctor. We will keep it in mind" Nikhil told him.

"Nick, how it happened? He was fine yesterday." I asked him.

"Di, it's my fault. I had a fight...and he suddenly fell down holding his chest. I am sorry dii" Nick

explained sobbing uncontrollably.

"Its okay Nick...He is fine now but why did you fight with him?" I asked while consoling him in my arms.

He averted his eyes and didn't respond to me.

"Nick...??" I called him turning him towards me.

"I just told him how much injustice he did to you and how bad father he is who gives more importance

to his status rather than his children's happiness," He said with anger.

I put my hand on my mouth in utter shock.

"How could you do this to him? He is our father and how could say such mean things to him?" I

questioned him.

"Di, you're saying this? He is the one who throws you out of the house. And why? Just because you

didn't do things according to his wish" He spat in anger.

"It was my mistake Nick, not papa's!!!" I said gulping the heaviness forming in my throat.

"Why are you generous Di? It was not your fault but his..." He said.

"Leave it, it's better not to discuss the past. Focus on his health, rather than doing the blame game." I

suggested him

"Excuse me," Nurse said.

"Yes?" I asked her

"Patient is awake now. You can meet him if you want" She informed.

"Okay...Nick go and meet him." I said.

"Are you not coming in?" He asked.

"Are you out of your mind? Doctor said to keep him out of stress and if he saw me he will get angry. So

you go and I will wait here outside" I said.

"But..." He objected.

"Go now. I will wait here..." I said

He went inside and I looked at Papa through windows hiding from him.

He is looking pale by his face. I know Nick might be thinking of him as a strict father but I know him

more than anyone. He might be upset from me now but he loves me dearly. I did a lot of mistakes in

the past. That was the only reason, I called him before my marriage to Kabir. I wanted to tell him my

decision but what I could say at that time as he never knew what was happening in my life.

I want to go inside and tell him everything whatever happened in my life during these years while

hugging him. Afterall after the death of Mumma, he was the only one who acted as a mother in my life.

I wiped my tears and sat on the bench.

I will leave once Nick comes out of the room.

"Di..." Nick came sitting beside me.

"How is he feeling now?" I asked him.

"He is fine now," He said relaxing me.

"Hmm...I will leave now. You take care of him and please don't say anything which would stress him..." I

told him.

He nodded his head.

Though i want to stay and take care of papa but I can't do this.

"Di!!! Are you going somewhere? As in you have a bag with you?" He asked noticing the bag.

What should i say that my husband told me indirectly to leave him.

"Actually, i...i was going to stay with Ma for somedays..." I said.

"Ma???" He asked confusingly.

"Yes... I used to live with her before my marriage with Kabir..." I kept it short as he doesn't know

anything about them. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

"Di...why don’t you live with us?" He suggested.

"How can i nick...Papa will not approve of him..." I said sadly.

"What if we don't tell him?" He asked.

"But..." I couldn't form words.

"Yes, it will be best...You don't come in front of him. Well few days he will stay in hospital and after that,

he would need complete he wouldn't be able to know it..." He said.

"No would be a bad idea" i denied.

"No...i don't know you're staying...also, i need your help in all will i manage everything

alone?" He asked with puppy eyes which i can't deny.

"But what about our relatives?" I asked as yesterday many were present. They might come.

"Ohh SS...i named you right. You're such a Sweet Sister (SS)...Fuc...i mean chuck them..." He changed

the work when i narrowed my eyes.

" And you're our family not theirs...they should concern about theirs rather than ours," he said rolling his


"Okay...then i will stay...but i will not come in front of papa..." I said because i really want to spend my

time with them.

I am staying with Nick...Papa got discharged two days back and i am hiding from him since then.

"Nick take this and feed papa..." I said passing the plate to him.

I hid behind the door as usual and watch him taking the first bite of my food made after years.

"Nick...who made it?" Papa asked.

Did he know that i made it?

"Made by our cook as usual...Why papa? Is it not good?" He asked sitting beside asked

"No...its good...actually i...i find the taste familiar...leave it... maybe i am imagining..." He said

confirming me that he recognizes the taste.

A sob was about to leave my mouth but i swallowed it.

I moved back to my room closing the door behind me.

I cried at my fate. I was too close to him but i can't go in front of me.

Suddenly my phone started to vibrate. Its Kunal. I forgot it's my time to talk to aashi.

Though I am not with her, I can't leave my baby alone...I talk with her daily via video conferencing.

I wiped my tears and smiled before receiving the call.

" is my doll??" I asked her.

"Mumma...when are you coming back? I am missing you..." She asked with a pout.

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