Bound by Vows



Payal’s POV

When i entered the room it was dark as if it’s night time.

I saw him sitting on the chair having a glass of wine looking lost in his thoughts.

I thought for a while how to approach him, then tip-toed to him.

I snatched the glass from his hand while he got angry.

"What the hell? Give back my glass" he said angrily

"Nope... drinking is injurious to health" i said him in stern voice but it didn't stopped him.

He picked up the bottle and started gulping the alcohol in one go.

Has he gone mad?

"Why are you drinking that much?" I asked snatching the bottle too

"Leave me alone" he shouted

"I won't" i said and what he did next shocked me

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his lap resulting me landing on his top

I immediately clutched his shoulders to support

He grabbed my hair with one hand and other on my back while started kissing me wildly...

He started nibbling my lower lip while I tasted alcohol which disgust me as i hate that smell...

I tried to pushed him back but he tighten his hold on my back.

Today his kiss is different from the last one. It shows his anger, dominance while last one was sweet...

But still i felt tingling sensation in my stomach. I could oppose him but didn't which I don't know why.

I let him do it what he wants. He leave my lips after a minute while still angry.

"Never oppose me when i told you to leave then leave otherwise you won't like the aftermath" he said

while running his fingers on my bruised lips

I looked into his eyes and he is already looking at me intensely

"Can we talk now if your anger is cooled down now?" I asked while he looked shocked.

And i know the reason as he must be thinking why i am behaving so coolly now. That’s because if i left

now then this matter will never arise again at least not in near future but i want to have a talk with him.

"So, will you tell me why are you angry?" I asked when he didn't replied to my earlier question.

But before that i have to get up from his lap. I didn't realised that i was sitting on his lap for that long

that too comfortably.

I tried to stand up but his hold on me didn't let me.

"You're asking me why when you know the reason?" He directed the question on me.

"Yes i am asking you because i am not understanding why are you getting affected by her soo much" i

asked him...

"I am not affected by her. And will never be in my life" he said angrily

"Than why are you soo angry? It clearly shows that you're affected by her" i said

"I am not affected by Sanjana but how dare she to meet my daughter behind my back" he shouted

while his grip on me loosened.

Sanjana!!! Now i remembered her name.

I took the opportunity and stand up on my feet

"I know i am also angry because of it...but it wont help us...and you have already warned her so i guess

she would have understood" i said...

"No she is stubborn as hell...i know she will definitely try to reach my doll again" he said in anger.

He knows her well but not me...i thought in my mind.

Why am i comparing? I ignored and focused on our talk.

"Then we should take precautions and keep our daughter away from her" i said stressing on word our.

Just some time ago i was happy that he considers me as aashi's mother but no...he still consider her

as his hurts but its okay...Payal focus on other matters...not the trivial one...

"Yes" he said...

"And most importantly we have to talk to aashi...not we but actually have to make her

understand and know what negatively that woman filled in my baby's head" i said seriously while he

has an amusing face

"What" i asked him

"I didn't knew that you have a mind which works in critical situation" he mocked me

This man!!! Arrogant!!!

"Yeah, because like others i don’t indulge my mind in drinking" i said to mock him but he laughed at

this...Now what was funny in it!!!

I was about to ask about his relationship with her? What happened in past? Why they got separated?

My thoughts broke with the ringing of his phone. He picked up...

"Yes...hmm...okay...yeah...i am coming" i heard his side of conversation...

Is he going somewhere? But did not he said he does not have any work in office today.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked him when he started picking his coat.

"Yes" he said...

"Where?" I asked him immediately but then i released why am i soundly like a real wife.

He raised an eyebrow at me...

"I mean you're saying you will stay at home" i said

"Some important work came. I will come back soon" he informed while i nod

He walked out of the room and i thought to change into some light kurti

After that i walked down and heard mummy and massi talking

"You're understanding na what i am saying" massiji said to mummy something

"Jiji you're mistaking Payal. She is very nice girl and i am happy that we choose her for Kabir" she said

making me smile but why massiji is mistaking me and for what

"I had suggested you Tina also. She would have been a better choice for my duggu" she said

"Nope she would have never loved Aashi as payal do and I am sure about it" she said while i have no

idea who this Tina is

"Whatever. Well she is well settled now and is expecting her baby..." Massiji said

"That’s a good news" mummy smilingly said...

"Yes but when is your dil giving us good news" she asked making me gasped.

And that’s when they noticed my presence. Shit!!! Why always i face embarrassing situation. Now will i

tackle this question if she asked

"See your dil is here. She will answer me... So, when are you giving us good news?" She asked which i

had already expected

"Vo...massiji...i...i will..." I started but amaya came and saved me on time

"Di" she said

"Yes" i said

"Who is she?" Massiji asked

Actually amu was on her college trip for 1 day. Thats why couldn't meet her earlier.

"She is Amaya, Payal's sister. Amaya beta she is my sister" mummy introduced them.

"Namaste auntyji" amaya greet her

"Namaste" she said uninterestingly.

Uff!!! This lady...pls atleast be warm to my family.

"Amaya beta how was your trip?" Mummy asked Amaya.

"It was good aunty" she said with a smile

"You go and take rest" mummy said.

"Ji aunty" she said. We walked out and moved into guest room.

