Bound by Vows



Kabir’s POV

I opened my eyes only to see the other side of the bed empty. I looked around for her while removing

the sleep from my eyes.

There she is, sleeping on sofa in an uncomfortable position.

I stood from bed and moved towards her. We have to leave for home soon.

I touched her shoulders but she flinched and immediately stood up like my touch is firing her up.

"What" she asked rudely while adjusting her saree.

"Don't you want to go home???" I asked

"Why are we here???" She questioned instead of answering her.

Oh attitude!!! So, mam doesn't remember anything from last night... lets play with her for sometime.

Last night she really irritated me now it's my turn.

I looked at her with a smirk face. I moved closer and said "Don't you remember last night??"

Payal’s POV

"Don't you remember last night??" He asked me coming closer.

I moved backward and asked in confusion "what last night?"

He covered the distance in long strides and caged me in his arms by holding my waist.

"Leave me" i said while struggling

"Baby, why would i leave you. And why this hesitation when we have already crossed that step last

night" he said while i widen my eyes

"What step. What last night???" I screamed shockingly.

"Do you want a live replay of that baby. I won't mind it. You know, last night was memorable" he said in

a husky voice in my ears. His lips are touching my earlobes. I distanced myself from him.

"You are kidding. Right" i said while tears started pouring out of my eyes.

He is definitely joking. Nothing happened. I can't do that with him. No, i don't love him. And above that i

am not feeling any changes in me.

But what about that me in his arms. He being naked and i was in nighty. We were in very intimate

position when i woke up in the morning.

Did we really....???

"No, i am not joking. We were very much into eachother last night" he said while i started to sob.

"No, you are wrong. I won't do anything like this" i declared while trying to hold my cry. I have to show

myself strong.

"Baby, you only started that...i was not interested but you started removing your clothes and then

hugged me tightly. You know i am a man, i have needs---" he said.

"Nooo, stoppp" i said while started crying loudly.

I cannot do this. I can't betray him. How will i face him now...No!!!

I immediately sat down while putting my face in between my knees close to my chest and sobbed.

"Hold on, hold on, i was joking. Nothing happened. Don't cry" he said while holding my shoulder.

But i didn't realised what he is saying...

"I didn't do anything...i can't do it..."i repeated while crying

"That's what i am saying. Now stop crying" he said while kneeling in front of me and this time i listened.

My grief turned into anger instantly.

"Is this a joke for you??" I shouted while trying to slap him. I said trying because he hold my hand.

"Don't you dare" he said angrily

"And you also don't dare to joke something like that again" i said angrily while getting up.

He already gave me a heart attack by making a joke like that. I don't know what i would have done if it

was actually truth.

"Fine. And why are you overreacting. I was just kidding." he said while getting up and picking up his

clothes while wearing it. I didn't realise till this moment that he was only in his shorts.

"Overreacting. Seriously???. This might be a joke for you but for me its not. So, next time think before

you joke" i said in a stern voice while removing tears from my eyes. And he remained silent.

We checked out of the hotel and sat in the car back seat away from eachother at either window side.

Car soon came into life and we moved into the busy roads of Delhi. Whole journey was silent. Noone


When i entered the house, everyone were sitting in the living room. Mom, dad, ashi and divya.

"Payal beta, you both came. How was your night....i mean party" she asked while my cheeks flushed

due to embarrassment with the words she formed. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

I don't know in what sense she was asking but it feel odd.

"It was good" i said in a lower voice. Meanwhile he also entered the room.

"Then i can expect good news very soon" she said while shocking me.

Whatt??? This is what she meant while asking me earlier. I mentally face-palmed. Mother in law don't

have any other work than this. I mean we spent our night outside, it doesn't mean we were doing that.

"Mom" he said in a warning tone while standing behind me.

"Okay fine" she said while shrugging her shoulders.

"Mumma" aashi came to me thankfully saving me from saying anything.

"Hey..." I said. I was about to pick her up but she moved passing me to her daddy.

Strange!!! Well its okay. Maybe she was missing her dad more. I looked back and they were

conversing. So, i looked ahead at other family members.

"Morning papaji" i said

"Morning beta, everything okay?" He asked

"Yes" i said while smiling. Then i turned towards divya and passed a smile to her but in return she

made a face.

What is her problem???

"Beta, you go upstairs...take some rest. I will tell mita to give you your breakfast in your room" she said

while i smiled at her sweetness.

I again glanced at aashi and him who were now having some secrets talks. I moved upstairs and

entered into his room to have a bath.

When i stepped out of the bathroom, mita aunty was placing the breakfast on the side table.