"Di i will go back to home in night. Ma is coming back. She called you but since you didn't picked up

she told me" Amaya said

"Ohh accha...i will talk to her and it been days since i met with her. I will probably come to home soon" i

said as i have gone to my home twice when kabir was not here.

"Hmm" she said...

"You take rest or you want to eat something. Shall i prepare food for you?" I asked her.

"No di i will take some rest. And i have to pack my bag also after that" she said while i nod.

I walked out of the room and walked into ashi's room to look whether she is still sleeping or not.

She was still sleeping so i thought to spend my time downstairs while cooking something for everyone.

Kabir’s POV

"Is it done?" I asked the principal sitting in front of me.

"Yes...yes Mr Khurana..." Principal said with a greedy voice.

"Good. And if by any chance i hear in future that you again allow that bastard Yash Malhotra in this

college then you will see the hell" i warned him who got scared.

"No...never sir... I have permanently expelled him from our college" he assured me.

"Now give me the papers?" I said.

After reading it i signed it and gave it back to him with a cheque.

"Is it done? Or anything else requires from my end?" I asked him.

"No sir, its done. Congratulations, now you have become one of the main trustee of this college" he


"Great. Its done. Now I want you to keep in mind that Payal Khurana is my wife and I won't tolerate any

kind of problem she face in your college as before" i warned him.

"Ofcourse sir. She won't. I will pass on this message of yours" he said assuring me.

"But i am making it clear to you...this shouldn't disclose in front of my wife. She should not know that i

am the trustee of this college" i said...

"Don't worry about it. It won't come infront of her" he said while i nod.

I walked out of his cabin. It was much needed as whatever happened yesterday. I cannot let that repeat

in future.

And i thought since she is not listening me to quit this job why not become trustee in this college.

Atleast it will keep me updated about her problems in college.

I was in anger but after whatever happened in bedroom i was amused at her. She is something very

different from what i thought about her earlier.

I thought she would get angry as i kissed her without her permission but no she didn't said anything.

But her lips they are soo sweet like honey. I can kiss her anytime without taking a break.

Just thinking about it want me to taste her lips again. What are you doing to me Payal? If this will

continue I won't be able to stay on my words and may cross the boundary which i don't want atleast not

in near future.

But now first i have to talk with doll first. This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

When i walked into doll's room after reaching home, she was playing with milo.

After looking at me both of them gave me opposite reaction. Whom i wanted in my arm turned her face

in anger and whom i didn't, came running to me and started licking me.

She is angry and why not afterall i screamed at her...

" someone is angry at me. Is it true doll" i asked her kneeling infront of her while she is sitting

on her bed.

She didn't replied

"Uff!!! Itna gussa... someone's nose has turned balloon due to anger" i said while she touched her


I smiled mentally. Kabir go on you can do it...

" you will not talk. Then who will eat chocolate and icecream that too strawberry flavour which

i brought now" i asked but she didn't replied...

"Its okay...milo lets go...we will eat alone" i said but she didn't respond. Looks like she is quite angry

this time.

"Doll will you also come and eat your favourite flavour?" I asked her directly.

"No i am angry with daddy" she said in anger.

"I am sorry doll...daddy didn't wanted to scold you but baby you're calling that bit-... i mean that aunty

mother. Why doll? Why were you calling any stranger as your mumma?" I asked her...

"But she told me she is my real mumma" She said innocently.

"So, doll if tomorrow some uncle will come and tell you that he is your real daddy...will you believe him

and call him daddy instead of me?" I asked her though only knowing her answer well.

"No daddy... you're my only daddy... noone else" she said while i smiled.

"Then why did you believed her? Don't you know who is your mom?" I asked her...

"I know but she showed me pictures" she asked innocently.

"What photos? And when did it happen?" I asked her as i am confused

"She came one day to my school. She met me but i ignored her as mumma always told me not to talk

to strangers" she paused while i smiled as she unconsciously called Payal her mumma.

"But then she stopped me and showed me pictures of you both of you and then i was in her lap very

small tiny baby" she said while i cursed Sanjana in my mind.

How could she play with my daughter's heart for her games. She is too small to understand anything. I

will kill that bitch

"Is she my mumma daddy?" She asked me innocently

I wanted to deny immediately but i have to answer her tactfully so that in future sanjana won't mislead


"Doll tell me who took care of yours when you got a throat pain last month?" I asked her.

"Mumma" she said.

"Which mumma?" I asked her...

"Angel mumma" she said innocently making me smile as she still remember calling Payal as her angel.

"And who always helps you in your homework? Who always helps you in your bathing, eating or any

small chores? Your Angel mumma or that aunty whom you started calling mumma?" I asked her...

"Angel mumma" she mumbled this time. I guess she understood.

"Now tell me who is your mumma?" I asked again.

"Angel mumma" she said making me smile.

"Yes. Now you understood your mumma is only Payal. That aunty was bad that why she was lying." I

said as i cannot say truth to her.

"Yes daddy" she said with a smile.

"Doll do you know how much you have hurt your mumma by ignoring her. She was crying because you

were not talking with her" i said making her release her mistake.

"I am sorry daddy" she said.

"Don't say it to me. Say it to your mumma" i said.

"Yes daddy" she said hugging me.

Thank god she understood it...

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