"Aunty, everyone had there breakfast?" I asked her.

"Yes, only you and Kabir Sir left" she said

"Okay" i said while sitting on the sofa to have my breakfast.

She left the room. After eating my breakfast, i looked for aashi. As i have to prepare her for test

tomorrow in school.

"Thank you daddy" aashi said to Kabir while i was about to enter her room. I stopped outside the room.

I know eavesdropping is wrong but there is no harm in listening their talk. Right!!!

"For what doll" he asked softly.

"For making my angel my mumma" she said.

Aww!!! I smiled at her cuteness. In such a short span of time, we made a connection. I feel like her

mother in real sense. And i am glad she accepted me as her mom too soon.

"Ashi, baby" i called her while entering the room.

"Yes mummy" she said while an automatic smile came on my face. She calling me mummy gives me

lot of satisfaction.

"Baby, you have to prepare for your test tomorrow right" i asked while she nodded.

I moved to her study table and picked her book.

I turned towards bed and found him staring at me deeply.

I cleared my throat but still he is busy ogling.

"I have to teach her" i said to him.

"So, teach. When did i stopped you" he said still looking me

"Can you please leave, so that we could study. Also your breakfast is getting cold in your room. Have

it" I said.

"You care" he asked.

I looked into his eyes while saying "NO!!! Can you leave now"

I saw some different emotion for a nanosecond but immediately changed into his arrogant look.

"Why would i leave, you can teach her in front of me. As far as my breakfast is concerned, you don't

have to worry. I am not hungry" he said rudely while i rolled my eyes at his bipolar nature.

"Fine. But can you shift so that i can sit and teach her" i said coz he is sitting on her bed while resting

his back on headrest and placing aashi on his lap.

He shifted little to other side but since its a single bed for kid, i won't get much space for me.

I looked at his side while he smirked.

This arrogant man. Ughh!!!

I sat diagonally while facing him and aashi. Then picked her from his lap while he gave me a look.

But i ignored and placed her infront of me.

I opened the book and started teaching her the rhyme.

"Okay baby...repeat after me" i said while she nodded.

"Baa, baa, black sheep," i said

"Baba black ship" she repeated.

"Ship nhi baby sheep" i corrected.

"Ship" she said

"No...sheeepp....stretch your eeee while saying ship" i said

"Say again, ba ba black sheep" i repeated

"Baa baa black sheeeep" she said sheep while showing her teeth in full display. I chuckled.

"Have you any wool?" I continued

"Have you many fool"? She said.

I laughed so hard at many fool.

"Any wool..." I corrected her.

She said correctly this time.

"Yes sir, ye..." I was about to continue but someone interrupted.

"Can't you teach my daughter a better poem than this" he said while i glanced at him.

Is he okay??? What is he saying?? Now he has a problem with the poem also.

"What's wrong in this?" I said calmly but from inside i am feeling angry.

"Change it. I don't like it" he said while i mentally rolled my eyes.

"Sorry Mr. Khurana but her studies won't go with your liking" i mocked him.

"Then i will change it" he said.


"Are you prime minister??? Or the officer who will change the education curriculum according to his

liking?" I said

"I am Kabir Khurana. And if I say something it will happen" he said

"Are we seriously arguing on this topic which is out of logic. And can you now leave so that i could

actually teach her. You are wasting our time" i said.

"You change the poem. Teach her something else" he said stubbornly.

"If you want, you can teach whatever you want. I will leave. Is that fine?" I said.

He didn't said anything further but thankfully left the room.

Then i concentrated on her studies. Whole day gone like this. In night, when i entered his room, a big

suitcase was placed on bed.

I moved towards bed and checked the bag. Its his stuff. Is he going somewhere.


I moved towards closet and changed into night suit.

When i wake up next morning, room was empty and his suitcase was also not there.

I soon got ready for my college and moved downstairs into the kitchen.

"Morning mummy" i said

"Morning beta" she said while i started warming milk for aashi.

"Mummy, vo yeh, i mean Kabirji---" i started.

"Yes beta, he left early morning for airport" she informed while i nodded my head.

"He told me he will call you once reached" she said while i again nod.

Sorry mummy, he won't call coz we practically don’t talk with each other, only argue and he doesn't

have my phone number also.

And I don't even have an idea where he has gone and for how many days.

"This will be his longest trip till date. He never been out of country more than a month mostly because

of doll. But now you are here, that's why i guess he left to Spain for nearly 2 months" she said while i


2 months!!! Without Mr. Arrogant Khurana!!! Nice!!! I mentally smiled.

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